-Caveat Lector-




Saturday 9 November - Sunday 10 November, 2002

Sunday:  10.00am-11.00pm

The National Liberal Club
Whitehall Place


*Professor Antony Flew - A Critique of Welfare Rights
*Alan Forester - Why Libertarians Should Take Children Seriously
*Professor John Burton - Economic Liberalism Revisited
*Dr Eamon Butler - "Third Way" Interventionism in the UK and Its Lessons
*Professor Terence Kealey - Science Is Not a Public Good - And Requires
No Public Support
*Stefan Blankertz - Nature or Nurture: A Libertarian Perspective on the
Debate on Intelligence
*Francois-Rene Rideau - Government is the Rule of "Black Magic": On
Human Sacrifice and Other Modern Superstitions
*Sarah Lawrence - The Semblance of Consent: How Tyrants Use the Illusion
of Freedom
*Professor Norman Barry - Business Ethics and Regulation: A Libertarian
*Robin Ramsay - In Defence of Paranoia: Myths and Realities of
"Conspiracy Theory"
*Professor Tibor Machan - Are Political Principles Stable?
*Richard Miniter - The Reality of the Middle East and Libertarian Policy
*Dr. Ken Minogue - The Chameleon Servility and Its Contemporary
*Panel Discussion: LI and LA Representatives - Liberty and Strategy in
International Context
Chaired by Hubert Jongen, Chairman of the Libertarian International.
*Panel Discussion: Mark Littlewood, Dr. Sean Gabb & Dr. Chris R. Tame -
The Destruction of Civil Liberties in the UK and Its Lessons

Other Features:

*Special Banquet: Including distinguished Guest Speakers and the
presentation of the Libertarian Alliance's "Liberty Awards" for 2002

*The "Think Tank Room": Displays and sale of publications by major
British think tanks and political journals: Adam Smith Institute;
Institute of Economic Affairs; CIVITAS; FOREST; Social Affairs Unit;
Independent Healthcare Association; Social Market Foundation;
Spiked; Demos; The Fabian Society; The European Foundation; LIBERTY;
Salisbury Review; Lobster and others.

About The Speakers:

*Professor Norman Barry is Professor of Politics at the University of
Buckingham. His many books and monographs include 'Hayek's Social and
Economic Philosophy', 'An Introduction to Modern Political Theory', 'The
Morality of Business Enterprise', 'Classical Liberalism in an Age of
Post-Communism', 'Business Ethics', 'On Classical Liberalism and
Libertarianism', 'Welfare', 'The New Right', 'The Invisible Hand in
Economics and Politics: A Study in Two Conflicting Explanations of
Society, End-States and Processes', and, for the LA, 'An Individualist's
View of Marriage and the Family'. The University of Buckingham website
is: http://www.buckingham.ac.uk

*Dr. Stefan Blankwertz is one of Germany's leading libertarian thinkers
and activists. The German representative of the Libertarian
International, he is the author of many books, pamphlets and papers (in
German and English), including 'Courts, Judges and the Law in the Free
City', 'Has the State Always Been There?', 'Gestalt Therapy: A
Libertarian Approach to the Social Psychology of Unhappiness' and (for
the LA) 'Towards A Libertarian Theory of Fascism'.

*Professor John Burton is currently Professor of Economics at the
University of Westminster. He has published extensively in such journals
as 'Economic Journal', 'International Journal of Social Economics',
'Scottish Journal of Political Economy', 'Journal of Industrial
Affairs', 'Journal of Labour Research', 'Economic Affairs', 'Research in
Labour Economics', 'British Journal of Industrial Relations',
'Manchester School', 'Three Banks Review', and 'Government Union
Review'.   His books and monographs include 'Wage Inflation', 'The
Consequences of Mr. Keynes', 'The Job-Support Machine', 'Employment
Policy, Trade Unions and Society', and 'Picking Losers: The Political
Economy of Industrial Policy' and he has edited such works as 'Hayek's
'Serfdom' Revisited', 'Keynes's General Theory: Fifty Years On', and
'Industrial Policy'.  He is a member of the Academic Advisory Council of
the Institute of Economic Affairs, a member of the Editorial Board of a
number of academic journals, Executive Co-Editor of 'Business Studies',
and on the Advisory Council of the LA.

