-Caveat Lector-

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist


-- Re-MEMBER: 'bush' is NOT the UNITED STATES!

No sooner did an avalanche of news stories on unconscionable BushMob
arrogance and intransigence regarding SERIOUS issues of world-wide
ecological deterioration -- along with resultant unanimous WORLD-WIDE
condemnation, alarm and outrage -- receive MAJOR coverage from mass
media outlets abroad and in the U.S., then suddenly, a
supposed "urgent"
situation developed between the BushMob and Beijing.

A U.S. spy plane, according to China intruding on Chinese air space,
involved in a mid-air accident with a Chinese fighter, and landed,
damaged, at an airport in China. Crewmembers had already destroyed
of materials before the plane landed, yet the U.S. says the plane was
not "spying".

And we're supposed to be-LIEVE ANY of this?

Top View has previously reported on information relayed from a highly
credible, reliable source connected with the U.S. State Department, to
the effect that high-ranking NWO/BushMob members/associates including
George Bush, Sr., James Baker III and Dick Cheney have been working
closely and cooperatively with Red China on several fronts, including
conspiring with Beijing to implement massive weather/climate
modification operations over the Pacific Ocean, directly responsible
the severe drought currently devastating the Pacific Northwest. This
other global climate-modification operations using HAARP technology,
being carried out in furtherance of preeminent New World Order/4th
globalist agendas, are said by a NOAA representative to be a major
factor in catastrophic world-wide atmospheric deterioration within as
little as two years. (What's important to keep in mind here is that
HAARP operations THEMSELVES are causing runaway atmospheric
deterioration -- regardless of what particular "effect" or result the
specific HAARP transmissions may also be causing, in terms of weather
control, seismic disturbances, mind control, or other well-known
malevolent applications.)

Above all, in our view, this current brouhaha between the BushMob and
China is a blatant attempt to wrest the eyes of the world AWAY from
MASSIVELY URGENT issues of global ecological catastrophe with a
distractive, red-herring, dog-and-pony show between two of the
most egregious and offensive bunch of global gangsters; who are MAINLY
arm-in-arm and on the same NWO/global governance track, with regard to
shutting down inalienable, God-given human/civil rights, and
raping/exploiting the planet, its (human) inhabitants AND all its
resources, to the absolute bitter end.

Concurrently, we see this cheesy, two-bit jack-off little sideshow --
this supposed "flap" -- as an attempt to convince the world at large
that these two CLOSELY-allied, arch-gangster global powers are NOT on
the same team.

However, other sub-agendas, intended to manipulate national and world
opinion and awareness, are doubtless also at work.

For one thing, its basic Machiavelli to manipulate events so that one
particular group -- in this case, Americans -- is portrayed as under
attack from a "common" "enemy": in this case, Red China. As many
Americans have been critical of the BushMob's recent disastrous moves
ecology issues, economy issues AND other issues, this is an effort to
cause Americans to draw together and "unite" behind the BushMob's
national "leadership" (YUK!).

On this angle, REMEMBER: "bush" and the BushMob are NOT the United

Also, it ALWAYS serves the purposes of the global power elite to
throw a
little FEAR into everyone: in this case, fear that the U.S. and China
might start slinging nukes if things get hostile enough.

As well, it's likely there's some intention to show China who's REALLY
the boss in the New World Order, just in case they think otherwise.

Or it could be some kind of 'lover's quarrel" which is of NO concern
anyone on the planet but said gangsters themselves.

THIS "FLAP" IS A BUNCH OF HOT AIR AND BULLS**T! These global gangsters
are in bed together eight days of every week.

I mean, THINK about it.

