-Caveat Lector-

The battle for SB-15 the "handgun ban" is still raging.  Contact your
assemblyman and senator NOW!  Use our politician locator at the web site

In other news L.A. County is ready to BAN GUN SHOWS!!!!!

Gun Owners in So. Cal. need to voice opinion fast. County Board meeting
scheduled for Tuesday Aug 24

Here's the info and contacts including email addresses.

Go Get em!

The LA Times, in collusion with the Zev Yaroslavsky
of the LA County Board of Supervisors (BOS), Chief Parks
of the LAPD, Sheriff Baca of the LASO, and HCI (all avowed
gun prohibitionists) are putting on a full court press to
cancel future Great Western Gun Shows and promote all
and any forms of Gun Prohibition.

This has been the biggest, most coordinated onslaught I
have ever seen by the Times, and they (a.k.a. Pravda West)
have a really, really bad track record already.

The Woodland Hills Jewish Center Shooting was the
spark that seemed to start this barrage of propaganda;
LA Police chief Parks came out in an LA Times in an
impossible-to-miss editorial Sunday the Assault Weapons,
Saturday Night Specials and Gun Shows must be banned for
public safety.  Then Monday, the "Great Western Gun Show
Under Scrutiny" article was on the Times' front page
(right under the picture of the weeping mother and
sisters' of the slain Woodland Hills postal worker at
his funeral), then yesterday on the front page of the
Metro (Section B), another hit piece on the gun show
and the BOS "duty" to close them (Yaroslavsky states gun
shows are "America's dirty little secret"), and today
a double header (two long anti-gun articles) on the front
page of the Metro section.

This is an amazingly well coordinated effort by what I
see as the fascist relationship of the media and the
Liberal Element of our Government to shape public policy
by slanted, extremely one-sided reporting with the sole
intent of creating law to violate and abolish civil

No doubt the rest of the so-called "news" media will be
joining in soon.

Obviously, if they succeed here, it will be going
Nationwide on short order.

In the following I have included a search on "gun"
of articles in the LA Times for the month of August.
I have also included a few of those articles in their
Entirety.  Get your barf bag ready... (refer to web site)

I am urging you to follow-up and send a fax to the LA County
Board of Supervisors. I talked to Antonovich's staff this
afternoon, and he said that Molina (D) and Brathwaite-Burke
might be persuaded to abstain, and Knabe needs to be lobbied
hard to hold fast on our side (he has gone in both directions
on our issues before).

People to come and speak  ( his office will make parking
arrangements  saves you at least $9 - if you call in advance to
213-974-5555 ) meets at 9:30 a.m., in the Board's Hearing Rm (381B Kenneth
Hahn  Hall of Administration, 500 West Temple St, Los Angeles, CA 90012

2)  Faxes against the ban  - fax to Co Sup Exec. Office at
 213-633-5100  - address to the Board of Supervisors, and the office will
copy and distribute to all members.

3)  Letters against the ban  (hurry - mail is slow)
 - mail to    L.A. County Board of Supervisors
 383 Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration
 500 West Temple Street
 Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 974-1411


                    Joanne Sturges
                      Executive Officer
                      Executive Office of the Board of Supervisors
                      383 Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration
                      500 West Temple Street
                      Los Angeles, CA 90012
                      (213) 974-1411
                      Fax (213) 633-5100
                      Fax (213) 620-0636

                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                      District #1 Supervisor:
                      GLORIA MOLINA
                      869 Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration
                      500 West Temple Street
                      Los Angeles, CA 90012
                      Phone: (213) 974-4111
                      Fax: (213) 613-1739
                      Internet address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                      District #2 Supervisor:
                      YVONNE BRATHWAITE BURKE
                      869 Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration
                      500 West Temple Street
                      Los Angeles, CA 90012
                      Phone: (213) 974-2222
                      Fax: (213) 680-3283
                      Internet address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                      District #3 Supervisor:
                      ZEV YAROSLAVSKY
                      869 Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration
                      500 West Temple Street
                      Los Angeles, CA 90012
                      Phone: (213) 974-3333
                      Fax: (213) 625-7360
                      Internet address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                      District #4 Supervisor:
                      DON KNABE
                      822 Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration
                      500 West Temple Street
                      Los Angeles, CA 90012
                      Phone: (213) 974-4444
                      Fax: (213) 626-6941
                      Internet address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                      District #5 Supervisor:
                      MICHAEL D. ANTONOVICH
                      869 Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration
                      500 West Temple Street
                      Los Angeles, CA 90012
                      Phone: (213) 974-5555
                      Fax: (213) 974-1010
                      Internet address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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