-Caveat Lector-

Israeli military siege prevents students from reaching universities

6 June 2001

On Tuesday morning, June 5, 2001, dozens of Bir Zeit University students
were forced to return home at the Israeli military checkpoint on the
Ramallah-Bir Zeit Road. When the students tried to explain to the Israeli
troops at the checkpoint that they must be allowed to pass so that they
could sit their final exams, the Israeli soldiers responded with firing live
ammunition, teargas, and rubber coated steel bullets. 20-year-old Raji Al
Nijmeh was injured in the incident, many other students passed out due to
teargas inhalation.

Dr. Hanna Nassir, chairman of Bir Ziet University said that Israeli forces
prevented more than 400 students and 500 teachers from reaching the

Israeli roadblocks and restriction of movement as well as humiliation of
Palestinians on Israeli military checkpoints have become common phenomena in
the current unrest. Palestinian students and teachers have been prevented
from reaching universities, colleges, and schools. Such arbitrary measures
of the Israeli authorities deprive students from sitting their final exams.
Moreover, thousands of Tawjihi (senior high school) students will find it
virtually impossible to sit their final exams on Monday, June 18, 2001.

The students of Al Najah University in Nablus had to face on Tuesday an
Israeli new roadblock on Nablus-Al Bathan Road. Such roadblock and other
roadblocks around Nablus, sever the city from the other Palestinian areas.
Moreover, the Israeli forces destroyed the road in order to make the siege
even worse. They placed more barricades and cement blocks on the road
leading to the Palestinian village of Dier Sharaf between Nablus, Tulkarem
and Jenin.

Israeli forces closed all main roads leading to Tulkarem and the surrounding
villages. They also blocked the northern entrance of Noor Shams refugee
camp. More roadblocks and barricades isolate the Palestinian villages of
Anabta, Bal’a, Kufur Al Labad, Kufur Rumman and Biet Leed from Tulkarem.

The universities of Al Quds, Bethlehem, and Hebron are facing major
difficulties since Israeli forces have blocked Wadi Al Nar Road, which is
the only road Palestinians can take to get to Bethlehem and Hebron.  The
blocking of Wadi Al Nar completely severs the north of the West Bank from
the south.

Israeli forces have also closed and dug trenches along Al I’beidiyeh-Biet
Sahour Road. Israeli barricades also block all the roads linking southern
and eastern villages of Bethlehem such as Biet Ta’mar, Taqou’, Al Asakira,
Dier Salah, Za’tara, Al Freidees, and Rabah. All roads linking Bethlehem,
Jerusalem, Um Tuba, Bethany, Jabal Al Mukaber, Sur Baher, Al Sawahreh, and
Al Sheikh Sa’ed have been blocked.

Israeli forces have also blocked all roads in the district of Hebron.
Trenches and barricades cut off Wadi S’eer from Bethlehem, Yatta and Bani Na
’eem from Hebron.

There are 23 universities and colleges in the Palestinian territories;
sixteen in the West Bank and seven in the Gaza Strip. They have 71,000
students and 4,096 staff members.

The Ministry of Higher Education released a study titled “The Current
Situation of the Higher Education Institutions” describing students and
staff’s attendance in the first six months of the Intifada as follows:

Universities    Students’ attendance 45-82.5%   Staff’s attendance 64.5-95%
Average 72.17-87.13%
Colleges        Students’ attendance 20.5-100%  Staff’s attendance 60-100%      Average

The data mean that 24,000 students were unable to attend colleges and
universities in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. For instance, the Islamic
University in Gaza has 9,820 students whose attendance was as low as 44%,
which means that the Israeli siege prevented 5,500 students from attending
their classes.

The data also indicate that attendance of students at Gaza’s universities
and colleges is well below that of the West Bank, for example attendance at
Al Azhar University was 60%, attendance at the Islamic University was 44%,
attendance at the College of Science and Technology in Khan Yunis was 49%,
and attendance at Palestine Technical College in Dir Al Balah was only 20%.

