-Caveat Lector-

> >http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0052/noel.shtml
> >
> >Village Voice
> >
> >December 27 - January 2, 2001
> >
> >Jackson-Watchers Claim Wall Street Contributors Arranged His
> >Phone Call to Bush
> >
> >Is Jesse for Sale?

Is Jesse a professional Elite millionaire with no visible means of support?
Is Jesse a Democrat sheepdog whose job it is to keep the Black sheep in line?
Is Jesse ( unlike M.L.King ) a capitalist? Is Jesse a member of the Council
on Foreign Relations? Is Jesse ( the not so reverend Jackson ) a professional
race hustler, as he is accused by the Right?

If you're answer is no to any of the above, then you are not talking about
Jesse Jackson the Elder.


> >
> >By Peter Noel
> >
> >Downcast Wall Street investors whose fears had been focused
> >on a slowing economy demanded that Reverend Jesse Jackson
> >curtail his blistering attacks on George W. Bush. These
> >financiers arranged the controversial phone call that
> >Jackson made to the "president-select" shortly after Al
> >Gore conceded the race, key business figures told the Voice.
> >
> >Corporate moguls contribute heavily to Jackson's Wall Street
> >Project, an economic-development program intended to persuade
> >New York's financial leaders to steer big-business bucks to
> >minority communities and entrepreneurs. The Project is, in
> >fact, the Wall Street office of Jackson's Rainbow-PUSH
> >Coalition. "These guys on Wall Street aren't Democrats or
> >Republicans -- they're capitalists," says one investor.
> >"When they saw the tide turning, some of Reverend
> >Jackson's top contributors put a call in to him."
> >
> >Jackson did not return Voice calls for comment.
> >
> >Even before the U.S. Supreme Court had ruled in favor of
> >Bush on the night of December 12, Jackson was promising to
> >"take to the streets" with a "civil rights explosion." Prior
> >to his phone call, Jackson had compared the Supreme Court's
> >ruling to the 1857 Dred Scott decision in which the Court
> >declared that blacks, slave or free, did not have the rights
> >of citizens. After the Supreme Court ruling, Jackson said he
> >rejected Bush as the successor to President Clinton "with
> >every bone in my body and every ounce of moral strength in
> >my soul." He also said that "to lose by racial targeting
> >is dishonorable."
> >
> >With Wall Street having factored in a Bush victory, sources
> >in the financial community say, it was only a matter of time
> >before major movers and shakers muzzled Jackson and other
> >Gore loyalists crying thievery. "These contributors told
> >Reverend Jackson, 'You better hold this down because we
> >won't back you anymore if you are adverse to the new
> >administration in Washington,'" a financial insider claims.
> >"They said, 'We certainly can't give you the floor of the
> >New York Stock Exchange and all these other perks if you
> >are out there taking shots at a president we now have to
> >lobby to get what we want.' My understanding is that
> >they told Reverend Jackson, 'You better call Bush.'"
> >
> >The source adds that one business figure also told
> >Jackson he would call Bush "and tell him to take your
> >call." On December 14, Bush took a call from the civil rights
> >leader. They talked about "healing the nation and bringing
> >it together," according to a Bush aide. Bush offered to meet
> >with Jackson "for further discussions on election reform" in
> >the aftermath of allegations that black voters were unfairly
> >treated in some Florida voting precincts. The next day,
> >Jackson, appearing on NBC's Today show, said of Bush: "It
> >is his burden to bring some closure to that [allegation]
> >in some fair and open way."
> >
> >That Jackson could be pressured by Wall Street investors to
> >scale down his rhetoric intrigued a civic leader who is a
> >close associate. "Why would Jesse make the call? Why would
> >Bush accept the call?" he asks. Without confirming that is
> >exactly what happened, this Jackson supporter adds, "There
> >must be somebody who is bigger than both of them to put
> >that together."
> >
> >Some in the black activist community are steaming over
> >Jackson's phone call. They use words like "sellout" and
> >"race merchant" and "two-faced" to describe the nation's
> >best-known civil rights activist. One even asked, "Who's
> >betraying Dr. Martin Luther King?" Jackson, one incensed
> >black leader declares, believes that the civil rights
> >movement marches to his dictates.
> >
> >None of the Congressional Black Caucus members or any
> >civil rights leaders contacted by the Voice was aware
> >that Jackson had planned to talk to Bush. Asserts one
> >exasperated politician: "He didn't touch base with anyone."
