-Caveat Lector-

Arab News

Editorial: Sharon’s chances
12 January 2003
Published on 12 January 2003

One of the oddest things about the political mess into which Israeli Premier Ariel 
has got himself is that it is illegal under Israel electoral law to accept campaign
contributions from abroad. Israel’s entire existence has long depended upon economic
and military aid from successive United States governments, along with hefty flows of
cash from the world Zionist community, many of whom are also US-based.

Yet here is the Likud party’s Ariel Sharon, the most hawkish Zionist leader of Israel
since Menachem Begin, under serious attack for taking a $1.5 million loan from a South
African friend, which was used to pay back excessive and therefore also illegal
campaign contributions from supporters in Israel.

Coupled with the recent court overthrow of an electoral ban on the Knesset’s only two
Arab legislators, it may seem as if Israel is shifting away from its repressive stance 
the Palestinians and that, just over two weeks before the general election, liberal 
are gaining an unexpected ascendancy.

Such optimism is almost certainly unfounded. Two characteristics about Israel have
long been clear. The first is that in matters of domestic politics, the general rule 
is a free-
for-all in which there is little loyalty and even less stability. Israeli politicians 
tend to
dislike each other with an unusual vehemence. There is a constant struggle to reach the
top of the greasy poll. Few leaders have been able to count for very long on the 
of political allies, whether they are in the same party or part of a coalition.

The second characteristic however is the more important. It is that whatever the
personal differences, the underlying agenda is never in doubt: to create a stronger and
greater Israel.

Sure there are “liberals” such as Amram Mitzna, Sharon’s current Labor opponent, and
Ehud Barak his predecessor, who talk about land for peace and a just settlement for the
Palestinians. But history must judge the sincerity of these people. And history may 
well conclude that they are merely the internationally acceptable face of Zionism, 
part of
a long drawn- out good cop, bad cop routine, designed to defuse world impatience
before permitting another outspoken hawk to return to power and resume the racist
agenda, the conclusion of which will see the Palestinian people being thrown out of the
rest of their land.

Zionism has clambered up relentlessly from one political ledge to another. The greatest
of these perches was undoubtedly the Camp David Agreement, which led to the final
recognition by the Arab world of Israel’s right to exist. This has been used as a 
pad to swoop down on the Palestinians still living in the territory which Zionism has
always claimed as its own. Just as Hitler set out his own terrible agenda in Mein Kampf
in 1924, nine years before the Nazis seized power, so the plan for a greater Israel was
written into Theodor Herzl’s “Jewish State” published way back in 1896.

The neat trick that Israeli leaders have always managed is to wear the costume of a
dove over their hawk’s plumage, whenever it seems necessary to assuage outside
opinion. It appears that Ariel Sharon’s little bit of dishonesty has damaged his 
overwhelming lead in the polls and there now seems an outside chance that Labor
could win. Were this the case, the upset would be scarcely credible. Why should Israeli
voters, who days ago were rallying around Sharon, their uncompromising strong man,
who promised them even greater provocative suppression of the Palestinians, suddenly
desert him for a so-called “peace” party, just because he was caught dipping his hand
in the traditional cookie jar of international Zionist support? It doesn’t make sense.

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