-Caveat Lector-

Is Kevin MacDonald a Scholar?


Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in
Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements

By Kevin MacDonald, Department of Psychology, California State University at
Long Beach, Long Beach, CA 90840-0901 USA.
Westport, Connecticut: Praeger, 1998.

Reviewed by Frank Salter, Max Planck Institute, Andechs, Germany

Human Ethology Bulletin, September 2000

Most readers of this Bulletin will be aware of the controversy that
embroiled ISHE member Kevin MacDonald at the recent annual meeting of our
kindred organization, the Human Behavior and Evolution Society (HBES). At a
special session MacDonald was charged with anti-Semitism and his scientific
standing questioned. Any review must now be counted as contributing to that
controversy since it bears on MacDonald's status as a scholar and
evolutionary psychologist. With this in mind I decided to combine the book
review with a description of the recent controversy concerning The Culture
of Critique among human evolutionists. I shall be arguing that much of the
criticism of MacDonald is founded on ignorance of his scholarship and a
confounding of political and scientific issues.

Charges of anti-Semitism, political motivation, and shoddy scholarship are
clearly plausible to many colleagues. The broad political Left, which
constitutes the academic establishment since at least the 1960s, views
interest in evolutionary accounts of human nature, and even claiming that
such a thing exists, as tantamount to fascism (Singer 1998). This prejudice
was directed at the pioneers of the evolutionary approach both in the U.S.
and overseas, such as the late Bill Hamilton, Irenäus Eibl-Eibesfeldt,
Edward O. Wilson, Richard Dawkins, Napoleon Chagnon, and many others. The
new leaders of America's evolutionary scene have been at pains to dispell
this image. The name of a leading journal, Ethology & Sociobiology, was
changed to an anodyne substitute, and an emphasis was maintained on
cross-cultural universals at the expense of human biodiversity. Individual
and group differences apart from age and sex are still largely ignored, with
race and ethnicity conspicuous by their near absence from America's leading
evolutionary academic journals-Evolution and Human Behavior (the HBES home
journal), Human Nature, and Politics and the Life Sciences. Given such a
defensive posture it is little wonder that a long, cold inspection of
Judaism should raise a storm. What is one to make of a scholar who:
(1) like so many anti-Semites takes pains to show the great
overrepresentation of
Jews in radical political movements such as post-WWI Bolshevism in Russia
and Central Europe, the Communist Party of America, and the New Left of the
1960s and 1970s (including the claim that in 1928 Jews were 1000%
overrepresented among socialist Reichstag deputies);
(2) who revives the old Nazi canard about Freud by alleging that he was a
Jewish activist nurturing
hatred of "Aryan" Europe, leading an essentially Jewish cabal of
psychoanalysts intent on subverting Christian sexual standards;
(3) who portrays Jensen's hereditarian theory of IQ as mainstream;
(4) who maintains that on average Jews constitute a quarter of America's
elites and draws
attention to 58% representations in the senior ranks of Hollywood (which it
"dominates"), 50% of network television producers, and 40% of elite
university law faculty;
(5) who maintains that since the mid 1960s the media
elite has pursued a leftist agenda that includes promoting racial
integration through school busing;
(6) who goes so far as to question the appropriateness of large Jewish
over-representation in a democratic elite;
(7) who suggests that European-Jewish intellectual prominence is genetically
based and the result of eugenic processes within traditional Jewish
(8) who argues that Jewish intellectuals such as Franz Boas, Felix
Frankfurter, Harold Laski, Max Lerner, Morris Cohen, and Robert Merton,
accelerated the "deChristianization" of America's public life by
selectively promoting as cultural heroes Gentiles who advanced their goals,
such as Margaret Mead, John Dewey, and Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes;
(9) who agrees with T. S. Eliot's most famous anti-Semitic statement, that
large number of free-thinking Jews is undesirable if one wants to maintain
or develop a society in which a Christian, ethnically homogeneous tradition
can flourish.

Surely it is reasonable to be outraged at such a person being associated
with a respectable academic association? Well, not if that person is Stanley
Rothman, Mary Huiggins Gamble Professor of Government at Smith College, New
York, who makes the first six of these points and is a recent member the
Association for Politics and the Life Sciences (1974; 1978; Rothman &
Lichter 1996/1982; Rothman & Snyderman 1988; Lerner et al. 1996; Lichter et
al. 1986); or Prof. Arno Motulsky, Professor emeritus at the University of
Washington, Seattle, who makes the seventh point (1995); or David Hollinger,
Professor of History at UC Berkeley who makes points eight and nine and
whose 1996 book was favourably reviewed in the Jewish press; but certainly
if that person cites Rothman's, Motulsky's, and Hollinger's sources and
becomes the centre of attention.

