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WSWS : News & Analysis : North America : Starr Investigation

Judiciary Committee Republican Bob Barr spoke at white supremacist

By Barry Grey
12 December 1998

A spokesman for Rep. Bob Barr (R-Ga.) acknowledged Thursday that Barr was a
keynote speaker earlier this year at a convention of the Council of
Conservative Citizens, a white supremacist organization that views
interracial marriage as "white genocide."

Barr, who began calling for Clinton's impeachment in 1997, has been the
most outspoken proponent of impeachment on the House Judiciary Committee.
In recent weeks he has appeared with increasing frequency on network news
and interview programs.

According to an article in the December 11 issue of the Washington Post,
the congressman spoke at the Council of Conservative Citizens' semiannual
convention in Charleston, South Carolina on June 6. His presence was cited
by Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, who testified last month against
the impeachment of Clinton at a House Judiciary Committee hearing.

Last week Dershowitz wrote to Judiciary Committee Chairman Henry Hyde,
stating, "Congressman Barr, who was fully aware of this organization's
racist and anti-Semitic agenda, not only gave the keynote address to the
CCC's national board, but even allowed himself to be photographed literally
embracing one of their national directors."

Barr sent a letter to Hyde in response to Dershowitz's charge, in which he
said Dershowitz's "accusations are unfounded and deplorable." He went on to
accuse Dershowitz of "condoning the use of racism in court," citing
Dershowitz's role as part of the defense team in the O. J. Simpson case.

Hyde has made no statement on Barr's ties to this racist and fascist
organization, nor have they been reported by the major news media. But
according to the Washington Post, the Internet web site of the Council of
Conservative Citizens portrays the "white race" as under siege. The
December 11 Post article quotes a column on the site by one "H. Millard"
which says, in part:

"There too is the way to get rid of the world of whites. Convince them to
mix their few genes with the genes of the many. Genocide via the bedroom
chamber is as long lasting as genocide via war."

The revelation of Barr's ties to white supremacist forces lifts the lid on
a fact of political life well known within the Washington establishment and
the media--that a significant section of the Republican Party has links to
ultra-right and fascistic groups.

Barr's role as the most insistent campaigner within Congress for the
removal of Clinton underscores the central role of fascistic elements in
the political conspiracy that has culminated in the impeachment

See Also:
Political coup gathers strength
Clinton's groveling emboldens right-wing push for impeachment
[12 December 1998]


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World Socialist Web Site
All rights reserved
WSWS : News & Analysis : North America : Starr Investigation

Political coup gathers strength

Clinton’s groveling emboldens right-wing push for impeachment

By Barry Grey
12 December 1998

The drive of right-wing forces within the Republican Party to leverage a
sex scandal into a political coup reached a high point in last week's House
Judiciary Committee hearings. The extraordinary proceedings culminated
Friday in the passage of articles of impeachment only minutes after Clinton
made a groveling appeal on nationwide television for Republicans to
censure, rather than impeach him.

An ominous and almost unreal aura pervaded the House chamber throughout the
impeachment hearings. Lawyers for the president and the Democratic
minority, buttressed by legal scholars, historians, federal prosecutors and
veterans of the Watergate-era Judiciary Committee, argued against removing
the president for concealing an extra-marital relationship, while an
impervious Republican majority moved in lockstep to vote articles of

Washington Post columnist Tom Shales aptly described the scene as a group
of scholars arguing with a lynch mob.

White House spokesmen combined cringing admissions of Clinton's
"reprehensible" actions and statements of remorse with pleas to Republican
"moderates" to support a censure motion and oppose impeachment when the
issue comes before the House next week. Their entreaties were topped only
by Clinton himself, who was abject in his brief White House appearance.

As Clinton ended his remarks, reporters demanded to know if he would resign
if impeached by the House, and 10 minutes later the Judiciary Committee, on
a strictly party-line vote, passed the first of two articles charging him
with perjury.

Over two days of hearings, Clinton's lawyers presented a detailed critique
of Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr's impeachment referral which exposed
its biased and contrived character. On Thursday the counsel for the
Judiciary Committee Democrats, Abbe Lowell, gave a point by point
refutation of the four draft articles of impeachment handed out the
previous day by the Republicans, demonstrating from testimony given before
Starr's own grand jury the lack of any legal basis for the charges.

The Democrats' witnesses argued from the standpoint of the Constitution and
historical precedent that lying under oath about a private affair, even if
proven to have occurred, would not come close to the "high crimes and
misdemeanors" set by the Constitution as the standard for impeachment.
Others warned about the dire political consequences of voting to remove a
president on a purely partisan basis, against the will of the vast majority
of the people.

