-Caveat Lector-



(Editor's note: When I left the Moon cult in 1976, I took out with me
complete sets of speeches done by
Moon himself to members and published by the Unification Church
entitled, "Master Speaks." Although the Moon organization has tried to
polish their public image, despite Moon's conviction and 13 months in jail,
in my opinion, the group's theology has not essentially changed- especially
when it comes to Jews and Christians. Moon's cult is fabulously wealthy -
owning the Washington Times Newspaper, UPI, The University of
Bridgeport, and hundreds of other entities as listed on this web site. As
Moon has been waiting for the Global Economy to fail, he has been busy
setting up an infrastructure to "take over" and set up his Automatic
Theocracy - with Unificationism the world religion. He is apparently
benefiting from the Bush faith-based Initiative to achieve his ambitions to
be seen as the "Messiah," (Jesus's younger brother who was able to
succeed where Jesus failed. I recommend you look at www.xmoonies.com
for more information regarding Christianity and Moon.

I have decided to post this old, yet still valid in my opinion, report by the
well respected Rabbi Rudin, current Interreligious Affairs Director for the
American Jewish Committee. --Steven Hassan)


There are several levels of significance implied for the American people,
and, especially for the Jewish community, in this study of the basic text of
the Rev. Sun Myung Moon's movement -- the first systematic study, to our
knowledge, that has been published of the "sacred scriptures" of Moonism.

The first is that Rev. Moon is contributing to a theologically reactionary
mentality whose traditional fixations on anti-Semitism have been
repudiated in recent decades by virtually every major Catholic, Protestant,
Greek Orthodox, and Evangelical group and leader -- from Vatican Council
II, the World and National Council of Churches, to Dr. Billy Graham and the
Southern Baptist Convention. At a time when the majority of enlightened
Christian leadership throughout the world is laboring to uproot the
sources of the pathology of anti-Jewish hatred which culminated in the
Nazi holocaust, Rev. Moon appears to be embarked on a contrary course
of seeking to reinfect the spiritual bloodstream of mankind with his
cancerous version of contempt for Jews and Judaism. On this level.
therefore, this document is published as a clinical diagnosis intended to
expose the Moon infection in order that both Christian and Jewish
leadership will be vigilant to the need for combatting any effort of Rev.
Moon and his followers to enter the mainstream of American religion and
culture with his horrendous baggage of bigotry.

A second consideration is that we are now dealing not only with an ersatz
spiritual phenomenon but one that has potentially serious political
implications as well. The recent revelations that Rev. Moon and his
Unification Church are allegedly involved as a front group for the South
Korean Intelligence Forces in this country who are charged with illegal
lobbying and bribery raise the serious issue of whether Moon's anti-
Semitism is intended to be used for the ideological objectives of his
political backers. If that is the case, then the American people must be
alert to the emergence in the Moon phenomenon of an ideological
campaign whose antecedents trace back to the Nazis and to Stalinist
Communism. Those totalitarian movements consciously and cynically
employed anti-Jewish hatred as a major vehicle for realizing their
apocalyptic goal of undermining the biblical and democratic values of
Western civilization. The troubling question cannot be evaded: why are
Rev. Moon and his political backers resorting to the Nazi model of
exploiting anti-Semitism for ideological purposes? Every American
Congressman, Senator and public official who is approached by the Moon
movement ought to be alert to this ideological land-mine of fanatic hatred
when courted for support by Rev. Moon and his backers.

And finally, this document is intended for the consciences of Jewish young
people who, most incredibly, have been enticed or seduced to become a
"Moonie." It has been estimated that nearly thirty percent of the Moonies
today are Jewish young men and women who have been subjected to this
latest form of totalitarian brainwashing. During the Korean War, 1951-53,
the Communists captured 3,778 American soldiers and subjected them to
psychological coercion which involved, first, a "mind-conditioning" phase in
which the American prisoners were intensively persuaded to hate their
own country, and, second, a so-called "suction" phase in which they were
taught that life was superior under Communism and they should spread the
gospel of Communism. Whatever the psychological or sociological reasons
for their attraction to Rev. Moon's movement, at some time in their search
for personal meaning Jewish youth must confront the evidence of this
document whose central message is that they are being asked to find
salvation in a "third Messiah" whose gospel is the hatred for and
destruction of their own people, their religion and culture, their very
families. In the face of this understanding of what Rev. Moon is really
teaching about Jews, a continued involvement in his movement can be
nothing other than an exercise in self-hatred and self-debasement. Surely,
young Jews and Christians have other, more humane alternatives for
finding meaning for their existence and self-fulfillment.

