-Caveat Lector-


Sunday, January 26, 2003
Meet the U.S. Congress' dirty dozen terror caucus
At least 12 members of House, Senate provide aid, comfort
Posted: January 26, 2003
1:00 a.m. Eastern

Editor's note: WorldNetDaily is pleased to have a content-sharing
agreement with Insight magazine, the bold Washington publication
not afraid to ruffle establishment feathers. Subscribe to Insight at
WorldNetDaily's online store and save 71 percent off the cover

By J. Michael Waller
© 2003 News World Communications

When he was governor of Pennsylvania, Tom Ridge signed the
execution warrant for Muslim militant Mumia Abu-Jamal, whom a
jury convicted of murdering Philadelphia police officer Daniel
Faulkner in 1981.

Mumia had shot the 25-year-old policeman once in the back and
point-blank in the face. A handful of congressmen, as part of a
yearslong campaign to ''Free Mumia,'' assailed Ridge.

Those same congressmen likely will give Ridge an even harder time
in his new post as secretary of homeland security. The most senior
of them, Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., has been on the
Mumia campaign since the start, signing letters, addressing rallies
and pressuring the previous president of the United States to
intervene. Conyers similarly has embraced the cause of Leonard
Peltier, the convicted murderer of FBI special agents Jack R. Coler
and Ronald A. Williams. Conyers argues that Mumia, a Muslim
African-American, and Peltier, an American Indian, are victims of a
racist and bigoted system. He also sued the Department of Justice a
year ago to force an open hearing for Rabih Haddad, leader of a
group that U.S. officials say raises money in the United States for
Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida terrorist group.

Fringe politician that he is, Conyers is no backbencher. On his
Website he calls himself ''a senior statesman in American political
life.'' The 20-term representative from Detroit is the second-most-
senior member of the House, and serves as the ranking Democrat
on the House Judiciary Committee. This means he shares oversight
of the Justice Department and FBI, and writes and amends
antiterrorism laws. Nor is he alone as a prominent
congressional friend of radicals and revolutionaries.

An Insight investigation finds that at least a dozen sitting members
of the House and Senate have provided active support to terrorist
organizations, armed clandestine groups that targeted and
killed Americans, or regimes that sponsor terrorism. Some of the
lawmakers have been at it for years – even decades. Some appear
to have done it for ideological reasons. Others certainly have been
duped. With most, it's hard to tell.

The problem, close observers of domestic terrorist groups say, is
that providing such support has become an accepted practice on
Capitol Hill, where critics are silent and almost everyone would like
to sweep the issue under the rug. One of the reasons for the
silence, congressional sources admit, is that either the lawmakers or
the cop-killers and terrorists for whom they advocate are members
of ethnic minorities – and Democrats and Republicans alike are
afraid to raise the issue for fear of being called racist.

At the time Mumia murdered Faulkner, Barbara Lee was on Capitol
Hill as a staffer to then-representative Ronald V. Dellums, D-Calif.
She succeeded Dellums in a special 1998 election and sits on the
House International Relations Committee.

Like Conyers, Rep. Lee publicly has embraced the ''Free Mumia''
campaign, and she has long-standing ties to radical groups and to
regimes that have sponsored terrorism. In the early 1980s,
Lee had an unusually close relationship with the Marxist-Leninist
regime of Maurice Bishop on the Caribbean island of Grenada. Lee
and fellow Dellums staffer Carlottia Scott had tried with much
frustration to get the congressman involved with the Grenada cause,
and finally, in April 1982, brought him to the island where he became
committed to the Bishop regime. At that time, Grenada
was serving as a transshipment point for Soviet-bloc weaponry to
guerrilla and terrorist organizations in the hemisphere, as official
documents captured by U.S. forces subsequently proved.