The Rev. Robert Drinan, a Democratic member of the 1974 Judiciary Committee
that voted to impeach Richard Nixon, predicted "an explosion of public
anger" should the House vote for Clinton's removal. Bruce Ackerman, a
professor of law and political science at Yale, said a vote to impeach
would have even less legal credibility or popular support since it would be
taken by a lame-duck Congress, including 40 congressmen who are retiring or
were defeated in last November's elections.

Nixon's crimes in Watergate

Elizabeth Holtzman, another veteran of the 1974 Judiciary Committee,
pointed out the absurdity of any comparison between Clinton's alleged
misdeeds and the crimes against the Constitution and democratic procedures
carried out by Nixon. "Think," she said, "of what presidential abuses we
saw then: getting the CIA to stop an FBI investigation, getting the IRS to
audit political enemies, illegally wiretapping members of the National
Security Council staff and of the press, a special unit in the White House
to break into the psychiatrist's office of a political enemy, and on and
on." Drinin added, "At that time, the country knew there was extensive
lawlessness in the White House. The documentation of appalling crimes was
known to everyone. Abuse of power and criminality were apparent to the
American people."

The panel of federal attorneys insisted that no responsible prosecutor
would prosecute a case as flimsy as that concocted by Kenneth Starr against
Clinton, and no jury would convict.

The Republicans, led by Henry Hyde, one of Ronald Reagan's chief defenders
during the Iran-Contra affair, were left to respond with repeated
assertions that Clinton lied under oath about his affair with Monica
Lewinsky. Any doubt that the impeachment drive was based on the
exploitation of a sex scandal was dispelled by the summation of David
Schippers, the counsel for the Republicans. He provided a three-hour
commentary on the private relations between Clinton and Lewinsky, laced
with venom and punctuated by salacious asides, such as, "Life was so much
simpler before they found that dress, wasn't it?"

There was more than a whiff of McCarthyism in the air when Schippers began
his recitation with vague and unsubstantiated references to new
"allegations of possible serious wrongdoing" and "probable" crimes which,
he claimed, he could not disclose.

Despite the feebleness of the Republicans' case, it was the Democrats who
were on the defensive. As the House vote on impeachment nears, the White
House has dropped any challenge to the credibility of the Starr
investigation and the stage-managed proceedings within the Judiciary
Committee. White House attorney Charles Ruff, who summed up the president's
defense on Wednesday, went so far as to say "reasonable people might
conclude" that Clinton had lied under oath.

Articles of impeachment

The Republicans, for their part, went out of their way to show their
contempt for Clinton and his defenders, circulating their draft articles of
impeachment even as Ruff was continuing his defense of the White House.
These articles, asserting perjury in Clinton's Paula Jones deposition,
perjury in his grand jury testimony, obstruction of justice and abuse of
power, added to Starr's charges the claim that Clinton perjured himself in
his answers to the 81 questions submitted last month by Hyde.

The Republicans had the advantage not just because they were in the
majority. Indeed, less than two months ago the electorate expressed in
unmistakable terms its opposition to the Starr investigation and the
Republican impeachment drive. So decisive was the public repudiation, the
leader of the Republican Party in the House, Newt Gingrich, was forced to
resign in disgrace and the entire party found itself in disarray. Since
then the opinion polls, which are normally the lifeblood of politics in
America, have indicated increased opposition to impeachment and a further
decline in support for the Republicans.

The Republicans retain the upper hand because the Democrats refuse to
expose the political conspiracy underlying the impeachment proceedings.
Throughout the long hours of televised hearings, they never sought to
explain how Clinton came to testify about his sex life before the Paula
Jones lawyers in the first place. They never raised the history of attempts
by right-wing forces inside and outside of the government to harass and
destabilize his administration with a series of manufactured scandals,
beginning with Whitewater. They never exposed the connections of Starr to
right-wing enemies of Clinton in Arkansas and Washington, the independent
counsel's collusion with the Paula Jones suit, itself sponsored and funded
by the ultra-right, his use of Linda Tripp to entrap Clinton, his relations
with the media, and the role of the Supreme Court in allowing a civil suit
to proceed against a sitting president.

In seeking to work out a plausible strategy to head off impeachment, it has
apparently occurred to no one in Clinton's camp that they should go beyond
the confines of the political establishment and adopt what would seem to be
an obvious approach--to make a broad appeal to the American people. How is
this to be explained?