Are we supposed to believe that with the EXTRAORDINARILY ADVANCED
satellite and imaging technologies now available to the U.S.
they need to fly SPY PLANES in and around dangerously sensitive
military installations, and that these incompetent "spies" are so
FREAKING lame, they crashed into a Chinese fighter plane while


DON'T BE DISTRACTED! What's of OVERWHELMING concern to each and every
human being on this planet is about the imminent devastation of the
entire planet's ability to support human and other life forms, due to
snowballing, out-of-control ecological deterioration engendered
PRIMARILY by the insanely greedy, rapacious, exploitative, abusive,
oppressive activities of this planet's biggest and most FOUL
psychopathic arch-criminals and pro-New World Order pollutocrats, as
exemplified by the Bush International Crime Empire.

What's of OVERWHELMING concern is the future of the human race, and
world our CHILDREN will live in.

We need to keep our eyes on the ball.



Wall Street Planked BigTime - In Major Tailspin

Pre-eminent globaloid NWO/BushMob schemes & agendas bearing early

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Wall St. gets hammered
Fear about profit growth sends Dow, Nasdaq plunging to triple-digit
By Staff Writer Catherine Tymkiw
April 3, 2001: 4:33 p.m. ET

NEW YORK (CNNfn) - U.S. stocks got slammed Tuesday after a slew of
earnings warnings brought fears to the forefront about how companies
will perform in a slowing economy.

Another day, another 29-month low on the Nasdaq composite index, which
shed more than 100 points. It has become an almost daily occurrence
the indicator to exceed its previous decline.

Meanwhile, the Dow Jones industrial average plunged nearly 300 points.
All 30 issues on the Dow took a beating, with most falling more than

"People don't want to lose any more money, and selling begets
said Peter Green, market analyst with Gerard Klauer Mattison & Co. "No
one is giving any good guidance and it's a complete selling fest."

Technology stocks were dragged lower by
software maker Ariba, which said it would post a loss instead of a
profit for its fiscal second quarter.

The Nasdaq composite index fell 109.97, or more than 6 percent, to
1,673.00. The
indicator is now at levels it hasn't seen in more than 29 months, and
has lost two-thirds of its value from its March 10, 2000, high of

But the selling wasn't confined to tech issues, as worries about
spilled into the broader market. Just two weeks ago, the Dow briefly
stepped into bear market territory -- defined as a 20 percent drop
a high.

"Whenever companies come out with warnings, it reminds investors about
the perilous nature of the earnings environment at the moment," said
Joseph Battipaglia, chief investment strategist at Gruntal & Co.

The Dow Jones industrial average dropped
292.22, or around 3 percent, to 9,485.71. The blue chip indicator is
down 19 percent from its Jan. 14, 2000 high of 11,722. The Standard &
Poor's 500 shed 39.41 to 1,106.46 and is down 27 percent from its
23, 2000 high of 1,527.

It wasn't just the warnings plaguing sentiment. With the income tax
deadline just 13 days away, some investors also may be feeling the
of having to ante up money for tax
liabilities suffered in the face of last year's significant equity

"People lost money last year and now they have to pay the tax bill --
'They're saying I lost money and now I have to write a check.' They're
not thinking about earnings or warnings," said Vince Farrell, chief
investment officer with Spears Benzak Salomon & Farrell.

Market breadth was negative. On the New York Stock Exchange, decliners
beat advancers 2,362 to 735 as more than 1.36 billion shares were
traded. Losers outpaced winners on the Nasdaq 3,012 to 785 as more
2.55 billion shares changed hands.

In other markets, Treasury securities edged higher. The dollar slipped
against the euro and yen.

Are we near the bottom?

Signs of continued weakness in the day's economic data didn't help the
negativity plaguing the markets. The government's report on factory
orders pointed to further slowing in the manufacturing sector.

"It's starting to feed on itself, which is the anxiety which marks the
bottom," Farrell said.

Still, analysts said much of the bad news has been priced into the
market and investors shouldn't throw in the towel -- it was still
expected that there would be selling as more warnings come to light.

"The bad news is stuff that we know about -- it's Corporate America,
especially on the technology front, letting us know they're not going
make their numbers and we knew that was going to happen," said Art
Hogan, chief market analyst with Jefferies & Co.

