-Caveat Lector-


Haim Weiss, who was once glad to serve in the Israeli army, tells his
defence secretary why he will not go to the West Bank

Monday May 6, 2002
The Guardian

Dear Ben Eliezer

I must put in writing the reasons that have led me to one of the most
difficult decisions of my life - to refuse the call for reserve duty in the
areas of Judea and Samaria [the West Bank], and the Gaza Strip.

This decision was difficult for two reasons. First and foremost is a matter
of principle: I believe that living in a democracy offers equal parts
privilege and obligation, and that it is my duty to adhere to the decisions
made by majority rule, barring exceptional circumstances. The second reason
is that over many years of reserve duty, I have not only served a very
important cause, but also formed close bonds with the soldiers in my company
and battalion. It is extremely difficult to imagine them serving on
dangerous missions while I sit at home.

Despite this, the current situation leaves me no choice but to refuse. The
citizen's conscience provides a critical foundation for the checks and
balances inherent in a democracy. Israel has done more than grant citizens
full rights to protest against injustices. By including the concept of "a
clearly illegal command" in the code of military law, it has obliged its
soldiers to refuse to carry out orders that are immoral or opposed to the
values on which a democracy is based.

As I see it, this concept means that when a soldier is issued with a command
opposed to his moral values, he must refuse to obey it, report the event,
and ensure that such orders will not be repeated. A soldier who does not do
so cannot escape being held morally responsible by claiming that he only
carried out orders, but can expect to be tried for his actions. This law
indicates that the military and the state see the soldier as an autonomous
moral being, who must carry out commands only if they pass his moral

The most critical question that arises is "what exactly is an illegal
command?" What is immoral as opposed to just inconvenient or unpleasant, and
into which category does the current situation in the territories fall?

An order to fire on a child standing before a roadblock is clearly illegal.
But if the order is to shoot above his head to chase him from the roadblock,
does the emotional damage the shooting causes the child make the order
illegal? Is it illegal to continually enter Palestinian citizens' homes in
the middle of the night? Is it illegal to prevent the free movement of
Palestinian citizens? Aren't the searches, the humiliation, our many
mistakes, an indication that our treatment of the Palestinian population
under our rule is clearly illegal?

Military law does not define what a clearly illegal order is, but leaves it
to the soldier. My interpretation of the law does not limit it to orders
involving attacking, killing or injuring people. Rather, it includes any
command that, when obeyed, leads to humiliating human beings, robbing them
of self-respect, and depriving them of the basic human rights protected
under the UN declaration of human rights, a document signed by Israel.

I used to believe there was a purpose to my presence in the territories. I
believed the solutions I offered would prevent problems. Today, I believe my
presence cannot solve those problems and that the orders issued are illegal
because they deprive the Palestinian population of its basic rights and

Prohibiting Palestinians from travelling along roads without providing
alternative routes, the never-ending delays at roadblocks, the many hours
required to travel short distances, the humiliation, the destruction of
homes, the incessant searches, the need to aim weapons at innocent women and
children - all these actions turn the Israeli Defence Force into an immoral
occupying force, and in these I refuse to participate.

These actions on the part of the IDF provide no protection to Israel. They
protect only the settlements built on conquered territory, where Israel has
no right to establish settlements. The friction with the Palestinian
population is caused by the need to provide settlers with freedom of
movement, not by the need to prevent suicide bombers entering Israeli
territory. As long as Israel continues to hold the settlements, it will be
forced to act immorally toward the Palestinian population.

In addition to the great harm we are causing daily to Palestinians, we
damage ourselves as a society. Our society is based on moral precepts in
Judaism, which states that "loved is a person created in God's image".
Instead, we are raising a generation of violent young people immune to pain
and human suffering, a generation who don't see in the Palestinian a human
being, only part of a mass to be avoided and feared. We are raising a
generation that stops pregnant women, old people and children from getting
to hospital.

I am very sorry that things have reached this point. I would be very glad to
serve the IDF on any mission entrusted to us, as long as its objective is
not connected with subduing the Palestinian population under our rule.


Captain Haim Weiss

Haim Weiss, 32, is a captain in the tank corps and served in the IDF for
four years during his military service. He is completing a PhD in Hebrew
literature at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

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