-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

                                    By Joe Vialls

            [The following article is taken from New Dawn magazine - a
          magazine exposing consensus reality and publishing suppressed
          information. 6 issue subscription for US$30 can be obtained
          from: GPO Box 3126FF, Melbourne, 3001, AUSTRALIA.]
            There is very strong circumstantial evidence suggesting that
          new psychetronic weapons have been developed to "control" inno-
          cent citizens without their knowledge or consent, with research
          showing the U.S. leading the field. Does such weaponry already
          exist at Pine Gap and Nurrungar and, if so, is it intended for
          use against Australians exercising their democratic right to
          protest peacefully?
            Research into the use of electromagnetic waves as potential
          weapons to distort human perception and/or cause direct psycho-
          physiological damage started shortly after the end of World War
          II. Although the U.S. intelligence officials claimed the Soviets
          had the whip hand in this field, it is significant that the
          Soviets proposed a total ban on electromagnetic warfare at one of
          the arms talks. Equipment has already been tested in the U.S. on
          rats at short range, successfully inducing nausea, tumors and
          many other symptoms. Closed lectures at various U.S. defense
          establishments have already discussed specific frequency effects
          that have been logged for use in operational situations. In
          other words, the Americans already know exactly which frequency
          to apply to gain a precise reaction within targeted areas of the
          human brain. The U.S. has a problem with testing at the human
          level. It has been stated clearly that the White House point
          blank refused the request to test on human subjects at all.
          Counter claims insist the White House does approve such testing,
          but only on prisoners and non-Americans.

                            How Psychetronic Weapons Work

            By the '60s, weapon research had split into two distinctly
          different fields. The first of these fields involved weapons
          operation on frequencies in the same range as the human brain's

          electrical activity of 14 Hertz (or 14 cycles old values). These
          were and still are called E(L)F, standing for Extraordinarily
          (L)ow Frequency. Design was intended to induce illness by upset-
          ting the electrical patterns in specific areas of the brain,
          resulting in nausea, faintness, panic attack and possible uncon-
          sciousness at short range; depression and other symptoms at long
          range. The ambition was to identify which precise frequency was
          needed for each individual human reaction. Under the Reagan
          administration's top secret Project Sleeping Beauty, Dr. Michael
          Persinger, chief neurologist at Laurentian University's Environ-
          mental Physiology Laboratory in Ontario, was "quietly" funded to
          find the answers. Using what are called time-varying fields of
          low intensity in the extraordinary low frequency range from one
          to ten hertz, Persinger was consistently able to make a cage of
          rats sick. The E(L)F field he generated had stimulated the MAST
          histamine-producing brain cells into inducing instant nausea.
          Specific research on E(L)F weapons was continued by Dr. Elizabeth
          Rauscher, a nuclear physicist and boss of the Technic Research
          Laboratory in San Leandro, California. Rauscher had already
          identified specific frequency effects to induce not only nausea
          but also happiness, for example. Clearly, Dr. Rauscher was an
          enthusiast: "Give me the money and three months", she boasted,
          "and I'll be able to affect the behavior of 80 per cent of the
          people in this town without their knowing it. Make them happy -
          or at least they'll think they're happy. Or aggressive." Much
          later, in March 1984, Captain Paul Tyler, a U.S. Navy doctor
          responsible for all research into the effects of radiation on
          humans, presented a paper at the Air University Centre for Aero-
          space Doctrine. Tyler confirmed that "specific biological ef-
          fects can be achieved" with electromagnetic fields. He made it
          very clear that the required fields had already been identified
          for operational use. Massive power generation required for E(L)F
          transmission is still a problem, apparently. So far the U.S.
          "underground" is not aware of any proven incidents where E(L)F
          has been used against the general public in a hostile manner.
          Examples do exist (on both sides) where massive transmitters have
          been bombarding specific areas of the U.S. and USSR for decades.
          Those areas are so large that if data exists on long term ef-
          fects, the "underground" has no known access to it. Unsubstanti-
          ated rumors persist that the U.S. F117A "stealth" fighter bomber
          can be fitted with E(L)F weaponry inside its internal bomb bay.
          Whether or not the equipment was used against specific targets in
          Iraq during the U.S. attack is unknown. It should be remembered
          that E(L)F waves are invasive. Unlike EHF, which reflects off
          hard surfaces, E(L)F can and does penetrate extremely dense
          substances, including reinforced concrete etc. Defensive measures
          remain unknown at the general level against this kind of radia-
          tion though, presumably, lead (Pb) would act as an effective
            The other field of weapons research concerns those weapons
          operating in the micro or millimetric frequencies and also re-
          ferred to as "Barrier Warfare Microwave Tech". Such weapons
          operate at the opposite end of the electromagnetic wave lengths
          from E(L)F, i.e. at Extraordinarily High Frequencies. Microwaves
          are those commonly used in radar sets and microwave ovens, for
          example. The principal advantage of EHF over E(L)F lies in the
          fact that its transmissions are "straight line" and can thus be
          beamed with ease into small or tiny areas. E(L)F, by comparison,
          tends to scatter widely. Microwaves are generated by a device
          known as a "Magnetron" in which electrons, generated by a heated
          cathode, are moved by the combined force of a magnetic and elec-
          trical field. The cathode is a hollow cylinder with the outside
          coated with barium and strontium oxide electron emitters. Ar-
          ranged concentrically around the outside of the cathode is a
          large cylindrical anode containing a large number of "resonant
          cavities", normally of quarter-wavelength, on the inner surface.
          When switched on, the magnetron generates an electrical field
          radially between anode and cathode, while the magnetic field is
          coaxial with the cathode. The complete assembly is sealed inside
          a vacuum enclosure. The maximum power output is naturally limit-
          ed by the size of the individual Magnetron but research indicates
          the largest can generate a stream of microwave "pulses" at up to
          ten million watts per pulse. The resulting microwave pulsed beam
          can be focused in much the same way as a camera lens - from ultra
          wide angle to telephoto - creating area or pinpoint capability.
          Fortunately the Magnetron is not a small device. Informed
          sources indicate a portable Magnetron powerful enough to harm a
          large group of demonstrators, for example, would require space
          equal to a small truck.