The selling comes one day after the tech-heavy Nasdaq dropped to a
29-month low and the Dow didn't fare much better. Analysts said the
recent action signals a shift from rotational moves to money being
out of the markets.

"The quarter is starting off pretty rough," Brett Gallagher, head of
U.S. equities with Julius Baer, told CNNfn's Market Call. "We're
into earnings season and I don't think anyone is expecting anything

But analysts say this is mildly encouraging because it sets the stage
for a near-term bottoming out that could bring some money back in off
the sidelines.

Bracing for the warnings

Market participants have been bracing for the worst. The influx of
warnings from companies in all sectors has met those expectations and
fueled the selloff.

Ariba (ARBA: Research, Estimates), a maker of software allowing
companies to buy and sell online, warned late Monday that it will
post a
fiscal second-quarter loss instead of the earnings that were expected.
The company also said it will cut a third of its work force and
terminate its proposed merger with Agile Software (AGIL: Research,

Shares of Ariba fell $2.06 to $4.44 while shares of Agile slid 19
to $10.31.

BroadVision (BVSN: Research, Estimates) fell $1.53 to $2.97 after the
e-commerce software maker said its first-quarter revenue will miss
Street expectations and post a loss, compared with the small profit
expected. It also said it plans to cut about 325 jobs, 15 percent of
work force.

Other technology stocks also stumbled. IBM (IBM: Research, Estimates)
shed $4.27 to $90.39, Microsoft (MSFT: Research, Estimates) slid $2.44
to $53.38 and Oracle (ORCL: Research, Estimates) fell $2.07 to $13.25.

Xerox (XRX: Research, Estimates) slipped $1.05 to $4.95 after the
maker said it had delayed the filing of its 2000 annual report because
its auditing firm advised that a more thorough review is necessary.

The semiconductor sector, often
viewed as indicative of where the
broader techs are headed, struggled.
The Philadelphia semiconductor index,
or Soxx, slid 12.58, or more than 2
percent, to 490.59.

"We really have priced in a lot of bad news," said Jefferies' Hogan.
"Even if we continue to see a string of (negative) pre-reports, at
point in time, we're going to start to trend higher."

In the chip sector, Applied Materials (AMAT: Research, Estimates)
13 cents to $40.13, while Altera (ALTR: Research, Estimates) slid $1
to $19.69.

Singin' the blues

Concern that earnings warnings would not be confined to techs weighed
industrial issues on the Dow.

Caterpillar (CAT: Research, Estimates) fell $2.28 to $42.16, 3M (MMM:
Research, Estimates) shed $2.14 to $99.91, and Honeywell (HON:
Estimates) tumbled $2.23 to $38.25.

Positive earnings surprises were rewarded. Best Buy (BBY: Research,
Estimates) jumped $3.20 to $40 after the electronics retailer said it
earned 89 cents a share in its fiscal fourth quarter, better than Wall
Street expectations.

Investors seeking some ray of sunshine
could take some comfort from Salomon
Smith Barney, which upped its equity
weighting to 70 percent from 65 percent

In a research report, Salomon analyst
Tobias Levkovich wrote that much of the
"tech wreck" seems to be in the past, but that anything more than a
near-term rally in the sector is unlikely.

Factory orders edge lower

Although it is not considered a major economic indicator in terms of
what the Federal Reserve may do with its interest rate policy, the
Commerce Department's reading of factory orders fell 0.4 percent in
February, the latest sign that demand for manufactured goods is

Economists surveyed by Briefing.com expected an increase of 0.2
compared with a revised 4.3 percent decline in January.

In global affairs, UBS Warburg director of floor trading Arthur Cashin
told CNNfn's the Money Gang that there was talk on the floor about how
President Bush would deal with the situation in China.

But other market participants dismissed its impact on the markets,
pointing out that U.S. diplomats have now been allowed to visit the
of the Navy spy plane that survived a midair collision with a Chinese
fighter plane.

