-Caveat Lector-

Excerpted from
EIR Talks Interview 01/20/99
Author:   John Covici <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:   1999/01/22

>Some time around those tumultuous days in mid to late
August, Al Gore travelled up to Wall Street. He had a breakfast
meeting with a dozen or so of the biggest pirate on Wall St.
People like George Soros, who is a household name in many parts
of the name for his criminality; David E. Shaw, head of a smaller
hedge fund, but engaged in the same kinds of piracy. (D.E. Shaw
was heavily exposed in the Russian GKO market, and they had
borrowed billions of dollars from Bank of America in order to go
into these highly leveraged bets.) You had Maurice Greenberg of
American International Group, one of the biggest insurance
cartels in the world, very close to City of London finance. (A
year ago, two years ago, he bailed out Lloyds of London when
Lloyds was on the verge of going under.)
You had people from J.P. Morgan, and Citibank, and all of
the other players, who would come together a month or so later,
to bail out Long-Term Capital Management, another medium-sized
hedge funds, but whose investments threatened to blow out the
whole financial system.
So, Gore was earmarked as the guy to interceded in the
Russian situation, and make sure that the interests of the
bankers were defended at all costs, even if it violated U.S.
national security and foreign policy interests, and even if it
meant the further impoverishment, and throwing of Russia into an
even graver crisis.
So, we know that Gore was up on Wall St, meeting with these
people. We also know that during this time frame, money was
pouring into Al Gore's pocket, and here is where Article 2,
Section 4 of the Constitution specifies bribery in the carrying
out of official duty, as an impeachable offense. We know that on
July 27 $40,000 went into the account of FRIENDS OF AL GORE,
INC., which is vice-president Gore's pre-presidential campaign
policy action committee. The $40,000 came from David E. Shaw, and
other top executives of the D.E. Shaw hedge fund, and the funds
were basically the maximum amount allowed under law to go into
that account. There may be other deals, quid pro quos, on the
future that will come out with further investigation. But, for
now, we've got a concrete instance of a $40,000 cash transfer,
and then follow what Gore did with his hands and feet after that.
During this same timeframe, as the Russian events went from
an economic crisis into a political crisis, we had President
Clinton pinned down, in effect, with preparation for his
deposition, his grand jury appearance, before Kenneth Starr,
which took place on the 17th of August. Which was the same day
that the Russian Prime Minister Kiriyenko announced that he was
instituting this 90-day freeze on commercial bank payments to
foreign creditors, and demanding that a renegotiation, a total
restructuring, in effect a partial default on the GKOS, had to be
negotiated with the domestic and foreign holders.
So, President Clinton was basically pinned down for several
critical days as the situation was playing out. It happened that
on the 20th of August of 1998, President Clinton went from
Washington, having completed the deposition, right to his
vacation on Martha's Vineyard. Vice-President Gore was already on
vacation in Hawaii. Now, during that criticl period, the
following events happened:
Four days after the announcement by Kiriyenko that Russia
was in this unsalvagable debt crisis, President Boris Yeltsin
abruptly fired Kiriyenko, and there was a question of who would
be appointd as the permanent Prime Minister replacement. The
entire government was fired.
Now, at that point, he appointed Chernomyridin, Viktor
Chernomyrdin, as the acting prime minister. We know that
Vice-President Gore made a series of phone calls the day that
this decision was being made

PAPERT: From Hawaii, I understand.