National Interreligious Affairs Director American Jewish Committee
December 1976


The Rev. Sun Myung Moon is a Korean-born (1920) religious leader who
moved to the United States in 1973. Since then, his teachings and beliefs
have received extraordinary attention in the Western World as he
embarked upon a widespread and highly visible campaign to gain new
members for his Unification Church. It has been a campaign filled with
bitter controversy, including a Congressional investigation of Rev. Moon's
tax- exempt status and an acrimonious court case that was instituted by
the parents of a new convert to his church. In the past three years nearly
30,000 Americans, most of them under thirty years of age, have flocked to
Rev. Moon's banner and have become active and committed members of
the Unification Church. Rev. Moon claims a worldwide membership of over

While public attention has been focused on many aspects of his movement,
very little has been said about his -- and the Unification Church's --
attitudes and beliefs regarding Judaism and the Jewish people as reflected
in Divine Principle, the basic text of Rev. Moon's movement.

A systematic analysis of this 536 page document* reveals an orientation of
almost unrelieved hostility toward the Jewish people, exemplified in
pejorative language, stereotyped imagery, and sweeping accusations of
collective sin and guilt.

Whether he is discussing the "Israelites" of the Hebrew Bible or the "Jews"
as referred to in writings of the New Testament period, Rev. Moon
portrays their behavior as reprobate, their intentions as evil (often
diabolical), and their religious mission as eclipsed.

There are over 36 specific references in Divine Principle to the Israelites
of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) -- every one of them pejorative. The
"faithlessness" of the Israelites is mentioned four times on a single page (p.

Moreover, the accusation is leveled collectively: "The Israelites all fell into
faithlessness" (p. 315). "All the Israelites centering on Moses fell into
faithlessness" (p. 320). "The Israelites repeatedly fell into faithlessness" (p.
343). (Emphasis added.)

In similar fashion, Divine Principle records some 65 specific references to
the attitudes and behavior of the Jewish people towards Jesus and their
role in his crucifixion -- again, every one hostile and anti-Jewish. Thus, not
only were the Jewish people of Jesus' day "filled with ignorance" (p. 162),
"rebellion" (against God) (p. 359), and "disbelief" (p. 146 et passim), but they
"betrayed" (p. 453), "persecuted" (p. 155), and "derided" Jesus (p. 135),
finally "delivering him to be crucified" (p. 200). Rev. Moon goes even
beyond the infamous deicide -"Christ killer" charge against the Jewish
people. In two separate instances in Divine Principle (pp. 357 and 510), the
founder of the Unification Church specifically links the Jews with Satan in
bringing about the death of Jesus:

As a matter of fact, Satan confronted Jesus, working through the Jewish
people, centering on the chief priests and scribes who had fallen faithless,
and especially through Judas Iscariot, the disciple who had betrayed

Nevertheless, due to the Jewish people's rebellion against him, the
physical body of Jesus was delivered into the hands of Satan as the
condition of ransom for the restoration of the Jews and the whole of
mankind back to God's bosom; his body was invaded by Satan.

The anti-Jewish thrust of Rev. Moon's writings about the ancient Israelites
and the Jews of Jesus' time carries forward into his interpretation of
Jewish history and of the current status of Jews and Judaism in our own
time. There are some 26 pertinent references in Divine Principle. Once
again, in tone and in substance, they are viciously anti-Jewish, reflecting
the worst aspects of traditional Christian displacement theology, and
viewing the persecution of Jews across the ages as punishment for their
sins. Thus "The Jewish nation was destroyed" (p. 431); due to "the
Israelites' faithlessness, God's heritage (has been) taken away from the
Jewish people" (p. 519). and "the chosen nation of Israel has been
punished for the sin of rejecting Jesus and crucifying Him" (p. 226).

