-Caveat Lector-

It's The Immigration, Stupid!
Treason Is The Reason

By: Alan Stang

A couple of weeks ago, Fox News reported that 2,000 Somalis have turned up in 
Lewiston, Maine, a town of 35,000 souls and that conflict has erupted over lifestyles 
and the fact that the Somalis are using half the town’s welfare money. What are 
Somalis? How would 2,000 Somalis get to Lewiston, Maine?

A few years back, still unindicted traitor Bill Clinton, still President, spoke at 
Portland State University, in Oregon and boasted that people of American culture were 
already in the minority in California. By the middle of the present century, he 
crowed, such dilution would apply throughout the United States.

What makes a country? What makes this country? The first requirement of nationhood is 
borders, lines on a map. If you can’t point to an area between lines on a map, you 
have no country. More, the country inside those lines must enforce them. If it 
doesn’t, those lines will be erased.

The other essential element of nationhood is culture, the sum of the ideas-about life, 
about death and things in between, from morality to language to business-which the 
citizens agree on, however much they may differ on other things. That reservoir of 
belief is so basic it is often not discussed, not even mentioned, but it is the 
element that holds the nation together. When that cohesive element is lost, the nation 
is lost. There is no more country.

For instance, when refugees from England arrived in North America early in the 17th 
Century, they found a totally different culture in the Indian nations. When enough of 
them arrived, that culture was overwhelmed. There was no plan to do that, no purpose; 
the process was the obvious result of overwhelming numbers. More and more people were 
arriving who did and believed things quite differently.

But suppose you do have a purpose. Suppose your purpose is to subjugate the United 
States. How would you do that? If you are the Soviet Union that never did collapse, 
you could use the ICBMs you lied about destroying, but doing that would require more 
risk than you are willing to take. Suppose the Amerikanskis are able to retaliate. 
Suppose they have a secret weapon that can do to KGB "President" Putin what 
Spielberg’s ark did to the Nazis in "Raiders of the Lost Ark." On the other hand, if 
such an attack were successful, wouldn’t it destroy a considerable chunk of the 
infrastructure you want, along with many of the people you want to subjugate?

Okay, suppose you were to invade instead. You drop gazillions of Soviet and Red 
Chinese paratroopers at Landing Zones prepared by the umpteen thousands of deep cover 
agents you have already positioned here. But this is a country in which you can get on 
a plane in Lewiston, Maine, fly some 3,000 miles to Los Angeles and recuperate 
overnight; then get back on a plane and fly much of another day. When you get off in 
Honolulu, there will be differences; women will be doing the hula and will cover you 
with leis. But the people will speak your language and share your culture. You will 
still be home.

Even more troubling is the fact that, waiting eagerly for your paratroopers to land, 
would be uncountable millions of lunatic, lip-licking white men, crazed and heavily 
armed, sexually frustrated and born to hate, beating up women and sodomites, not to 
mention lynching minorities-the kind of men the experts told us were sniping the 
victims in and near Washington, D.C.-who would love nothing better than to decimate 
your troops and feast on the bones.

So, what would you do? You would launch another kind of invasion. You would arrange to 
send as many other peoples as possible to live in the United States. They wouldn’t 
even have to be coming to destroy it. They wouldn’t have a plan; wouldn’t need a plan. 
The more different they are, the better, and you would do everything you could to 
prevent assimilation, to melt the old "melting pot," to balkanize the population. The 
inevitable would happen, in the same way sodium goes boom when you throw a chunk of it 
in water. It doesn’t have a plan. Very soon, the people would be fighting each other. 
You are a student of history and you know that such an invasion helped to destroy Rome.

You did something like this in Ukraine. You did something like it in the Baltic 
nations. Other invading empires have done it. The tactic is mentioned in Scripture. 
The Assyrians used it to destroy the Northern Kingdom. According to the Communist UN, 
a government policy that replaces target populations is "genocide."

You would also send people who do have a plan. When Christians come to a country, they 
try to Christianize it. When Muslims come to a country, they try to Islamicize it. The 
more Muslims you send to the United States, the more you will dilute and demoralize 
America’s Christian culture. Christians believe in the power of conversion. Yes, there 
have been many exceptions, but they are exceptions; they are heretical, misguided 
perversions of the faith. Islam is a warrior religion that teaches the power of 
conquest. Conquest is not an exception in Islam; it is the rule. In previous EtherZone 
commentaries, we have discussed Islamic attempts to conquer Europe through the 

In the collaboration between the Soviet Union that never did collapse and Islam, the 
Muslim terrorists supply the bodies and the fanaticism, and the Soviets supply the 
training, the tactics and the weapons. We know that Yassir Arafat, for just one 
example, has been a KGB tool all his life. Sukarno of Indonesia was a Communist. Iraq 
and North Korea have collaborated. Yes, the Soviets are atheists, but what unites the 
two factions is their wish to destroy the United States.

