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 -------- forwarded message --------
 From: "Roy L. Beavers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 To:   emfguru <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2000
 Subj: East-West "Blue World" War (Maisch)..

 Hi everybody:

 ......Don Maisch has forwarded an excellent essay about
 the differences that are arising as scientists and
 "standards-setters" from the two opposite sides of the
 "Iron Curtain" are now trying to get together on the
 **truth** about EMF risks and standards.....

 As he skillfully explains -- it may just be that the "science"
 on "our" side has been badly **skewed** by political and
 economic influences......  Paradoxical, isn't it??!!  Here,
 we alwys thought that "they" were the political/economic

 Cheerio.....  (Many thanks, Don....)

 Roy Beavers (EMFguru)

 ..It is better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness..
                  NEW!!! Website... http://emfguru.com
 ................People are more important than profits..............


 ---------- Forwarded message ----------
 From: Don Maisch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2000
 Subj: Article for distribution

 Hi Roy

 The following article I put together after reading the
 excellent article in the latest Microwave News  (Nov/Dec 1999)
 "Standards Harmonization Meeting: Russia and West Far Apart."

 The current push to get ICNIRP  accepted as an "International"
 standard should be considered just as serious as the MAI push.
 The consequences will be similar if it is sucessful.  For those
 who can get hold of the Microwave News article it is very
 important reading.  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Please distribute as you
 see fit.


 Don Maisch


 Setting radio frequency/Microwave (RF/MW) exposure
 guidelines to protect workers and the public:
 Russia and the West in major conflict.

 By Don Maisch


 Russian, and other Eastern European countries' exposure limits
 for radio frequency and microwave  (RF/MW) radiation are far
 stricter than those in either the U.S. or Western Europe, a
 situation that has existed for over 30 years, mainly due to a
 fundamental difference between East and West as to exactly what
 exposure standards should provide protection against.

 With the previous "cold war" between East and West now well
 over, and the present push toward "globalisation", an attempt
 was made to resolve this difference at the 2nd International
 Conference on Problems of Electromagnetic Safety of the Human
 Being, held in Moscow, in late 1999.  This conference was
 sponsored by the Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing
 Radiation Protection (RNCNIRP) and many other Russian
 scientific organisations, in conjunction with the World
 Health Organisation (WHO), the International Commission on
 Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) and the U.S.
 Air Force.

 Despite extensive discussions during this conference, the
 attempt to "harmonise" RF/MW standards was unsuccessful with
 little chance of a compromise in the near future.  As mentioned
 by Professor Yuri Grigoriev, chairman of the RNCNIRP and a
 senior research scientist in Moscow, "So far we have entirely
 different approaches to "harmonisation".  Western standard
 setting organisations have emphasised protection from RF/MW
 thermal effects," Grigoriev said, "while Russia's more
 restrictive standard also reflects a concern over non thermal
 effects and subjective symptoms."

 Grigoriev emphasised the need to take into account possible
 cumulative effects from repeated exposure to relatively low
 levels of radiation as well as the potential bioeffects of
 specific modulated patterns.  "If we bring our viewpoints
 together, we will have a shorter way to harmonise," he said.

 Way back, during the second world war, concerns began to be
 raised from military personnel that there may be health hazards
 from working with radar equipment.  Servicemen standing in
 front of the radar antenna soon discovered it was a great way
 to keep warm on a cold night but rumours began to circulate
 that it could also cause temporary sterility.  In the 1940's
 various US military and government agencies investigated the
 possibilities of health hazards.  They all found no evidence of
 hazards but recommended avoiding prolonged exposure as a
 precautionary measure.

 After the war in the late 1940's several studies came to light
 that indicated that there were possible hazards involved with
 the use of microwaves.  In 1948 two U.S. studies reported a
 possible link with cataracts and testicular degeneration in
 dogs.  These studies were largely ignored, simply because the
 companies, that had developed microwave technology for the
 military, saw an opportunity for wide commercial use of
 microwaves, such as Diathermy equipment and later microwave
 ovens.  As such, there was no interest in funding research that
 may put a damper on this expanding business opportunity.  It
 must also be remembered that this was the start of the Cold War
 between the East and West and military uses of Radar and other
 new equipment were seen as paramount to the national interest.

