>From http://www.cato.org/pubs/pas/pa-373es.html

Cato Policy Analysis No. 373
June 10, 2000

Dubious Anniversary:
Kosovo One Year Later
by Christopher Layne and Benjamin Schwarz
Christopher Layne is a visiting fellow in foreign policy studies at the Cato
Institute. Benjamin Schwarz is a correspondent for the Atlantic Monthly

Executive Summary

One year after NATO ended its bombing campaign against Yugoslavia, the Clinton
administration’s Kosovo policy is a conspicuous failure. Kosovo is now the
scene of a brutal ethnic cleansing campaign carried out by NATO’s erstwhile de
facto ally, the Kosovo Liberation Army, an organization profoundly inimical to
America’s interests and professed values. The KLA is also currently fomenting
an insurgency elsewhere in Serbia, which promises to destabilize the Balkans
even further.
The Clinton administration has embarked on yet another multi-billion-dollar
nation-building adventure, which many analysts suggest will entangle the U.S.
military for a decade or longer. This situation could have been avoided.
Because of its inept diplomacy and strategic miscalculation, the administration
bears a large measure of responsibility for both Kosovo’s humanitarian crisis a
year ago and the KLA’s postwar thuggery. It is now clear that the
administration’s claims of "horrific slaughter" and attempts at "genocide" by
the Serbs were gross exaggerations designed to whip up support for intervention
from a skeptical Congress and public.

Confronting Kosovo’s depressing prospects, the administration consoles itself
that, as President Clinton says, it "did the right thing in the right way" when
it intervened. Even granting that doubtful premise, this is not enough to
exonerate policymakers from their responsibility for the situation the United
States confronts today. In the real world, policymakers are judged by the
consequences of their actions, not by their intentions. The Kosovo war has not
vindicated the administration’s doctrine of "virtuous power." By waging an
avoidable war, the Clinton administration has saddled the United States with a
host of intractable problems.

 Full Text of Policy Analysis No. 373 (PDF, 19 pgs, 79 Kb)

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