-Caveat Lector-

To Contact Charles A. Schlund

Charles A. Schlund
8520 N. 54th Drive
Glendale, AZ   85302

(623) 931-5963
(623) 931-6420
(602) 670-2017







GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, a sovereign

nation; GEORGE W. BUSH, an individual; DOES 1-10, individuals; DOES

11-20, entities,


No. CV03-1590 PHX VAM





Charles August Schlund, III, (“Plaintiff Schlund”) respectfully moves

the Court for an Order for Injunctive Relief to terminate the continuous

irreparable harm caused by the Defendants, the Government, including

Does 1-10, individuals and Does 1-20, entities, (collectively referred

to as “Government”) use of electronic torture activities of using

various electronic methods to egregiously cause irreparable torture to

Plaintiff and cause injuries and damages to Plaintiff. The electronic

based torture methods and activities result in the use of sound,

vibration, heat, electric and other kinds of or energies and radiations

which effect and interfere with Plaintiff’s normal life activities and

cause extreme pain and suffering (TORTURE) of Plaintiff Schlund.

If the court needs evidence that torture is possible and factual,

Plaintiff is prepared under the court’s rulings in Siderman DeBlake v.

Republic of Argentina, 865 F. 2d 699 (9th Cir. 1992) and Doran v.

McGuinness 158 F.R.D. 383 (1994) to demonstrate such methods and

torture. Plaintiff requests the court to order an evidentiary hearing

under Doran v. McGuinness, 158 F.R.D. 383 (1994) to demonstrate

precisely how various methods and techniques of remote electronic based

torture and other methods of it are used on Plaintiff Schlund, as a

political witness, his witnesses, family and associates, in violation of

their constitutional rights and international law.

DATED this _____ day of August, 2003

By: ______________________________

Charles August Schlund, III

Plaintiff in Pro persona


Plaintiff Schlund has properly filed his Complaint on August 15, 2003

and served it on all Defendants on August 18, 2003.


Prefatory Statement.

Plaintiff Schlund incorporates by this reference his Verified Complaint

filed August 15, 2003. No legitimate American Court would refuse to

hear a Motion to Terminate the Torture of an American citizen. Siderman

DeBlake v. Republic of Argentina, 865 F. 2d 699 (9th Cir. 1992) at p.

20, infra.

Plaintiff’s case and related issues of electronic invasion of privacy

and electronic and other forms of torture are NOT of first impression

before the Court, infra. There are similar types of torture, illegal

surveillance and invasion of privacy decisions which are consistent in

the various circuits of the United States, especially the 9th Circuit

Court of Appeal rendering both relief and damages. Plaintiff’s case is

unique, raising the collective issues of torture by electronic force,

and improper installation of electronic devices in Plaintiff’s body,

resulting in life threatening, civil rights violations, personal

injuries, invasion of privacy, sleep deprivation and deprivation of

freedom of speech, right to vote, freedom of religion and other human

and civil rights and international law violations. This includes

violations of the Protection Against Torture Act.

The Government has taken the position that any victim of government

electronic torture who complains of such torture is accused of trying to

evade the Government’s investigation of them by asserting they are being

tortured. Plaintiff Schlund asserts he has not attempted in any manner

whatsoever to avoid any investigation by the government. In fact,

Plaintiff Schlund requests the court to order the following in an effort

to terminate the ongoing fabricated investigation and order a real

investigation subject to the following conditions:

1. Order the amount of $50 million a year to start a new investigation

by the U.S. Government to insure a successful conclusion of the

investigation of Plaintiff Schlund.

2. Order not less than 50 new agents be assigned to the new court

ordered investigation as set forth in No. 1 above.

3. Order Plaintiff Schlund to fully cooperate with the 50 newly

assigned agents and the newly ordered legitimate investigation ordered

by the court. And, Plaintiff agrees to waive any rights that the court

requests of him that the court feels is necessary to successfully find

the truth.

4.            The court is to ensure that the agents involved in this investigation

are not politically motivated to frame Plaintiff Schlund. The agents should be

picked by a lottery or computer program to ensure that they are not picked as

political thugs to frame Plaintiff Schlund.

As stated herein, the highest federal courts have acknowledged that

torture by Government officials or agents is not new but a very well

known fact. Also, a well known fact is that its known sources and the

torture is never admitted by governments. Siderman v. DeBlake, infra.

This is the case here.