STEINBERG: From Hawaii, on vacation, he jumped into the fire.
He called up Chernomyrdin at least three times on that
Sunday. We know that he spoke to Kiriyenko; we know he spoke to
Yeltsin. He did all of these things without once consulting with
President Clinton, and from we know from highly reliable sources
in Washington, that when he did this, President Clinton became
furious that Gore had presumed the authority to act on behalf of
the administration, behind the President's back.
Now, we know that there was a highly corrupt agreement, a
mutual back-scratching arrangement, between Gore and
Chernomyrdin. We don't know all of the details, but we know one
crucial element of it. In 1995 the Central Intelligence Agency
provided the White House with a very detailed dossier on
Chernomyrdin, demonstrating that he was one of {the} most corrupt
officials in Moscow. The estimate of the CIA was that
Chernomyrdin had stolen personally $5 billion, and siphoned it
off into his own private accounts. A large part of that involved
bribes that he accepted from foreign businessmen, who wanted to
meet with him as prime minister to discuss various business
investments in Russia.
We know, according to a new York Times account in November
of this year, that one German businessman was told that he would
have to pay $1 million, cash up front, to Chernomyrdin just to
get a meeting, without any guarantee that his deal would be
approved. The estimate on the total amount that he stole was $5
When that report reached Al Gore's desk in 1995, the way it
was described in the New York Times is that Gore scribbled a
"barnyard epithet" across the front page of the report, and
sent it back to the agency. The message was very clear: don't go
there. Don't investigate Chernomyrdin. Don't make this an issue;
Chernomyrdin stays.
So then we have the phenomenon in August of 1998.
Chernomyrdin has been bounced out by Yeltsin, and Gore intercedes
to have him brought back in, not because he's going to do
something for the interests of Russia, not because it represents
a desirable foreign policy, or national security objective for
the U.S., but because the guys on Wall St., who are the
guarantors of the cash flow into Al Gore's 2000 campaign, are
demanding that he cover their backs, and put somebody in there
whose policy will be, pay at all costs.
Now, that is {bribery}. And one could argue, I think, even a
compelling case that this was {treason} against the interests of
the United States. Because the U.S.-Russia relationship is one of
the cornerstones of U.S. international strategic and economic
policy, and, had Chernomyrdin succeeded in staying in office, I
have no doubt that Russia would have been in the throes of chaos
today. We might have been in an even more grave strategic
situation that we already are.

Chernomyrdin failed to pass the muster, and be voted in, and
Primakov came in, suddenly once again, all bets were off, and in
short succession after that, you had at the end of September the
collapse of LTCM. This created the biggest single crisis moment
in the current financial doomsday process, when we had the
spectre of the New York Fed pulling together 16 of the world's
largest commercial bankers and brokerage houses, to pony up over
$4 billion to bail out LTCM.
On Oct. 14, Bank of America announced that they were going
to have to take a $340 million loss on their Russia investments,
which was all in the form of a loan to D.E. Shaw. Shaw went
under. So, in other words, the very players who were buying the
services of Vice-President Al Gore, for this highly corrupt
effort to pull together a bailout scheme for themselves,
ultimately did lose, because the Gore-Chernomyrdin gambit didn't

President Clinton, Treasury Secretary Rubin, have singled out the
hedge funds, the commercial banks that are indiscriminately
pouring money into these hedge funds for these highly leveraged
bets, that this is a problem. This is a national security threat
to the United States.
So, in effect, Al Gore is an instrument of that national
security threat. This is an impeachable offense. We've gotten at
least preliminary information out on this issue to a number of
people in Congress, both Republicans and Democrats. And I can
just simply say that the response has been very serious. These
are not frivolous charges. This is not something that represents
a loose thread of pieces. This is the core of a hard evidentiary
So, Gore is their man. Gore is the man of Prince Philip.
Gore is the man of the hedge funds, and the other Wall St.
pirates. Gore is the man of the Christian Right. Gore is the man
of the other Republican insurrectionists in the Congress. You
take Gore out as vice-president, and the whole thing doesn't
function, and it becomes almost impossible under those
circumstances, for President Clinton to be removed from office.
The second thing is, that with the albatross of Al Gore's
policy sabotage removed, we have the phenomenon of a President
who is much more unencumbered, and much more free to pursue the
kinds of policies that Lyndon Larouche has been saying are the
only way out for the United States and the world. And I, for one,
am very optimistic that, if the Gore albatross were removed,
Clinton would indeed take up those policies.

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