-Caveat Lector-


Part 1, Section 2 of 'GUILTY FOR 9-11: BUSH, RUMSFELD,
by Illarion Bykov and Jared Israel
[Posted 20 November 2001]

Dedicated to the firemen of New York.

In Part 1, Section 1 we demonstrated that Andrews Air
Force base, 10 miles from the Pentagon, had
combat-ready fighter squadrons on September 11th. Why
didn't jets scramble from Andrews until after the
Pentagon was hit?


On Sunday, September 16th, Vice-President Richard
Cheney was interviewed on NBC TV's 'MEET THE PRESS.'
During that interview he made the claim that the
military needed authorization from President George W.
Bush before scrambling fighter jets to intercept
American Airlines Flight 77.

Mr. Cheney did not present this lie in a
straightforward manner. He did not say, "A commercial
airliner can't be intercepted without presidential
approval." Instead, he spoke as if the need for
presidential authorization were a commonly accepted
fact; and then, based on this false foundation, he
emitted a fog of emotional misinformation to confuse
the millions of Americans who had asked themselves:
why didn't jet fighters intercept Flight 77 before it
crashed into the Pentagon? Doesn't the U.S. have radar
and an Air Force anymore?

It is common for officials attempting to cover-up a
capital crime to put the blame on a subordinate.
However Mr. Cheney used a different approach on 'MEET
THE PRESS.' Relying on his skills in public deception,
Cheney tried to create the impression that nothing
improper had occurred. But as soon as one sees through
his lies, one realizes Mr. Cheney has placed the
responsibility for the failure to intercept on George
W. Bush.

Here is the excerpt from 'MEET THE PRESS' where
Richard Cheney puts forward his intercept lie:

"MR. RUSSERT: What's the most important decision you
think he made during the course of the day?

"VICE PRES. CHENEY: Well, the--I suppose the toughest
decision was this question of whether or not we would
intercept incoming commercial aircraft.

"MR. RUSSERT: And you decided?

"VICE PRES. CHENEY: We decided to do it. We'd, in
effect, put a flying combat air patrol up over the
city; F-16s with an AWACS, which is an airborne radar
system, and tanker support so they could stay up a
long time...

"It doesn't do any good to put up a combat air patrol
if you don't give them instructions to act, if, in
fact, they feel it's appropriate.

"MR. RUSSERT: So if the United States government
became aware that a hijacked commercial airline was
destined for the White House or the Capitol, we would
take the plane down?

"VICE PRES. CHENEY: Yes. The president made the
decision...that if the plane would not divert...as a
last resort, our pilots were authorized to take them
out. Now, people say, you know, that's a horrendous
decision to make. Well, it is. You've got an airplane
full of American citizens, civilians, captured
by...terrorists, headed and are you going to, in fact,
shoot it down, obviously, and kill all those Americans
on board?

"...It's a presidential-level decision, and the
president made, I think, exactly the right call in
this case, to say, "I wished we'd had combat air
patrol up over New York."
--NBC, 'Meet the Press' 16 September 2001 (1)

* * *

Note that Mr. Cheney has performed a sleight of hand

First he said, "the toughest decision was...whether we
would intercept incoming commercial aircraft."

Later he said, "The president made the decision...
that if the plane would not divert as a last resort,
our pilots were authorized to take them out..." that
is, "shoot it down."

But "intercept": and "shoot it down" do not mean the
same thing.


"in·ter·cept (în´ter-sèpt¹) verb, transitive
in·ter·cept·ed, in·ter·cept·ing, in·ter·cepts
"1. a. To stop, deflect, or interrupt the progress or
intended course of"
(From 'American Heritage Dictionary' --AHD)


"shoot·down (sh¡t¹doun´) noun

"Destruction of a flying aircraft by a missile attack
or gunfire."
(From 'American Heritage Dictionary' --AHD)
Mr. Cheney deliberately confused these terms to stop
people from asking: why weren't the hijacked jets

Since "stopping, deflecting, or interrupting the
progress or intended course of" a hijacked airplane
does not necessarily involve violence, there could be
no moral obstacle to scrambling fighter jets to
intercept Flight 77. Therefore Mr. Cheney shifted
quickly to the morally charged question of whether to
shoot down "an airplane full of American citizens". By
creating this emotional link between interception (not
necessarily violent) and shooting down a commercial
jet (very violent), Cheney hoped to create sympathy
for a President forced to make this "horrendous"
choice: to intercept or not to intercept.

