-Caveat Lector-

*Michael Moriarty on 9/11 inside job*
< http://www.total411.info/2007/02/michael-moriarty-on-911-inside-job.html >


From *JackBlood.com* February 7, 2007 <http://source-url-here/>:

"Blood asked, "Who benefited from the OKC Bombings?"

Moriarty answered, "The Clinton Administration. They shot up to 62%
approval rating [from 22%], Janet Reno kept her job, the BATF kept their
Department, the whole Clinton Administration benefited from that awful
nightmare. That's why it smells of a Reichstag fire." Moriarty went on to
add that Muslims were involved in the OKC bombings and that it was covered
up by the Clintons et al. "There are such deep lies, those two families
[Bush and Clinton] put together, over what will prove to be 24 years of
"progressive" presidency, because America will have no more right to say no
to Hillary Clinton as President than they did about Roe v. Wade. You have no
choice, because indeed it is run by the New World Order."

Asked again by Jack Blood to clarify, do you have any doubt the OKC
bombing was an inside job, Moriarty replied, "NONE!" He elaborated, "There
were two seismic reports of explosions. There were no children of federal
employees in the building at the time in the day care center, and the ATF
were nowhere to be found." (According to local news reports, and eyewitness
accounts, they were text messaged not to go in that day, but were standing

Asked about September 11th, Michael Moriarty laid out his theory. "My
theory is that Bush [Sr] talked to the Bin Laden family in Riyadh. The Bin
Laden family hired the Pentagon, the Bushes, to protect their holdings. They
hired them for protection in the first War in the Persian Gulf... George Jr.
says, 'I am not going in to Iraq without probable cause...' The Bin Ladens
say, 'We'll give you probable cause.' And one of their own relatives pulled
this off." (He has posted articles in the past mentioning that the UN was
also somehow involved in 911: "Actually, word just came in that the Jihad
arm of the UN blew up the twin towers of the World Trade Center and half the
Pentagon. A few of the delegates who sit so politely in the UN General
Assembly left the building today and eagerly awaited a nightmare they knew
was going to happen, a mini-Pearl-Harbor 60 blocks south of them in
Manhattan. They're even now thinking that a similar stunt at the UN might
deflect the blame. Reichstag fires are a big attention-getter and
blame-thrower. That's my description of their best propaganda war weapon:
the blame-thrower. Oklahoma City was given a taste of that on April 19,


Audio available here. <http://www.realradioarchives.com/sound-1.htm>


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