-Caveat Lector-

Forwarded from Colleen Jones.  It is an interesting piece, please read and
post comments if you wish.
(Interesting note on the possible use of "Nazi" doctors from neighboring Nazi

Sybil Leek who was a best seller author, and worked for NE (Bob Pope Was
CIA ).....said the connotations of this code was so serious and others
who do know of t I guess are sworn to secrecy.

I have gone out a little too far on this on this list; but I am rasing a
lot of very interesting and nice people....all kinds.

Mind control.....the bible is the basis of that in the beginning....nest
we have drugs...Hitler used drugs and I think the water had to be
used...he would not drink the water, and had his beer specially

Book Spear of Destiny - back in 1980 sent this to Sybil, and she never
returned as she died .... And they took away my library privileges.....

Let me know more of who you are.  I am glad to see someone get into this
stuff.  One could go to the Tower of Babel to get the truth from
advertising to propaganda, and hammering away at the minds of the people of
this country.

First, I worked on a bible code; and not that overly stuffed numerical
code for profit that is being hawked.

I worked with Sybil Leek for 12 years; she understood what I had and its
importance.  Drugs always is the big problem with certain drugs you lose
self control.

Jonestown - when this happened the first thing I did was check the
code/calendar; I wrote Sybil and this is what she later wrote to me --
and remember how long ago this was, and also that she was MI6 British
Intelligence:  (excuse errors - this is a web electronic keyboard, and
goes slow and I do make errors):

Dear Colleen:

I am piecing Guyana together, also the murder of the Mayor and Milke
(my addition -- did Feinstein figure in this as I recall....she was
the first to hit Clinton before the facts were out).....Milehas a lot on
the mayor and had indicated he would blow the whistle which would have
involved White too.  You are right about a complex intelligence
operation behind this.  Its almost too horrible to describe.  Remember
my notes go back to 1973.

In 1972 Reagan put together the idea of a program to be fronted by UCLA
to study violence, thresholds of pain, and mind control of the masses.
In 1974 there was the first 600 page government report made.  I have a
copy coming and will send copy to you.  Through the same tactics that
Hitler was about to use and partially did, groups of minorities would be
tested in many states to see what the common denominator of violence,
pain, could be.  The refuge chosen was several religious groups who would
be highly paid to function....and the easiest way to get minorities
groups together was through religion.  The ultimate would be to have a
control group forced by mind power to commit mass suicide...it had to be
complete though, only the white originators, many of them in the CIA,
could escape and go to initiate other groups.  Rev. Jones was given
EVERYTHING and then was to take 2000 control groups to Guyana.

We know the brain washing worked.  But, there were snags.  Jones thought
he would be among the elite to escape.  When the group went out there is
a quote from the Mayor and Reagan to say this was a marvelous
fellowship, interested in health and government grant was made (I shall
have the number of the grant in a day or two).  Everything was

Right away from state control, but always under control of the
government.  In the original group 70 doctors worked with them -- imagine 70
doctors to 2000 people.  The doctor specially trained in Houston and
Mexico was the ONLY ONE to be FOUND DEAD....where did the others come
from and where did they go.  Look at Guyana on the map, and you can walk
across to Brazil, the rest home for an abnormal amount of Nazi doctors
who had been concerned with the Final Solution, but the war ended too
quickly for them to go into the main realm of Professor Haushoffer's
brilliant plan - to control masses, induce slave labor, gain world power
by control of the mind of easily controllable people.....hence in this
country, blacks and Chicanos.  There was a three year period of
indoctrination in the states, with everything fine for the religious
group -- then the offer of a new life in Guyana.  Once there, they were
doomed and at the mercy of the Nazi Doctors.  Brain washing escalated as
we know.  The dummy run was a success -- all it needed was a crisis to
precipitate it into the real thing.  That crisis came......