 However in 1953 a study of workers at Hughes Aircraft Corp.
 found excessive amounts of internal bleeding, leukemia,
 cataracts, headaches, brain tumours, heart conditions, etc.
 in those employees working with radar.  This study resulted in
 the US military initiating the first investigation into the
 biological effects of microwaves with the aim to develop
 "tolerance levels" for both single and repeated exposures.
 Since little research data existed at that time [that could be
 used in determining tolerance limits] it was decided that the
 known ability of microwaves to heat up tissue (thermal effects)
 would be the main criterion used in developing limits.  This
 decision, based more on a lack of scientific data than anything
 else, quickly gained favour with both the military and industry
 as it avoided the unknown issue of other possible non-thermal
 health effects not caused by tissue heating.

 The "thermal school of thought" quickly became the accepted
 norm with Western standard setting organisations and as a
 result the vast majority of research in the West was directed
 at short term, high level exposures, with the aim of gaining a
 better understanding of thermal effects and refining exposure
 standards to give adequate protection against body heating.

 Research that may be directed towards other health effects
 than thermal was not favored; and any findings, especially
 epidemiological, that indicated that low level biological
 effects may exist were criticised and not followed up on.
 It simply was bad for business!

 This situation was well described by Dr. Rochelle Medici,
 a researcher on animal behaviour, who said,  "It is though
 scientists had retreated from doing challenging, frontier
 studies because such work engendered too much controversy or
 elicited too much criticism.  We are left with "Safe" but
 meaningless experiments.  The results of such experiments are
 a foregone conclusion".

 Now, almost 50 years after the first enquiry into setting an
 exposure standard in the USA, the arbitrary decision to
 consider thermal effects only ... has become a paradigm in
 the West.

 Today the ICNIRP exposure guidelines (thermal only) are being
 promoted as 'the best that science has to offer' for an
 "international" standard, and many countries are now being
 urged to incorporate it as their national standard.

 In Russia however a vastly different political, economic and
 social situation resulted paradoxically in giving their
 scientists far more democratic and academic freedom (and
 funding) than their Western counterparts in choosing the focus
 of their research efforts, without interference from vested
 interests.  This has resulted in a Russian RF/MW exposure
 standard with a different viewpoint on what "protection" should
 mean in regards to ensuring people's health.

 While thermal effects are accepted by both Western and Russian
 scientists, it was only the Russians that expanded their own
 research to include extensive studies with human workers that
 were exposed to non-thermal electromagnetic fields.  The
 reasons why Eastern scientists had more freedom in this regard
 are as follows:

 * A Socialist philosophy about protecting the "worker".

 * The military was exempt from the public/occupational standard
 and could go about its business unfettered by  these limits.
 As such, Russian (USSR) research into developing a non-thermal
 standard that considered low level prolonged exposures was not
 seen as a possible threat to the military's developing and
 deploying new technology, the way it was in the U.S.A. for
 instance.  An example of this was the suppression of the U.S.
 Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) 1990 report,
 "Evaluation of the Potential Carcinogenicity of Electromagnetic
 Fields", which was a review of the scientific literature up to
 that date.  A US Airforce paper on the EPA report stated:
 "If published, the (EPA) report will contribute to public
 anxiety and have serious impacts on capabilities and costs of
 airforce programs."

 * The absence of large capitalist private corporations who
 were investing in microwave technology purely for future
 corporate profit, and would view research into low level
 hazards as, itself, a risk for "the bottom line".  An example
 of this was in Australia where the possible health risks from
 mobile phone use were considered serious enough to mention in
 the TELSTRA 2 share offer document.  The document says there
 have been alligations but no proof and warns "there is a risk
 that a perceived or actual risk could lead to litigation
 against Telstra".

 Now that East and West are talking about the standard setting
 process, it is only rational that the large body of Russian
 medical research into non-thermal biological effects should now
 be included in standard setting.  Unfortunately however, it
 appears that the current attitude of ICNIRP is that the process
 of harmonisation means total acceptance of the existing ICNIRP
 guidelines (thermal effects only) without alteration.

 This was very much the case in the 1999 Australian Standards
 TE/7 Committee: Human Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields,
 where an alliance of government/industry/military
 representatives would consider no changes to ICNIRP, despite
 concrete evidence being submitted that the ICNIRP guidelines
 were incorrect and biased in their interpretion of the Western
 scientific literature.

 Now that the large body of Russian literature is becoming
 available to the West, which convincingly shows that the ICNIRP
 voluntary standards do not provide adequate protection for
 workers and the public, how will our standard setting bodies
 handle that?

 If it turns out that ICNIRP still insists that only high level
 thermal effects can be considered in standard setting then the
 question must be raised:  just who does ICNIRP provide
 protection for, anyway!?!


    EMFacts Consultancy
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