-Caveat Lector-


January 7, 2001
The London Times

Black and white proof of Dubya's new conservatism

Bush feels the heat as critics lie in wait for his first big

'Son of star wars' missile shield ready for lift-off

(UNITED STATES) IT HAS only just begun to sink in that white men
are a distinct minority in George W Bush's new cabinet. So far,
there are six of them. In every other post there's a new face for

At the education department there's a black superintendent of
schools who believes that parents should have more choice over
where their kids are taught. At energy is a Lebanese-Americanwith
strong ties to the auto industry; at environment is Christie Todd
Whitman, a charismatic, pro-choice Republican woman.

The new housing secretary is a Cuban immigrant; the secretary of
state is the son of Caribbean immigrants; the national security
adviser is a black woman who grew up in the segregated South; the
labour and interior departments get two rising conservative
women, Linda Chavez and Gale Norton. At transportation there's a
Japanese-American Democrat.

The shocking thing about these appointments is that they do not
reek of special treatment, affirmative action, quotas or any of
the other paraphernalia of the multicultural left.

These individuals are from all walks of life and of unimpeachable
credentials. Some of them, particularly because they had to
resist the groupthink of their respective communities, have a
sharp conservative edge to them, especially Norton and Chavez.

There is still a cadre of white, straight, corporate types in
important positions: "prime minister" Dick Cheney; Paul O'Neill
at the treasury; Donald Rumsfeld at the Pentagon. But even here
appearances can be deceptive.

Cheney, the vice-president, is a supporter of some legal backing
for gay relationships and has a daughter who is openly gay.
O'Neill is regarded as a maverick who pioneered worker-friendly
policies at Alcoa, his aluminium company.

Rumsfeld is a remarkably skilled and experienced man, a
no-nonsense executive who made a fortune at G D Searle, the
pharmaceutical giant. He is no knee-jerk establishmentarian. He
is an insider rebel who cedes to nobody in his hawkishness and
may well be single-handedly responsible for bringing missile
defence to the West.

The contrast with Bill Clinton's cabinet could not be more acute.
Yes, Clinton's cabinet "looked like America" in its obsession
with racial and gender balance. But it was staffed with
mediocrities who never threatened Clinton's control of policy.

Clinton, like Tony Blair, has been a control freak and too
insecure to tolerate real rivals. With a couple of exceptions,
such as Robert Rubin and Richard Holbrooke, it's hard to remember
any solid contributions that his cabinet made to the country.

Bush, in contrast, has produced something completely opposite: a
cabinet of people so obviously more skilled and experienced than
he is that it is pretty close to embarrassing. It takes either an
extraordinarily secure man or a completely clueless one to have
gathered such an assembly of superiors. My gut tells me it's the
former - and that this shrewdness is far more important in
politics than any sort of bookish intelligence.

W's cabinet obviously has a mandate to act rather than to talk,
which makes it the most structurally powerful since Dwight D

Its ethnic and sexual diversity is not synonymous with PC
doctrine. People such as Mel Martinez, secretary of housing, and
Condoleezza Rice, the national security adviser, did not get
their positions by parroting the victimology of racial interest
groups. Nor are they products of the Republican party itself,
which has had some difficulty in promoting minorities to
positions of power.

They are individuals first and foremost, plucked by Bush to
pioneer a more inclusive elite without sacrificing Republican
principles. The point of these picks is to show that diversity
need not mean liberalism. They show that the values which
conservatives hold dear - equality of opportunity and personal
responsibility - know no racial or gender barriers.

In this, Bush has made few missteps. His appointment of
ultra-right John Ashcroft to the justice department is likely to
reverse the inroads among black voters that his high-profile
black appointments might have achieved.

Ashcroft is a vehement supporter of the death penalty. He
received an honorary degree from Bob Jones University, a place
renowned for bans on interracial dating and rabid

By all accounts, Ashcroft is a decent man with indecent views (he
believes in maintaining criminal sanctions against homosexuals,
for example), but by siphoning off the ugliness of the religious
right into a sole position, Bush may well have minimised the harm
his reactionary base can inflict on Republican prospects.

For Bush can do the maths. He can see that in all the polyglot
states - from California to Florida - the Republican party's
weakness among minorities could prove fatal. California was once
a rock-solid Republican state, but no more. Florida, about 5%
more Republican than the country at large in the past 20 years,
could force Al Gore, the Democratic vice-president, only to a
draw in November's election.

Look at long-term demographics and Republicans should be
terrified. Bush isn't merely trying to redefine conservatism,
he's trying to save it from structural decline.

As well he should. Conservative arguments should appeal to
minorities. Strong family values appeal to Hispanic Americans and
blacks. Equality of opportunity, lower taxes and economic freedom
have always appealed to gay men and women. A tough anti-crime
policy should appeal to those mostly affected by crime - the
poor, the black and the urban.

The difficulty, of course, is persuading those voters of the
genuineness of conservative outreach. When conservatives agitate
about immigration, demonise homosexuals and write off black
votes, it should come as no surprise that minorities don't vote
Republican or Tory.

But if they can find a way to talk to these groups, and find
people who can relate to them and listen to them, then the future
is far rosier.

W has made a start. He realises, in the grand conservative
tradition of Benjamin Disraeli, Teddy Roosevelt and Margaret
Thatcher that conservatism must co-opt in order to survive.
Conservatives need not change their values to do this but they
must change their approach. If they don't, the more vulnerable
members of society will be the first to suffer.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

                     *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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