Now, remember those Somalis in Lewiston, Maine. They come from Somalia, where 18 
American military personnel were killed as depicted in "Blackhawk Down." Needless to 
say, they are Muslims. Maine is mother lode Christian and as cold as either Pole. 
Somalia is as hot as you know where. The only Mainiac I know right now is Charlotte 
Thomson Iserbyt, the distinguished author, whose monumental book on the schools I 
shall soon review; but I’m betting it would be nigh on to impossible to find a place 
on the planet more different than Somalia and Maine. How did so many Somalis get there?

It is Imperial Washington’s policy to bring such people in considerable numbers to the 
United States, not just to admit them but also to pay for the trip. This was of course 
the policy of still unindicted traitor Clinton. What must be repeated again and again 
(what you will not read or hear almost anywhere else than etherzone.com) is the fact 
that Bush is continuing Clinton’s policy intact. Yes, he has a different style and 
personality, as we all do; he has a different way of doing it. But the policy remains 
the same. Notice that see and hear no evil worldnetdaily.com, which thirsts for war, 
still hasn’t heard about this. Hello, Joe. Wake up!

What is Bush doing? He says we are at war. How is he conducting the war? Here at home, 
the emphasis, the entire thrust, of his Administration’s effort, via "homeland 
security," and the Patriot Act, for instance, has been to surveil, to control and to 
hogtie the American people; and to protect, excuse and admit the terrorists we are 
supposed to be fighting. The latest such travesty is the Bush Administration’s attempt 
to squash posse comitatus and allow the military to police us, as in the Union 
occupation of the South in post-bellum Reconstruction.

Under Bush, as well as under Clinton, our borders have been reduced to mere lines on a 
map that could soon be erased. Border Patrol officers are thoroughly disgusted. They 
arrest illegal aliens and then are routinely ordered to release them, even when those 
illegal aliens come from nations in the Middle East. The latest example of course is 
John Lee Malvo, the "child" who stands accused of being one of the Beltway Snipers. 
How inconvenient! He isn’t white, isn’t Christian, and, according to an eye-opener by 
Daniel Sargis right here, isn’t dating girls.

If the war is real, if this is really an emergency, what should we be doing? All 
immigration, yes, all immigration, should be stopped, until we catch up. Our borders 
should be sealed. Enemy aliens should be rounded up, like the Germans, the Italians 
and the Japanese in 1942, in order to find out who is who. Arabs coming here to flight 
schools would be diverted to Moscow. Profiling would be the order of the day. Did the 
refusal to profile delay the capture of the Beltway Snipers? If a pattern emerges in 
which the perpetrators of terrorist acts turn out to be Episcopalians, or Australians 
or members of Skull and Bones, we should profile those people.

The fact that Bush is doing exactly the opposite of all this proves that the "war" is 
an utter fraud, a charade. So far, Imperial Washington has been making war on the 
United States. We know that Clinton is an unindicted traitor. Again we ask, what is 
Bush? Alan Stang has been a network radio talk show host and was one of Mike Wallace's 
first writers.  He was a senior writer for American Opinion magazine and has lectured 
around the world for more than 30 years. He is also the author of ten books, 
including, most recently, Perestroika Sunset, surrounding our Government's deception 
in the POW/MIA arena. If you would like him to address your group, please email what 
you have in mind. He is a regular columnist for Ether Zone.

Alan Stang can be reached at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Published in the November 8, 2002 issue of  Ether Zone. Copyright © 1997 - 2002 Ether 

Hey Bubba.
Yeah Billy Joe Bob?
If wur at war, ha come tha border is wad opin?
Cuz the war is phonier than a three dolla bill, Billy Joe.
Ya mean tha gubmint wants terrorusts ta come in tha country, Bubba?
Why Bubba?
Ta skeer the Amerkin peepul inta givun up thar rahts.
Thatal be a cawld day in hayell, Bubba.
Ya, win pig's flah.
Ya skeered, Bubba?
Ain't skeered, Billy Joe Bob. Ewe?
Naw. Dayeth ta tha New Warld Awda.
Yep. Lackin lode.

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