The Government’s motive is discrimination and retaliation on grounds

Plaintiff is branded as a “political witness”/”whistle blower” against

powerful and political people in the Government. Plaintiff Schlund is a

“political witness” whose whistle blowing activities of Government

corruption based on Plaintiff Schlund’s personal knowledge involving

persons in the Department of Justice (“DOJ”), the Drug Enforcement

Administration (“DEA”), Department of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms

(“ATF”), the State of Arizona and other federal, state and local law

enforcement agencies, also collectively referred to as “Government”, is

a factual reality of said known sources as more fully expressed below.

Plaintiff Schlund was working with the FBI when he was physically

gassed in his sleep and physically attacked and restrained forcibly

against his will, injected with CIA designed electronic “subcutaneous

implants” used by both the CIA and DEA and others. These multipurpose

implants are used to severely physiologically inflict punishment and

psychologically torture and disable Plaintiff Schlund with cruel and

unusual punishment (TORTURE) in blatant violation of his constitutional


Plaintiff is an ex-Vietnam veteran who, upon discharge from the United

States Marine Corp., was solicited by Drug Cartel members for the

Central Intelligence Agency (1968) (later, the Drug Enforcement

Administration – “DEA”) (1977) to carry out their agenda. Due to the

corruption activities of the CIA and DEA agenda, Plaintiff, after

acquiring personal knowledge of the reality of such agenda, rejected and

refused to work for them. Plaintiff was offered money and power

including the ability to gas and torture and/or rape any girl that

turned Plaintiff down for sex. All of this was offered under the color

of law using warrants in drug investigations issued by the Surveillance

Court and other courts.

Upon Plaintiff Schlund’s refusal, Plaintiff was targeted and placed

under constant surveillance and repeatedly set-up by the corrupt

Government person(s) to torture Plaintiff and to control the information

substantiating the serious Government corruption which he knew about and

possessed information on.

Plaintiff was then forced by the Government to become a whistle blower

due to the Government’s attacks against him (“whistle blower

activities”). As he began his whistle-blower efforts pertaining to the

corrupt governmental activities of the CIA, and DEA, law enforcement and

others, he found himself suddenly framed as being an alleged drug

dealer, murderer, gun runner, smuggler and thief and placed under

intense investigations (as the Government made it obvious he was being

selectively targeted).

The Government then fabricated evidence, and then arrested and charged

Plaintiff for alleged conspiracy to manufacture illegal drugs. The

federal prosecution of Plaintiff Schlund was extraordinarily aggressive.

Its key witness was the DEA’s own agent/informant/drug chemist and

manufacturer, Carl Altz a.k.a. John Green.

The Honorable Judge Lacey, who was a visiting judge to the United

States District Court of the District of Arizona was assigned to the

trial of Plaintiff. The Honorable Judge Lacey found that the DEA had

committed perjury and obstructed justice and framed Plaintiff Schlund

and demanded their arrest after acquitting Defendant Schlund. Judge

Lacey called the DEA’s conduct “outrageous conduct” of the United States

– Plaintiff was “acquitted” on all counts. The acquittal judgment was

upheld on appeal.

The Government’s surveillance, torture and other violations of

Plaintiff Schlund’s constitutional rights is in retaliation for

Plaintiff Schlund’s refusal to join the Government’s corruption, has

continued for twenty-five (25) years resulting in electronic monitoring

and torture of Plaintiff Schlund. It has been continuous and ongoing by

electronic force and other electronic systems and methods to monitor

Plaintiff Schlund’s daily activities, invading his and those he

communicates with privately, especially where there exists normal and

legally expected zones and orbits of privacy, and to harass, retaliate,

torture, deprive of sleep and attempt to discredit Plaintiff as a

political witness for his whistle-blowing activity of exposing the

Government’s corruption based on his personal knowledge and from what

Plaintiff read in the CIA, DEA and other files he has always called the

“Don Bolles Papers.”

Statements from Charles A. Schlund to the Federal Courts.

The Court should first understand that Plaintiff has been under constant

torture and surveillance and under many different investigations since

reading the CIA and other files that Plaintiff has always called the

“Don Bolles Papers”. Plaintiff read these government files in 1977. The

Bolles Papers were all the papers that George Bush Sr. had removed from

the Government when Jimmy Carter was elected to the presidency. These

papers were removed to stop President Jimmy Carter and those he would

appoint from obtaining the contained information on Government

corruption. The director of the CIA George Bush Sr. removed these

documents from the government in 1976. Plaintiff has been under constant

surveillance, not to collect information for the prosecution of him for

some crime he purported has committed, but to authorize the use of

torture and collect information to be used to discredit Plaintiff as a

political witness due to his political witness status and activities.

