-Caveat Lector-

With a bit of luck Clinton will get so hot under the collar he'll confess
all before the American public.N

Copyright 1998, WorldNetDaily
Have you ever sat there in front of your television set watching a
presidential press conference and wondering why those professional
journalists don't ask the really tough questions?

Here's your chance to vent -- and maybe even to put Clinton on the hot seat.

Each week, WorldNetDaily will compile the very best questions received from
readers, publish them on the fastest growing new news site on the Internet
and pass them along to select members of the White House press corps.

If we don't have an opportunity to raise the question at a press conference
or briefing, we'll also, when appropriate and possible, ask the questions of
the White House directly.

"What this country needs is 250 million reporters," said WorldNetDaily
Editor Joseph Farah. "Every day people ask me tougher, more probing
questions than my colleagues inside the beltway are putting to our top
elected officials. It's time to channel that creativity, that curiosity,
that civic-mindedness and that concern. And it's time for the federal
government to remember to whom it is accountable."

So, put on press hat, sit down at your word processor and shoot
WorldNetDaily's "Mr. President!" editor some e-mail. Look for the best of
the best each Monday.

In order to keep up with the number of postings on the MR. PRESIDENT! forum,
we must reduce the need to edit the questions submitted. We would appreciate
your following these criteria:
1. Don't tell, ask! Remember, your comments if any, must be followed by a
QUESTION. If you wish to editorialize, we ask you to e-mail the editor.

2. Remember, you are at a press conference. If you wouldn't have the guts to
ask your question there, don't ask it here.

3. Begin your message with (in all caps) MR. PRESIDENT! Don't forget to use
periods, question marks and capitalization.





Tuesday October 5, 1999 at 14:30

MR. PRESIDENT! When Nancy Reagan was the first lady, she was vilified by the
liberal media for buying new china for the White House. To my knowledge,
that was her only "abuse" of taxpayer funds. Since you're so busy
apologizing for past sins and iniquities committed in this country 150 years
ago, such as slavery, what words of apology will you offer to Mrs. Reagan
for the insults hurled at her by the press because of her new dishes? How do
you explain the lack of media outrage over your wife's multi-million dollar
nongovernment-related trips -- which were paid for with taxpayer dollars?


Tuesday October 5, 1999 at 14:21

MR. PRESIDENT! Which do you consider more dangerous to release: 14
terrorists convicted of involvement in domestic bombings that maimed and
killed innocent Americans, OR the files that supposedly support your
decision to do so?


Tuesday October 5, 1999 at 14:06

MR. PRESIDENT! What is the difference in giving a bribe directly to you, and
making a contribution to your "legal defense fund"?


Citizen A
Tuesday October 5, 1999 at 14:01

MR. PRESIDENT! A few years ago you explained that the we had to invade Haiti
was that the ordinary citizens there did not have guns to overthrow the
illegal and corrupt government. How do you justify the attack on gun
ownership by the people, that is guaranteed protection by the Second
Amendment of the U.S. Constitution?


Tuesday October 5, 1999 at 13:56

MR. PRESIDENT! What was your relationship to former drug kingpin Dan
Lasater? Also, who do you think was responsible for the death of your former
chief of security, Jerry Parks?


Greg Burroughs
Tuesday October 5, 1999 at 13:39

MR. PRESIDENT! Gennifer Flowers -- the woman you repeatedly denied having an
affair with, an affair to which you recently admitted under oath -- now
insists that you are capable of ordering those individuals who pose a threat
to you to be murdered. Considering the claims of intimidation and threats
recounted by Kathleen Willey, Linda Tripp, and many others, why should we
not believe this assessment of your character, coming as it does from a
woman who knew you intimately for 12 years? Have you anything to to say in
defense? Any proof or even a strong statement of denial of Ms. Flowers
charges? silence, what have


The Economy.
Tuesday October 5, 1999 at 13:38

MR PRESIDENT! There are three reasons why our economy has recovered: the end
of the Cold War opened previously closed markets to US businesses; the
Internet created a whole new economic base; and welfare reform. All of these
helped increase the tax base and reduce the tax burden. All of these started
before you took office, with the exception of welfare reform, which you
tried to stop. Since you had nothing to do with these three factors, what do
you claim to have done to further the prosperity of this country?


No More Taxes
Tuesday October 5, 1999 at 13:34

MR. PRESIDENT! Will you orchestrate activities that will provide an excuse
to temporarily suspend the Constitution and declare martial law at any time
in your remaining term of office?


Tuesday October 5, 1999 at 13:27

MR. PRESIDENT! Are there in your mind any distinctions between the
recently-republicized U.S. law enforcement actions at Mt. Carmel near Waco
and the Chinese law enforcement actions in Tiananmen Square? Follow up: as
an activist yourself, couldn't it be said that those who act publicly (like
your friend Susan Sarandon) tend to know and accept the risks, as opposed to
those who tend to keep to themselves and not bother anyone else?


devil with a green face
Tuesday October 5, 1999 at 12:54

MR. PRESIDENT! I'm not kidding when I say that you need to send me all of
your money. I want all of your money now. Not just some of it, all of it. My
kids are costing too much, and I want to use the money for cultural
pursuits. You've sure taken enough from me for your projects, so I figure
it's pay back time. So please give me all of your money. When can I expect
the check?


Tuesday October 5, 1999 at 12:37

MR. PRESIDENT! During the seige at Mt. Carmel (which was among the first
actions by your BATF and Justice Dept.), the FBI held daily press briefings.
At one of the early briefings a reporter from a newsletter called "Jubilee
News" asked the spinmeister what difference there was -- if any -- between
the ATF attack on the Branch Davidians and the Nazis attack on the Jews in
the Warsaw ghetto. Wasn't the ATF attack as bad as the one by the Nazis? The
spinmeister refused to answer, and the reporter was ordered out and his
press credentials pulled. Were you inspired by this example when you refused
to answer Mr. Sperry and banished him forever from the White House?