Mr. Cheney attempted to smooth over his sleight of
hand by inserting the following connecting sentence:

"It doesn't do any good to put up a combat air patrol
if you don't give them instructions to act, if, in
fact, they feel it's appropriate."

This is disinformation. Mr. Cheney was treating his
viewers like fools.

First, as anyone with a computer and basic knowledge
of the Internet can find out, Air Traffic Controllers
request military jets to intercept commercial aircraft
on a routine basis. Sometimes the purpose is to tell a
commercial pilot that his plane has gone off course;
other times the interceptor goes up in order to
observe the situation directly - for instance, to see
who is flying the plane. None of this requires
presidential approval.

Second, military interceptors (or 'escorts') already
have clear "instructions to act." These instructions
can be read online in detailed manuals from the FAA
and the Department of Defense. The instructions cover
everything from minor emergencies to hijackings. If a
problem is serious, high-ranking military officers
from the National Military Command Center in the
Pentagon (NMCC) can take charge.

Let us consider the procedures used in intercepting
commercial aircraft.

An Air Traffic Controller (ATC) may request military
jets to intercept (or 'escort') a commercial aircraft
in response to any serious problem which the Air
Traffic Controller cannot solve through radio contact.
Perhaps the most common problem is that a commercial
jet has deviated from its authorized flight path.

Every commercial jet is required to follow IFR, or
Instrument Flight Rules. IFR requires pilots to file a
flight plan with the Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA) before takeoff.
(FAA Order 7400.2E 14-1-2) (2)

"Commercial flights fly according to predefined flight
plans. These flight plans are intended to provide
quick routes that take advantage of favorable winds
while avoiding the routes traveled by other aircraft.
The usual flight plan is a series of three connected
routes: a standard instrument departure (SID) route,
an en route path, and a standard instrument arrival
(STAR). Each route consists of a sequence of
geographic points, or fixes, which, when connected,
form a trajectory from the point of departure to the
point of arrival."
--'Direct-To Requirements' by G. Dennis & E. Torlak

If a plane deviates from its flight plan, or makes the
wrong turn at one of its 'fixes,' an Air Traffic
Controller (ATC) contacts the pilot. If the ATC cannot
make contact, he or she will request an escort - that
is, a military jet - to scramble and check out the
situation. This is called 'interception.'

As you can see, interception is not necessarily an
aggressive act. Usually it is requested because
routine communication has become impossible.

For example, when the Lear jet chartered by Payne
Stewart, the famous golf pro, went off course, and the
pilot did not respond by radio, the FAA immediately
contacted the military:

"Several Air Force and Air National Guard fighter
jets, plus an AWACS radar control plane, helped the
Federal Aviation Administration track the runaway
Learjet and estimate when it would run out of fuel."
--'CNN,' 26 October 1999 (4)

The FAA online manual describes how an escort (i.e., a
fighter jet) might communicate with a commercial
airliner which fails to respond to radio contact. The
FAA has a chart entitled:

"Signals initiated by intercepting aircraft and
responses by intercepted aircraft."

According to the chart, which is available on-line, if
a commercial jet is intercepted in daytime, the escort
fighter jet may communicate by:

"...Rocking wings from a position slightly above and
ahead of, and normally to the left of, the intercepted

This conveys the message, "You have been intercepted."
The commercial jet should respond by rocking its
wings, indicating it will comply.

The escort then makes a

"slow level turn, normally to the left, on to the
desired heading [direction]."