The Government has no intent on ever arresting Plaintiff Schlund.

A very small portion of the information collected on Plaintiff Schlund

is real and most of the statements or recordings taken from him were

made under torture by the Government. The torture was done to force him

to make the statements to the Government that it desired after he had

been tortured close to death by the Justice Department and/or others.

Most of these conversations were taken from Plaintiff Schlund under

torture and agreed to by Plaintiff as a condition in exchange for relief

from the torture or in exchange for sleep. These conversations were then

submitted to the courts by the Government under perjury or falsely or

out of context to reality by the DOJ, DEA and others. Many of these

conversations were recorded while Plaintiff was working with the FBI

setting up corrupt agents in the DEA and other federal and state

departments and/or agencies and the courts.

Many of these conversations were taken after depriving Plaintiff of

sleep for years with the Government only allowing Plaintiff a few hours

of sleep a week. As an aside, if the Government denies any of this,

Plaintiff demands to be allowed to prove that such electronic force and

technology for the use of torture is not only possible but can be

demonstrated to the court. Plaintiff Schlund, by way of example, would

need a human subject to demonstrate these kinds of torture on and

recommends Robert C. Broomfield be one of the people used for these

demonstrations. Broomfield was one of the corrupt judges that Plaintiff

had been secretly supplying criminal information on to the FBI many

years before he refused to recuse himself from Plaintiff’s lawsuits upon

challenge by recusal motions. Broomfield then decided Plaintiff’s

lawsuit and motions knowing that Plaintiff was a witness against him and

ruled on the lawsuits using made up facts and statements that were never

pled in any of Plaintiff’s lawsuits or motions.

In violation of F.R.C.P 52, Broomfield failed and refused to make

findings of fact and conclusions of law as Plaintiff continuously

requested in [all] of his pleadings, motions and responses. He did this

to further cover-up his criminal acts as asserted by Plaintiff. These

rulings were done using a federal rules decision case out of

jurisdiction and off point; the case law of Doran v. McGuiness, 158

F.R.D. 383 (1994). Plaintiff Schlund now wishes to use the Doran case

law to prove his case. The court is requested to authorize Plaintiff to

conduct the medical procedures on Broomfield for the electronic torture

demonstrations (pursuant to the Doran decision to prove electronic

torture is an electronic engineering reality) as the Court has

authorized similar procedures on Plaintiff’s witnesses, family, friends,

associates and Plaintiff. In fact, no technology is required to torture

or murder people being placed under investigations. All that is required

is the court’s authorization to perform secret procedures on these

sleeping people after placing them in a state they can not wake from

while authorizing these crimes by the Government under real or created


The corrupt judges of the court then only need to stop any legal proceedings

from those they are torturing and pretend that they are guilty of some crime

which authorized the court to secretly commit these secret medical procedures

on them. The corrupt judges of the court and the corrupt agents can then continue

to violate a person’s Constitutional rights and cover up their illegal corruption and

crimes. In the Justice Department, Surveillance Court, DEA, CIA, FBI and other

files Plaintiff read were authorizations and legal opinions on the injections and/or

implantation with implants of many famous and important people.

Plaintiff believes that Broomfield as a judicial representative of the

court committed deceit while using the ruling of Doran v. McGuiness, 158

F.R.D. 383 (1994) in Plaintiff’s case. [Doran claimed he heard voices

through “mental telepathy” connected to claims of electronic implants.]

This ruling gives the impression Plaintiff Schlund agrees that mental

telepathy is possible, which he does not. Let this court fully

understand that Plaintiff Schlund has never asserted mental telepathy

and does not believe mental telepathy is possible. Plaintiff Schlund

factually knows from information supplied by the Government itself that

the Government uses electronic methods and instruments, including

electronic devices to conduct surveillance and other methods to conduct

such information gathering, to transfer their voices, sounds and force

to torture a person using such electronic system(s). The Government

always asserts against such targeted persons that he/she may be a

lunatic asserting “surreal and fantastic” claims, despite the claims are

mathematically easy to factually prove against the individuals

conducting the illegal intrusions using electronic mediums to piggyback

off existing established platforms and instruments owned and paid for by

others (factually proven in Koyomejian v. United States).    Since the

Koyomejian decision and others, the DOJ and DEA have intensely attempted

to guard their electronic systems’ capabilities and activities from the

public while violating the rights of individuals and entities in Arizona

and elsewhere in the United States. The covert nature of this fact is

to mislead the public and suppress knowledge to the public and prevent

individual liability to said persons who utilize the technologies for

surveillance and torture activities which violates Plaintiff Schlund’s

and others’ constitutional rights.

