-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.insightmag.com/articles/story2.html">Insight Magazine</A>
Vol. 15, No. 28 -- August 2, 1999
Published Date July 9, 1999, in Washington, D.C.
Just What Is a War Criminal?

By James P. Lucier
Jerome Zeifman, former Watergate committee counsel, has filed charges
before the International Criminal Tribunal that threaten Bill Clinton
with a war-crimes indictment.
e have achieved a victory for a safer world, for our democratic values
and for a stronger America.... Unnecessary conflict has been brought to
a just and honorable conclusion," said President Clinton in his address
from the Oval Office on June 10.
. . . . Victory? "The decision to attack Yugoslavia [was]
counterproductive, and our destruction of civilian life [is] senseless
and excessively brutal," wrote former President Jimmy Carter in a New
York Times op-ed article on May 27.
. . . . "The proposed deployment to Kosovo does not deal with any threat
to American security as traditionally conceived," former secretary of
state Henry Kissinger wrote in the Washington Post on Feb. 22, a month
before the bombing campaign was unleashed.
. . . . There is a pattern here, and it is creating concern on both left
and right. "The armed forces of the United States have participated in
nondefensive, aggressive military attacks on former Yugoslavia, which
have not been necessary to defend the national security of the United
States," writes Jerome Zeifman, former chief counsel for the House
Watergate committee, in allegations seeking the indictment of Clinton
and Secretary of Defense William Cohen for alleged war crimes and crimes
against humanity. These formal legal documents have been submitted to
the [U.N.-established] International Criminal Tribunal for the former
Yugoslavia, or ICTY, at The Hague.
. . . . Obtained exclusively by Insight the proposed indictment has been
transmitted to the ICTY on behalf of a new organization, the
International Ethical Alliance, or IEA. Tom Warrick, deputy to the
ambassador-at-large in the Office of War Crimes Issues of the Department
of State, said after seeing a copy of the papers, "We think this is
ridiculous. U.S. and NATO forces incorporated the laws of armed conflict
in planning and carrying out their operations in Kosovo."
. . . . Zeifman, a lifelong Democrat whose meticulous preparation of the
case against Richard Nixon forced the Republican president out of the
White House, is serious. And it raises concerns that, in an age of
internationalism and depreciated national sovereignty, the president of
the United States as well as the defense secretary could be placed in
the same defendant's box as Slobodan Milosevic, the indicted Yugoslavian
war criminal.
. . . . Zeifman tells Insight the proposed indictment specifically
incorporates all the charges of war crimes already pending against
Milosevic and his henchmen and supplements them with the charges against
Clinton and Cohen. Since the "aggressive military attacks" against
Serbia and Kosovo were not necessary to defend the United States, the
proposal argues, they fall under the category of "nondefensive
aggressive wars" as defined and prohibited in the charter of the
Nuremberg tribunal in 1945 and since included in the 1947 U.N. Charter
and subsequent Geneva conventions on the treatment of civilians during
. . . . In particular, the proposed indictment cites "War Crimes:
namely, violations of the laws or customs of war [including] murder,
ill-treatment . . . of civilian population, ... wanton destruction of
cities, towns or villages, or devastation not justified by military
necessity. Crimes against Humanity: namely, murder ... and other
inhumane acts committed against any civilian population, before or
during the war."
. . . . Zeifman anticipates that Carter would be called as a witness --
as well as Walter Rockler, a former Nuremberg prosecutor for the United
States -- and notes that Carter charged in May that the United States
had launched 14,000 missiles and bombs, 4,000 of which were not
precision-guided. These included cluster bombs "that have resulted in
damage to hospitals, offices and residences of ambassadors, and the
senseless and brutal killing of innocent civilians and conscripted
. . . . Zeifman's case also takes another tack: He calls upon Justice
Louise Arbour, a Canadian, to step down from the case, since she has a
conflict of interest by coming from a NATO nation. Indeed, the salaries
of the 14 justices on the court, including five from NATO members, are
paid in part by NATO countries. The chief justice, Gabrielle Kirk
McDonald, is from the United States. Zeifman tells Insight that you
can't have even the appearance of impartiality if justices from NATO
nations are allowed to handle the cases.
. . . . Whether Zeifman is off on a quixotic mission or has caught the
essence of the moral dilemma posed by NATO's air war depends on one's
view of international law. The classic reference, Restatement of the Law
of the Foreign Relations of the United States, published by the American
Law Society, says simply, "The international political system is loose
and decentralized. Its principle component -- 'sovereign states' --
retain their essential autonomy. There is no 'world government' as the
term 'government' is commonly understood. There is no central
legislature with general lawmaking authority.... There is no executive
institution to enforce law.... There is no international judiciary with
general, comprehensive and compulsory jurisdiction."
