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To: Skull&Bones Weirdo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MAJOR holes in Feds' Tampa mind-controlled hijacker story
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x ** TOP_VIEW ** x
The Bigger Picture

MAJOR holes in Feds' Tampa mind-controlled hijacker story

MORE excellent research and analysis on the WHOLE story about what
REALLY happened in Tampa/St. Pete on Saturday, when 15-year-old Charles
Bishop -- a well-liked, friendly STRAIGHT-A honor-student KNOWN to be
HEAVILY patriotic; who avowed he'd join the USAF after 911 as he sported
a US AIR FORCE T-shirt -- stole a small plane from Clearwater airport in
crashing it into Tampa's B of A building, causing his own death.

The spook divisions of the Air Force are KNOWN to be HEAVILY involved in
major mind-control activities, using a wide variety of devastatingly
effective techniques to mold, condition, brainwash, manipulate and
otherwise CONTROL minds -- especially of highly-impressionable children
and young teenagers, as was Charles Bishop.

All day Saturday, Feds couldn't tell us often enough that the incident
had NOTHING to do with any "terrorism".

By SUNDAY, Fed spin-meisters were claiming to have found a note in the
unfortunate mind-controlled hijacker's pocket, which SUPPOSEDLY stated
he SUPPORTED bin Laden.

(Who WROTE this alleged note, of course, is VERY MUCH in question.)

By MONDAY, it was claimed the INDESTRUCTIBLE piece of paper was found in
the burnt wreckage of the Cessna. And the Feds couldn't tell us often
enough that this was an incident of "domestic terrorism", and that there
are sure to be many more.

And if you believe THAT, these guys have two 110-story buildings in
lower Manhattan they'd love to sell you, too.
= = = = = = = =
No More Fake News
by Jon Rappoport

TUESDAY, JANUARY 8. As one astute observer said, "If a completely normal
person commits a crime, people enter into a confusion. They think that
ANYONE could commit a crime, and in these times, they also think they
should report all 'suspicious' behavior..."

ADD: The more (or less) we learn about Charles Bishop, the 15-year old
who stole a small pane and crashed it into the B of A building in Tampa,
the higher the paradoxes pile up.

ADD: At his former school, he was a straight-A student. He carried the
American flag in daily processions. He sang patriotic songs with
passion, noted his teachers.

ADD: He entered patriotic essays in contests sponsored by groups like
Daughters of the American Revolution.

ADD: After 9/11, he wore a US Air Force T-shirt to school and said he
would become a fighter pilot.

ADD: His flight instructor wrote a letter of recommendation to get
Bishop into an honors student travel program to Australia. Bishop had
just been accepted.

ADD: The boy wanted to learn to fly so much that he washed planes at the
training school to earn $$ credits for his lessons.

ADD: This is hardly the story of a boy who decides to kill himself in a
plane, who writes a suicide note saying he supports bin Laden.

ADD: This is a set-up.

ADD: Now we are told that MacDill AFB, command central for the whole
US-Afghan war, does not have any fighter planes. In fact, it has few
security defenses at all. Some machine guns and the like. That's why
fighter jets had to be scrambled out of Homestead, 200 miles away.

ADD: This whole story smells to high heaven.

ADD: But one result is, the public becomes more suspicious of "possible
terrorist activity" by Americans, even the most "normal" Americans.
Which adds to the climate of fear. Which seems to justify surrendering
even more freedoms in return for tighter protection.
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