-Caveat Lector-

Invasion 2015
by Jeff Adams

I keep hearing arguments for a 'preemptive' strike against Iraq. Our leaders keep 
saying we need to strike now before Saddam acquires nuclear missiles. No matter what 
evidence is presented for justifying war, and the government has been long on rhetoric 
and short on actual evidence, I wonder if anyone has bothered to consider the 
long-term ramifications of the course the federal government is apparently going to 
take. The justifications used by the Bush Administration for their plans to topple 
Arab countries and install U.S. friendly, democratic governments are going to come 
back and bite the United States in the behind one day.

The U.S. government has a history of interfering in the internal affairs of other 
countries, especially third world countries. Their track record shows a long list of 
dictators that the U.S. has supported because they offered favorable arrangements for 
U.S. businesses and acted as agents for the feds concerning Cold War activities. The 
fallout of these actions has not always been positive. In case people have forgotten, 
there was a time when Saddam Hussein was someone the CIA found quite useful, and they 
helped him come into power. The U.S. armed and financed Osama bin Laden when he was 
fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan. And remember that radical Islamists took over 
Iran by overthrowing the Shah, another U.S. lackey whose abuse of his people caused 
them to revolt. But all is justified in the name of U.S. national security. Maybe, 
maybe not. The problem is that usually politicians and their advisors are not looking 
down the road beyond the next election, and therefore are no
 t con
cerning themselves with what the next generation might have to deal with.

Right now the feds get away with their international actions because the U.S. is the 
world's only superpower. Currently, there isn't any one country that can stand up to 
us. Even collectively, the EU doesn't dare oppose us in any aggressive way. The UN is 
all talk because if they push too hard, they know George W. Bush could decide to cut 
them off financially, and the U.S. is the primary financier of the UN. The U.S. holds 
all the cards...right now.

What's going to happen when China finally finishes developing into a full-fledged 
superpower? China's saber rattling over Taiwan grows louder all the time. It is only 
their fear of the U.S. military that prevents them from invading that country right 
now, and that fear is not as great as it used to be, and is fading fast. Beyond 
Taiwan, when will China decide to use the justifications that the U.S. so casually 
throw around, and declare they need to conduct a preemptive strike on the U.S.?

You don't think it's likely? Think for a moment. How about this for a scenario:

We have a heavy influx of Mexicans/Hispanics into the U.S., and these aliens, legal 
and illegal, aren't assimilating into the American culture, thus whether they are 
technically American citizens or not, they see themselves as 'overseas Mexicans.' 
Mexico's President Fox considers these people 'Mexicans abroad,' and allows them 
voting status in Mexico right now. The backlash that is currently growing among 
non-Hispanic Americans against these people reaches a point where there is open 
resentment and hostility. Mexico, on its own, cannot do anything to protect 'its 
citizens abroad' and looks for help. Who will have the financial and military power to 
assist Mexico in 'defending the liberties and rights' of these 'poor' people?

The UN has no real influence that the U.S. government doesn't back. So naturally 
Mexico turns to an international neighbor they have been developing closer relations 
with for several years now: China. China, under the guise of 'defending democracy' and 
the rights of 'the oppressed people of Mexico in the American Southwest' [which I have 
no doubt China, along with Mexico will insist on calling 'Azatlan'] will invade the 
southwest U.S. to 'protect' these people.

You might say it sounds crazy, but isn't this what the U.S. did to Serbia concerning 
Kosovo? After all, the U.S. was attacking the legitimate authority in Kosovo [a 
province of Serbia,] the Serbian government. Kosovo is the historical birthplace of 
the Serbian culture. The ethnic Albanians that now occupy Kosovo almost exclusively, 
thanks to the U.S., gradually moved into the area over the last hundred years or so. 
But that doesn't compare to the thousand years of Serbian culture that is rooted there.

Our current 'liberation' efforts in Afghanistan, and plans for Iraq, claim lofty 
goals, but have no justification that can be seriously based in law at this point 
concerning our own Constitution. Remember when China was criticized by the U.S. for 
their action in Tiananmen Square and their abuses of the Falun Gong cult? China's 
response was to simply look at U.S. history and claim the invasion of the Confederacy 
by Abraham Lincoln as justification for their heavy-handed tactics. China will surely 
use current U.S. actions as justification for their future actions. Especially if a 
scenario as I've lain out above comes to be.

Will it be justified? No. Will it matter? Only to U.S. citizens that object to the 
invasion. The U.S. doesn't seriously bother with the objections of third party 
countries when those third party countries declare they are opposed to U.S. policy and 
military actions. Does anyone think that China will care if Great Britain complains 
about a Chinese invasion of the U.S.? If China is strong enough to invade the U.S., 
then they will be strong enough that they won't care what the Brits or anyone else 
says. And by that time, I doubt there will be anyone else on the planet with the 
courage or power to stand up to China. And let's face it; if you read international 
papers online, you find that the U.S. is not exactly loved internationally, even among 
our supposed allies in Europe, who would be about the only military powers who could 
help us if China made a move against America.

We are not far away from this kind of a scenario. Unless things change concerning 
immigration and control of our borders, by 2015 there will be such a huge 
unassimilated Mexican population in the U.S. that trouble will be overflowing. Already 
there are around 10 million Hispanic aliens in the U.S. They are overwhelmingly 
unassimilated, and very few seem motivated to assimilate. It is estimated that 10,000 
people cross into the U.S. over our southern border with Mexico every day. China is 
looking for an opportunity, at the appropriate time, so they can knock the U.S. off as 
'king-of-the-international-hill.' The Chinese are taking notes and making plans, and 
no one seems to be paying a lot of attention. Neither are they seriously thinking 
about the potential fallout of current U.S. policy and actions. George Washington was 
right. We should avoid entangling alliances, and mind our own business before we get 
in a mess that we cannot get out of. It may be too late already.

Mr. Adams is the Chairman of the Texas League of the South, and may be reached for 
comment at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bush and Clinton have armed the North Koreans with Nuclear Technology while at home 
they push for more gun control.
They want to arm Communists while taking Americans arms away.
What's wrong with this picture?

And are the Neo-Cons screaming bloody murder?
No, they are asleep in  la-la land, dreaming of licking Bush's boots.

Meanwhile, 250,000 chinese have moved into Panama.  A Communist Enemy is gathering to 
our south and they control the strategic Canal that was created and once contolled by 
the USA.  Wake up Conservatives.

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