-Caveat Lector-

from http://www.beograd.com/kosovodossier/


     If you take into consideration very different engagements of
the Albanian communists, who have been coming from Albania to
Kosovo and Metohija for variety of reasons since 1941, you will
inevitably get the impression that the so-called Djakovica group
has been systematically preparing party and political
secession of Kosovo from Yugoslavia and that it managed to
realize it, at least to some extent, at the Conference in Bujane
(31 December 1943 - 2 January 1944). Namely, the resolution
adopted at that Conference stressed the significance of the
people's liberation war in that part of the Yugoslav territory
and expressed the resolve to achieve, on the basis of the right
to self-determination, "the centuries old aspirations of
Albanians from Kosovo and Metohija to accede to Albania."  That
was the price of the "internationalist solidarity" of Albanian
communists of Kosovo descent who were sent to help Yugoslav
communists in the organization of the anti-fascist movement in
Kosovo and Metohija.
      The Conference adopted a resolution, part of which reads as
      "Kosovo and Metohija is an area populated mostly by the
Albanian people that wants, now as ever before - wants to unite
with Albania. Accordingly, we feel it incumbent upon us to point
to the right track to be taken by the Albanian people in order
for them to achieve their aspirations. The only way the Albanians
from Kosovo and Metohija can unite with Albania is to fight the
occupier and his collaborators together with other Yugoslav
peoples. For, it is the only way to win freedom, when all the
peoples, and Albanians as well, will be able to decide on their
fate with the right to self-determination up to secession."

     "The point in question is the survival of our people and
freedom.  There are very few Albanians in Kosovo who think now
that we cannot win freedom. There is no such power which can stop
Albanian patriotism."
     --13/14 June 1998

     The leadership of the Second Prizren League appealed to
     "The Main Committee of the Second Prizren League has ordered
me to draw the attention of your esteemed and gracious Excellency
to the following:
     1. Militarization of Kosovo and liberated Albanian areas
under the German leadership
     The Main Committee of the Second Prizren League, taking into
account this highly charged and tense phase in which the Albanian
problem has found itself owing to the demands of the present
stage of the war, and in full agreement with the government and
the people, has decided to carry out the militarization of Kosovo
and all Albanian areas which, thanks to the heroism of the German
Army, were annexed to Albania in 1941.
     That would secure the final liberation of the Albanian
people on the side of the German Reich in the coming battles.
     This militarization is aimed at raising an army of a total
strength of 120,000 - 150,000 combatants willing to fight, and
which would be able to successfully take upon itself fighting
against Serbian and Montenegrin Partisans throughout the present
war. It would be able to defend the Albanian cause under any
circumstances which might arise after the war owing to the
difficult and dangerous situation."

    By the end of June 1941, 11,168 Serbian and Montenegrin
families, primarily settlers under the 1919 Land Reform and
Colonization Law, were removed from Kosovo and Metohija. Through
this exodus which lasted to August 1944, many settlements of
    Serbs and Montenegrins were destroyed and razed to the
ground. The abandoned houses and farms were taken by immigrants
from Albania and neighbouring Albanian families. In such a
manner, the main part of the plan for establishing ethnic links
between Kosovo and Albania was realized already during the war,
and the Second Prizren League, formed in September 1943 as a
military and political organization entrusted with the defence of
areas annexed to Albania in 1941, became a guarantor of the unity
and defence. Crimes committed by the Kosovo regiment and 21st SS
division "Skenderbeg" in their attempts to attain this objective
have shown the pathological obsession of the considerable portion
of the Albanian population with defence of "ethnic Albania."
     Afraid that they might lose the "state" which was created
for them by Mussolini and for whose defence since 1943 German
military forces were responsible, the Albanians in Yugoslavia,
involved in almost every form of collaboration, were very
reserved toward anything that might bind their further political
destiny to Yugoslavia. Popular resistance for national liberation
in Kosovo and Metohija was considered to be purposeless
sacrificing for the preservation of Yugoslavia, and they made
no difference between Partisans and Chetniks. This conviction was
shared by collaborators, nationalists and few Albanian
communists, all of them overwhelmed by the preservation of
Albania, as big as possible.

     Support to the secessionist aspirations of the Kosovo
Albanians who traditionally looked for their patrons among
enemies of Serbia, reached its climax in 1941, when after the
partition of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, on 12 August 1941, Kosovo
and Metohija in conjunction with a part of north-western
Macedonia became part of Greater Albania, an Italian
protectorate. The county of Mitrovica, because of the Trep~a
mine, remained within Serbia, and eastern parts of Kosovo were
handed over to Bulgaria. In the remainder of Kosovo and Metohija,
the Albanian-Italian administration was introduced, schools were
opened and the Albanian flag could be seen everywhere. The old
ethnic dissensions were encouraged anew. Ethnic Albanians started
attacking military units and colonists as early as 1941, in the
April War. About 10,000 settlers' houses were set on fire and
their owners, almost without exception, expelled to Serbia and
    According to the statistics of the commissariat in Serbia,
some 100,000 inhabitants were forced to migrate. The estimates
are that the Albanian volunteer militia "Vulnetari" (around 5,000
men), aided by various other paramilitary formations, killed
about 10,000 Serbs, mostly civilians, during the four-year war.
Colonists and autochthons in and around Pej were the worse for
it: before shooting the victims, perpetrators gouged their eyes
out, cut off their ears and other vital organs. In the wave of
violence, several dozen Orthodox churches were demolished, set on
fire and looted, priests were killed and persecuted, and many
graveyards were desecrated. The settlements of colonists were
systematically razed to the ground in order to provide evidence
to be submitted to the Delineation Commission after the war which
would prove that Serbs have never lived in Kosovo. The remaining
Serbs were frequently warned to move out as soon as possible.
     The ethnic cleansing in Kosovo and Metohija was triumphantly
announced in 1943, by one of the most influential Albanian
leaders, Ferat-beg Draga: "The time has come to destroy Serbs ...
there will be no more Serbs under the sun of Kosovo."

Dusan Bajakovi, Historian

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