The real state of American politics

The reason is that Clinton and the Democratic Party are themselves
complicit in an effort to conceal the most crucial facts of American

* That the Republican Party has become the instrument of extreme right-wing
and fascistic elements, with forces such as Pat Robertson's Christian
Coalition exercising a dominant influence over its actions and policies.

* That the entire effort to subvert the Clinton administration has from the
beginning been orchestrated by a cabal of ultra-right organizations and
individuals, lavishly financed by like-minded multimillionaires. These
forces enjoy the protection and support of leading figures within Congress,
the judiciary and the media. They pursue a hidden political agenda, which
involves an enormous strengthening of the repressive powers of the state at
the expense of basic democratic rights. Unable to realize their goals by
democratic means, they have taken recourse to the methods of character
assassination and political subversion, utilizing the office of the
independent counsel and the constitutional fig leaf of impeachment.

Clinton and the Democrats have from the beginning of the Lewinsky affair,
and even earlier, demonstrated a willful determination not to expose this
element. The impeachment hearings have provided the spectacle of a clash
between one capitalist party effectively run by right-wing conspirators,
and an opponent bourgeois party that is conservative and cowardly to its

The moral and political collapse of the Democrats is underscored by the
fact that they cannot mount a struggle against the Republican right despite
the drubbing delivered to precisely these forces by the electorate last
November. Even after the provocative performance by Schippers on Thursday,
Clinton's lawyers referred to the impeachment hearings as a "solemn
constitutional process."

Breakdown of bourgeois democracy

The Democrats refuse to fight the conspirators on the right because to do
so would raise the most troubling questions about the political system in
America. It would begin to expose the rotted-out foundations of the
traditional forms and institutions of bourgeois democracy.

The danger from the right could only be opposed by turning to the masses of
working people, who instinctively sense, whatever their political
confusion, that there is something deeply and ominously wrong in
Washington. But that is the last thing the Democrats wish. They dread the
prospect of a movement of social and political protest from below, which
could have incalculable implications for American capitalism, and for their
own positions of wealth and privilege. This fear outweighs their dismay
over the political thuggery of their Republican opponents.

The Democrats' efforts to broker a censure agreement are as much an attempt
to cover up the conspiracy behind the impeachment drive as a means of
keeping Clinton in office. Either way--impeachment or censure--the forces
of reaction will be strengthened.

The impeachment crisis is bringing to the surface the internal rot of
American democracy. The immense and ever-widening disparities in wealth are
finding their expression in the alienation of the broad mass of working
people from the political system, and the indifference of the political
servants of corporate America to the plight of those below.

The extremely narrow base of bourgeois politics contributes to the
recklessness with which rival factions conduct their intramural struggles.
Within this insular and privileged fraternity, the most reactionary forces
exercise enormous power, far out of proportion to the support they enjoy
among the American people.

The politicians of both parties make little effort to conceal the fact that
the working class is completely disenfranchised. If the proceedings in
Washington seem surreal, it is in part because they are such a blatant
demonstration that, as far as the political establishment is concerned, it
does not matter what the American people think, or even how they vote.

A crisis of historic proportions

Whatever the fate of Clinton, the spectacle in Washington has already
exposed the existence of a crisis of historic proportions. It portends a
breakdown of the political system in America. There is no dearth of
potential shocks embedded in the present state of the American and world
economy, as well as political and military affairs internationally. A sharp
break in the stock market, an eruption of military conflict, even a serious
diplomatic crisis could tip the balance and turn a highly unstable and
volatile political situation into a crisis of the highest order.

There are already growing signs of an economic slowdown that could rapidly
undermine the living conditions of tens of millions of workers in the US.
Major social struggles will inevitably develop. The most important lesson
that must be extracted from the political warfare that has dominated
Washington for the past year is that the democratic rights and social
interests of working people cannot be entrusted to either of the parties of
big business. The Democratic Party in particular has demonstrated that it
is neither able nor willing to defend basic rights.

These events raise the necessity for the working class to build its own
party, so as to advance a socialist program for the defense of democratic
rights and the achievement of social equality.

See Also:
The US impeachment drive
Starr refuses to answer questions from Judiciary Committee Democrats
[8 December 1998]
Testimony exposes elements of a political conspiracy
[24 November 1998]
The House Judiciary Committee:
a portrait of the American political establishment
[24 November 1998]
What a socialist would have said
[24 November 1998]


Copyright 1998
World Socialist Web Site
All rights reserved

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