-Caveat Lector-

Iraq smuggles agents into Germany via Prague
By Hugh Williamson and Philipp Jaklin in Berlin
Published: October 31 2001 20:10 | Last Updated: November 1
2001 08:23

Iraq has moved secret agents into Germany as part of illegal
people-smuggling operations, German authorities confirmed on
The agents had been smuggled from eastern European
countries in an operation co-ordinated by Iraqi diplomats in
Prague, the Czech capital.
"There is evidence that Iraqis with secret service backgrounds
have infiltrated Germany, helped by professional smuggling
gangs," according to a spokesman for Germany's Agency for
the Protection of the Constitution, Berlin's internal intelligence
The confirmation, and the connection to Prague, may reinforce
allegations of Iraqi involvement in the terrorist attacks in the
US in September.
Stanislav Gross, the Czech interior minister, said last week that
Mohammed Atta, one of the alleged ringleaders of the attacks,
met an Iraqi diplomat in Prague earlier this year.
The diplomat, Ahmad Khalil Ibrahim Samir al-Ani, was later
expelled from the Czech Republic for spying. Prague is
allegedly an important base for the Iraqi secret service.
The German internal intelligence agency had in 1999 identified
efforts by Iraq to move spies into the country, the spokesman
said. "There's nothing to suggest that Iraq's approach has
changed since then," he added.
The main activity of Iraqi agents in Germany is to monitor
groups opposed to Saddam Hussein's regime, according to the
internal intelligence agency. No details were available on how
many spies may have entered Germany.
The illegal smuggling of nationals from Iraq, Afghanistan and
other countries via eastern Europe into Germany and other
parts of western Europe has become a main security concern in
recent years. The German-Czech border is a common crossing
point in this process.
A spokesperson for the BND, Germany's international secret
service, said the agency was investigating the problem and was
in contact with the Czech authorities.
German investigators into the terrorist attacks in September
have not published any evidence linking Iraq to the incidents.
Three of the hijackers, including Mr Atta, recently lived in the
northern city of Hamburg.
Some US officials, and other terrorism experts, have pointed to
links between the terrorism network of Osama bin Laden - the
chief suspect behind the attacks - and Iraq.
The Czech government confirmed last week that Mr Atta had
visited Prague at least twice. His most recent visit was by bus
from Germany, arriving in Prague on July 2. He left the city by
air for the US the following day.

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