*Dr Eamon Butler is Director of the Adam Smith Institute, the UK's
leading free market think tank. He is the author of many books including
'Hayek: His Contribution to the Economic and Political Thought of Our
Time', 'Milton Friedman: A Guide to His Thought', 'Ludwig Von Mises:
Fountainhead of the Modern Microeconomics Revolution' and 'Forty
Centuries of Wage and Price Controls'. He has also edited and
contributed to countless ASI reports on many policy issues, appears on
TV regularly, and contributes frequently to the press. The ASI website
is: http://www.adamsmith.org

*Professor Antony Flew is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at the
University of Reading, and one of Britain's leading philosophers. He is
the author of countless books and essay, including 'Thinking
About Thinking', 'Thinking About Social Thinking', 'Sociology, Equality
and Education', 'A Rational Animal?', and 'Crime or Disease?', 'David
Hume: Philosopher of Social Science', 'An Introduction to Western
Philosophy', 'Death With Dignity', Atheistic Humanism', 'Does God
Exist?', 'The Presumption of Atheism', 'The Politics of Procrustes:
Contradictions of Enforced Equality', 'God and Philosophy', 'Darwinian
Evolution', 'The Philosophy of Poverty', and 'Equality in Liberty and

*Alan Forester is an activist in the "Taking Children Seriously"
movement. A former socialist and a graduate in physics he now describes
himself as a "Hayekian, Popperian, anarcho-capitalist".

*Dr. Sean Gabb is Editor of the Libertarian Alliance journal 'Free Life'
and 'Free Life Commentary'. He is author of countless articles,
monographs and the book 'Despatches From a Dying Country', and also
appears regularly in the British media. He is also the founder of the
successful euro-sceptic campaigning website "Candidlist" which created
havoc for unprincipled Conservative Party candidates and enabled
constituencies to exercise informed democratic choice of candidates.
His websites are: http://www.seangabb.co.uk  and http://www.candidlist.d

*Hubert Jongen is a successful Dutch businessman and the founder and
Chairman of the Libertarian International. He has received many
international awards for his libertarian activism, including the
Libertarian Alliance's "Liberty in Action" International Award for 1999.

*Professor Terence Kealey is former Wellcome Senior Research Fellow in
Clinical Biochemistry at the University of Oxford, former lecturer in
Clinical Biochemistry at Cambridge University and is now Vice-Chancellor
of the University of Buckingham. He is also author of 'Science Fiction -
And the True Way to Save British Science' and 'The Economic Laws of
Scientific Research'. The University of Buckingham website is:

*Sarah Lawrence is a single mother and the founder of the worldwide
libertarian parenting "Taking Children Seriously" movement, devoted to
liberty, autonomy and respect for children. She edits the journal Taking
Children Seriously and operates the internet discussion lists "Taking
Children Seriously" and "The Autonomy-Respecting Relationships List".
She is the author of a number of papers and pamphlets, including
'European Union: Liberty or Leviathan', 'Appearance, Reality and
Education Law', 'Children's Rights and the Law', 'Against Sharing
Equally' and speaks regularly at libertarian conferences throughout the
world. Her websites are: http://www.sarahlawrence.org/ and

*Mark Littlewood is a supporter of the Libertarian Alliance, former Head
of Regional Campaigning of The European Movement, and currently
Campaigns Director of LIBERTY (The National Council for Civil
Liberties). His essays have appeared in such journals as 'New
Federalist', 'European Campaigner' and 'Britain in Europe' and
as LA monographs.

*Tibor Machan is Professor of Philosophy at Chapman University,
California, and is the world’s leading libertarian philosopher. His
essays have appeared in such journals as ‘The Monist’, ‘Social
Philosophy and Policy’, ‘Reason Papers’ and ‘The Pacific Journal of
Philosophy’, amongst others and he is the author of numerous books,
including ‘Capitalism and Individualism’, 'Classical Individualism: The
Supreme Importance of Each Human Being’, ‘Human Rights and Human
Liberties’, ‘Individuals and Their Rights’, ‘Liberty and Culture’, ‘The
Moral Case for the Free Market Economy’, ‘Private Rights and
Public Illusions’, ‘The Pseudo-Science of B. F. Skinner’,  ‘A Primer on
Ethics’, ‘The Virtue of Liberty’,  ‘Introduction to Philosophical
Inquiries’. He has also edited such works as ‘Commerce and Morality’,
‘Individual Rights Reconsidered’, ‘Ayn Rand’, ‘Business Ethics in the
Global Market’, ‘Education in a Free Society’, ‘The Libertarian Reader’,
‘Liberty and Democracy’, ‘Rights and Regulation’, ‘Political
Philosophy’, ;Recent Work in Philosophy’, ‘Liberty for the 21st
Century’, and ‘The Main Debate: Communism Versus Capitalism’.
His website is: http://tibormachan.com

*Richard Miniter is an American award-winning investigative reporter. He
has written for 'The Wall Street Journal', 'The New York Times', 'The
Washington Post', and 'The Christian Science Monitor' as well as 'The
Atlantic Monthly', 'The New Republic', 'National Review' and 'Readers
Digest'. He has been an editorial page writer at 'The Wall Street
Journal Europe' and also wrote a weekly column, "The Visible Hand," for
'The Wall Street Journal's OpinionJournal.com.  Currently, he is a
Senior Fellow at the Centre for the New Europe, a Brussels-based think
tank. He is also the author of 'The Myth of Market Share' (Random
House/Crown Business, 2002) and of the forthcoming investigative work
'The Duel: Clinton's Secret War on Bin Laden'.