Rev. Moon brings his teachings up to modern times.

Jesus came as the Messiah; but due to the disbelief of and persecution by
the people he was crucified. Since then the Jews have lost their
qualification as the chosen people and have been scattered, suffering
persecution through the present day. (p. 147).

The sole mention of the Nazi Holocaust is found on page 485:

Hitler imposed the strict primitive Germanic religious ideology by
concluding a pact with the Pope of Rome, thus founding a national
religion, and then tried to control all Protestantism under the supervision
of bishops throughout the country. Therefore, the Catholics as well as the
Protestants were strongly opposed to Hitler. Furthermore, Hitler
massacred six million Jews.

It is true that many of Rev. Moon's most virulent teachings about Jews and
Judaism have their parallels (if not their sources) in a tradition of Christian
anti-Jewish polemic which stretches from the early Church Fathers to the
Oberammergau Passion Play. St. John Chrysostom (d. 407 C.E.) wrote of the
Jewish people: "Of their rapine, their cupidity, their deception of the
poor... they are inveterate murderers, destroyers, men possessed by the
devil...they are impure and impious..." Tertullian (d. 222), another Church
Father, attempted to refute Judaism, especially the permanent validity of
the Mosaic covenant. St. Justin (d. 165), one of the first Christian leaders
to link the Jewish people with the crucifixion of Jesus, wrote: "The
tribulations were Justly imposed upon you, for you have murdered the
Just One." St. Hippolytus (d. 235 or 236) taught that Jews will always be
slaves because "they killed the Son of their Benefactor." Origen (d. 254),
echoed the deicide and punishment theme: "We say with confidence that
they will never be restored to their former condition. For they committed
a crime of the most unhallowed kind, in conspiring against the Saviour of
the human race..." Chrysostom believed the rejections and dispersion of
the Jews was the work of God, not history: "it was done by the wrath of
God and His absolute abandon of you." A fourth century Christian
historian, Sulpicius Severus, wrote: "Jews are beheld scattered through
the whole world that they have been punished on no other account than
for the impious hands which they laid on Christ."

All of these themes -- the "faithlessness" of Israel, the abrogation of the
Covenant, collective guilt and punishment -- come together in the
Oberammergau Passion Play, which is presented every ten years in
Germany. Thus, Jesus is represented as renouncing Judaism: "The Old
Covenant which my Father made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob has
reached its end." (1970 version, pp 41 f.) In the Bavarian pageant, the
Jewish crowd cries, "Drive him with violence that we get on to Calvary....
On. drive him with blows ... He deserves crucifixion..." (1970 version, pp.
106 and 109.) The so-called "blood curse" is clearly directed at the entire
Jewish people:

"Chorus: Jerusalem! Jerusalem!
The blood of His Son will yet avenge on you the Lord.
People: His blood be on us, and our children!
Chorus: Be it then upon you, and your children" (1970 version p. 99.)

These and many other examples attest to the anti-Jewish sources in
Christian tradition from which Rev. Moon has obviously drawn. But in
recent years, Christian church leaders have made vast efforts to come to
grips with this anti-Jewish legacy, to repudiate its most negative and
hostile elements, and to affirm the ongoing validity of God's covenant with
the Jewish people.

Thus, the Roman Catholic Church in its Declaration on non-Christian
Religions (1965), affirmed that responsibility for Jesus' death could not be
laid to the Jews of his time or to the Jews of today, and asserted: "...the
Jews should not be presented as rejected or accursed by God, as if this
followed from Holy Scriptures." The Lutheran Council In the USA,
representing three Lutheran bodies, advised in 1971: "Christians should
make it clear that there is no Biblical or theological basis for anti-Semitism.
Supposed theological or Biblical basis for anti-Semitism are to be examined
and repudiated." The twelve-million member Southern Baptist Convention
resolved in 1972 "...to work positively to replace all anti-Semitic bias with
the Christian attitude and practice of love for Jews, who along with all
other men, are equally beloved of God.". The newly-revised Book of
Confession of the Presbyterian Church in the United States affirms:

We can never lay exclusive claim to being God's people as though we have
replaced those to whom the covenant, the law and the promises belong.
We affirm that God has not rejected His people, the Jews. The Lord does
not take back His promises.