"In the end, it's not going to have much of an effect," said Gruntal's
Battipaglia. "I don't see this as anything more than transitory."



The Asbestos President


WASHINGTON " Being witty about poisoned drinking water isn't easy. It
requires a certain obtuse savoir-faire.

Our president gave it a go Thursday night at a press dinner here.

"As you know, we're studying safe levels for arsenic in drinking
he told the crowd of radio and TV correspondents at the Washington
Hilton. "To base our decision on sound science, the scientists told us
we needed to test the water glasses of about 3,000 people. Thank you
for participating."

I guess a guy who can yuk it up about a woman he has executed in Texas
can yuk it up about anything.

But it was a creepy moment.

It worked for Erin Brockovich to joke about the carcinogens in the
enviro-villains were sipping because she wanted to get the poison out.
W. wants to keep the poison in " to help the enviro-villains who
contributed to his campaign.

Forgive me, Al Gore.

I used to think you were striving too geekily to be Millennial Man.
Palm Pilot on your belt. The Blackberry. The Earth-cam you dreamed of.
Citing "Futurama" as your favorite show. The obsessions about global
warming and the information highway. Boldly choosing the first Jewish
running mate.

But now I'm going hungry for a shred of modernity. Bush II has reeled
backward so fast, economically, environmentally, globally, culturally,
it's redolent of Dorothy clicking her way from the shimmering spires
Oz to a depressed black-and-white Kansas.

With the guidance of his regents, the Duke of Halliburton and Cardinal
Rumsfeld, W. has set off the specter of a mushroom cloud of
and carbon dioxide emissions, nuclear power and "China Syndrome"
rapacious drilling and retrenchment on women's rights, the missile
shield, spy tensions and the cold war.

The son has become what the father used to privately deride as an
"extra- chromosome" conservative.

W.'s press conference on Thursday boiled down to one
exhortation: "Let's
hear it for corporations!"

This administration is so hawkish that Colin Powell is cast as a
sandals- and-beads peacenik. And John Ashcroft threatens to fry the
F.B.I. spy.

The Clinton team wrestled with the messy grays of a post-cold-war
The Bush team decided it was easier to bring back the cold war.

"These guys are linear," says a top official from Bush I. "They have
have black and white. They have to have bogeymen."

One veteran cold warrior who served under several presidents told me
was shocked that Bush II had refrozen the cold war.

"They've turned the clock back to 1983," he said. "It doesn't make any
sense to slap the Russians around. They're already on their knees. We
don't have to humiliate them. We need to use some finesse, to allow
some dignity.

"The thing I always hated about Clinton foreign policy was they seemed
to be making it up as they went along. But these guys seem to be doing
that, too. They are negative toward old policies, without coming up
anything positive."

The regents moved quickly to cast the administration in the gray-
image of their salad days. (One Republican says that Henry Kissinger
once called Mr. Rumsfeld the most ruthless man he knew, all global
despots included.)

Not satisfied with smacking around the Russians, humiliating Christie
Whitman, downsizing Condi Rice and brushing back Colin Powell, the
Cheney-Rumsfeld axis has no patience for the plaints of health-
yuppies, either.

You can just hear Rummy, slugging back a Scotch with Cheney in the
after they've put the Kid to bed, grousing about the gazillion
worth of investments he has to sell to avoid a conflict, and growling:
"Real men can drink twice that much arsenic. And how soon can we get
some lead back in the lousy paint?"

What's next? Asbestos, DDT, bomb shelters, filterless cigarettes?
Page? Rummy griping that Laura Bush is too assertive?

W. never seemed happier than he did on Friday at the White House,
surrounded by the old-timers from the Baseball Hall of Fame, basking
memories of his beloved 50's.

He is only our second boomer president, but his White House needs
Geritol. He seems older than his sprite of a father. He goes to bed
early and, except for sports, is oddly disconnected from the culture.
seems to have no engagement with contemporary America, except by
of being the president of the United States.

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