Tuesday October 5, 1999 at 12:31

MR. PRESIDENT! If Juanita Broddrick's allegation of rape resurfaces in the
mainstream media, what country will you attack to distract public attention?


D. Wilson
Tuesday October 5, 1999 at 12:25

MR. PRESIDENT! The United Nations Kyoto Protocol that you, your wife, and Al
Gore so vehemently endorse, would be a disaster for our country. That's made
abundantly clear in "The Science of Greenhouse Guessing" an article in the
October, 1999, issue of the Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists
RESERVOIR magazine, which was written by competent, true scientists, not
folks like Al Gore who have no credentials whatsoever. These scientists
demonstrate there is no such thing as global warming. Have you read it -- or
ANY work that presents evidence that the global warming theory is a fraud?


Tuesday October 5, 1999 at 12:24

MR. PRESIDENT! Under your administration, our nuclear secrets have been
handed to the Chinese on a silver platter. Your administration has refused
to seriously investigate or curtail the espionage. Also, you yourself have
been known to lie under oath to the American public. Why should we trust you
to be an effective moral leader and commander-in-chief?


Getof Mybac
Tuesday October 5, 1999 at 12:15

MR. PRESIDENT! Study after study shows that gun ownership by law-abiding
citizens is one of the best deterrents to crime. Why are you continuing your
all-out offensive against private gun ownership in the face of the
overwhelming evidence that proves its benefits?


Tuesday October 5, 1999 at 11:56

MR. PRESIDENT! How many Declarations of National Emergency are currently in
effect? What measures are being taken to alleviate them? How long are they
expected to last?


Roy Hobbs
Tuesday October 5, 1999 at 11:23

MR. PRESIDENT! Not one electric utility company, not one bank, not one
telecommunications company, in fact not one company vital to our
infra-structure has claimed to be certified Y2K compliant by third party
testing. With the facts blatantly in support of a non-compliant
infra-structure on 1/1/2000, shouldn't you be taking a much stronger
leadership role in informing the people of the reality of the situation and
the importance for them to develop contingency plans?


Tuesday October 5, 1999 at 11:11

MR. PRESIDENT! Are the people of the United States in any significant danger
of a potential missile attack from either a foreign government or a
terrorist group within the next decade? A follow-up: In the absence of a
functioning anti-missile defense program, how would our armed forces defend
the citizens of the United States of America from missile attacks?


Tuesday October 5, 1999 at 11:09

MR. PRESIDENT! Vice-President Al Gore recently said: "...if you look at the
difference that's been made in the last six and a half years ... the stock
market has tripled...There are more families moving off welfare into the
work force. Teen pregnancies are down. Abortions are down." What did you do
that makes the vice-president confident in taking credit for this stock
market boon? Why did you finally decide to sign the welfare reform bill
after having vetoed the same twice? Lastly, after making sexual promiscuity
a defining characteristic of your term in office, how can he claim that your
presidency played a role in the decrease in teen pregnancy and the number of


Steve W.
Tuesday October 5, 1999 at 10:52

MR. PRESIDENT! The film "Waco: The Rules of Engagement" contains sequences
of infrared aerial footage showing agents at the back of the main building
at Mt. Carmel firing automatic weapons into the inferno -- presumably to
prevent anyone from leaving. It is not clear who the shooters are (Delta
Force, perhaps?) but the FBI was in charge on the final day of the siege.
Will you demand the resignation of Janet Reno if it is found that the
Justice Department played a role in suppressing or covering up evidence that
points to wrong-doing by any Justice Department agents or the military?


Tuesday October 5, 1999 at 10:42

MR. PRESIDENT! Currently, you have deployed American military forces
virtually all over the globe. The Constitution does not provide for our
military forces to act as "world police" or "peace keepers" in foreign
countries. How do you justify to the American public this clearly
unconstitutional use of our military?


Tuesday October 5, 1999 at 10:39

MR. PRESIDENT! The U.S. government's own Office of Accounting and Budget
solid figures on the nation's debt, which currently is over $5 trillion.
There's no doubt that there's no surplus in the Treasury, and in fact the
country is going deeper into debt daily. What evidence can you offer to
support your claims of a surplus?


Yello Rose of Texas
Tuesday October 5, 1999 at 10:31

MR. PRESIDENT! You have appointed as ambassadors to foreign countries people
like Mr. Hormel and Ms. Braun, who are insensitive to the beliefs and
prejudices of the citizens of the countries to which they are assigned. Why
do you choose such people who are unqualified to fill the position?


Tim Taylor
Tuesday October 5, 1999 at 10:29

MR. PRESIDENT! Your administration has acted vigorously to curtail private
gun ownership. Do you feel that the Second Amendment has outlived its
purpose and is no longer needed? If that's so, then other amendments are
presumably obsolete. What other sections of the Bill of Rights would you
like to see revoked? amendments


Tuesday October 5, 1999 at 10:24

MR. PRESIDENT! The Kyoto Treaty mandates that countries adopt regulations to
mitigate the effects of global warming. Yet responsible scientists have
shown that the theory of global warming is based on poor data and shoddy
analysis. In other words -- the treaty mandates measures to mitigate a
nonexistent danger. Why are you urging the Senate to ratify this treaty,
with all its restrictions -- when it isn't even necessary? Why have you
ordered executive branch agencies to pass implementing regulations when the
treaty hasn't been ratified?

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