-Caveat Lector- http://www.voxnyc.com/archives/00000043.htm

by voxfux

Scores and scores of reports are accumulating in the early hours of the Florida Governor’s race, indicating wide scale election fraud and election rigging. Callers are reporting to the popular Florida radio talk show, The Neil Rodgers Show that when they selected McBride, Bushes challenger, the machines instead registered a vote for Bush. Wide scale machine "breakdowns" reported throughout Democratic strongholds in Orange, Brevard and Seminole counties. Republican districts appear to be enjoying a speedy and efficient polling day.

The religious orders who control through their proxy intelligence agencies here in America have instituted completely computerized touch screen voting machines in many counties now - Severing once and for all the last remaining connection between a vote and any physical evidence of that vote. In the past, we at least had piles of real hard evidence in the form of physical ballots to fight over - now there is nothing. Just a US intelligence agency, CIA, to assure us that everything is all right and going as planned.

Physical ballots with all their chads and imperfections they were at least a physical entity and so required considerably more effort and risk to alter. But now there is only a proprietary secret software program which no one except US intelligence can control which determines if the button you press registers a vote for the particular lying scumbag politician you selected or whether the machine, “Glitches,” and places your vote, instead, for the lying scumbag politician you didn’t select.
Since there has never been a computer system which has not been hacked, what makes us think that these systems cannot be hacked? And since we do not know the officers of the British based company who makes the machines, how do we know that they are not in on it? We can, however, safely extrapolate that the political “beliefs” of the owners of Sequoia Voting Systems are firmly conservative. (Nearly all persons who do over a hundred million dollars of government contracting are conservatives) So what makes anyone think that they would risk losing votes for the persons who are responsible for those massive inside contracts which made them wealthy beyond belief in the first place? (All government contracting is insider deals - regardless of whatever illusions of safeguards to prevent such practices are in place) And since we have seen nearly universal corruption on every level in every corporation, what makes anyone think that Sequoia Voting Systems would be immune from such corruption? And since it is far easier to move fraudulent computer coding in and out of these machines at the speed of light, to have it waiting one minute in a remote memory register of the machine, only to be instantly erased the moment some questions appear regarding an irregularity in the machine, what makes anyone think such deceptive computer code is not there? For example a deceptive program comprising only ten or twenty lines of code could be easily disguised as a computer glitch, which is not illegal (Glitches never are, and the dark force knows this) yet causes the votes for one candidate to instead register for another candidate. If questions arise doubting the integrity of the votes the machines could be designed to clandestinely erase all traces of the “Glitch” by simple pressing a defined series of keys which could clear out the eeprom (electrically erasable programmable rom) containing the malicious code and any evidence that such code ever existed would vanish forever, because they are made of electrons - not paper. And electrons conveniently leave ZERO trace of their existence unlike a paper ballot. Since there is ZERO scrutiny or testing of these machines, we will never know. Try to argue that in front of the Supreme Court - It’s not going to happen because, as the world has witnessed - They are in on the scam. How can we be sure that these machines don’t have such code lurking within? We cannot.

That is the fabulous success of the Illuminati. To slowly and gradually take away everything we have, in such a way that humans don’t even realize that everything they used to have is gone.

Avi Rubin, a technology security expert and researcher at AT&T Labs in New Jersey doubts the integrity of the new voting method. “These systems are largely untested.” Critics decry the proprietary nature of the machines, pointing out that there is no public scrutiny of the machines allowed. Without scientists being able to freely analyze the systems, election officials may be leaving themselves open to the possibility of hacking, vote tampering or incorrect calculations.

No outside examination or auditing of the inner workings of the machines is permitted. Why? Isn’t voting a public trust? Don’t we have a right to know what is inside those machines? Now only a handful of “Specialists” can open up those machines and see what’s going on inside.

Their goal was to break us of that last remaining connection to the real, and they have done so. And now we simply have another CIA controlled computer system in place where there is no longer a physical connection between the voter and his vote. You can bet that it’s going to get worse. You will see miraculous and perplexing victories of hyper conservative candidates in critical districts which formally voted liberally.

And this time there won’t be any recounts. Because there will be nothing to recount. Just a mere digit on a memory chip - Changeable, modifyable and completely UNVERIFYABLE. Just a mysterious number on a secret machine that they assure us works correctly. Soon you will witness conservatives all across the country, beating all odds and scoring major victories. Solidly liberal communities will suddenly have fundamentalist conservative leadership. And unless we stop them now, there will be no chance at ever escaping the prison that is on it's way to each and every American mind. And the Supreme court will simply back it all up, after all, “The machine doesn’t lie.”

Time to destroy the machine
Wake up
Stand up
Fight back
Every day and every way you can
Your life is at stake!


NOTE: If there is no public outcry to make those machines an OPEN STANDARD, then there should be no outcry once humankind falls into the hands of the darkest human force ever assembled... Stand up and fight this!

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