One of those documents is a May 16, 1980, memorandum from the
Grenadian ambassador to the Organization of American States to
Bishop, stating that Lee warned of a possible infiltration
of the regime's leadership. Lee had received a letter, addressed to
her Capitol Hill office in 2464 Rayburn Building, from the office of the
prime minister and with an official postal frank. The memorandum
stated, ''Comrade: On May 14, 1980, Barbara Lee called to say she
had received a piece of anti-PRG [People's Revolutionary
Government] propaganda stamped from the prime
minister's office, postmarked in Grenada. We collected it May 15,
and it is herewith attached.'' The ambassador suspected ''a spy
inside the ministry'' and credited Lee for the timely warning to the
communist regime.

Lee and Scott pushed the PRG cause for some time, finally
persuading Dellums to visit Grenada in early 1982. Insight has
obtained a letter that Scott wrote to Bishop after that visit, following a
stop in Cuba. Addressing the Grenadian leader as ''My Dearest,''
she described ideas that she, Lee and Dellums had for
promoting the Marxist-Leninist regime's cause in Washington. ''Ron
had a long talk with Barb and me when we got to Havana and cried
when he realized that we had been shouldering Grenada
alone all this time,'' she wrote. ''He's really hooked on you and
Grenada and doesn't want anything to happen to building the
Revo[lution] and making it strong. He really admires you as a
person and even more so as a leader with courage and foresight,
principle and integrity. Believe me, he doesn't make that kind of
statement often about anyone. The only other person that I know of
that he expresses such admiration for is Fidel [Castro].''

Several other such U.S. lawmakers have championed a domestic
terrorist group, the Armed Forces of National Liberation – known by
its Spanish initials of FALN – that seeks to impose a Marxist-
Leninist regime on Puerto Rico and secede from the United States.

 In the 1970s and 1980s, the FALN planted more than 130 bombs
and killed at least six people. Reps. José E. Serrano D-N.Y., Nydia
M. Velázquez D-N.Y. and Luis V. Gutierrez D-Ill., all left-wingers of
Puerto Rican ancestry, embraced the cause of 16 convicted FALN
members serving time in federal prison. Serrano called them
''political prisoners,'' according to the People's Weekly World, the
official newspaper of the Communist Party USA.

They campaigned to pressure then-president Bill Clinton to issue
pardons to free the radicals, even though the terrorists themselves
had not requested that their sentences be commuted. When Clinton
agreed to grant them clemency in August 1999, Serrano blasted him
for requiring them to renounce violence as a
precondition of their release.

That presidential action caused problems for then-first lady Hillary
Rodham Clinton, who was about to begin her campaign to become
a U.S. senator. ''President Clinton made his decision to release the
FALN terrorists at the same time his wife was campaigning for the
Senate in New York,'' the Senate Republican Policy Committee
reported in a policy paper. ''Many commentators believe he hoped to
win votes for his wife from the large Hispanic population in New
York City. However, law-enforcement groups and victims'-rights
groups were outraged, and his clemency offer did not poll well in
New York state. His wife then opposed the granting of clemency,
and the president denied that she was in any way involved in the

The clemency offer did not otherwise fit the pattern of Clinton's
behavior, the committee noted: ''The president had only granted
three out of the more than 4,000 clemency requests during
his presidency.'' The terrorists didn't even ask for clemency, and in
granting it Clinton ''did not follow the procedures that have been in
place since Grover Cleveland was president,'' granting it ''even
though the Justice Department did not take an official position as

Ninety-five senators condemned Clinton's action, voting in a
resolution that ''the president's offer of clemency to the FALN
terrorists violates long-standing tenets of United States
counterterrorism policy, and the release of terrorists is an affront to
the rule of law, the victims and their families, and every American
who believes that violent acts must be punished to the fullest extent
of the law.''

A joint congressional resolution declared that ''making concessions
to terrorists is deplorable,'' and that "President Clinton should not
have granted amnesty to the FALN terrorists.''

Hillary Clinton changed her position, but not two of her colleagues-
to-be. Sen. Daniel Akaka, D-Hawaii, and the late Sen.
Paul Wellstone, D-Minn. were the minority of two standing on the far
left with the amnesty.

