Passing it on...
(Doesn't mean I agree or disagree...  )
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 1999 11:30 PM
Subject: MILLENNIUM MESSAGE #4: A New Year's Wish & WarningA WISH FOR THE NEW YEAR
May your hair, your teeth, your face-lift, your abs and your stocks not
fall; and May your blood pressure, your triglycerides, your cholesterol,
your white blood count and your mortgage interest not rise.
May you get a clean bill of health from your dentist, your cardiologist,
your gastro-endocrinologist, your urologist, your proctologist, your
podiatrist, your psychiatrist, your plumber and the IRS.
May you find a way to travel from anywhere to anywhere in the rush hour
in less than an hour, and when you get there May you find a parking space.
May Friday evening, December 31, find you seated around the dinner
table, together with your beloved family and cherished friends, ushering
in the New Year ahead. You will find the food better, the environment
quieter, the cost much cheaper, and the pleasure much more fulfilling
than anything else you might ordinarily do that night.
May you wake up on January 1st, finding that the world has not come to
an end, the lights work, the water faucets flow, and the sky has not
May you go to the bank on Monday morning, January 3rd and find your
account is in order, your money is still there and any mistakes are in
your favor.
May you ponder on January 4th; How did this ultramodern civilization of
ours manage to get itself traumatized by a possible slip of a blip on a
chip made out of sand.
May you have the strength to go through a year of presidential
campaigning, and May some of the promises made be kept. May you believe
at least half of what the candidates propose, and May those elected
fulfill at least half of what they promise, and the miracle of reducing
taxes and balancing budgets happen.
May what you see in the mirror delight you, and what others see in you
delight them.
May the telemarketers wait to make their sales calls until you finish
dinner, and May your check book and your budget balance, and May they
include generous amounts for charity.
May you remember to say "I love you" at least once a day to your spouse,
your child, your parent; but not to your secretary, your nurse, your
masseuse, your hairdresser or your tennis instructor.
May we live as intended, in a world at peace and the awareness of the
beauty in every sunset, every flower's unfolding petals, every baby's
smile and every wonderful, astonishing, miraculous beat of our heart.

Jack took a long look at his speedometer before slowing down: 73 in a 55
zone. Fourth time in as many months. How could a guy get caught so often?
When his car had slowed to 10 miles an hour, Jack pulled over, but
only partially. Let the cop worry about the potential traffic hazard.
Maybe some other car will tweak his backside with a mirror.
The cop was stepping out of his car, the big pad in hand. Bob?
Bob from church? Jack sunk farther into his trench coat.
This was worse than the coming ticket. A Christian cop
catching a guy from his own church. A guy who happened to be a
little eager to get home after a long day at the office. A
guy he was about to play golf with tomorrow.

Jumping out of the car, he approached a man he saw
every Sunday, a man he'd never seen in uniform.

"Hi, Bob. Fancy meeting you like this."
"Hello, Jack." No smile.
"Guess you caught me red-handed in a rush to see my wife and kids."
"Yeah, I guess."
Bob seemed uncertain. Good.
"I've seen some long days at the office lately. I'm afraid I bent the
rules a bit-just this once." Jack toed at a pebble on the pavement.
"Diane said something about roast beef and potatoes tonight.
Know what I mean?"
"I know what you mean. I also know that you have a reputation in our
Ouch. This was not going in the right direction. Time to change tactics.
"What'd you clock me at?"
"Seventy-one. Would you sit back in your car, please?"
"Now wait a minute here, Bob. I checked as soon as I saw you. I was
barely nudging 65." The lie seemed to come easier with every ticket.
"Please, Jack, in the car."
Flustered, Jack hunched himself through the still-open door. Slamming
it shut, he stared at the dashboard. He was in no rush to open the window.
The minutes ticked by. Bob scribbled away on the pad.
Why hadn't he asked for a driver's license? Whatever the reason,
it would be a month of Sundays before Jack ever sat near this cop again.

A tap on the door jerked his head to the left. There
was Bob, a folded paper in hand.
Jack rolled down the window a mere two inches, just
enough room for Bob to pass him the slip.
"Thanks." Jack could not quite keep the sneer out of his voice.
Bob returned to his car without a word. Jack watched his retreat in the
mirror. Jack unfolded the sheet of paper. How much was this one going
to cost? Wait a minute. What was this? Some kind of joke?

Certainly not a ticket. Jack began to read:
"Dear Jack,
Once upon a time I had a daughter. She was six when killed by a car.
You guessed it - a speeding driver. A fine and three months in jail, and
the man was free. Free to hug his daughters. All three of them. I only
had one, and I'm going to have to wait until heaven before I can
ever hug her again. A thousand times I've tried to forgive that man.
A thousand times I thought  I had. Maybe I did, but I need to do it again.
Even now. Pray for me. And be careful. My son is all I have left. Bob"
Jack turned around in time to see Bob's car pull away and head down the road.
Jack watched until it disappeared. A full 15 minutes later, he, too, pulled
away and drove slowly home, praying for forgiveness and hugging a
surprised wife and kids when he arrived.
Life is precious.

Handle with care.
This is an important message, please pass it along to
your friends. Drive safely and carefully. Remember, cars are not the
only thing recalled by their maker.

+ Citizens Against UFO Secrecy           HTTP://
+ 8624 E. San Bruno Drive               EMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+ Scottsdale AZ 85248               Phone/Fax: (480)609-9120

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