-Caveat Lector-

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from mparent Kinsey's Kooky, Kinky Shrinks By Judith Reisman 7/14/03 "International Academy of Sex Research (IASR) will gather, also emceed by Kinsey Institute director Dr. John Bancroft. ....Joining Bancroft on the podium will be Theo Sandfort, the IASR president and Scientific Program Committee chairman. Sandfort's qualifications include having been a well-known member of the editorial board of Paidika, the Journal of Paedophila. Sandfort shares this dubious editorial honor with Kinsey Institute conference keynoter Verne Bullough, as well as Bill Andriette, the editor of The NAMBLA (The North American Man-Boy Love Association) Bulletin. The journal editors wrote in 1987, "The starting point of Paidika is necessarily our consciousness of ourselves as paedophiles." http://rense.com/general39/kins.htm

>From Newsday - Teacher Guilty of Sex Crimes In plea bargain, admits sodomizing boys in Great Neck home By Alvin E. Bessent Staff Writer Originally published March 26, 1988 "Friedman, 56, in a barely audible voice, admitted sodomizing, sexually touching and forcing the boys, all under age 11, to look at sexually ex-plicit videotapes and magazines for his own sexual gratification. Friedman also admitted ramming one young boy's head into a wall while other students watched. He answered with the single word, "Yes," when asked by Boklan if he then threatened to do the same to the other boys if they told anyone about the sexual abuse." http://www.baltimoresun.com/features/ny-friedman032688,0,1165720.story?coll=bal-features-headlines

>From Newsday - Teen Gets 6-18 Years For Child Sex Abuse By Alvin E. Bessent Staff Writer Originally published January 25, 1989 "In his bid for lenience, defense attorney Peter Panaro said Arnold Friedman began entering his son's bedroom when Jesse was 9 years old, fondling him while reading bedtime stories...."The real culprit here is Arnold Friedman. The man is a monster," Panaro said. The defendant's mother, Elaine Friedman, buried her face in her hands and wept quietly as Boklan recounted a psychiatrist's report of her son's joy when his father's unwanted sexual attention was shifted to children in the class....But Jesse Friedman most often physically brutalized the boys in his father's classes, and invited friends to participate in orgies of child sexual abuse, Boklan pointed out. "The fact that you were a victim does not absolve you from responsibility," Boklan said....The Friedmans and a neighbor, Ross Goldstein, who was arrested in June, were charged in a series of indictments with more than 400 counts of various forms of sexual abuse involving 7to 11-year-olds who were students in Arnold Friedman's computer classes. Jesse Friedman was accused in more than 200 of those counts." http://www.baltimoresun.com/features/ny-friedman012589,0,248214.story?coll=bal-features-headlines

A Film's Fallout Years after a notorious LI sex abuse case, debate rages By Víctor Manuel Ramos 7/2/03 ""They hurt me and the others very much," the boy told Nassau police detectives who took his statement in 1987, "so much that I cried and I called for my mommy and so did the others ... " By the time the police and the prosecutors were done, they had more than a dozen boys who were ready to recount similar details of abuse at the Friedman home on Picadilly Road.... "I've gotten angrier about it, about how misleading it is," said Abbey Boklan, the now-retired Nassau County Court judge who heard the Friedmans' pleas. "By editing out most of the proof against certainly Jesse and even Arnold to a lesser extent, [Jarecki] may have created a brilliant piece of theater, but it's not a truthful and accurate documentary." "In 1989, Jesse Friedman told Newsday of his father's abuse. He even detailed what he had done to the children on national television, when he told talk show host Geraldo Rivera that he too had been his father's victim." ""What did I do to the children?" Jesse Friedman said in the televised interview. "I fondled them. Umm, I was forced to, to pose in hundreds of photos for my father in all sorts of sexual positions with the kids and the kids likewise with myself ... " Today, Jesse Friedman, a Spanish Harlem resident, says he lied when he confessed his guilt and his father's abuse, because he was trying to manipulate the media to gain the public's sympathy." http://www.newsday.com/news/local/longisland/ny-lifman293355703jul02,0,1486672.story?coll=ny-linews-utility

>From Newsday - Teen Faces 37 New Sex Charges By Alvin E. Bessent Staff Writer Originally published June 24, 1988 "A Great Neck teenager already charged with molesting young male students at his father's private computer school was rearrested yesterday on 37 new counts of sodomy and other forms of sexual abuse, Nassau police said....Police said they expect to arrest as many as four acquaintances of Jesse Friedman in the burgeoning case." http://www.baltimoresun.com/features/ny-friedman062488,0,1821081.story?coll=bal-features-headlines

AOL AP 7/13/03
Ex-Officials Dispute Iraq Tie to al-Qaida

By MATT KELLEY - WASHINGTON (AP) - As President Bush works to quiet a controversy over his discredited claim of Iraqi uranium shopping in Africa, another of his prewar assertions is coming under fire: the alleged link between Saddam Hussein's regime and al-Qaida. Before the war, Bush and members of his cabinet said Saddam was harboring top al-Qaida operatives and suggested Iraq could slip the terrorist network chemical, biological or even nuclear weapons. Now, two former Bush administration intelligence officials say the evidence linking Saddam to the group responsible for the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks was never more than sketchy at best. ``There was no significant pattern of cooperation between Iraq and the al-Qaida terrorist operation,'' former State Department intelligence official Greg Thielmann said this week.

EPA Opens the Door to Testing Bug Killers on People Spoon-Feeding Poison by Tennille Tracy July 9 - 15, 2003 "The Bush administration is now moving to endorse the testing of noxious and lethal chemicals on human beings. Since this spring, despite rife opposition from the medical community, the Environmental Protection Agency has quietly begun lifting a 1998 ban on accepting such research. Once the prohibition is gone, which will likely happen next year, chemical companies will have the full support of the federal government to dose healthy young men and women with the latest insecticides, rodenticides, and fungicides."  http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0328/tracy.php

20 Lies About the War - Falsehoods ranging from exaggeration to plain untruth were used to make the case for war. More lies are being used in the aftermath.
     By Glen Rangwala and Raymond Whitaker
     Independent.UK      Sunday 13 July 2003

AOL poll 7/14/03 How credible is Bush?
52% Not at all
39% Very
9% Somewhat
Total votes: 3,693

Did Bush knowingly mislead Americans to make a case for war?
54% Yes
41% No
5% I'm not sure
Total votes: 3,696

How do you feel about the war since major combat ended?
45% More negative
35% About the same
20% More positive
Total votes: 3,680
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