>  =46WD From : alt.activism
>  N. Ireland has been condemned for its interrogation practices by
>  Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Watchdog on Human rights,
>  The UN commission on Human Rights, The Helsinki Commission on Human
>  Rights and The European Commission on Human Rights. Here is an account
>  of one interrogation. I am posting this so you can understand what
>  kind of legal system convicted Cassidy. I hope you will all help.
>  The following is taken from a copy of the original signed statement of
>  Patrick Nash, a republican victim of Castlereagh torture.  All
>  evidence of injury in the statement is independently verified in jail
>  and hospital records.....
>  I was arrested at dawn on 14th October 1990 at my parents' home in
>  Coleraine by the RUC.    I was taken directly to Castlereagh where I
>  was interrogated until being charged on Friday 19 October 1990.
>  (easily verified by RUC records)
>  In all I was held six days.  The "interrogation" was done by three
>  teams of the RUC.  Two of these teams were CID as far as I can tell.
>  ....The third and main team were three Special Branch men, Supt.
>  Houston, Detective Gerry Walsh and Det. Robinson.   It was mostly the
>  Special Branch all week, with Walsh and Robinson doing the beating as
>  well as one of the older CID men.....
>  Once I started admitting to their allegations, the beatings stopped.
>  By then I was wrecked.  The beating was mainly to the head and
>  (another body part), with some to the back of the neck and stomach
>  too.  It was the blows to the side of my head and my (other body part)
>  which really did the damage....
>  (several pages of graphic descriptions of the beatings, especially to
>  the head, the injuries and assessments follow)
>  .....It was while standing that I got the blow which I believe caused
>  the damage to my brain lining and the leaking fluid.  Walsh hit me
>  with a heavy blow to the side of my head, low down near the base of my
>  skull behind the ear.  This knocked me flying sideways across the seat
>  on the floor. I was really stunned and nearly unconscious.  As I tried
>  to get up I could only see blue sparkles....my head hurt....vision was
>  blurred....face felt numb ...it did not go away for several hours.
>  It later turned out that the damaged brain lining and the
>  cerebrospinal fluid leak was behind my left forehead near the nose.
>  Later I had bad head pains....(note:  the leak led later to meningitis
>  from which the victim nearly died)...
>  I lost 11 pounds in weight during those six days;  my blood pressure
>  was very high;  I did not sleep all week...
>  I complained to the Doctor on Monday and he took a statement of
>  complaint.  In Crumlin Road Jail on Friday night, I also made a
>  statement detailing the brutality I was receiving.   I also complained
>  of same to a solicitor, to the chaplain, in the courtroom, and to the
>  surgeons at the Royal Victoria Hospital.  ...
>  During my first night in "D Wing Base," I awoke in my sleep to a
>  sensation of a spontaneous discharge.  I felt the sheets and they were
>  wet from a lot of blood.  It had come from my (body part.)    The
>  (jail) doctors tested for infection and for external injury but found
>  nothing.  It was coming inside me. ....I was hospitalised in Crumlin
>  Road Jail for 48 hours until the bleeding stopped.  ...
>  The victim describes the weeks that followed, in jail, how his
>  condition worsened....
>  =46inally on 1st DECEMBER, I collapsed in my cell and became very
>  seriously ill.  I had agonising head pains;  was cold, nauseated and
>  vomiting, and eventually went delirious then unconscious,  I was given
>  the "last rites" by Father Bennett (Chaplain) and was rushed to City
>  Hospital.  Then they transferred me to the neurosurgical ward in the
>  Royal Victoria Hospital.  I was found to have acute bacterial
>  meningitis....
>  They spotted runny fluid from my nose when I was unconscious.  They
>  tested it and found it was cerebrospinal fluid.  This is the fluid
>  that surrounds the brain.  Brain scans and skull x-rays found some
>  damage and a hole.......
>  The main point is that both the head injury and the blood from my
>  (body part) match my complaints to the doctors in Castlereagh and
>  Crumlin Road Jail.  Both coincide with the areas and blows I
>  complained of, and my complaints were made BEFORE any admissions.....
>  _____________________________________________________
>                                 *  The Activist  *
>                       http://users.westnet.gr/~cgian
>     =20
>   This is not about the world that we inherited from our forefathers,
>       It is about the world we have borrowed from our children !!