The commercial jet is supposed to respond by following
the escort.
(FAA 'AIM' 5-6-4) (5)

When a commercial jet deviates from its approved
flight path, it creates a potentially deadly hazard:
it could collide with another jet. It is therefore
reassuring that the FAA has an exacting standard for
what constitutes an emergency:

"Consider that an aircraft emergency exists ... when:
...There is unexpected loss of radar contact and radio
communications with any ...aircraft."
--FAA Order 7110.65M 10-2-5 (6)



"If ... you are in doubt that a situation constitutes
an emergency or potential emergency, handle it as
though it were an emergency."
--FAA Order 7110.65M 10-1-1-c (7)

A high-ranking FAA official - called an Air Defense
Liaison Officer (ADLO) - is stationed in the
headquarters of NORAD, the North American Aerospace
Defense Command. The purpose: to help the FAA and the
military work together to handle emergencies as
quickly as possible. (8) Escorts are usually scrambled
from NORAD bases, such as the Otis Air Force Base on
Cape Cod, Massachusetts, or the air base at Langley,
Virginia. But not always:

"Normally, NORAD escort aircraft will take the
required action. However, for the purpose of these
procedures, the term "escort aircraft" applies to any
military aircraft assigned to the escort mission. "
--FAA Order 7610.4J 7-1-2 (9)

Thus when Payne Stewart's Lear jet went off course:

"First, a fighter jet from Tyndall, Fla., was diverted
from a routine training flight to check out the
Learjet. Two F-16s from another Florida base then
picked up the chase, later handing it over to two Air
National Guard F-16s from Oklahoma, which handed it
over to two F-16s from Fargo, North Dakota."
--'ABC News,' 25 October 1999 (10)

During a serious emergency, or if there is any
possibility that a hijacking has occurred:

"The escort service will be requested by the FAA
hijack coordinator by direct contact with the National
Military Command Center (NMCC)."
--FAA Order 7610.4J 7-1-2 (9)

A Defense Department manual makes the same point:

"In the event of a hijacking, the NMCC will be
notified by the most expeditious means by the FAA. The
NMCC will, with the exception of immediate
responses...forward requests for DOD [Department of
Defense] assistance to the Secretary of Defense for
--CJCSI 3610.01A, 1 June 2001 (11)

Located in the Pentagon, the NMCC can tap into radar
stations and thus monitor dangerous emergencies and
hijackings. For example, during the Payne Stewart

"...officers on the Joint Chiefs were monitoring the
Learjet on radar screens inside the Pentagon's
National Military Command Center."
--'CNN,' 26 October 1999 (4)

When dealing with potentially hostile situations,
escorts can adopt aggressive behavior:

"Small Private Plane Ordered to Land in Vicinity of
Bush Ranch

"A small private plane flying unauthorized in the
vicinity of President Bush's ranch near Crawford was
ordered by the military to land Thursday, a sheriff's
deputy said....

"The Federal Aviation Administration declared that the
plane was unauthorized and ordered its occupants
detained, Plemons said. At that point military
officials, flying in two jets beside the plane, got on
the pilot's radio frequency and ordered the Cessna to

"The plane landed on a private landing strip near
State Highway 6, about eight miles from the Bush ranch
near Crawford....

"In [a second incident, in] Wood County, Sheriff's
senior Dispatcher Rodney Mize said a private plane was
forced down by two military pilots in A-10 Warthog
jets about 11:30 a.m. The jets flew one above and one
below until the private plane's pilot landed at
Wisener Field near Mineola."
--'AP,' 13 September 2001 (12)

The 'Boston Globe' reported that:

"[Marine Corps Major Mike] Snyder, the NORAD
spokesman, said its fighters routinely intercept

"When planes are intercepted, they typically are
handled with a graduated response. The approaching
fighter may rock its wingtips to attract the pilot's
attention, or make a pass in front of the aircraft.
Eventually, it can fire tracer rounds in the
airplane's path, or, under certain circumstances, down
it with a missile."
--'Boston Globe,' 15 September 2001 (13)

Now, let us return to Mr. Cheney and his interview on

As you will recall, he said:

"It doesn't do any good to put up a combat air patrol
if you don't give them instructions to act, if, in
fact, they feel it's appropriate."

Mr. Cheney is attempting to misinform by pretending
that intercept pilots need 'instructions' from the
President, when he knows perfectly well that clear
instructions and a whole organizational network exist
to handle intercept emergencies.

