-Caveat Lector- http://www.nccg.org/occult/Occult003K-Logo.html
The Definitive Story Told

Inside a New Age Mormon-Essene Fertility Cult

The SAI Logo:
Dead Men's Bones and Demons

The early (left) and present (right) SAI Logo
As we saw in the previous page- the early SAI logo (above left) consisted of a number of occult sumbols, including the Om/Aum ("Aumen") of the Hindu pagan trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva (see left). Of interest also is the fact that a pagan equivalent of the Star of David existed in India and represented the perpetual sexual union of the Hindu deities Kali (downward-pointing triangle) and Shiva (the upward-pointing triangle) that was supposed to maintain life in the Universe. In view of all the other symbolism used by SAI it is unlikely that their hexagram has anything to do with David or Solomon but more likely with occultism and Hinduism.
The present logo, called by SAI the "Aumenite Ankh" (above right) though substantially different consists of a modified occultic Egyptian ankh cross with three horizontal bars instead of the usual one (see right). According to occultist Barbara G. Walker: In Egyptian hieroglyphics, the word ankh meant both "life" and "hand mirror". Akin to the Mirror of Hathor and the Mirror of Venus, the ankh was originally a female symbol derived from primitive Lybian and Phoenician images of the GODDESS: a narrow triangle, surmounted by cross-bar arms and an oval head. It became known in ancient Egypt as a sign of sexual union and the immortality of the gods, granted by the Goddess's divine blood. In token of this, the yonic loop portion of the design [the woman's vagina] was usually painted red, while the phallic cross remained white. Egyptian deities of all kinds were shown carrying the ankh as a symbol of the gift of eternal life, promised to their royal or priestly servants. The ankh was also known as the Key of the Nile, because it represented the mystic union of Isis and Osiris that was supposed to initiate the annual Nile flood, upon which the life of Egypt depended" (The Woman's Dictionary of Sacred Symbols & Sacred Objects, 1988, HarperCollins, p.83). The ankh (or Crux Ansata) is common symbol used by satannists and formed an important part of the ancient Egyptian cult for awakening the dead into new life. SAI describes its own logo as the "Messianic Insignia: Aumounite Ankh or Ogdoad Star with X in middle (32 lined) signifying the full gamut of genetic archetypal potentialities" (SAI homepage, "Wings of War: Eight Wings of the Law", subsection, "Insignia/Medals"). Note also that SAI insignia also includes the "Swastika Hexad of creative will" or "Barashithian Insignia" (Ibid. - this page confirms all that has been written in the Book about SAI's sexual practices).
A better explanation of the SAI logo is that it is a combination of the ankh and the Mystic Cross of the Great Hierophant [master Magician] (above left) which is a combination of a circle and a triple cross, and is associated with the Tarot. The "Great Hierophant" is one of the Tarot Arcana (V) who bears this symbol on a sceptre and wears a crown of two horns and a solar disk inbetween. The triple cross was also used as a personal logo of the Satanist of the 20th century, Aleister Crowley (upper right), whose writing, The Book of the Law, SAI patronises. It is also used by 33rd degree Masons and appears, even more interestingly perhaps, on the "New Jerusalem Bible" of the Catholic Church as the Tarot Arcana V Card is also known as "the Pope".
A careful inspection of the SAI ankh shows a tube running in the vertical shaft into the vaginal area, likely representing a phallus (left). What is more puzzling are the objects in the vaginal area which superfically look like sword hilts but may be reflections of the three crossbars along the shaft (right). Of particular interest is the SWASTIKA (below left) in the very centre of the objects and of the yoni itself, which you will remember appeared as the early SAI logo in a six-armed variety (below left). The appearance of the swastika can be no accident because traditionally in the occult the ankh and swastika are closely related. The swastika has, throughout history, been used as the symbol of various pagan deities including INDRA, DYAUS, ZEUS, JUPITER and THOR, and is wifely used by Masons as an earlier version of the tau cross and the ankh (the latter being a composite of the Tau and the Yoni). It's use by the nazis, who were occultists obsessed with the cult of the dead, is well known (right). Hitler obtained the symbol from the teachings of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, founder of the Lucifer Trust (today renamed Lucis Trust), viâ Dietrich Eckhart, a member of the inner circle of the Thule Society. It's use by SAI, along with the ankh and the Mystic Cross of the Great Hierophant, comes as no great surprise given its occultic roots.
What did surprise me was when, upon magnifying the logo eight times the normal size, to find that it was constructed of skulls, bones and demonic faces, reminding me of the hidden pagan subliminal images in Jehovah's Witness art. A selection of these skulls is shown below together with the original image. It should be remembered that the Hindu goddess Kali, a pagan Indian deity of death and destruction, wears a garland of sculls or severed heads identifed with alphabetical letters and with her sacred rosary, japamala (see pictures below).

The garland of skulls is clearly seen in the full image below. It should also be noted that the goddess Kali is traeitionally represented as possessing six arms (though there can be more, sometimes only four). Is it a coincidence not only that the yoni loop of the SAI ankh logo is made up of skulls but that there are six "arms" beneath it also? Though it is unlikely Gilbert Clark deliberately constructed this image with the skulls (though who knows), it is well-known that demonic forces can manipulate photographic and other forms of art. And since Hindu symbols figure so strongly in the symbolism of this cult (as we have seen) it is not unreasonable to suppose that the spirits that lie behind SAI had a part in the construction behind the cult's Ankh cross. Satan leaves his trademark wherever he goes and SAI is no exception to his attention.

This page was created on 29 April 2000 Last updated on 11 June 2000
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