-Caveat Lector-


Revealed: Iraq's quest to build nuclear bomb

New evidence proves that Saddam Hussein has continued his efforts to assemble an
arsenal of weapons of mass destruction. Special report by Peter Beaumont in London and
Nick Paton Walsh in Moscow

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Iraq: Observer special

Peter Beaumont in London and Nick Paton Walsh in Moscow
Sunday September 22, 2002
The Observer

In the days before Iraq's defeat in the 1991 Gulf war, the vast sprawl of anonymous 
buildings that makes up the Badr General Establishment was a central hub in its 
efforts to
design and build a nuclear bomb.

As Iraq has admitted to the United Nations, it was here, 20 miles south of Baghdad, 
that the
bustling teams of technicians and machinists worked on components for the gas 
and molecular pumps that were intended for Iraq's enrichment cascade for the fissile
material for its nuclear bomb. It was here too that Iraq's missile technicians worked 
modification and production of the Scud B missiles that they hoped would carry a 

With Iraq's capitulation to the allied forces, Badr - like the State Enterprise for 
Equipment Engineering and dozens of other enterprises run under the auspices of the
Ministry for Military Industrialisation - was supposed to be closed down and monitored
under the UN ceasefire resolutions designed to dismantle Iraq's ability to retain, 
design and
build weapons of mass destruction.

But the scientists and managers from Badr had different orders from Iraqi president
Saddam Hussein. What they have been up to goes to the heart of US and UK concern that
Saddam has been trying to assemble the expertise and materials to build weapons of mass
destruction, for the men from Badr turned up at a factory in Minsk in the former Soviet
republic of Belarus.The Iraqi delegation that arrived at the Belstroyimpex 
headquarters in
July 1995 was a high-powered one, travelling under the aegis of the Badr General

They carried a shopping list of high-specification machine tools, including diamond 
a powder-metal production line and a plasma-spray machine - all potentially components
for nuclear weapons and a ballistic- missiles programme. The delegation was careful to
cover its tracks, keeping the visit and the deals signed secret from the UN. Iraq went 
greater lengths still to hide these purchases from the UN sanctions regime, smuggling 
into Iraq via the Jordanian free port of Aqaba, and trying to hide the equipment once 
reached Iraq.

The Iraqi deal with Belstroyimpex was not unique. As arms inspectors and independent
researchers have established in the past two years, the deal was only a small part of 
intensive effort by companies and organisations linked to the Iraq's Ministry of 
Industrialisation to acquire forbidden technologies and materials from Belarus and 
over a
dozen other countries.

It is an effort, say diplomatic sources, that continued just two months ago, when 
deputy Prime Minister, and Minister for Military Industrialisation, Abdul Tawab Mulla
Howeish, was in Minsk to sign a new protocol authorising scientific and technical 
between the two states. Indeed as lately as 1998 - before their forced departure from 
- UN inspectors discovered machine tools delivered from Belarus at the Saddam Artillery
Plant, where they found Iraqi technicians installing 14 new machines for manufacturing 
millimetre lenses with a military use. The crates were marked 'Republic of Belarus, 
Machine Building Plant'.

The Iraqi activity in Belarus is the most worrying evidence that Iraq is still 
pursuing a covert
procurement programme . It may not be the 'smoking gun' that proves that Saddam has
acquired the fissile material to build his bomb, but it is evidence that he is trying 

Firm evidence exists that in the decade since the end of the Gulf war Saddam quickly 
his secret procurement networks, casting his net from the UK to eastern Europe, South 
Asia and as far as Africa, operating through a complex network of front companies and

Iraqi agents have been active in Ukraine, Russia, Romania and in the former Yugoslavia.
They have been spotted in Congo, Kenya, Jordan and Syria, in Malaysia and Indonesia. It
has not always been a subtle or successful effort. Indeed some analysts say privately 
the chaotic and piecemeal effort of Saddam's procurement network smacks of desperation.
Its persistence is what is worrying Britain and the US.

And it is these procurement efforts that will provide the backbone of Tony Blair's 
dossier on
the threat posed by Iraq when it is released this week. That dossier is likely to 
argue that
Saddam's current efforts have strong parallels with the massive Iraqi procurement
programme in the 1980s when Saddam began scouring the world to build his secret
conglomeration of chemical, biological and nuclear-weapons factories.

'There has been an awful lot of background noise,' said one European diplomat. 'There 
is a
lot of Iraqi procurement effort going on. Some of it is very inconclusive. But what is
worrying is the accumulating evidence of the kind of stuff they have been - and 
continue to
be - after. That has been a constant since the end of the Gulf war. It may not amount 
evidence of a bomb, or a new missile system, but it is certainly evidence that they 
desperately want it.'

A senior British diplomat in the region said: 'There has been concern that relations 
Iraq and Ukraine and Belarus have been getting warmer over the last few months. There
has been heightened activity and people going back and forth.' He said he had seen
'reports' from a variety of sources, including spies, of arms deals between the two 
and Iraq.