However, the West Bank higher education institutions recorded higher
percentages of attendance, for example attendance at Palestine Polytechnic
was 74%, at Bethlehem University attendance was 76%, at Bir Zeit and Hebron
universities it was 82%, and at Al Najah University in Nablus attendance was

Girls’ colleges recorded lower percentages such as the Girls’ College of
Educational Science, which recorded an attendance of students as low as 27%.
Yet, those records dropped sharply recently.

A recent survey showed that 54.9% of students experience difficulties in
reaching their universities due to the Israeli siege on Palestinian areas.
The survey also showed that most of the “absent” students were from the
areas known as Area B and Area C, which are under Israeli forces’ control.
Such students find it impossible, due to the siege, to reach their
universities and colleges.

On the other hand, in Gaza, the situation is even worst since Israeli
authorities prevent 1,300 Gazan students from arriving to their colleges and
universities in the West Bank. Moreover, thousands of Gazan students, under
tight Israeli siege, are deprived of attending their universities in the
Gaza Strip.

Additionally, Palestinian academic institutions nowadays suffer major
financial problems since they are forced to extend semesters and give make
up classes as well as to provide emergency plans and exempt the children of
Palestinians died in the Intifada from paying tuition fees. The outside
financial support and the support from the Ministry of Higher Education have
also stopped adding more financial burdens to Palestinian universities and

The damage the Israeli siege inflected on Palestinian universities and

First: a survey conducted on a random sample of 1,370 of university students
showed that 72.8% couldn’t afford to pay the tuition fees, which means that
52,000 out of 71,000 college students will not be able to pay the tuition

Second: many students had to take the first semester off. For instance,
1,370 students at Al Quds University (out of 4,992 students) did not
register for the first semester. That was all due to the hardship caused by
the Israeli siege and restriction of movement as well as the arbitrary
arrests and humiliation Palestinians experience at Israeli military
According to Mr. Hisham Kameel from the Ministry of Higher Education, the
hardship also affected universities’ annual budget of US$ 52 million. Since
the Ministry is unable to collect tuition fees, the annual higher education
budget nowadays stands at only US$ 6 million.

Third: the size of loss of the 1st semester caused by Israeli shelling of
higher education institutions stands now at more than US$ 4million.
Al Quds University, for instance, lost US$ 12,700 in students and staff’s
rent. It also had to pay US$ 70,570 to students who withdrew from the 1st

Fourth: all development projects at universities and colleges have been

Fifth: salaries: only employees of five colleges, which are run by the
Ministry of Higher Education, have been receiving their salaries regularly.

LAW reiterates the following:

The Israeli policy of siege is a grave violation of the internationally
recognized human rights. It is also a collective punishment against the
unarmed Palestinian population. The Israeli siege violates Article 33 of the
4th Geneva Convention of 1949, which states, “No protected person may be
punished for an offence he or she has not personally committed. Collective
penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are

Article 13 of the International Declaration of Human Rights confirms

“(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the
borders of each state.”

Article 12 of the 1966 International Convention on Civil and Political
Rights states:

“1. Everyone lawfully within the territory of a State shall, within that
territory, have the right to liberty of movement and freedom to choose his
2. Everyone shall be free to leave any country, including his own.
3. The above-mentioned rights shall not be subject to any restrictions
except those which are provided by law, are necessary to protect national
security, public order (ordre public), public health or morals or the rights
and freedoms of others and are consistent with the other rights recognized
in the present Covenant.
4. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of the right to enter his own
Depriving Palestinian student of education is a grave violation of Article
26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Articles 13 and 14 of
the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

In the light of the above, LAW demands the Security Council and the High
Contracting Parties of the 4th Geneva Convention to immediately intervene
and end the Israeli military siege over the Palestinian territories.


LAW publications and press releases since 1994 are available on our website
at http://www.lawsociety.org

LAW – The Palestinian Society for the Protection of Human Rights and the
Environment is a non-governmental organisation dedicated to preserving human
rights through legal advocacy.
LAW is affiliate to the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ),
Fédération Internationale des Ligues de Droits de l’Homme (FIDH), World
Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) and Member of the Euro- Mediterranean
Human Rights Network

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