-Caveat Lector-

Mainstream Deception
It Is A Matter Of Life And Death
By: Dave Franklin

On November 5, 2002 millions of Americans went to the polls and voted for candidates 
duly chosen by an establishment built on its own premise of self-importance -- proving 
accomplishment of evil by convincing people that it does not exist. Illusion depends 
on collective denial joined by a majority, regardless of the few who recognize truth. 
Those among the smaller group now realize that desperate times call for desperate 

Do we remain in the throws of illusion? Horrors of death and hell are the next episode 
of mainstream pop culture. And we don't need to look very hard to find evidence of 
tyranny in America today. Grandma's knitting kit being confiscated at the airport is a 
good place to start.

Having passed the point where compromise is a workable method of coping with serial 
debauchery, it is necessary to take a first step. This involves far more than just 
casting partisan votes on Election Day.

While such doesn't follow paths of least resistance, necessary steps are not nearly so 
difficult as actions taken by those who took up arms against the British Crown two and 
a quarter centuries ago. And the oppression with which average people now contend are 
cosmic when compared to that imposed on Colonials in the 1700s. If 21st Century 
Americans will restore freedom, there is a procedure for it.

Kill your television. It is a source of lies. Then find truth, no matter what else you 
do. Understand what is really going on in your government. Then contact local 
officials, state representatives, and those you've elected to control the Federal 
Government. They must know where you stand with regard to their actions.

Read the Constitution of the United States. Take your time. It may consume a couple of 
hours, but no more than what you will spend at a movie prepared for millions by the 
forces of darkness that rule in Hollywood. Having studied government's structure and 
our rights, which are guaranteed to every American a foundation will exist, which is 
not shaken by the oppressive propaganda impressed in mass consciousness on an hourly 

Such foundation alone can stand for truth. How many voters pulled the lever for 
candidates they knew little or nothing about other than party affiliation? Believing 
those who represent us will do so based on a party platform that most of them will 
never even read is a sure way to fortify oppression. Politicians who care little for 
the interests of those they represent happily secure millions of votes cast by those 
who have no idea what is being done in the dark halls of power.

If Americans continue unmitigated pursuit of entertainment instead of truth, the lines 
between reality and elite fantasy become even more blurred. The importance of this is 
no less than life and death. As days of dot-com bubbles have transformed into a war on 
terrorism, and when WMD becomes the newest acronym in American lexicon, families have 
more to worry about than government money for prescription drugs.

During Campaign 2002, the Democratic Party aired its dirty laundry at a rally-funeral 
in Minnesota and on a ballot line New Jersey. That's after it joined the GOP in 
expelling one of its own from Congress who had been prosecuted and convicted by Janet 
Reno's Justice Department in a Cleveland Federal Court. Those who share appropriate 
contempt for Clintonian liberalism remained tuned into the GOP talk-radio machine with 
religious regularity. "Mega-dittos", they said.

Meanwhile, a Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives prepares phase two of 
the police state called the Department of Homeland Security. That bill remains on the 
shelf in the Senate and will surely be sent to the President's desk in mere months as 
an echo of the GOP's sweep. The Grand Old Police state party had exploited 
bipartisanship in the wake of 9/11 and passed the first phase of its program, the USA 
Patriot Act.

No matter our revulsion at the liberal Democrats who controlled the Senate, they were 
the only ones that stood in the path of phase two, three, four... This roadblock has 
now been removed. Jersey barriers blocking entrances at the Capitol and White House 
stand firmly in place guarded by federal police. Those who occupy look-but-don't- 
touch government buildings owned by we the people, and filled with partisan squatters, 
are now going uninhibited about the business of shredding the U.S. Constitution.

It's all in the name of a war on terrorism that we are told is going to last longer 
than the war on drugs. And this latest war on fill-in 
-the-blank-with-anything-other-than-an-actual-enemy looks to be just as successful as 
the one on narcotics. Once again, we are told that the coming even more horrible 
attack is "not a matter of if, but when" as our borders remain wide open.

Americans can deny it while they rally around their Republican heroes whose contempt 
for them is rivaled only by the GOP's sheer dependence on illusion. But the stakes are 
even more than the loss of individual freedom. It is a matter of life and death.

Dave Franklin is a writer for the American Reformation Project and USA Daily . He 
works in telecommunications and has over ten years of experience as a technology 
consultant for government agencies, including the Department of State and the Joint 
Staff. He is a regular columnist for Ether Zone.
Dave Franklin can be reached at:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Published in the November 21, 2002 issue of  Ether Zone. Copyright © 1997 - 2002 Ether 
We have a war on poverty, there is more poverty.
We have a war on illiteracy, there is more illiteracy.
We have a war on drugs, there are more drugs.
We have a war on crime, there is more crime.
We have a war on terrorism, guess what?

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