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati, in 1971 guidelines, declared: "The Jewish
people is not collectively guilty of the passion and death of Jesus Christ,
nor of the rejection of Jesus as Messiah. The Jewish people is not
damned, nor bereft of its election. Their suffering, dispersion, and
persecution are not punishments for the crucifixion or the rejection of

These are among the many indications of a growing sense of responsibility
among Christian leaders to teach positively and fairly about Jews and
Judaism. It is profoundly unfortunate that these developments find no
echo and no acknowledgement in Rev. Moon's teachings. Having drawn
upon the most anti-Jewish elements in Christian tradition, Rev. Moon has
totally ignored the conscientious efforts of Christians to correct them.

Moreover, the Holocaust, when one-third of the Jewish people was
murdered by the Nazis, is gratuitously mentioned by Rev. Moon, and
nowhere in Divine Principle do we find any calls for repentance or for self-
examination in the face of six million dead. The United Methodist Church,
in a 1972 statement, expressed "clear repentance and a resolve to
repudiate past injustice and to seek its elimination in the present." But
not Rev. Moon.

Two leading Christian bodies, the National Council of Churches and the
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York are sharply critical of Rev.
Moon's teachings.

A working paper prepared by the Faith and Order Commission of the NCC
asserts that many principles of the Unification Church differ substantially
from accepted Christian theology and the Commission finds serious fault
with Rev. Moon's major beliefs:

Divine Principle contains a legalistic theology of indemnity in which grace
and forgiveness play little part. The central figures of providence fail even
when they are not believed -- a vicarious failure is certainly not central to
Christian affirmation. That is, Christ failed because the Jews did not
believe in Him and put Him to death. That is double indemnity indeed, and
its penalties are continuing anti-Semitism and the requirement that
another savior come to complete the salvation of Jesus Christ.

Dr. Jorge Lara-Braud, a member of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S. and
the Faith and Order Commission's Executive Director, and Dr. William L.
Hendricks of the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth
were the principal authors of the working paper.

The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York has warned its priests about
the "acute dangers" that the Unification Church presents for believing
Christians. "It is important to bear in mind that several points of Rev.
Moon's teaching are in direct conflict with Catholic theology, and
therefore render his movement suspect for Catholic participation," Father
James L. LeBar, an official of the Archdiocesan Communications office, said
in a letter to pastors.

When referring to Jews and Judaism, we are confronted with over 125
examples of an unremitting litany of anti-Jewish teachings. Nowhere in
Divine Principle does Rev. Moon acknowledge the authenticity and
integrity of Jews or Judaism, either ancient or modern. From Abraham
until the present day, Jews are seen only as a people, devoid and emptied
of any genuine faith and spiritual qualities. "The inner contents are
corrupt " (p. 532.) The Jewish people are depicted as collectively
responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus as allies of Satan. They have been
replaced by a "second Israel" (who interestingly enough, must soon be
replaced by the "third Israel": the followers of Rev. Moon.) Further, the
Jews have lost God's "heritage" and are still being "punished" for their
many, many sins.

Rev. Moon's Divine Principle is a feculent breeding-ground for fostering
anti-Semitism. Because of his unrelieved hostility towards Jews and
Judaism, a demonic picture emerges from the pages of his major work.
One can only speculate on what negative and anti- Jewish impact Divine
Principle may have upon a follower of Rev. Moon.

Rabbi A. James Rudin

*The work has gone through several revisions and enlargements since it
was first published in Korean nearly 20 years ago. This study is based on
the 1974 English edition, published by the Holy Spirit Association for the
Unification of World Christianity, 1611 Upshur St., N.W., Washington, D.C.


Published by Freedom of Mind Resource Center Inc. April 2002 with the
permission of Rabbi Rudin and the American Jewish Committee.
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