Among those deeply concerned about Belarus and Ukraine is Tim McCarthy, who served
with the UN Special Commission on Iraq (Unscom) from 1994 to 1999 and completed 13
missions in Iraq, serving as deputy chief inspector for the missile team. Now a senior
analyst at the Centre for Nonproliferation Studies in the US, he studied much of the
available evidence about the Belarus connection.

'My concern was high about Belarus, for a number of reasons. One of the deals that the
Iraqis have done was with the Minsk Tractor Factory. Public reports have stated that 
tractors are produced. But it also produces missile launchers for Pakistan. The real
[Belarussian] expertise comes with the missile launchers, and that is disconcerting to 
the least.' McCarthy said Belarus had drawn up numerous agreements with Iraq. 'The
equipment that Belarus had agreed to give Iraq would be considered to be a very real 
proliferation problem.'

Among the deals that most concerned him, however, was for a so-called plasma-spray
machine used in anti- corrosion treatment of components used in nuclear weapons. 'The
nuclear proliferation people were very concerned about that. We have very strong
documentary evidence [about the deals]. It was production line stuff that would have 
very hard for the Iraqis to acquire legally under the UN sanctions regime.'

At the head of Iraq's secret procurement effort is Abdul Tawab Mulla Howeish. A wiry 
mustachioed military officer in his late forties - who also holds the rank of Deputy 
Minister - Howeish, has come to be one of the most important figures in Saddam's 
inevitably visible in every photo opportunity given by Saddam to Iraq's 

And it has been Howeish who has been most visible in recent Iraqi delegations to 
Belarus. It
was his Ministry - under its previous head - that coordinated Iraq's massive secret
procurement drive in the 1980s. The only difference, note inspectors who have been 
to unravel Iraq's new procurement programme, is that the names of the front companies -
and the states prepared to deal with Iraq - have changed.

One of best assessments of Iraq's procurement effort has been supplied by former US
weapons inspector Scott Ritter. Despite being one of the fiercest critics of the 
hawkish Bush
line on Iraq, Ritter has noted the way in which Iraq set up a series of front 
companies in
Jordan, Syria, Malaysia, and other countries that acted as official buyers of banned
weapons and systems, which later found their way to Iraq.

'We [UN weapons inspectors] were following, in '97 and '98, information that held that 
was working very closely with the government of Syria to use Syrian procurement 
in place with Belarus, with Ukraine, with Russia. The Syrians would acquire military
technology, military equipment, military hardware, in contracts between these nations 
Syria, and then Syria would transfer this material to Iraq in a covert fashion. And the
method of payment was Iraqi oil.'

Among companies that have already been revealed as being behind attempts to procure
suspicious contracts are the Al Bushair trading company and the Al Saddirah Company -
both identified in private memos by UN inspectors as the intermediaries in a number of
deals to acquire banned technology in Belarus in the mid-to-late 1990s.

Among those who have compiled their own dossier on Iraq's new procurement networks
are two American researchers, Gary Milhollin, director of the Wisconsin Project on 
Arms Control in Washington, and Kelly Motz, of Iraq Watch, who published the 'Shopping
for Saddam' report last year. Much of the evidence they collected was based, they say, 
unpublished information collected by UN weapons inspectors detailing their suspicions 
Iraq's continued efforts to hide a large-scale and covert rearmament programme.

'What [the research] showed is that Saddam's procurement network is alive and well and
has been working steadily despite the sanctions,' said Milhollin. 'There are a lot of
companies out there willing to break the embargo.'

Motz said: 'We are seeing everything from just some basic negotiations that probably 
go anywhere once the firms figured out what was trying to be purchased to contracts 
were actually implemented and goods that were found in Iraq by the inspectors. We have
contracts for missile engine components, for guidance components for missiles. We 
found some high-end machine tools that are useful for making nuclear weapons, military
goods such as [conventional] helicopters and aircraft which were clearly embargoed.'

At about the same time that the men from the Badr General Establishment were on their
way to Belarus, UN inspectors uncovered further evidence of Iraq's secret procurement
efforts - gyroscopes from dismantled Russian inter-continental ballistic missiles that 
smuggled into Iraq, then dumped in a river when they were found to be incompatible with
their missile systems. A second shipment of 115 gyroscopes was discovered in Jordan in
October 1995.

What is clear is that despite consistent setbacks over the past eight years, Iraq's 
procurement effort is still active across the globe. Further evidence of this trend was
supplied in the past fortnight. US Vice President Dick Cheney has added his own voice 
to the
debate, claiming the US has intercepted efforts by Iraq to buy hundreds of highly 
aluminium tubes it says were destined for an Iraqi gas centrifuge enrichment system.

'You can say many things about what Iraq is up to,' said one diplomat familiar with the
material. 'You can argue about what weapons he has, if any, how many, and if they will
ever work. You can argue about whether he will takes two months or 10 years to build or
acquire a nuclear bomb. But what you cannot argue with is the evidence that that Saddam
has set up his secret weapons procurement network once again. That is the real worry.'

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2002

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