*Professor Ken Minogue is Professor of Politics at the London School of
Economics. He was the narrator of the noted TV series 'The New
Enlightenment'. His many books and monographs include 'Alien Powers: The
Pure Theory of Ideology', 'The Egalitarian Conceit: False and True
Equalities', 'The Constitutional Mania', 'The Concept of a University',
'The Liberal Mind', 'Nationalism', 'Ideas About Freedom: A Discussion',
'How Much Justice Does a Society Need?', 'Silencing of Society: The True
Cost of the Lust For News', 'Democracy and the Welfare State',
'Citizenship and Monarchy: A Hidden Fault Line In Our Civilisation' and
'Politics: A Very Short Introduction'. He is also the editor of
'Conservative Realism: New Essays on Conservatism', 'Thatcherism:
Personality and Politics' and 'Contemporary Political Philosophers'.

*Robin Ramsay is the founder and editor of 'Lobster', the respected
journal of "conspiracy" and para-political research. He is also the
author of 'Smear!: Wilson and the Secret State', 'Prawn Cocktail Party:
The Hidden Power of New Labour', 'Conspiracy Theories', and, for the LA,
'On Conspiracies and Conspiracy Theories: The Truth Buried by the
Fantasies'. His website is: http://www.lobster-magazine.co.uk

*Francois-Rene Rideau, of Vietnamese-French extraction, is a computer
programmer and and co-ordinator of the TUNES project, which strives to
design and implement a computing system based upon the paradigm of total
computing freedom. He is also the author of a number of papers,
including the 'Manifesto for Free Information'  and 'Patents Are An
Economic Absurdity". He is also a member of the Committee to Preserve
the Works of Frederick Bastiat. His website is: http://fare.tunes.org

*Dr. Chris R. Tame is the Founder and Director of the Libertarian
Alliance and on the Board of Directors of the Libertarian International.
He is author of numerous academic  and political essays and monographs,
and has contributed to such academic and political journals as 'The
Jewish Journal of Sociology', 'Il Politico', 'Economic Affairs', 'The
Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies', 'Wetrtfei', 'The
Journal of Libertarian Studies', 'The Freethinker', 'Libertarian Forum',
and 'Science and Public Policy'. He has also contributed to such books
as 'The Case For Private Enterprise', 'The 'New Right' Enlightenment',
and 'The Politics of Crime Control'. He has addressed many academic and
scholarly conferences throughout the world and appears frequently on
British television and radio.


The Conference fee covers conference attendance, morning and afternoon
tea and coffee, and the closing Banquet (but not accommodation - see
below for our suggestion on this).


Please print out complete and return the booking form below.


The cost of accommodation is NOT included in the price of this
conference. We recommend Central Conference Reservations who offer
discounted booking for a wide price-range of hotel accommodation in
London. They can be contacted at: Central Conference Reservations, 10
Dudley Court, Upper Berkeley Street, London, W1H 7PH;
Tel: 020 7724 4470
Fax: 020 7706 4244

Alternatively, you are free to make your own bookings directly or via a
travel agency.


I/We wish to book ..... places at the Liberty 2002 Conference at £75.00
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Please note that the Libertarian Alliance can accept only cheques in
pounds sterling or in US dollars.

Return to: Dr. Chris R. Tame, Director, The Libertarian Alliance, 25
Chapter Chambers, Esterbrooke Street, London, SW1P 4NN
Tel: 020 7821 5502
Fax: 020 7834 2031

ALTERNATIVELY, if you wish to pay by cheques in Euros or in any other
European currency, you may send your currency's equivalent of £75,
payable to "The Libertarian International", to:

The Libertarian International
P.O.Box 21,

BANK: RaboBank acc.
E-GOLD account nr. 102265 (Libertarian International)

If you chose to pay in this latter manner you must send a copy of this
booking form to BOTH the Libertarian Alliance and to the Libertarian


Dr. Chris R. Tame, Director
Libertarian Alliance    | "The secret of Happiness is Freedom,   |
25 Chapter Chambers     |  and the secret of Freedom is Courage" |
Esterbrooke Street      |  Thucydides, Pericles' Funeral Oration |
London SW1P 4NN
Tel:  020 7821 5502
Fax:  020 7834 2031
Personal Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
LA Web Site: http://www.libertarian.co.uk
Free Life Web Site: http://www.btinternet.com/~old.whig/freelife/fl.htm
The Hampden Press Website: http://www.hampdenpress.co.uk
LA Forum: groups.yahoo.com/group/libertarian-alliance-forum

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