. . . . Robert McGeehan, a transplanted New Yorker who is a fellow at
the Institute of U.S. Studies of the University of London and an
internationally recognized legal expert, tells Insight: "I regretted the
rather casual way that the law of the U.N. Charter was thrown into the
bin. Since 1945 it has regulated the use of force in international
relations, but NATO has decided to attack a sovereign state -- which was
not threatening its neighbors -- without a Security Council resolution,
on the grounds of humanitarian necessity."
. . . . John Bolton, former U.S. assistant secretary of state for
international organizations, says, "It is a big mistake for us to grant
any validity to international law even when it may seem in our
short-term interest to do so -- because, over the long term, the goal of
those who think that international law really means anything are those
who want to constrict the United States. We ought to be concerned about
this so-called right of humanitarian intervention -- a right of
intervention that is just a gleam in one beholder's eye but looks like
flat-out aggression to somebody else. What we did was bomb innocent
civilian Serbs into the ground in order that the Albanians can come back
and ethnically cleanse the Serbs' relatives out of what's left of
. . . . The idea that NATO's war really was directed against civilians
was a common theme of those expressing concern about the potential
indictment of U.S. leaders. Andrew Bacevich, a professor of
international relations at Boston University, says, "One of the int
eresting things about this war is that we won by visiting rather
substantial destruction upon civilian society. But NATO has not offered
the number of civilians they killed. What's driving it, it seems to me,
is the perception of commercial imperatives. This whole argument that
the president and [National Security Adviser Samuel L.] Berger make is
that the level of prosperity that we currently enjoy depends on
continuous expansion of trade and the opportunities to invest, and that
therefore we've got to have this open and orderly world."
. . . . George Friedman, chairman of the strategic forecasting firm
Stratfor.com in Austin, Texas, says: "I find international law something
that international legal scholars make up on the fly. The Serbs brought
a case against the United States [in the ICTY], but it was summarily
dismissed. It's a case of justice belongs to the victor. If there were
such a thing as equal justice, it would follow that charges against NATO
leaders would also be heard. But of course that's not what international
law is all about."
. . . . McGeehan, a strong advocate of international law, nevertheless
comes to a similar conclusion: "The issue of war crimes is something
that could be argued, but it's not going to be argued because it is
mostly the victors who try the vanquished. NATO is not really going to
be put in the dock for anything. I've been lecturing about this for 20
years, and I take a dim view of war crimes unless all the criminals are
examined, not just the ones who lost the war."
. . . . Robert George, a professor of government at Princeton University
and a former clerk at the U.S. Supreme Court, says, "If the goal is to
wage war on a civilian population in order to demoralize that population
so that they will put pressure on their political leaders or topple
their regimes, that is just plain wrong. That is ruled out by
traditional moral principles, which give a moral immunity to
noncombatants. If you are being serious about these matters, if you are
really trying to act in a morally upright way, you have to realize that
even if it would be militarily effective to gain victory by terrorizing
the civilian population, that is morally wrong. That is waging war on
. . . . George also takes issue with the morality of the strategic
concept of bombing from above 15,000 feet to prevent NATO casualties.
"The foreseeable unintended side effect was the death of a lot of
innocent people because of the lack of ability to bomb precisely the
targets in view. But here we have a question of fairness. Was it fair to
impose on both Serb and Kosovar civilians the burden of the deaths of
large numbers of civilians to ensure that there would be no deaths of
NATO troops? If the venture was required as an act of justice to our
fellow beings, then what was required was the willingness to bear the
risks and not to shift the risks disproportionately upon the civilian
. . . . McGeehan also criticized the bombing strategy: "They were waging
the war from above 15,000 feet, from which distance you cannot tell a
tractor from a tank. NATO is going to have to answer questions about
whether it violated international law in its irresponsible targeting
. . . . Yet others would sweep these arguments aside. Robert Harris, a
longtime adviser to Lady Thatcher, tells Insight: "My own view is that
these questions, whether or not this is justified under international
law, are essentially frivolous. The reason for defeating Serbia is that
it was an international menace. It was the right thing to do.
International law is essentially at any time what the states say it is."
. . . . Unless, of course, a new world system has set aside national
sovereignty in favor of the authority of international courts.
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
The IAE Proposed Indictment Makes Its Case . . . .
. . . .
. . . . Excerpts from the Proposed IAE Indictment of President Clinton
and Defense Secretary Cohen for War Crimes filed with the International
Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia at The Hague.
. . . . The full text is available on the IAE Website at
. . . . 1. The herein indictment supplements, supports, and incorporates
by reference the facts and legal principles asserted in the May 23,
1999, indictment of Milosevic et al....
. . . . 4. Defendant CLINTON is President of the United States and
pursuant to its Constitution and War Powers Resolution of 1973 (50 US
Code 1541) has limited powers to act as Commander-in-Chief of its armed
forces. Defendant COHEN is Secretary of Defense of the United States.