The Defendants know that the use of implants to remove political

witnesses is the perfect crime. It can be denied under the cover of law

to protect fabricated or real investigations and the technology used

cannot be reverse engineered by anyone other then governments or the

corporations that secretly work with or for them.   Plaintiff Schlund

does not have access to super conductors or secret power sources like

plutonium or other types of secret power supplies or batteries but

Plaintiff can easily prove that the technology exists and can make a

paper airplane to show jets can fly. Expert witnesses, eye witnesses,

testimony and demonstrations are all that is required to prove that the

electronic basics exist, and are being used by the Government and that

the torture is real and conducted and controlled by the Government to

attempt to cover-up their crimes not the crimes of Plaintiff Schlund,

but their crimes and electronic gamesmanship that hurts others, as well

as Plaintiff Schlund.

Plaintiff Schlund reminds the Defendants and the courts that when the

Nazis under Hitler injected the Jews in their necks after taking them

into custody, that the Nuremberg trials convicted these criminals for

Crimes Against Humanity. It was never determined what they injected but

only that the injections were done under the cover of law against the

will of those being injected and that the injections made them sick or

resulted in their torture or suffering at the hand of the government.

This is what happened to Plaintiff Schlund and the same words can be

used that convicted the Nazis of similar crimes. Plaintiff Schlund

understands that laws are only used against the enemies of the

government and never against those protected by the government. In other

words, if Plaintiff Schlund was to commit this same crime, he would be

prosecuted and imprisoned but the government employees are above any

laws because they commit their crimes under the authority of a warrant.

The Government’s employees are protected and are above any laws as they

offered Plaintiff Schlund if he joined them.

Let this court and the Defendants fully understand that Plaintiff

Schlund read the Nazi research from the concentration camps using sounds

to torture, this was in the CIA files in the Don Bolles Papers and

Plaintiff understands how and why the government designed these

torture devices to destroy the lives of innocent whistle blowers

and political witnesses like Plaintiff. Plaintiff Schlund had

all the research and the designing and manufacturing files from the CIA,

DEA and NSA and all the files from the Surveillance Court, Justice

Department and others on the use of these weapons under the cover of law

against innocent Americans.

All of this is provable in a trial but not before a corrupt judge who is

being paid to stop a trial or any other legal proceedings to protect the

corrupt judges and agents and those they work for, like George W. Bush.

In a fair trial before a non-corrupt judge, the government would have no

chance of disproving assertions made by Plaintiff.

>From what Plaintiff Schlund has learned and understands, he was, and

continues to be, under a fabricated investigation for alleged drug

manufacturing, drug smuggling, drug dealing, mass murder, gun running,

thievery and for other crimes. In truth, Plaintiff Schlund has never

made any drugs nor has he ever smuggled any drugs or chemicals into the

United States. Plaintiff Schlund is not a drug dealer and has never

killed anyone. He has never run any guns or sold any guns that were, to

Plaintiff’s knowledge, to be used or sold illegally to anyone.

Plaintiff Schlund does not steal and is as good of a citizen as he can

possibly be while he is under torture by the corrupt judges and corrupt

agents of the federal and state government.

Let the court fully understand that Plaintiff Schlund does not possess

the knowledge to make any drugs and never has and only knows what the

DEA had Carl Altz/John Green who worked for them tell Plaintiff.

