-Caveat Lector-


London calling




20 July 2005 07:00



As the lies and misinformation continue to mount with regard to the London bombings, the corporate media both there and here continue to parrot the official story, regardless of the evidence showing that what happened in London seems to be something entirely different.

I thought some useful links showing you the gulf between reality and what the TV and newspapers are trying to make you believe is "the truth" are worth pointing out, so that you can make your own mind up as to what happened -- and what is happening.

Starting off, isn't it suspicious that a "crisis-management" firm was conducting a bombing exercise involving the London underground at exactly the same time as the real bombings? Naturally it isn't saying who its clients were: Bombing Exercises. Download a 550k MP3 of the interview, taken off BBC Radio, with the MD of the crisis-management company here.

Note also the strangely "mutating" story of what actually happened. To start with, it's noteworthy that an ex-Mossad chief, writing on the same day of the bombings, seemed to know more than everyone else. Look at the first sentence from this Jerusalem Post article. First read the article from the same day of the bombing, Rules of Conflict for a World War

Here's the BBC's report from three days later, when the police officially stated that the bombs happened within seconds of each other: Tube Bombs Almost Simultaneous. Again, note the first paragraph referring to a "stunning revision" of the time between the blasts, as late as Sunday July 9, at Clues Emerge in Bombing.

You have to ask how someone writing on the day of the bombings knew something that no one else (apart from the bombers themselves, that is) knew for nearly three days.

And don't forget how the explosives themselves changed from being firmly described by a senior French police official sent to help with the initial investigation as "being of military origin" to being "homemade from pharmacy ingredients".

Then, the explosives were not only homemade, but "the same as used by suicide bombers in the Middle East" and with a sexy nickname (presumably for the media to feed on), namely "The Mother of Satan".

(This is an interestingly weird name, given that the United States produces more explosives and munitions than any other state in the world, and is generally called "The Great Satan". You'd have to ask just who exactly would call bombs for use against this state the "Mother of Satan".)

Now there are supposedly bomb-making factories (which the bombers families didn't know about), and a very surprised holidaymaker in Egypt has been arrested. Read Hunted Chemistry Expert Arrested. Quietly, the following news item appeared via news agency AFP: British Police Face Doubts over Bombing Role by Egyptian.

(Want to bet that, seeing how Egypt isn't playing according to the script, there's going to be a "terror attack" in Egypt within a week or so of this announcement, to bring it in line with the official story? Watch this space.)

Back to the unfolding story. Oddly, Israel features again -- thanks to an Associated Press article, reporting that Israeli Finance Minister Was Warned by British Police ahead of First Blast. According to Stratfor Consulting Intelligence Agency, the warnings ahead of the first blast came not hours, but "days before" -- and they report that rumours suggest that (oddly enough, just as with 9/11) that it was Israel Who Warned the United Kingdom Government.

By July 8, however, Israel is telling its officials to keep quiet and let the official story take over -- read between the lines at the Jerusalem Post's Israeli Missing in London.

What suicide bombers? Note this early quote from July 9: "Deputy Assistant Police Commissioner Brian Paddick said the near-simultaneous nature of the attacks indicated timers -- not suicide bombers -- set off the explosions."

And remember that website, apparently run by al-Qaeda, that claimed responsibility for the London attack? The sheep of the media leapt on this for a while. What wasn't given as much prominence was the fact that not only does this site operate from Maryland, in the US, but that the owner of the site is friends with members of US President George Bush's family. Read The Guardian article, where this is tucked away within the body of the article: UK-Based Dissident Denies Link to Website. And here's Al-Qaeda Website Is in Maryland.

You'd think the bombings were worth investigating, wouldn't you? Not according to the British prime minister, though: Blair Rejects Bomb Inquiry.

And you don't hear anything about the two separate bomb scares ahead of the London bombings, which might have suggested to anyone who dabbles in intelligence work that something larger was in the offing. It's also significant that local print and TV "decided" pretty much to ignore the two bomb scares, suggesting that the police told them to shut up: Bomb Scare in Cardiff and Bomb Scare in Edinburgh.

Tony Blair has now developed telepathic powers. How? Well, he seems to have tapped into some mystical force that's told him what the motivation was for the bombing -- and whatever it is, he can clearly state "The Bombs Are Not Revenge for the Iraq War".

According to Blair, there's no complexity in the world anywhere -- there's just "an evil ideology". (Much like Bush's laughably stupid explanation for 9/11, namely that attacks occur because of simplistic jealous people who merely "envy the US's freedoms".)

What did the bombing achieve? Nothing for any supposed Arab or "terrorist" group. Yet for the British government (which tried unsuccessfully to introduce a national ID card earlier this year -- look at the BBC poll results from June on Do You Support ID Cards) we'll probably see a total embrace by the citizenry of this and other fascist measures, exactly as the government wanted.

Let's not forget that on the eve of a speech by the queen last November, the British government had no problem at all with creating a completely false "terror alert" suggesting that al-Qaeda was about to attack with hijacked airplanes. Most of the article requires registration, but read the opening of UK Home Office Linked to Discredited al-Qaeda Plot.

Tactically, the London bombings would appear oddly to benefit only those who wanted increased powers and control of citizens in the UK.

For instance: read how the UK newspapers spin the great, positive "benefits" of now having troops patrolling on UK streets: Now Happy Hour Ends with Martial Law.

You'll note they even try bringing in "happy slapping" (cell-cam assault cases) as a good reason for having armed and trained combat troops on the streets.

In case you're politically naive and need proof that governments, and specifically the UK government itself, would kill or bomb its own citizens, well, they've done it before. Read how an MI5 British agent took part in the bombing of Omagh: British Double Agent Was in Omagh Bomb Team. Also read The Army Asked Me to Make Bombs for the IRA and IRA Torturer Was in the Royal Marines.

I must say that I'm generally very wary of this next website. However, there is some interesting, thought-provoking material here that those of you who like detective stories will enjoy. Just as with 9/11, there appeared to be massive trading on the British pound in the days leading up to the bombings -- something that only those who knew it was coming would be doing. Find those who knew the pound would fall, and you have the real bombers. Read Who Shorted the British Pound?.

Now step forward into the reality of the so-called al-Qaeda network. Read Al-Qaeda Suspect Hidden by UK Agents and MI6 Halted Bid to Arrest Bin Laden. From the BBC comes Britain Sheltering al-Qaeda Leader.

Not all intelligence operatives are willing to participate in the killing of their fellow citizens. Read what former MI5 officer David Shayler had to say, at MI6 Paid Bin Laden. And in case you wondered, the UK government itself blocked British newspapers from reporting this -- read British Press Gagged on Reporting MI5 Bin Laden Pay-Off.

Here's an Australian report on this censorship: Media Gagged on Gaddafi Assassination Plot.

You might also want to browse one of my own blogs, where I cut and paste London-related links and data, as it appears. Try the charmingly named CIA Mossad Front Group Attacks London.

Finally, to see how much civilian deaths actually bother those in power, here's a nice picture of UK Foreign Minister Jack Straw, literally blowing kisses at the audience at the European Parliament in Brussels on Tuesday July 12 -- less than a week after the bombings: Jack Straw Blowing Kisses. For this and more pictures, browse through Cryptome's London Kill and Maim Zone 2 as well as its London Kill and Maim Zone 1.

Until the next time, if the global anti-democratic forces don't get me.

Quick picks
If you'd like to see what some local military bases, weapons manufacturers or even the Koeberg nuclear reactor look like, now you can, thanks to Google's satellite imagery service. Take a look at South African Satellite Eyeballs.
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