                                  Amount of Injury

            Walter Bowart, American author of Operation Mind Control,
          claims that by 1989, at least one group of female British demon-
          strators had been exposed to Barrier Warfare of the EHF microwave
          variety. Bowart's claim fell in line with covert approval from
          the White House to test such systems on non-American citizens.
          His claim was given further credibility by the savage mind con-
          trol experiments funded by the CIA, and carried out by notorious
          psychiatrist Ewen Cameron on Canadians in Montreal - once again,
          non-Americans and thus expendable. Specific symptoms presented by
          the females, who were demonstrating against American nuclear
          weapons or waste in Britain, were as follows:
          1. Anomalies with menstrual cycles;
          2. Spontaneous abortion;
          3. Other (unspecified) feminine problems;
          4. Retinal burning;
          5. Inner ear problems;
          6. Rapidly growing tumors.
            At the time the demonstrators were camped for an extended
          period of time in tents, indicative of "low level" wide angle
          bombardment designed to produce severe discomfort in the long
          term, rather than acute discomfort or death in the short term.

                                Detecting the Weapons

            Unfortunately for the British females, no device was available
          on the open market to detect any form of psychetronic bombard-
          ment. In Australia such devices are available from Dick Smith
          and known as "Microwave Leak Detectors", costing A$23.95. They
          were originally designed to be run around the rubber seal of
          microwave ovens to detect a potentially dangerous radiation leak.
          If a leak was found, then the seal had to be changed immediately.

          The microwave leak detector is directional and capable of picking
          up psychetronic microwave output as low as one milliwatt per
          square centimetre. In other words, it is very sensitive. Medi-
          cal research in the U.S. has already proven that sustained expo-
          sure to low-level leaks from domestic microwave ovens can cause
          serious problems with the eyes, including cataracts. The re-
          search was carried out on a large group of women who had been
          exposed to such a leak in an open plan office over a period of
          many months. The level of damage in each case was directly pro-
          portional to the distance from the leaking microwave oven.

                            Defense Against Psychetronics

            In the case of the British females, Bowart suggested they cover
          their tents with standard grade cooking foil. They did so and
          the effects stopped immediately. At low to medium power set-
          tings, the psychetronic microwave beam can be stopped in the same
          way as a layer of cooking foil placed over food in a microwave
          oven - reflecting the waves back and preventing the food from
          cooking. The fact that microwaves cook by vibrating the mole-
          cules in the food until they heat up, goes a long way toward
          explaining the wide ranging problems experienced by the British
          team of demonstrators. The precise neurological damage discussed
          by the U.S. armed forces referred only to E(L)F transmissions, on
          exact tested wavelengths. EHF effects are unfortunately more
          generalized. If demonstrating along the perimeter of a U.S.
          installation, it would be wise to have a few dozen rolls of
          cooking foil and a microwave detector available, no matter how
          silly it might feel to walk around looking like a bright silver
          robot. At the same time, be aware that any radar transmitter
          inside the base will also activate the microwave detector, but
          only if it is in line with the transmitting aerial in question.



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