Plaintiff Schlund has been framed and already tried in a federal trial

with the federal court acquitting him and the Judge calling the

government’s activities of framing him outrageous conduct of the United

States. The federal court demanded the arrest of the agents involved in

Plaintiff Schlund’s arrest and prosecution for obstruction of justice

and perjury in the framing of Plaintiff to remove him as a political


In Plaintiff Schlund’s 1978 trial, the DEA and Sheriff’s Office did

threaten to murder the children and wife of Plaintiff’s first witness,

Bob Snow, if he dared to testify for Plaintiff and had also threatened

Plaintiff’s second witness, William Schlund with prosecution if he dared

to testify. These threats against Plaintiff Schlund’s witnesses continue

to present with the courts and government agents continuously making

threats by various means, including the use of electronic force for the

intended purpose of selectively targeting such witnesses, including

continuous threats against Plaintiff and his witnesses and their


Plaintiff Schlund’s witnesses and their children have been

electronically monitored and physically trespassed upon, threatened and

tortured through electronic and other used technologies designed for

this and other purposes. These corrupt agents threaten such witnesses

and Plaintiff Schlund by using electronic implants and torture.

Other witnesses of Plaintiff Schlund have been assassinated. Only a Nazi

court could allow this kind of Obstruction of Justice and Witness

Tampering under the cover of law. Many of Plaintiff Schlund’s witnesses

are now in fear for their lives or their wife’s and children’s life and

the government continues to harass witnesses and dissidents that are

threatening to them to protect the Bush family and others as they

plunder the treasury of the United States and use the Justice Department

to remove the political witnesses and dissidents, as set forth in the

Bolles Papers.

The court should further understand that others, including the DEA, have

repeatedly threatened to murder Plaintiff Schlund if he dares continue

these lawsuits and have tortured him continually for the past 25 years

since Plaintiff refused to join the DEA and help in the many political

assassinations and the running of the drugs and the fixing of elections.

The DEA solicited Plaintiff Schlund to kill some young girls they had

been providing to Federal Judge William P. Copple for sex. This was in

1977, after the DEA had offered Plaintiff Schlund a position in the DEA.

When Plaintiff refused, the government targeted and tortured him.

After Plaintiff Schlund’s arrest, Judge Copple was assigned to

Plaintiff’s trial. Judge Copple then removed himself the day before

Plaintiff was to file the recusal against him for being a corrupt judge

detailing what Plaintiff had read in Judge Copple’s CIA file in the

files Plaintiff has always called the Don Bolles Papers.

Let the Defendants fully understand that Plaintiff Schlund was briefing

the FBI on the CIA and DEA plans to fix the presidential elections of

the United States when Plaintiff was injected with CIA designed implants

to torture him. The surveillance court and other courts refer to these

devices as monitoring devices and pretends they are using these devices

in real investigations. Any witness complaining of torture is

discredited and the Government claims that their claims of torture are

only their attempts at escaping the Government’s investigation.

If the court chooses to deny this, Plaintiff Schlund demands under the ruling

of Doran v. McGuiness, supra, to be allowed to remove two of the devices

in trial or under the supervision of the Court and videotape the removal

to prove that the devices are real. Plaintiff Schlund does not know the

location of other devices that were also installed in Plaintiff by the

government. The removal of only two devices will not stop all of

Plaintiff’s torture and other devices were also installed and if

Plaintiff removes the devices that he knows of, others will be injected

under the protection of corrupt judges of the court. The court can

subpoena the DEA and person(s), including Agent John Albano, into court

to testify to their injection of Plaintiff Schlund and can subpoena the

FBI, including Agent Adam S., into court to testify to the devices being

CIA devices.

Plaintiff Schlund has found that the court always runs from the truth

and never looks for the truth and always just tries to make the person

being tortured look like they are crazy or involved in some crime.

Justice and the truth are easy to find. It is easy for the court to

subpoena the government agencies into court to document the truth. The

court can also just call George W. Bush’s corrupt appointees into court

to do the cover up.

Further, Defendants and the courts are on notice to understand that many

records held by the DEA and others are not real and do not represent the

truth and were obtained by the DEA committing perjury to the court to

obtain the warrants. Plaintiff Schlund believes the same to be true

with regard to the ATF and other files. Plaintiff Schlund believes that

the ATF files were generated to protect the DEA and cover up the DEA’s

taking of Plaintiff’s guns while Plaintiff was working with the FBI and

the guns were then used in assassination attempts against Plaintiff and

were to be used as “throw down” weapons after Plaintiffs assassination

by the government.

When Plaintiff called the police to report these guns missing, the Phoenix police

called the FBI and then called back Plaintiff and told Plaintiff that they could not

take a police report  because the guns were taken by federal agents of the DEA and

that they were above the authority of local police and that this was a federal

matter that the FBI was aware of. The FBI could not act on these crimes

because Janet Reno was secretly working for the Bush family and

protected the DEA as John Ashcroft now does. The FBI, IRS and the other

agencies stopped all of the assassination attempts against Plaintiff but

the torture of Plaintiff continues because the torture is done under the

cover of law in surreal and fantastic investigations authorized under

perjury and conversations obtained from Plaintiff while being tortured

for the conversations or in exchange for relief from torture. These

conversations were then submitted to the court under perjury.