The fact is that most of the above descriptions (but not the speculations)
are uncontroversial in the specialist historical and sociological fields on
which MacDonald draws. These and most other assertions that have elicited
the wrath of some colleagues are not only true but truisms, to those
aquainted with the diverse literatures involved. Apart from the political
sensitivity of the subject, much of the problem facing MacDonald is that his
knowledge is often too far ahead of his detractors to allow easy
communication; there are not enough shared premises for constructive dialog.
Unfortunately the knowledge gap is closing slowly because some of his most
hostile critics, including colleagues who make serious ad hominem
accusations, have not bothered to read MacDonald's books. If this sounds
incredible, please read on.

The Controversy

1. MacDonald agrees to testify as an expert witness for historian David
Irving, the plaintiff in a defamation lawsuit against historian Deborah
Lipstadt who had accused Irving of denying the Nazi Holocaust against the
Jews. Macdonald neither denies or minimizes the Holocaust but seeks to
defend Irving's freedom of expression. His testimony concerns certain Jewish
organizations' techniques for silencing opponents. His testimony is
published as a court record available at MacDonald's webpage along with his
correspondence with Irving before the trial (http://www.csulb.edu/~kmacd).
After much of the controversy reported below, Irving loses his case, and is
found to be a Holocaust denier.

2. Journalist Judith Shulevitz writes a critical article in her Culturbox
segment of Slate, an online magazine (24 Jan. 2000), criticizing MacDonald
for giving evidence in the Irving-Lipstadt trial. Ad hominems are preceded
by a confused summary of MacDonald's three books. Shock is expressed at
MacDonald's statements on Freud, Jewish eugenics, and many more. Shulevitz
makes several disparaging remarks about MacDonald's alleged prejudices, such
as that his ideas about Jews "represent the broadest, ugliest, and most
vicious anti-Semitism passing for scholarship in this country today." This
is the beginning of an attack on MacDonald's academic standing. "A man in
his 50s, MacDonald is still an associate professor of psychology at a
third-rate school . . ." She expresses surprise that MacDonald has been
allowed to hold his office of secretary-archivist in HBES and to be active
within the organization. Why have evolutionary psychologists not "policed"
their discipline?  All of the leading HBES members interviewed by Shulevitz
claim not to have read his books on Judaism. Nevertheless "they expressed
extreme shock and said he contradicted the basic principles of contemporary
evolutionary psychology" based on Shulevitz's verbal summary of MacDonald's
ideas. MacDonald replies in Slate's letters column (25 Jan. 2000) by
describing Shulevitz's article as "yellow journalism." "Some of her
statements are simply overly general, others simply false, while others are
incomplete or take my thoughts entirely out of context." Regarding the
personal attacks, he writes: "Actually I have been a full professor for
about five years now. (I got a late start because of my involvement in 60's
radicalism.) I like to think of [California State University Long Beach] as
a second rate institution. It's not quite UC-Berkeley, but it's pretty good.
Whatever Shulevitz may think, there are many fine professors and students

3. Answering Shulevitz's call for HBES members to take a stand on MacDonald,
and on the basis of her summary of MacDonald's book, John Tooby, HBES
president, criticizes an aspect of MacDonald's thesis (Jewish genetic
segregation), as well as an idea that is not part of MacDonald's theory
(genetic group selection). Tooby agrees to a Slate discussion with
Shulevitz, with MacDonald relegated to observer status and limited to
defending himself in the letters section. In this discussion, Tooby claims:
that MacDonald is a "fringe" academic because of the low number of citations
for his Judaism trilogy (not mentioning the substantial citation rate for
MacDonald's other publications); that he does not qualify as an evolutionary
psychologist because his ideas conflict with certain precepts set forth in
Tooby's own writings; that his claim to be an evolutionary psychologist is
quackery; and that his writings constitute a "crime" (Slate 3 Feb. 2000). In
his last Slate posting (15 Feb 2000), Tooby refers to "the netherworld of
marginal scholarship (of which MacDonald is a typical example)." In a
subsequent article in the tabloid Newtimes L.A. (T. Ortega, "In the hotseat"
, 24 May 2000) Tooby compares MacDonald to the death-camp doctor Josef

In MacDonald's 3 Feb. 2000 Slate response (see http://www.csulb.edu/~kmacd
/Tooby.htm) he suggests that Tooby has not read his extensive review of
population-genetic literature indicating that there are substantial genetic
frequency differences between Jews and Gentiles and that these differences
have been maintained by endogamous Jewish marriage practices. There are,
MacDonald notes, profound scientific differences between himself and Tooby:
"While Tooby and [coauthor] Cosmides focus exclusively on domain-specific
psychological adaptations designed to solve recurrent problems in our
evolutionary past, I emphasize in addition the importance of domain-general
mechanisms, especially the g-factor of IQ tests, that facilitate the
achievement of biological goals in complex, non-recurrent environments. . .
. My views have much more in common with those of David S. Wilson     . . .
and the cultural selection models of Robert Boyd and Peter Richerson."

