-Caveat Lector-


Melissa manhunt creates precedent

Some legal experts raise red flag about computer code that paves way for
'virtual tracking.'

By Joel Deane, ZDNN
April 6, 1999 4:44 PM PT

The use of tracking technology to apprehend David L. Smith, the programmer
charged with authoring the Melissa virus, may have created a dangerous precedent
for electronic privacy, according to legal experts.
 Smith, 30, of Aberdeen, N.J., was arrested last Thursday, following a national
manhunt. He will be arraigned in Monmouth County Superior Court at 7 a.m. PDT

According to New Jersey Deputy Attorney General Christopher G. Bubb, Smith's
arrest was made as a direct result of information provided by America Online

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The online services company led investigators to a phone number and then the
newsgroup where the macro virus was first posted. A controversial Microsoft
document identification technology -- the Global Unique Identifier, or GUID --
also appears to have played at least a minor role in the Melissa manhunt.

'There's no guarantee that companies won't do these kind of things for less
lofty reasons. ... The process becomes legitimized -- you have created a
-- Gerry Jenkins, Internet lawyer

David Sobel, general counsel for the Electronic Privacy Information Center, said
the virtual tracking of Smith gave an indication of how electronic identifiers
such as Intel's ID chip could be used by law enforcement agencies -- and set a
"potentially frightening" precedent.

"Cases like this always occur in the context where people might agree with the
outcome," Sobel said -- such as catching the person believed responsible for a
damaging virus.

But, he asked, what if China used the same identifying technologies to track
dissidents? "There are lots of human rights implications," he said.

Gerry Jenkins -- a Chicago-based Internet lawyer with Goldberg, Kohn, Black,
Rosenbloom and Moritz -- said Smith's arrest could be a case of hard cases
making bad law.

Bad precedent

While it's very important to demonstrate to virus writers that if they write
damaging code they will be caught and punished, Jenkins said: "The problem is
that there's no guarantee that companies won't do these kind of things for less
lofty reasons. There's no guarantee that privacy policies won't change based on
what is in their best interests at the time.

"The process becomes legitimized -- you have created a precedent."

Jenkins said AOL, which was roundly criticized last year for inadvertently
releasing a user's identity to U.S. Navy investigators, had a policy to protect
customers' privacy. "I think they made the decision that David Smith wasn't a
person they wanted to protect," he said.

Listen to ZDNN's unedited interview with Jennifer Granick

Jennifer Granick, a San Francisco criminal defense lawyer who specializes in
high-tech issues, said the Smith case "definitely" broke new ground.

"It's not new that AOL cooperates with law enforcement in investigations, but
some of the elements of the investigation are new, such as the GUID," she said.

"A case like this points out to the average consumer how the software in their
lives can be compromising to their privacy," she added. "That's a serious area
of concern."

Legitimate use of technology?

At least one online privacy expert, however, wasn't alarmed by the Smith case.

David Sorkin, professor at Chicago's John Marshall Law School and associate
director of the Center for Information Technology and Privacy Law, said he
didn't see the Smith case as a case study in online privacy.

The use of tracking technology to apprehend a suspect was legitimate, Sorkin
said, so long as investigators had probable cause and obtained the appropriate
court orders.

Of greater concern to Sorkin is the fact that different jurisdictions even
within the United States have different standards regarding electronic privacy.

"The fact that they were able to, and did use, the identifier and Internet logs
used by America Online demonstrates the extent to which peoples' movements on
the Internet can be tracked -- and the potential dangers," Sorkin said.

Keeping tabs on ISPs

EPIC's Sobel said he would follow Smith's case "very closely" -- especially if
it goes to trial.

"I think the case, generally, is going to give us an interesting glimpse into
how individuals can be tracked on the Internet. The GUID is one of those, but so
is the record-keeping procedures of ISPs like AOL," Sobel said.

"It's one of the first case studies that we are going to have of the use of
various devices to combat anonymity."

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