Activist Mailing List - http://users.westnet.gr/~cgian/

=46WD From : alt.activism

N. Ireland has been condemned for its interrogation practices by
Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Watchdog on Human rights,
The UN commission on Human Rights, The Helsinki Commission on Human
Rights and The European Commission on Human Rights. Here is an account
of one interrogation. I am posting this so you can understand what
kind of legal system convicted Cassidy. I hope you will all help.

The following is taken from a copy of the original signed statement of
Patrick Nash, a republican victim of Castlereagh torture.  All
evidence of injury in the statement is independently verified in jail
and hospital records.....

I was arrested at dawn on 14th October 1990 at my parents' home in
Coleraine by the RUC.    I was taken directly to Castlereagh where I
was interrogated until being charged on Friday 19 October 1990.
(easily verified by RUC records)

In all I was held six days.  The "interrogation" was done by three
teams of the RUC.  Two of these teams were CID as far as I can tell.
....The third and main team were three Special Branch men, Supt.
Houston, Detective Gerry Walsh and Det. Robinson.   It was mostly the
Special Branch all week, with Walsh and Robinson doing the beating as
well as one of the older CID men.....

Once I started admitting to their allegations, the beatings stopped.
By then I was wrecked.  The beating was mainly to the head and
(another body part), with some to the back of the neck and stomach
too.  It was the blows to the side of my head and my (other body part)
which really did the damage....

(several pages of graphic descriptions of the beatings, especially to
the head, the injuries and assessments follow)

.....It was while standing that I got the blow which I believe caused
the damage to my brain lining and the leaking fluid.  Walsh hit me
with a heavy blow to the side of my head, low down near the base of my
skull behind the ear.  This knocked me flying sideways across the seat
on the floor. I was really stunned and nearly unconscious.  As I tried
to get up I could only see blue sparkles....my head hurt....vision was
blurred....face felt numb ...it did not go away for several hours.

It later turned out that the damaged brain lining and the
cerebrospinal fluid leak was behind my left forehead near the nose.
Later I had bad head pains....(note:  the leak led later to meningitis
from which the victim nearly died)...

I lost 11 pounds in weight during those six days;  my blood pressure
was very high;  I did not sleep all week...

I complained to the Doctor on Monday and he took a statement of
complaint.  In Crumlin Road Jail on Friday night, I also made a
statement detailing the brutality I was receiving.   I also complained
of same to a solicitor, to the chaplain, in the courtroom, and to the
surgeons at the Royal Victoria Hospital.  ...

During my first night in "D Wing Base," I awoke in my sleep to a
sensation of a spontaneous discharge.  I felt the sheets and they were
wet from a lot of blood.  It had come from my (body part.)    The
(jail) doctors tested for infection and for external injury but found
nothing.  It was coming inside me. ....I was hospitalised in Crumlin
Road Jail for 48 hours until the bleeding stopped.  ...

The victim describes the weeks that followed, in jail, how his
condition worsened....

=46inally on 1st DECEMBER, I collapsed in my cell and became very
seriously ill.  I had agonising head pains;  was cold, nauseated and
vomiting, and eventually went delirious then unconscious,  I was given
the "last rites" by Father Bennett (Chaplain) and was rushed to City
Hospital.  Then they transferred me to the neurosurgical ward in the
Royal Victoria Hospital.  I was found to have acute bacterial

They spotted runny fluid from my nose when I was unconscious.  They
tested it and found it was cerebrospinal fluid.  This is the fluid
that surrounds the brain.  Brain scans and skull x-rays found some
damage and a hole.......

The main point is that both the head injury and the blood from my
(body part) match my complaints to the doctors in Castlereagh and
Crumlin Road Jail.  Both coincide with the areas and blows I
complained of, and my complaints were made BEFORE any admissions.....

                               *  The Activist  *
 This is not about the world that we inherited from our forefathers,
     It is about the world we have borrowed from our children !!

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