-Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
<A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:535462">Intelligence Digest</A>
Subject: Intelligence Digest
From: "Michael Swanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 05 July 1999 01:57 PM EDT
Message-id: <01bec70f$b65ae680$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The report contains two components. The first is a news digest that
contains links to breaking stories that you will not find from the
mainstream news or on television. Readers for instance recieved in depth
reports in June regarding the Bilberberg conference held in Portugal.
Secondly we provide detailed coverage of the stock market, often providing
with stock trading analysis and tips. Our goal is to provide you with an
intelligence report in your email box that will help you understand current
events and the historical forces behind them. Subscribing is free:

                        World News Digest

Chinese Stock Market Offers Window into Power Shift

Reports on July 1 indicated that the Chinese Securities Regulatory
Commission and the Securities Supervision Office notified major brokerages
and fund management institutions in China to cease buying on the stock
market in order to slow a six-week rally. The reported intervention sent
the Shanghai composite index down 8.24 percent. One day earlier, rumors had
emerged that Chinese Prime Minister Zhu Rongji was resigning over his
failure to attain Chinese accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO),
which resulted in a 2.99 percent drop in the Shanghai composite index. The
government intervention in the Chinese markets, coupled with the reports of
Zhu’s resignation – which were then denied – signals the extent of the
growing split between the economic reformers and the political party
apparatus within the Chinese government

Japan’s Financial Solutions Simply Illusions

Japanese Financial Reconstruction Commission head Hakuo Yanagisawa gave a
speech to the Japan National Press Club on June 28, in which he said Japan
currently has too many banks. Yanagisawa said he foresaw the formation of
super-regional and global banks as a reaction to the current surplus of
financial institutions. Yanagisawa also said he would announce plans later
this week for the government to reclaim the $63 billion in public money it
pumped into Japan’s banking system in March. Yanagisawa’s comments
emphasize again the short-term solutions Japan continues to propose for its
long-term economic troubles.

                        US News Digest

Bill Bradley Positioned for Credible Challenge to Gore

What the experts said wouldn't happen apparently has happened: former New
Jersey senator Bill Bradley has collected enough money and positioned
himself strategically to mount a credible challenge to Vice President Gore
for the Democratic presidential nomination, according to strategists from
both parties.

Bush With Big-Money Boys
Ask George W. Bush, and he'll tell you he's the candidate for voters who
don't like the status quo. "If people like the status quo, if they're happy
with what's happening in Washington," Bush said, they can vote for Al Gore.
Then, "You can come down and go fishing with me in Texas."

That's what Bush said last week. This week, the Washington status quo threw
a big party, a fund-raiser for none other than Texas Gov. George W. Bush.
of a Republican social register." Alison Mitchell of the New York Times
called the crowd "a veritable who's who of Republican power brokers."

Bush Received Quick Air Guard Commission

During Vietnam War, he was given coveted spot in Texas unit and became
officer without special training, credentials. There is no evidence rules
were broken for him

                        Stock Market Report

A Record Breaking Week
        We get an interest rate increase and the stock market rallies to new
highs.  Investors were put at ease by the Fed’s switch from a tightening to
a neutral bias.  However, at this time Alan Greenspan and the Federal
Reserve don’t seem to be so much concerned with stopping any existing
inflation - which to be frank doesn’t exist in the first place - as they
are with slowing down the economy in order to prevent any drop of inflation
from ever appearing.  Despite the neutral bias, don’t be surprised if
Greenspan announces another hike in rates next month.  For now the market
will be driven by earnings reports and economic data.  This week the big
report will be Yahoo.  Economic data could cause more uncertainty and
volatility in the markets, like we experienced last month, if it points to
signs of economic growth.  In my opinion Greenspan is playing a fools game
if he tries to raise rates to slow down economic growth, but I’ll have more
to say on that in a future issue.

Update on Books-A-Million
The firm of Soloman Smith and Barney issued an analyst report maintaining
its hold coverage position on Books-A-Million(BAMM).  It pretty much echoes
my own sentiments of  BAMM, but goes into more detail. Its a very bearish
report.  Retail investors, if you can call them that, doubled the value of
this stock last Thursday on news that BAMM was named as the distributor for
books that Wal-Mart sells on a web-site.  The mention of Internet and books
created a buying panic as people bought the stock thinking they had found
the next Amazon.com.  The Smith Barney report says it is overvalued in the
short term based upon the Wal-Mart news.  It doesn’t expect BAMM to profit
from the deal until 2001. Here is the report:

Soloman Smith Barney Report
Books-A-Million announced a strategic alliance with Wal-Mart to provide
distribution  for all Wal-Mart's online book sales, with a start date to be
announced  shortly. Under this highly synergistic relationship, we expect
that BAMM will benefit significantly from leverage of Wal-Mart's brand name
and  buying power. The company is not disclosing the terms of alliance or
providing guidance regarding the EPS impact. While we do not expect any
financial impact until Fiscal 2001, we expect the relationship to be
significantly additive in the long-term.

Wal-Mart does not disclose the portion of revenues it derives from the
Internet, and the company is still in the early stages of developing its
Web Site. The company has made a strong commitment to rapidly expanding
its on-line presence and clearly has the resources to do so. Wal-Mart,
which does not have direct-to-customer shipping and billing capabilities,
is using strategic alliances such as this one to rapidly develop its
on-line capabilities. Salomon Smith Barney estimates that Wal-Mart's
1998 on-line revenues were between $20m and $30m, with approximately
5%-10% derived from book sales, and this number is expected to ramp

BAMM does have a preexisting relationship with Wal-Mart and extensive
experience with retail book distribution through its wholly owned
subsidiary, American Wholesale Book Company. The agreement, therefore,
allows BAMM to leverage existing assets and expertise. A start date for
the venture has not been identified, but we expect BAMM to begin shipping
for the important holiday season. However, due to related start-up costs
and the initially relatively small sales volume we anticipate, we do not
expect the relationship to yield a positive contribution to BAMM's earnings
in FY00. In FY01 the financial contribution should be evident but
relatively modest. Longer-term, with a ramp up in Wal-Mart's on-line
business, we expect the earnings contribution to BAMM to be meaningful.

Valuation:Despite rich valuations on near-term earnings, we are maintaining
our Neutral rating on BAMM due to the longer-term potential earnings'
benefit we see from this alliance. In addition, BAMM's retail book business
does seem to be turning, and the company has good upside
potential in its own Internet business. While details surrounding the
arrangement are not sufficient to project FY02 EPS, the proposition will
most certainly increase BAMM's growth rate. If the company's core retail
business can grow at 12%-13%, and if we conjecture that Wal-Mart can ramp
up its Internet business at a pace similar to Amazon.com, BAMM should be
able to double its earnings over the next three years, off a depressed
FY00 level. Nonetheless, at current valuations we think this longer-term
potential earnings impact is fully reflected in the stock. If BAMM were to
earn $0.50 in FY02, the stock is already trading at almost 28X that number.

DISCLAIMER:  This newsletter and website are intended for purely
educational use.  I am not responsible for any losses or profits that may
result from the application of information contained within this website or
The Stock Market Report newsletter.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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