While Plaintiff Schlund’s family was asleep in their home and also while

in Mexico on fishing trips, the DEA used a gas on Plaintiff and his

family to place them in a state that they could not wake up from. This

gas was used on the small children of Plaintiff and others which

resulted in placing them in a state where they were unable to resist or

awaken that allowed the government to violate them as they pleased.

The DEA would then inject drugs into the bodies of Plaintiff’s family

and him. These drugs kept them in a drugged state where the government

could hypnotize Plaintiff and his family and others and then make them

perform certain tasks for the government to take photos of them so the

government could generate fabricated and false evidence against them to

discredit them to cover-up the crimes committed by the government. This

was done to cover-up crimes that Plaintiff Schlund and his wife had

witnessed or had personal knowledge of. These crimes were committed by

the government.

Sometimes Plaintiff and his family would be kidnapped by force from

their home and would be drugged and kept in a drugged state by the DEA

for up to three days at a time. During these kidnappings the government

would repeatedly and continually work on them with drugs and hypnotize

them to make them perform acts for the government as needed to force

them to do things so the government could take photos and films of them

to discredit them and remove them as credible witnesses against the Bush

family and those that worked under the Bush family doing political

assassinations, running drugs, money laundering and fixing public


After these photo and film sessions Plaintiff and his family would be

returned to their home and would wake up in their beds like nothing had

happened. Sometimes, upon waking up, Plaintiff would still have the

cotton ball on his arm where the IV had been removed from his arm.

Other times, he would be injected in his foot with the antidote to the

drugs that he was kept on during these drugged interrogation and/or

filmed sessions.

Plaintiff’s innocent children would miss school and he would miss work

during these political kidnappings and they would all wake up at the

same time. Sometimes they would wake up in the morning and other times

they would all wake up at 6:00 p.m. or 9:00 p.m. with up to three (3)

days having expired while they were in this drugged state held by the


In Mexico, Plaintiff and family did wake up on the beach at 1:00 p.m. on

an August day with the temperature around 120 degrees. They would be

suffering from dehydration and unable to account for any of the missed

and elapsed time. Friends that were on the fishing trip with them would

also wake up at the same time and ask what happened. We were all gassed

that night by the DEA. All of their personal items and things would be

gone and they would later receive them back in the mail after returning

to the United States.

During these drugged programmings and interrogations by the government,

Plaintiff would be hypnotized and directed to make a statement when a

key word was later spoken. This allowed the government to record these

statements to attempt to prove he was guilty of things which in truth he

had no knowledge of or part in.

If the court claims such procedures are impossible, Plaintiff would be

happy to demonstrate these procedures and gas, drug and hypnotize

someone for the court and have them make a conversation for the Court.

The ruling of Doran v. McGuiness, supra, gives Plaintiff the right to do

such demonstrations. Plaintiff does not claim that such procedures are

safe or legal but they are possible especially when they are done by the

government with the power of the Justice Department behind them and the

cover of law to stop any lawsuits if the people die or are injured

during these Nazi like procedures. In the CIA files we had in the Don

Bolles Papers many people had died during these procedures and were

continuing to die under the protection of corrupt judges of the court.

The kidnapping of Plaintiff’s family and Plaintiff stopped in 1991 after

Plaintiff went to the FBI and asked them to monitor him. At the same

time, Plaintiff gave the FBI permission to monitor him without a

warrant. Plaintiff found this necessary after the Glendale Police

Department and Phoenix Police Department refused to accept murder

reports from Plaintiff after the government had people murdered in

Plaintiff home to threaten his wife if she continues to try to help


These murders were done under the surveillance and direction

of the government. The DEA and others still would gas Plaintiff and his

family and friends for implant injections but he would no longer be

removed from his home for photo sessions. In the 1990’s, the use of

torture replaced the programming and instead of programming Plaintiff to

make conversations for the DEA or police, they would torture him to

force him under torture to do similar conversations. All of Plaintiff

witnesses and family and friends were also injected and some were

threatened, stimulated, manipulated or tortured so the government could

cover-up it’s Nazi like crimes.

