-----Original Message-----
From: Alamaine Ratliff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, December 26, 1998 9:02 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Nipponiana: 12-26: A Bridge Too Far?
Reply by Laura:
        In the 1980's there were some that used Japan's educational system as a example of what America could do.  Japan's suicide rate (I believe) was actually lower than the American rate. 
We were looking at "American" schools in the high income areas that had / have students that believe if you do not have the best shoes, clothes, ect.  When they did not have these the peer group stress was high as well as the suicide rate.  By placing these statistics on academics - they were able to hide the true cause and it opened the door to things like ADD / ADHD. 
There is a lot of propaganda in this.  And a lot of money.  The fight over control of the Educational system and not just America's.  Now days Japan is buying into this too.  They are not starting their children's education as soon any more.  I wish someone would put out the truth. 
To illustrate how bad this is (if you can get past my grammar)
I was reading the Dec 7, 98 issue of Newsweek and it had a article in "Science and Technology" that made me laugh.  It refereed to a study of tasks where they had the children do these tasks while in a MRI.  The results said that the Attention-regulating basal ganglia showed less blood flow for the NON-ADHD child than it did for the ADHD child.  If anyone has seen someone learning how to read
*R-E-A-D* as they sound out the words.  One child would have a harder time -- LEARNING.  Why?  Because they have not learned to tools and I am not (just) talking about having a biological problem.
Japan's research was the pivotal point in getting Aspartame authorized in America.  Soda products over there have been sweetened with Stevia for over 20 years.  The US is the only country that uses bovine growth hormone. 
Now to get back on thread - What would have been the reason that people would have given a green light to Aspartame?  Sugar has been shown to be addictive and the pubs in England are ostracized when they add it to their brews. 
Sugar causes problems with the neurological system - but pull it off the market or say that they need to replace it with something else?  What would that do to Cuba?  Well Castro seems to think that their are too many fat cats down there anyway so I doult he would protest something being place in competition.  How much cane sugar do we use - I see corn syrup in most items.  
Now that was some of the history behind sugar and Aspartame.  It is also why I believe that with fudged test results that it was allowed.  This could mean that sugar actually has more adverse effects than Aspartame since the FDA knew about the adverse effects of Aspartame to begin with.  Many say that the head of the FDA (during the Regan Administration) when Aspartame was given the go ahead,
did it so that he could work for Monsanto afterwards.  
This may not be complete but I need to get back to homework.  If anyone wants more, ask questions and I will answer as much as I know.
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           Disability and Death are not acceptable costs of business!

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