Then it all happened too quickly; a few got away.  The reason why the
bodies were brought back to the USA was because in Guyana, one-third had
been doctored with an electrode placed in the brain, essential to get
them out.....notice the concern about finger printing....the few who
escaped were a danger to the program, so it had to be known WHO
 was actually dead.

The remaining names could be sought out at leisure....I had a two hour
phone call this morning with one of my top informants...

Mark Lane was employed as a legal CIA man to keep things on the up and
up.  He realized Ryan meant business and so the ULTIMATE PLAN had to go
into action quickly before they got back to the USA.

I am going to have difficulty in getting this out, but once I have the
numbers of documents in 1972 and 1973, then I have a good start...also
the 600 page secret report which I will send to you -- please read it and
return...do not leave it lying around.........

In Jones' house, was one of the most sophisticated radio things which was
virtually fool proof; but, it went out of action simply by removing one
part exactly an hour before the suicide began.

No wonder the government ignored all those 10,000 petitions.  No wonder
the bodies had to be sent back to the "proper place" nicely near the CIA
H.Q. Old people were disposed of very quickly, not to get the social
security checks, ut because they could not take the program.  Lane will
now have to talk and talk to keep people from asking other
questions...and he is a glib talker.  Notice where ever he goes, there
is disaster.
Well, already know that (she meant Larry Flynt, whom I tried to warn
but it happened......Halle Bop, was connetion....he is always involved
directly or indirectly and then writes a book)......

Gosh I am exhausted with this, but it all comes to the right thing....the
calendar will provide other keys; how easy to send messages by using the
bible and arranging the PROGRAM.  Since 99% of the victims cane from
California, how strange to send to Delaware and how fortuitous that it
was equipped to deal with this mass of bodies, all natives in the area did
not know exactly what the special unit was for.

Since most people were poor, the relations could not afford to change
the bodies, hence no chance of any PM; no chance of discovering a slit
behind the ears, where the electrons were implanted and mass cremation
could solve the rest.

When White was arraigned, but not indicted, he had a special phone put in
his cell and had 23 visitors in one day before being released - White
was the CIA man in contact with the Peoples Temple and Milke discovered
this.  Now let us watch -- if he is due to enter hospital before he is
indicted or commits suicide, well....his wife is also CIA.....he drove
from the scene of the crime to a church where he met his
wife...coincidence???  he did not make any phone call asking her to meet
him.  He was in a dazed state and she drove him immediately to the
police station, and SHE handed him over.  Gans, the San Francisco head
of Police knew what was going on and he and the mayor were well paid

Jones also had a big country home in the Redwood forest which is full of
cripples; the next group to be worked on and over.....all for now,
Colleen....I am tired"...
Sybil Leek

Now Sybil when she wrote me this, she knew my bible code was being used;
I think her once source could have been her old Romanian OSS (now CIA)
friend, who was on someone's hit list, whom she thought had died at the
Beverly Hills Fire in Cincinnati/Kentucky area -- another Memorial Day
Disaster, usually reserved for naval disasters (remember the

The agent popped up again, and said all the old line in serious trouble
-- he knew too much of past activities....when Sybil died, I often
wondered what happened to him....I think he followed the code, though
because his last message came from Romans 13....as I recall, something
about "they seek to kill me".

Robert Blai Kaiser wrote book on some of the programming re Bobby

I am just a researcher, no great brain but did have knack of piecing
things together and picking up patters.....without the bible code,
however, I would not be in this.

I might add, the bible is the book these master mind morons are using,
and the bible code is their Master Plan....

Hope this is of some use....Sybil died in 1982...when she died people
came in and took a lot of stuff -- however, before she died she had sent
everything to the Prime Minister which was of importance.  She loved
Nixon, and felt as I did that if he had not chosen to make peace with
China, he would not have been in so much trouble.

KGB?  Also the Rabbi Washington at Jonestown.....he returned and he had
to be part of this program...he had his cult too, all black children I
believe, and called it the House of Israel....he, was a criminal...and
he years later came back to USA.....little publicity when it was
discovered he was at Jonestown.


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