During the 1990’s, Plaintiff telephoned the DEA over one thousand

(1,000) times and wrote them many letters, complaining of the torture of

his witnesses and himself. During these telephone calls, the DEA agents

fully admitted injecting Plaintiff. Agent John Albano of the DEA even

gave Plaintiff permission to remove the implants to stop his torture but

his authorization was overruled by higher-ups in the chain of command in

the DEA and Plaintiff was not allowed to remove the implants.

During this same time, the FBI called Plaintiff Schlund and informed him

that the implants torturing him were CIA implants. The Court can

contact the Phoenix office of the FBI and demand to have Agent Adam S.

appear before the Court to testify that the implants are CIA designed

torture devices for the removal of political witnesses and political

prisoners of the United States.

Plaintiff Schlund began to file medical, electrical and engineering

patents and evidence into the Arizona District Court of scientific proof

and data confirming these high tech CIA designed and DEA used electronic

implants. The government fabricated evidence and moved for summary

judgment and increased the torture.

Plaintiff Schlund filed with the District Court undisputed evidence of

“implant” electronic technology now commonly used for medical and other

purposes. Also filed was electronic technology used for the purpose of

tracking almost every kind of animal life form roaming the globe.

Specifically, he submitted information as an example of wireless

technology devices embedded in the collar worn by a hunting dog which

roams freely while hunting mountain lions. When the dog’s owner wishes

the dog to return to base camp, he presses a button on his transmitter

which sends a shock signal to the dog, compelling it to immediately

return to the base camp. If the dog does not respond, a longer shock

signal is transmitted to the dog collar, resulting in a harsher and more

punishing shock stimulus to the physical body of the dog in the form of

physical punishment. The shock punishment is a form of operant

conditioning which the dog learns that in order to eliminate the shock,

he must immediately return to the base camp when commanded to do so by

the person who holds the shock transmitter and is inflicting the

punishment. Because the technology is wireless in nature, the dog owner

can be at any remote location and inflict the punishment on the dog.

If  the collared receiver was embedded subcutaneously under the dog’s skin,

you would not see it. If you did not know the dog was embedded with the

“implant” and suddenly the implant received a transmitted shock signal

inflicting the punishment on the dog, you would see the outward

manifestations of the punishment in the dog’s eyes and his physical

reactions to it while not knowing what’s causing it. You would

erroneously conclude the dog is crazy or perhaps has some mental illness

when the reality is; the animal is being tortured through means of

wireless electronic force technology, in a covert manner from many miles

away. Plaintiff Schlund set forth the various types of wireless

integrated technologies which can be used for such purpose, all of which

are scientifically accepted in the electrical and biomedical engineering

community. He never mentioned the word of “mental telepathy,” which has

no scientific basis at all.

Plaintiff Schlund also pled, in great detail a specific itemization of

his injury and damages, supporting the irreparable harm to him

personally and economically. He pled the government’s conduct has

resulted in creating life-threatening injuries, including, however not

limited to, sleep deprivation, electric shocks, torture with unnatural

horrible, extremely loud sounds, loss of a thumb, extreme and crippling

pain in his head and on or about his body, types of caustic burn from

the heat or radiation generated from the electronic and other forces on

impact. And during the duration of time of exposure, loss of earning

capacity, Plaintiff became diabetic from being deprived of thousands of

nights of sleep year after year, loss of earning ability, destruction of

his peace of mind, harmony and the right to be left alone, a burgeoning

lack of trust in the government and the judicial system, loss of

consortium, injury to his children, incurred medical and other personal

and business expenses, and continues to experience pain and suffering

(TORTURE) and will continue to suffer physically, psychologically and

emotionally, resulting in irreparable permanent harm from the torture

which detrimentally affects his freedom of speech, privacy and other

civil rights. Injuries suffered from the torture of Plaintiff Schlund

are to date great enough that Plaintiff will die from these injuries.

During one of Plaintiff Schlund’s doctor’s visits, his blood pressure

was 223 over 121. Let the court fully understand that Plaintiff

Schlund’s blood pressure was normal when he was injected with the


Plaintiff Schlund’s extraordinarily high blood pressure, while on

massive doses of blood pressure control medication, has damaged

Plaintiff’s internal organs. This degree of torture is an act of

terrorism.   Any time Plaintiff Schlund says anything the government

doesn’t like, Plaintiff is tortured resulting in extreme pain and his

high blood pressure and further damage to his body.

