-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.truthaboutlloyds.com/">Welcome to Lliar's of London</A>
The purpose of the LLIARS OF LONDON website is to educate and entertain
the public with facts about Lloyd's of London.

In recent years, Lloyd's has spent millions of dollars on litigation,
public relations and special interest lobbying efforts in an attempt to
suppress the truth underlying its loss of approximately $20 billion in
investors' funds since 1988. Lloyd's has attributed its enormous losses
to natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods, earthquakes and to
asbestos and pollution claims rather than fraud, misrepresentation and
insider dealings by its committee members, brokers and leading
underwriters. This website refutes Lloyd's explanation of what caused
the losses by presenting authenticated evidence, court documents and
news articles that tell the other side of the story.

To discover the truth about Lloyd's, read on.

Navigating Through the Site:

The Lliars of London website is divided into five categories.

•Q&A -- Debunking the 9 most common myths about Lloyd's.

•Regulation -- Statements, reports and analyses concerning Lloyd's
published by U.S. and U.K. regulatory and legislative agencies.

•Litigation -- Court rulings and legal briefs from both U.S. and U.K.
cases involving Lloyd's.

•News -- Excerpts from news stories about Lloyd's, their policyholders
and their investors (known as "Names").

•Fraud -- Graphs, charts, time lines and documentary evidence
illustrating deliberate fraud and mismanagement which caused Lloyd's to
lose billions of dollars of investors' capital, and put thousands of
U.S. policyholders at risk by fraudulently reporting its reserves over
the last 30 years.

Comments and Questions:

If you have comments or questions regarding Lloyd's or the Lliars of
London web site, please contact us here.

Updating the Web Site:
This web site will be updated repeatedly in the coming weeks and months.
What's New?

•New Litigation Filed Against U.S. Attorneys For Underwriters/Names At
Lloyd's Of London, Announces American Names Association, Inc.
•* Just Released * "Not A Myth In Hindsight" a comprehensive and
easy-to-understand historical piece on the last 100 years at Lloyd's.
•* Just Released * What Every Insurance Commissioner Should Know About
Lloyd's of London, Part II. Read and download your own copy.
•U.S. Court to Hear Lloyd's Fraud Case: Superior Court (Latest Decision
), Calif. Appeals Ct. (Reversal of Prior Sup. Ct. Decision), Press
•A 10-minute Overview of 30 Years of Fraud Lloyd's of London Fraud
•"Lloyd's of London Under Criminal Inquiry by U.S. Justice Dept." from
Bloomberg News Service, May 11, 1998

Home | Q & A | Regulation | Litigation | News | Fraud

Contact Lliars of London

This site designed and maintained by Motif Studios
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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