> >A source says that Florida congresswoman Corrine Brown was
> >particularly outraged by Jackson's "shameful turnaround,"
> >which seemed to dampen anti-Bush sentiments built up during
> >the postelection crisis. Brown and Jackson had filed a
> >lawsuit claiming that blacks in Duval County were denied
> >the right to vote because they didn't have registration
> >or photo-ID cards, and were not permitted to present other
> >forms of identification allowed under state law. "She didn't
> >know that he was going to make the call," the source insists.
> >"Just out of nowhere he makes this call. Why? He had to
> >protect his own interest."
> >
> >What would Al Sharpton do if Bush calls him? "I would not
> >meet with Bush alone," says the leader of the Harlem-based
> >National Action Network. "There has to be an agenda that the
> >black collective agrees with. Clearly, I'm not looking to be
> >part of the Bush administration."
> >
> >The black nationalist community, traditional Jackson foes,
> >is abuzz with condemnations of what it views as Jackson's
> >latest political perfidy. "He is a continuing embarrassment
> >to the race," declares Louis Clayton Jones, publisher and
> >editor of the Atlanta-based Cyberdrum, complaining in a
> >recent e-mail to Elombe Brath, leader of the Patrice Lumumba
> >Coalition headquartered in Harlem. "Don't be surprised if
> >Bush appoints him to some meaningless post in his
> >administration."
> >
> >Jones, an attorney who was once an influential figure in
> >New York City black activist politics, is a former ally
> >of Jackson. "I have been in the streets with Jesse," he
> >recalls. "I have represented Jesse in the courts of the
> >City of New York. I have watched Jesse sabotage grassroots
> >attempts to bring equity in hiring practices to the masses
> >of New York City. I know, firsthand, what Jesse will do when
> >faced with a choice between principle and personal gain." No
> >one, adds Jones, should be surprised that Jackson suddenly
> >has warmed to Bush.
> >
> >"It is important to understand that Jesse Jackson is both
> >shameless and heartless," Jones tells Brath in their
> >Internet colloquy.
> >
> >Johnnie P. Ware, a contributor to Cyberdrum, argues that
> >Jackson had no choice but to pick up the phone when ordered
> >to fall in line by his financial backers. The Detroit-based
> >community activist points to Jackson's membership in the
> >Council on Foreign Relations, an establishment political
> >group that is a favorite target of conspiracy theorists. "As
> >a member of the Council on Foreign Relations," Ware notes,
> >"Jesse seems to have been assigned the job of keeping the
> >rabble in line: Don't let them riot, don't let them form
> >groups that might bring about change, don't let them
> >challenge the system, and above all, don't let them choose
> >their own leaders -- be their leader whether they like it
> >not. Jackson is allowed to say anything [he wants] about
> >whites, without fear of reprisal, as long as he controls
> >the black community. That's his job."
> >
> >--
> >
> >There is another phone call that Jesse Jackson is being
> >advised to make: To Al Sharpton. Relations between the
> >on-again, off-again friends sank to a new low in October
> >after the Burger King Corporation enlisted Jackson to help
> >derail Sharpton's call for a boycott of the world's No. 2
> >fast-food chain. The Jackson-Sharpton feud was first
> >reported by the Voice.
> >
> >Sharpton has been backing black Detroit businessman La-Van
> >Hawkins in a dispute with Burger King. In April, Hawkins's
> >Urban City Foods sued Burger King in federal court, accusing
> >the company of fraud and reneging on a deal to let Hawkins
> >open 225 restaurants within five years. Hawkins alleged that
> >Burger King treated him like a pawn, courting him because
> >of his race and then using it against him to squelch his
> >dream of owning a string of Burger Kings in underserved
> >communities. Burger King argued it never made such promises
> >and countersued, seeking more than $6.5 million it says
> >Hawkins owes on a 1998 loan. (On December 15, a federal
> >judge ruled that Burger King did not break any promises to
> >Hawkins, setting the stage for the chain's bid to revoke
> >his existing franchises.)