Another HBES member who takes up Shulevitz's call is Steven Pinker (Slate 27
Jan. 2000), who states that
(1) MacDonald would never have been able topresent papers at HBES
conferences if the latter were peer reviewed,
(2) that HBES's journal has never published an article by MacDonald,
(3) that MacDonald's ideas are "preposterous" and do not warrant the
attention of
(4) that MacDonald posits genetic group selection for humans, and
(5) that his theories are consistently "value-laden". Assertions (2) and (4)
simply false. Pinker adds one criticism of merit, that MacDonald should have
studied at least one control group to allow comparison with Judaism. In his
books MacDonald does in fact compare Judaism with ancient Sparta, Roman
society, and Medieval Catholicism, but by undertaking a new project on
"diaspora peoples" MacDonald implicitly concedes that more work is needed in
this direction. Pinker admits that because he has not read MacDonald's books
it is possible he is being unfair, while indicating that Shulevitz's summary

has saved him the trouble of such reading.

On a personal note, it is overdue that John Tooby and Steven Pinker applied
their professional skills seriously to critique MacDonald's work in the
appropriate scientific forums. This now seems obligatory as a matter of
professional duty given the severity of their attack on a  colleague who has
refrained from ad hominems throughout this sorry event.  Still,  it is now
too late to reverse the harm done to both MacDonald's and probably  HBES's
reputation by what can only be judged reckless, unscholarly, and plain
uncivil slurs. For these they should apologize.

4. In response to Shulevitz, David S. Wilson (Slate 25 Jan. 2000) supports
MacDonald based on a reading of his first volume, noting that he is engaged
in developing a general theory of groups taking Judaism as an example. In
what must be the understatement of the new millennium, Wilson attributes
unscientific motives to MacDonald's HBES critics: "[I]t is shameful how
quickly those who are sensitive to being demonized are willing to demonize
others. Even evolutionary psychologists, who have experienced their share of
persecution in academic circles, seem more concerned to protect their own
reputations than to defend the work of their colleague."

5. At the June 2000 HBES, a session organized by D Kriegman discusses
MacDonald's theory of Judaism, with MacDonald responding. Scientific
questions are raised by Kriegman and John Tooby, but political concerns take
centre stage, and no point of scholarship is raised in the discussion
period. Richard Wrangham states that MacDonald's books are approved by
neo-Nazi organizations, and invites him to disown this connection, an
invitation MacDonald implicitly refuses in his insistence on keeping to
scientific issues. Fists are shaken at MacDonald from the floor. MacDonald
had his supporters. At one point during proceedings, James Fetzer objects
with a call for academic free speech and receives loud applause.

Clearly this reaction to The Culture of Critique by a journalist and some
HBES colleagues constitutes an attempt to dismiss the author's standing as
an evolutionary psychologist. It is one thing to question a scientist's
political judgment, another to downgrade his status as a scientist and
scholar. In the following synopsis of The Culture of Critique I sample each
chapter's main sources. Are they credible? Are MacDonald's empirical claims
well documented? As will become apparent, the sources for many of the claims
for which MacDonald has been criticized are mainstream. This raises a
certain matter of consistency. If MacDonald but not his sources is to be
condemned, logic requires that critics pick on aspects of his analysis that
are distinctive to him. Following the synopsis I identify some of these
distinctive aspects.

The Book

The Culture of Critique is the third and final volume in MacDonald's trilogy
on Judaism and anti-Semitism. His central thesis, stated in the first volume
(A People that Shall Dwell Alone, 1994) is that Judaism is a group
evolutionary strategy. This type of strategy is an experiment in living, one
that can work or fail, that can raise or lower group members' reproductive
fitness. An adaptive group evolutionary strategy protects inclusive fitness
by achieving subsidiary goals such as resource acquisition, group defence
and conquest. Group strategies are usually traditions, but can be invented
using domain-general intelligence. They culturally manipulate evolved
domain-specific psychological predispositions, such as dominance and
ethnocentrism. The second volume (Separation and its Discontents, 1998a)
applies the same approach to major cases of anti-Semitism, especially
Medieval Spain, early modern Poland, and Nazi Germany, positing a reactive
dialectic between Jewish and Gentile group evolutionary strategies.
The third volume brings the analysis up to the present, looking beyond
traditional Judaism to examine the ethnic strategies of secular,
assimilating Jewish intellectuals. Common to such strategies has been
intellectual criticism of Gentile society, religion, and institutions, which
MacDonald maintains have been aimed at neutalizing actual and potential
threats to Jewish security and status.

Chapter 1. "Jews and the radical critique of gentile culture: Introduction
and theory." This is a brief review of historical sources on the radicalism
of assimilated Jews, beginning in the Middle Ages, and sets out MacDonald's
theoretical frame based on his first two volumes.

