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From: "M.A. Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <Recipient list suppressed>
Subject: Mistaken about Motives
Date: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 5:04 AM

~~for educational purposes only~~
[Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]

Mistaken about Motives
by Sheldon Richman, September 2001

It does no honor to the tens of thousands of innocent victims
of the September 11 terrorism attacks to fool ourselves about the
motives behind that mass murder and destruction.

The Bush administration says incessantly that the terrorism
was an attack on civilization: freedom, prosperity,
self-government. Government officials, pundits, and cartoonists
insist that the terrorists' intent is to bring down American
society. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said, "What this
war is about is our way of life." An editorial cartoon shows two
terrorists hiding in a cave, one berating the other, "Bring the
Americans to their knees, you said. It will split them apart, you

That view may give some people comfort, but it misses the
mark by miles. The average American, who has no time for
foreign affairs and U.S. foreign policy, might believe this. The
officials who engage in this sort of dissembling surely know
better. Their reasons for distorting the truth can't be flattering.

Think about it: No informed person can possibly believe that
terrorism, even on the scale of September 11, could threaten the
existence of American society. It is too big, too rich, too
decentralized, and too resilient  precisely because there is
such a large degree of individual freedom. It is unwise to
assume that your adversary is insanely out of touch with reality.
Better to assume he is rational, in the sense that he has chosen
achievable objectives and is selecting means capable of
accomplishing them. The latter policy puts one in a far better
position to understand and counter an adversary than the former.

We really do not need to be in doubt about what the terrorist
operation was intended to accomplish. If Osama bin Laden was
really the instigator or mastermind, we can know precisely what
he intended. He's given many interviews to Western journalists.
Transcripts are available on the Internet. Never does he say that
his motive for a holy war against America is the destruction of
capitalism, wealth, freedom, or any other abstraction. He is
quite steadfast in his indictment of the United States. In his eyes
it is guilty of desecrating holy places in the Arabian peninsula
by stationing troops there since the war against Iraq; of harming
the Iraqi people by means of an embargo on food and other vital
commodities; and of helping to subjugate the Palestinians by
financing and provisioning Israel.

Whatever one thinks of those charges, let us have the
presence of mind to acknowledge and understand them. Perhaps
we might even wonder whether there is anything to them. To do
so is not to justify terrorism against innocents. Nothing can
justify or excuse that.

But justice never needs to fear the truth. If the terrorist
planners did not intend to bring down America, what did they
intend? It would be easy to assume that they intended to reverse
the three policies mentioned above. Perhaps. But even more
plausible is that they simply intended to roll the dice in the
Middle East. They don't like the status quo. So why not shake
things up, possibly causing a rearrangement more to their liking?
And what better way is there to shake things up than to help
precipitate a war?

In other words, it is highly likely that bin Laden wants the
United States to unleash its military might in Afghanistan and
Iraq. Doing so could upset Pakistan and embolden and win new
sympathizers in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and other Gulf states.
Those U.S.-supported dictatorships are despised by many
people in the region. The general turmoil could also have severe
consequences for Israel. From bin Laden's perspective, why not
roll the dice? What's to lose?

Is President Bush on the verge of giving bin Laden what he
wants? That would be a mistake. The turmoil of war rarely
produces positive change. It was war that gave the Bolsheviks a
chance to seize power in Russia. It was war that set the stage for
Hitler and Pol Pot. A U.S.-launched war in the Middle East may
kill some terrorists  perhaps even bin Laden  but that
doesn't mean the full long-term consequences will be to our

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