> >
> >Sharpton initially threatened a nationwide boycott, but
> >later relented and said it would begin on a city-by-city
> >basis. In October, he called for a boycott of the fast-food
> >chain in New York City, which has only one black franchise
> >owner. Last month, according to The New Republic, "Jackson
> >sent Sharpton a stiff letter warning that a boycott might be
> >counterproductive, since it could harm the 'more than 100
> >black-and brown-owned franchises, employing more than 8000
> >people." But the magazine cites "Sharpton allies" who "point
> >out that Burger King has backed Jackson's Rainbow-PUSH
> >Coalition for nearly 20 years." Burger King estimates "it
> >has given Jackson's group roughly $500,000," but Jackson
> >"puts the figure at approximately $125,000," the magazine
> >reported.
> >
> >Sharpton supporters say that the quarrel is a wake-up call
> >to Jackson, who, as he gains establishment approval, may be
> >moving toward an elder statesman role. "I expect that sooner
> >or later he is going to call," an aide to Sharpton bristles.
> >"I don't know what he is going to say. I know that Reverend
> >Sharpton might tell Reverend Jackson he'll do what he and
> >others had trained him to do: Fight injustice."
> >
> >Feelings of ill will, however, escalated in Florida, where
> >the two civil rights giants almost clashed in turf warfare.
> >Sharpton went to Miami-Dade County, where his National
> >Action Network got the jump on Jackson and sued Florida
> >secretary of state Katherine Harris and George W. Bush,
> >alleging that the two Republicans interfered with the rights
> >of Florida's minority voters. According to the suit, filed
> >on behalf of three Miami residents, Harris and the state
> >elections board "disenfranchised" minority voters by
> >certifying Bush as the winner before Miami-Dade County
> >could complete a manual recount of presidential ballots.
> >
> >Jackson sued in Duval County. In the battle of one-up
> >politics, Sharpton aligned himself with former Washington,
> >D.C., mayor Marion Barry and called on African Americans to
> >form a "human prayer chain" around the U.S. Supreme Court
> >building. Jackson later initiated a march on the Department
> >of Justice that wound up at the Supreme Court.
> >
> >"There were two separate marches -- one led by Jackson, one
> >led by Sharpton," says a political observer. The jockeying
> >was so obvious that Florida legislators such as Congresswoman
> >Carrie Meeks tried to get the factions to meet in Miami to
> >settle their differences. "But Jackson refused to go," says
> >a Sharpton aide. When Congresswoman Corrine Brown, a Jackson
> >ally, called Sharpton's camp seeking a meeting, a Sharpton
> >aide said Jackson's lawyers should call Sharpton's lawyers.
> >"The call never came," the aide says. "This is definitely
> >the worst. They have never been to the point of not
> >communicating with each other. This Burger King
> >disagreement seems to have permanently widened
> >the Jackson-Sharpton rift."
> >
> >--
> >
> >Sharpton aides anticipate a showdown if Jackson attends a
> >black leadership conference on January 4 in Washington.
> >Again, black leaders may have to contend with dueling
> >marches. Says the aide: "Reverend Sharpton's march is high
> >on the agenda, and we understand that some of the leaders
> >are going to oppose it. Oh, there definitely is going to
> >be a fight. We're gonna have a showdown on how we intend to
> >deal with the Bush years, on whether we're gonna roll over
> >or fight. And fight we will on January 20."
> >
> >Jackson says protests against "the chaos and the debacle
> >in Florida" will be held on January 15, the legal holiday
> >celebrating the birthday of Martin Luther King. Sharpton
> >plans to rain on George W. Bush's coronation with a
> >"shadow inauguration" on January 20.
> >
> >Critics claim that Jackson really wants to attend the
> >inauguration, adding that he chose King Day to cover his
> >tracks because he does not want to appear to be disruptive.
> >"On January 20, it's gonna look like he is not with the
> >people," a Sharpton aide speculates. "He is definitely not
> >trying to heed his own advice to 'stay out the Bushes.'"
> >Reverend William Jones, former national chair of Operation
> >Breadbasket, an economic-pressure arm of Dr. King's Southern
> >Christian Leadership Conference during the '60s -- who knows
> >Jackson better than many of his detractors -- was once
> >quoted as saying: "In many ways Jesse reminds me of a pilot
> >in search of a landing field who is unable to locate one."
> >But an activist who is familiar with Reverend Jones's quote
> >put this spin on it: "Jesse Jackson is like an airplane with
> >no airport to land in. No one will give him clearance, and
> >he is low on fuel."
> >
> >--
> >
> >Additional reporting by Amanda Ward
> >
> >Tell us what you think: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >Copyright (c) 2000 Village Voice Media. All Rights Reserved.
> >
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