Well Joshua, you little twerp nobody - take that ADL shit and shove it.

Now even though you closed the Case on the USS Liberty I am sending this
beautiful web site for your consideration.

Under the subject line is a beautiful Military Site with lots of
information submitted by TRUE BLUE AMERICANS



For the attack on the USS Liberty was worse than the sneak attack at
Pearl Harbor for these Isralies - well did these men die in vain under
"friendly fire",........So as Mordecai so wished upon Hamon let it come
upon Mordecai?

As I said Joshua this time the peacemakers will come with great big Uzis
and maybe provide an equalizer for the Palestinians who are being
slaughtered by the Zionists.

What is happening - people beginning to realize as Prince Faisal (head
of Intelligence) sent out in report that 1 in 5 in the world are
Moslems.....are their votes beginning to count as do the Hispanic vote

Is the Great Coalition of Gay Pride, NAACP,  and Gypsies been overdone -
turned loose against White America in particular Christian White

So like Hibernians, see you in the Spring Joshua or maybe early Fall?

Order of the Lily

                        Assault on the Liberty
                              A summary
The following is based upon the dust cover summary from Assault on the
Liberty by James M. Ennes, Jr.
   In June 1967, jet aircraft and motor torpedo boats of Israel brutally
assaulted an American naval vessel, the USS Liberty, in international
waters off the Sinai Peninsula in the Mediterranean Sea.  The attack was
preceded by more than six hours of intense low-level surveillance by
Israeli photo-reconnaissance aircraft, which buzzed the intelligence
ship thirteen times, sometimes flying as low as 200 feet directly
overhead. The reconnaissance pilots were heard by intercept operators in
Germany and in Lebanon reporting to their headquarters that they could
see an American flag and men sunbathing on deck.
   The carefully orchestrated assault that followed was initiated by
high-performance jet aircraft, was followed up by slower and more
maneuverable jets carrying napalm, and was finally turned over to lethal
torpedo boats which fired five torpedoes.  Four missed.  The one torpedo
that hit the ship blasted a forty-foot hole in the ship's side.
   The attack lasted more than two hours -- killing 34 Americans and
wounding 171 others -- and inflicted 821 rocket and machine-gun holes.
And when the Liberty stubbornly remained afloat despite her damage,
Israeli forces machine-gunned her life rafts and sent troop-carrying
helicopters in to finish the job.  During the attack, radio intercept
operators in Lebanon heard one Israeli pilot identifying the ship as
American.  He was told to ignore the flag and continue his attack.
   Before the ship arrived in the area, U.S. Sixth Fleet Commander
Admiral William Martin promised to provide air support within ten
minutes if an emergency arose.  Yet when the ship did come under attack,
the White House blocked any air rescue for more than 90 minutes.
Officers on the bridge of the aircraft carrier Saratoga heard Liberty's
radio operators calling for help while bombs burst in the background,
but were forbidden to help.  When Navy jet aircraft were finally
authorized to come to the ship's aid, the Israeli government suddenly
ended the attack and withdrew.  Only then did the identity of the
assailants become known.
   Details of the attack were hushed up in both countries.  Israel
claimed that her forces mistook the Liberty for an Egyptian ship, and
our government publicly accepted that excuse despite evidence to the
contrary.  Meanwhile, in top secret diplomatic mail, US Secretary of
State Dean Rusk accused the Israelis of demonstrating "blatant disregard
for human life" and said that the attack was no accident.  Then our
government downplayed the intensity of the surveillance and the severity
of the attack, and imposed a news blackout to keep the official story
under control.  The official version is that the Liberty was
reconnoitered only three times and then only from great distance.  The
American people were told that the air attack lasted only five minutes
and that it was followed by a single torpedo and an immediate apology
and offer of assistance.
   The story has continued to fester for nearly thirty years.  During
that time numerous senior members of the Lyndon Johnson administration,
in office at the time, have come forward to say that the attack was no
accident.  These include former Secretary of State Dean Rusk; former
Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Admiral Tom Moorer; former NSA chief
General Marshall Carter and his deputy, Dr. Lou Tordella; former White
House Press Secretary George Christian; former US Ambassador to Lebanon
Dwight Porter who heard some of the radio conversations at the time, and
others.  Two former Israeli military officers have come forward to tell
their inside stories confirming survivors' charges that the attack was
no accident.  Despite these reports, and despite charges by survivors
that the official Israeli story is untrue, Congress has for thirty years
refused to conduct a public investigation.  The attack on the USS
Liberty remains the only major maritime incident in all US history that
has not been publicly investigated by the United States Congress.
Assault on the Liberty was published in six hard cover editions by
Random House, in one paperback edition by the Ivy Books division of
Ballantine, and in one overseas Arabic language edition by the Language
Management Corporation of Nicosia, Cyprus.  More than 100,000 copies
were sold.  The book is now out of print, but can be found in most
public libraries and a few special suppliers.


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