Several lawmakers even have rallied to the causes of American
terrorists and terrorist collaborators arrested and imprisoned abroad.
Lori Berenson, a member of the Marxist-Leninist Tupac
Amaru Revolutionary Movement, MRTA, in Peru, was convicted and
imprisoned in harsh conditions under the country's strict antiterrorist
laws. Her congresswoman from home, Rep. Carolyn
Maloney, D-N.Y., has interceded on her behalf; so have Reps. Jim
Leach, R-Iowa, and Jim McGovern, D-Mass. McGovern has allied
himself with violent revolutionary movements since the 1980s, when
he was a staffer for the late Rep. Joseph Moakley, D-Mass. He has
helped the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front in El Salvador,
facilitating the shipment of material aid and American volunteers for
the Cuban-backed group's rural civic-action efforts, according to
documents and letters he signed in the 1980s that
Insight has obtained.

Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., secured the release in the 1980s
of Jennifer Jean Casolo, an operative with the FMLN, after
Salvadoran authorities found her house in San Salvador had been a
clandestine arsenal.

El Salvador was a breeding ground of sorts for witting and unwitting
congressional support for foreign extremist groups that targeted
American military and civilian personnel and U.S.
interests. The country's bitter guerrilla war in the 1980s attracted a
score or more of U.S. lawmakers to assist FMLN propaganda, civic-
action and fund-raising operations. Most of the congressmen
seemed otherwise ignorant of El Salvador and unaware that the
groups they were supporting were FMLN fronts. But some,
including Conyers, signed direct-mail fund-raising letters to raise
money for FMLN fronts – in Conyers' case, a group called
Medical Aid to El Salvador, which channeled medicine and first-aid
supplies to FMLN-controlled groups and regions. Insight has a copy
of the Conyers letter, which the U.S. ambassador to El
Salvador at the time, Edwin Corr, assailed in a long cable as being
full of FMLN disinformation about the nature of the conflict and of
U.S. involvement.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., now House minority leader and the
most powerful woman in Congress, signed many letters on behalf of
FMLN causes in the 1980s. Among the letters, copies of
which Insight obtained, are requests to the U.S. Embassy and to the
Salvadoran military and civilian leadership urging them to grant
safe-conduct passes to radical American activists into FMLN-
controlled regions. A former Salvadoran ambassador to the United
States tells Insight that his government felt intense pressure to grant
the passes demanded by U.S. lawmakers, even though authorities
knew the activists were with FMLN support groups and that their
activities provided material support to the
communist guerrilla forces and their civilian infrastructure.

Other sitting lawmakers who publicly endorsed, assisted or lent their
names to FMLN causes include Sens. Barbara Mikulski, D-Md.,
Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, and Rep. Benjamin Cardin, D-Md., according
to literature published by FMLN support groups such as the
Committee in Solidarity with the People of El

The FMLN assassinated American military trainers, U.S. Marines
who guarded the embassy in San Salvador, American businessmen
and CIA assets, and a retired American Jesuit priest, the Rev.
Francisco Peccorini.

Most of these lawmakers object when they are charged with helping
extremists, terrorist groups or terrorist regimes and, indeed, most
probably have no idea they did so. But some are
hard-core extremists who know very well what they have been
doing. Serrano, the top Democrat on the House Appropriations
panel in control of the FBI budget, is one of the latter.

MSNBC's Chris Matthews once grilled Serrano about Castro and
Cuba, asking the lawmaker if he thought Cuba, one of seven
countries the State Department classifies as a state sponsor of
terrorism, is a free country. ''It's a sovereign country,'' Serrano said
at first, then added, ''It's a country with a system different from ours.''
After aggressive prodding from Matthews, Serrano
said, ''I don't know if it's a free country. I don't live there.'' Ultimately
the congressman revealed his true belief. The Castro regime, he
said, ''allows personal freedoms – absolutely.''

Subscribe to Insight
Scott L. Wheeler is a writer for Insight magazine.

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