Let the court fully understand that Plaintiff Schlund’s blood pressure

returns to normal during the time the government reduces its torture of

him. This type of terrorism is more than just outrageous conduct of the

United States; it is murder and cruel and unusual punishment.


A. Injunctive Relief is required to terminate the government’s

torture, intrusion and violation of Plaintiff by the use of electronic

forces that violate Plaintiff’s Constitutional Rights.

1. Torture

No government activity justifies implants and torture to succeed. It

has been proven in Plaintiff Schlund’s case that such use of torture and

implants has stopped any chance of the government successfully

concluding their fabricated investigation.

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, as Plaintiff Schlund has reminded

it, issued harsh warnings and deeply rooted concerns that the present

status of sophisticated scientific and technologically advanced devices

used by the government under color of authority, such electronic force

excessively intrudes and trespasses to grossly violate rights to

privacy, especially as to other person(s) coming in contact with the

subject target of the surveillance/torture activity – U.S. v.

Koyomejian, 97 F 2d 536 (9th Cir. en banc), cert. denied, 946 F. 2d

1450 (1991) [Koyomejian prevailed in the criminal context as well.].

In Plaintiff Schlund’s case, privacy means nothing because torture has

overcome all other concerns despite federal law protects against both.

The United States Supreme Court itself acknowledges the fact that any

individual can be placed under 24-hour surveillance anywhere in this

country, without judicial knowledge, supervision, or consent (search

warrants); it does not necessarily suggest abuse by the government,

citing its decision in Zurcher v. Stanford Daily, 436 U.S. 547, 566


The same Supreme Court issued its confirmation of the

sophisticated electronic abilities over 25 years ago (1978-2003). In

the same breath, the Supreme Court responsibly tells the government

through its decision that “If such dragnet-type law enforcement

practices has responded and visions should eventually occur, there will

be time enough then to determine whether different constitutional

principals may be applicable.” (Ibid.) Plaintiff Schlund was acquitted

because of just the exact type of “dragnet-type law enforcement

practices” referenced by this honorable Supreme Court as “being without

judicial knowledge of supervision” United States v. Knotts, 460 U.S. 276

(1983). Moreover, this Court stated that such sophisticated signs and

technologically advanced devices used by the government under color of

authority for the purpose of intrusion/trespass have been dealt with on

a limited basis in the case United States v. Lee, 274 U.S. 559 (1927),

as cited in the Knotts case.

It also cited its Zurcher v. Stanford Daily, 436 U.S. 547, 566 (1978) conclusion

as such enhanced surveillance succeeds fortuitously and unreasonably into the

private sphere protected by the Fourth Amendment without control, at 662 F 2d at

p. 518. Despite these Supreme Court decisions, and the Ninth Circuit Court of

Appeals’ own decisions, the advanced and sophisticated level of the technology,

which is wireless in nature, is used to systematically and covertly

retaliate and torture a person, especially when motivated by vengeance

or even pure delight of having the power to do so – believing that they

are protected by the courts under the law. And if caught, as

acknowledged by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, the Government

always denies it intentionally tortured its own citizenry.

See, Siderman DeBlake v. Republic of Argentina. 965 F 2d 699 (9th Cir. 1992)

[The court acknowledged, no doubt, with the onslaught of advances in

technology, new devices will be created which the government will use as

well for less than honorable purposes.] The old cliché, “Where there’s

a will there’s a way.” or whatever the government’s justification is for

the need and use of electronic force technology to torture a person, is

in existence today and is widely used to torture political witnesses,

such as Plaintiff Schlund. The Appellate Court also took notice that

devices of torture are already in existence for some beneficial purpose

and then converted to a torturing device (i.e., cattle prodder). The

same is true with these implants.

There is no dispute that electronic force is destructive, especially

when used in a manner to inflict serious physical and psychological

harm, as revealed in detail by Plaintiff Schlund. “Electronic force” is

a general means of power, strength, impetus, intense effort, an

artificially enhanced increase in strength, power, or influence, causing

a change in the motion, body, object, or substance of intensity of

energy in the make (a way) by force to penetrate, join, separate, or

integrate with, to add or extract something from the original source,

cause, produce, or obtain by effort, seek quick results from voluntarily

or involuntarily, accelerate (energy), etc.   (Oxford Dictionary of

current English, 1998).

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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