Chapter 2. "Boasian school of anthropology and the decline of Darwinism in
the social sciences." It is argued that cultural anthropology in the United
States was founded by a largely Jewish circle of academics led by Franz
Boas, who had a strong ethnic identification, promoted universalist
ideology, and opposed Darwinian thinking. MacDonald relies on such scholars
as Frank (1997), Degler (1991), Hollinger (1996), Stocking (1968), and White
(1966), all mainstream sources.

Chapter 3. "Jews and the left." MacDonald argues that radical ideology has
been attractive to Jewish intellectuals because universalism blurs ethnic
distinctions, defusing anti-Semitism and ameliorating marginality. The
marginality thesis is not original, advanced by R. Michels before WWI and by
C. Liebman (1979; quoted in Rothman & Lichter 1996/1982, 110-11, 118-19).
Sources for Jewish overrepresentation on the Left include Rothman and
Lichter and S. J. Gould, who thinks that most American Marxists are Jewish
(Ruse 1989, 203).

Chapter 4. "Jewish involvement in the psychoanalytic movement." MacDonald
portrays the early psychoanalytic movement as resembling the Boasian school
in being a predominantly Jewish group idolizing an authoritarian leader. The
robust Jewish identity of Freud and of the psychoanalytic vanguard, and
Freud's racial chauvinism and hostility towards what he described as
"Christian-Aryan" society are claims drawn by MacDonald from mainstream
sources (see Rothman 1974; 1978; Yerushalmi 1991).

Chapter 5. "The Frankfurt School of Social Research and the pathologization
of Gentile group allegiances." MacDonald draws on a vast literature
examining the ideas and social relations of the group of largely Jewish
intellectuals gathered around Max Horkheimer and Theodore H. Adorno which,
before and after WWII fused Marxism and psychoanalysis to produce a radical
theory of psychosocial development and prejudice. Many leading members
possessed a strong Jewish identity (Marcus & Tar 1986).

Chapter 6. "The Jewish criticism of Gentile culture: A reprise." Here
MacDonald draws together the lines of analysis developed in the previous
case studies, finding unifying threads of collectivism and valuing of
consensus over individualistic disputation. He raises theoretical questions
about the interface between evolved psychology and cultural messages: "What
evolved features of the human mind make people likely to adopt memes that
are inimical to their own interests?" (241).

Chapter 7. "Jewish involvement in shaping U.S. immigration policy."
MacDonald documents Jewish leadership of the effort to eliminate ethnic
criteria for U.S. immigration. "Jewish activism on immigration is merely one
strand of a multi-pronged movement directed at preventing the development of
a mass movement of anti-Semitism in Western societies" (245). MacDonald
reviews Congressional debates from the early 20th century and the (largely
Jewish) scholarship on the Jewish defence agencies to conclude that Jews
took a leading role in delaying the 1924 quota system and finally having it
repealed in 1965. This assessment might be wrong, but can MacDonald be
condemned for accepting what analysts report, and, in the case of some
Jewish analysts, report with pride? (eg. Cohen 1972, 49; Goldberg 1996, 127;
Johnson 1988, 459; Neuringer 1971, 392-3; Raab 1993).

Chapter 8. "Conclusion: Whither Judaism and the West?" Here MacDonald
applies the theories developed in his three volumes to speculate about the
stability of multi-ethnicity in Western societies, discuss the rapid
demographic decline of European-derived peoples in the United States, and
evaluate the risk of communal conflict in that country, including

Conclusion: What is distinctive about MacDonald's theory?
As I hope has been made clear, MacDonald presents his readers with a broad
and detailed scholarship that can usually be challenged only through
matching his assiduous attention to many specialist literatures. I have made
no attempt here to critique his theories beyond noting their mainstream
documentation, but some of his most visible opponents have done even less,
while adding personal and very public attacks to their criticisms.
Unfortunately for those who rebel at his empirical claims, these are mostly
not MacDonald's assertions but the expert opinions of leaders in various
scholarly and scientific fields. Certainly, whether his theories are
ultimately viable or not, MacDonald is a scholar of considerable analytical
power and scope.

Several major aspects are distinctive to MacDonald's analysis. His is the
first significant historical-sociological application of Boyd and Richerson'
s (1985) theory of cultural group strategy, which he elaborates into
evolutionary group strategy theory (1st volume). He offers an evolutionary
interpretation of Social Identity Theory (2nd volume). I suspect both are
destined to become influential. But for me what is most impressive, and this
is the achievement of Culture of Critique, MacDonald has shown theoretical
and methodological pathways linking the micro-level analysis of human
behaviour with the macro-level dynamics of contemporary culture. He has done
so on a narrow front, in a monumental case study of social relations
affecting one people's struggle to survive and prosper, but that is a big

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