. . . . 5. On March 24, 1999, defendant CLINTON ordered the military
forces of the United States to participate in an aggressive military
attack on former Yugoslavia and with the aid and abetment of defendant
COHEN continued the attacks for more than 60 days, in violation of: (i)
Article 2 of the United States Constitution, giving Congress the sole
power to declare war....
. . . . 6. At all times relevant to this indictment, the Armed Forces of
the United States have participated in nondefensive aggressive military
attacks on former Yugoslavia, which have not been necessary to defend
the national security of the United States and have also been violations
inter alia of (i) Article 18 of the Geneva Convention on the Protection
of Civilian Persons in Time of War, which provides, "Civilian hospitals
organized to give care to the wounded and sick, the infirm and maternity
cases, may in no circumstances be the object of attack, but shall at all
times be respected and protected by the Parties to the conflict"; and
(ii) Protocol II (8 June 1977) to the Geneva Convention of 12 August
1949, Article 14, which provides "It is therefore prohibited to attack,
destroy, remove or render useless ... objects indispensable to the
survival for the civilian population, such as foodstuffs ... drinking
water installations ... [and] works or installations containing
dangerous forces ... even where these objects are military
. . . . 7. Nondefensive aggressive wars as defined and proscribed in the
Charter of the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, August 8,
1945, are:
. . . . "War Crimes: namely, violations of the laws or customs of war.
Such violations include, but not be limited to, murder, ill-treatment
... of civilian population, ... wanton destruction of cities, towns or
villages, or devastation not justified by military necessity. Crimes
against Humanity: namely, murder ... and other inhumane acts committed
against any civilian population, before or during the war...."
. . . . 10. As stated in paragraph 88 of the May 23, 1999, indictment of
Slobodan Milosevic et al by the Court herein (the International Criminal
Tribunal for former Yugoslavia):
. . . . A superior is responsible for the acts of his subordinate(s) if
he knew or had reason to know that his subordinate(s) was/were about to
commit such acts or had done so and the superior failed to take the
necessary and reasonable measures to prevent such acts or to punish the
perpetrators thereof."
. . . . 12. The facts alleged in counts 1 and 2 below are based on
verbatim quotations from a May 27, 1999, New York Times article written
by former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, charging,
. . . . "... The decision to attack Yugoslavia [as] counterproductive,
and our destruction of civilian life [as] senseless and excessively
brutal." ...
. . . . 13. On information and belief, a number of unnamed officials of
the United States and other governments have acted in concert with or
aided and abetted defendants CLINTON and COHEN in the acts charged
herein and therefor also warrant indictments by this Tribunal.
. . . . ...
. . . . 16. There is substantial credible evidence to require the
disqualification of Justice Arbour from this tribunal, including but not
limited to: (i) the engaging in selective prosecution by intentionally
failing to act on any facts or principles of law which she knows or has
reason to know would incriminate defendants CLINTON and COHEN, and other
as yet unindicted officials of NATO and NATO countries; (ii) conflicts
of interest, or the appearance thereof, in receiving compensation from
funds contributed to the Tribunal in whole or in part by NATO countries;
and (iii) biases in favor of NATO countries.
. . . . 17. Five of the fourteen justices of this court, including Chief
Justice Gabrielle Kirk McDonald represent NATO countries (United States,
United Kingdom, Britain, France, Italy and Portugal) have conflicts or
appearances of conflicts of interest and should either recuse themselves
or be disqualified from this case.
. . . . CHARGES
. . . . 1. The Armed Forces of the United States, acting under orders of
defendants CLINTON and COHEN have executed a nondefensive aggressive
military campaign against former Yugoslavia.
. . . . 2. Defendants CLINTON and COHEN and others have committed or
aided and abetted actions which they knew, or had reason to know, would
result in the following:
. . . . COUNT 1
. . . . The killing, injuring, terrorizing and destruction of the homes
of thousands of Serbian and other civilians in former Yugoslavia,
including, but not limited to such acts described by former President
Carter as
. . . . 1. 25,000 sorties and 14,000 missiles and bombs, 4,000 of which
were not precision-guided, as of May 1999,
. . . . 2. The use of antipersonnel cluster bombs that have resulted in
damage to hospitals, offices and residences of ambassadors, and the
senseless and brutal killing of innocent civilians and conscripted
troops; and
. . . . 3. The use of specific types of cluster bombs that are designed
to kill and maim humans and are condemned almost universally by other
nations, as are land mines.
. . . . COUNT 2
. . . . The provocation of the government of former Yugoslavia to
continue to increase the murder, terrorization and deportation of
Albania civilians in Kosovo, and such acts as are charged in the May 24,
1999, indictment of Slobodan Milosevic et al., that are described by
Bishop Artemios of Kosovo as resulting in the destruction of democracy
in Yugoslavia...
. . . . Respectfully submitted by Jerome M. Zeifman, Esq., June 8, 1999.

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Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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