Moreover, Mr. Cheney's implicit argument - that there
is no point in sending up an escort unless the pilot
has clearance to shoot down a commercial jet - is
absurd. Why would such a decision have to be made in
advance of scrambling the escort? Even if an airliner
has been taken over by a terrorist with a suicide
mission, how could Mr. Cheney, Mr. Bush or anyone else
other than God Himself possibly predict how the
hijacker would respond to an intercept by military
jets? Even if a hijacker were ready to die for the
glory of crashing into the Pentagon, does that mean he
would also be ready to die for the glory of ignoring a
military pilot's order to land?

So even if the military had no authority to shoot down
Flight 77, why not send up escorts planes? Isn't that
in fact how police and the military routinely handle
hijack situations - by mobilizing a potentially
overwhelming force in the hope of getting the hijacker
to surrender?

Why, as Mr. Cheney claims, would there have been "no
point" in trying this tactic in the case of Flight 77?
Weren't many human lives at stake? Isn't that "a


What about the rest of Mr. Cheney's remarks, his
contention that only President Bush could authorize
the military to actually shoot down a hijacked plane?
In all probability this is true. But as we shall see
in a later section, this comment, as well as other
things Mr. Cheney said on 'MEET THE PRESS,' will prove
damning to George W. Bush when he goes on trial for

Summary of evidence is CONTINUED IN PART 1, SECTION 3


For a map of Washington showing the distance from
Andrews Air Force base to the Pentagon go to:

(1) 'NBC, Meet the Press' (10:00 AM ET) Sunday 16
September 2001.
Full transcript at:
Backup transcript at:

(2) Regarding rules governing IFR requirements, see
FAA Order 7400.2E 'Procedures for Handling Airspace
Matters,' Effective Date: December 7, 2000 (Includes
Change 1, effective July 7, 2001), Chapter 14-1-2.
Full text posted at:

(3) For a clear and detailed description of flight
plans, fixes, and Air Traffic Control, see: 'Direct-To
Requirements' by Gregory Dennis and Emina Torlak at:

(4) 'CNN,' 26 October 1999 "Pentagon never considered
downing Stewart's Learjet," Web posted at: 8:27 p.m.
EDT (0027 GMT)
Full text posted at:
Backup at:

(5) FAA 'Aeronautical Information Manual: Official
Guide to Basic Flight Information and Air Traffic
Control (ATC) Procedures,' (Includes Change 3
Effective: July 12, 2001) Chapter 5-6-4 "Interception
Full text posted at:

(6) FAA Order 7110.65M 'Air Traffic Control' (Includes
Change 3 Effective: July 12, 2001), Chapter 10-2-5
"Emergency Situations"
Full text posted at:

(7) FAA Order 7110.65M 'Air Traffic Control' (Includes
Change 3 Effective: July 12, 2001), Chapter 10-1-1
"Emergency Determinations"
Full text posted at:

(8) FAA Order 7610.4J 'Special Military Operations'
(Effective Date: November 3, 1998; Includes: Change 1,
effective July 3, 2000; Change 2, effective July 12,
2001), Chapter 4, Section 5, "Air Defense Liaison
Officers (ADLO's)"
Full text posted at:

(9) FAA Order 7610.4J 'Special Military Operations'
(Effective Date: November 3, 1998; Includes: Change 1,
effective July 3, 2000; Change 2, effective July 12,
2001), Chapter 7, Section 1-2, "Escort of Hijacked
Aircraft: Requests for Service"
Full text posted at:

(10) 'ABCNews,' 25 October 1999 "Runaway Plane Crashes
in S.D.; Golfer, at Least Four Others Killed," by
Geraldine Sealey
Full text posted at:
Backup at:

(11) 'Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Instruction 3610.01A,' 1 June 2001, "Aircraft Piracy
(Hijacking) and Destruction of Derelict Airborne
Objects," 4.Policy (page 1)
PDF available at:
Backup at:

(12) 'The Associated Press State & Local Wire' 13
September 2001, Thursday, BC cycle, "Small private
plane ordered to land in vicinity of Bush ranch"
Full text posted at:

(13) 'The Boston Globe,' Saturday 15 September 2001
Third Edition Page A1, "Facing Terror Attack's
Aftermath: Otis Fighter Jets Scrambled Too Late to
Halt The Attacks" by Glen Johnson.
Full text posted at:


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