-Caveat Lector- Alex,

Personally, if this is how your logic and research work, I  now understand better why you left
High Times swinging in the wind on a lawsuit you created.

Alex, you publish under a pseudonym, Dan Hopsicker uses his own name. You are now attempting a character assassination of Daniel by implying that he is some sort of stooge for some PR firm that was involved with him in his television work. You state "
Who provided Hopsicker with his material? A fucking PR firm with heavy
propaganda ties." Do you have any proof of that statement. What material are you talking about? All you are doing is using very transparent false rhetorical tricks to make false accusations and wasting my and others time. A pattern seen before? Alex,  your association with Feral House which publishes
several books by Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey. Does this mean you are a stooge of the Chirch of Satan?

Yeah, folks mess with me all the time.

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