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Red Mercury and Alchemy

The Threat of Red Mercury

Since the break-up of the former Soviet Union and the loosening
of tough central control, criminal organizations there rapidly
gained in strength. Once established, they soon began seeking
links with overseas crime syndicates. From 1991, high-level
meetings were held with Italian crime godfathers from the Mafia,
Comorra and 'Ndranghetta. Close links were forged with them,
facilitating the laundering of money and the trade in drugs and
illicit nuclear materials.The latter had become available with
the administrative chaos and shortage of funds in the Soviet
nuclear industry and armed forces. There was no such shortage of
funds on the part of those regimes desperate to purchase them.

Late in 1993 a disturbing new element appeared. Russian crime
syndicates were offering for sale a substance hitherto unknown to
the West, called simply `red mercury'. It was said to be a secret
product of the Soviet nuclear industry. On 23 December 1993 five
Moldavian nationals were caught trying to enter Romania carryinG
some pure uranium together with what they said was this red
mercury. It was destined for the nuclear black market.

Worried Western scientists sought to establish whether this sub-
stance actually existed and, if so, exactly what it was. But in
1994 the US Department of Energy and the International Atomic
Energy Agency declared red mercury to be `bogus'. They argued
that it was just another fraud perpetrated by the Russian mafia
on would be purchasers of illicit nuclear goods.

But certain Western nuclear physicists had good reason to think
otherwise. And they suspected the accusations of fraud to be
motiv- ated by the desire to cover up an unpalatable truth.

In the June 1994 edition of International Defence Review, nuclear
physicist Dr Frank Barnaby wrote of his conversation with an
anonymous Soviet physicist. He had been told that this red
mercury was a vital component in a revolutionary type of Russian
nuclear bomb. It had proved such an efFicient catalyst in the
detonation of these devices that they could be built many times
smaller and lighter than their Western equivalents.

Dr Barnaby explained that with the use of this red mercury a
nuclear bomb weighing only four to six pounds could be con-
structed. He was concerned since such a weapon could easily be
placed in a city centre and detonated. He expressed his fears
about the danger of this technology falling into the hands of
some terrorist group. His information was that a number of Middle
Eastern countries - Israel, Iran, Iraq and Libya - and Pakistan
had already illicitly purchased quantities of this substance for
weapons produc- tion. At least some of these countries are known
supporters of terrorist groups and might be expected to pass on
either the technology or the finished product.

The reported production of this substance has distinct parallels
with the alchemical process. If any alchemists worked in the
heart of the Russian military complex with access to modern
equipment, it is easy to think of them inventing something like
red mercury.

According to the Russian scientist, the recipe for making it is
as follows :

I) Antimony sesquioxide and mercuric oxide are heated together
 at a temperature of 500 degrees centigrade under one atmospheric
 pressure of oxygen. This heating must continue without pause
 or fluctuation for two days. It produces a substance called mercury
 antimony oxide. This was not described publicly in the scientific
 press until as recently as 1968.

2) Next dissolve this mercury antimony oxide in pure mercury,
  using equal weights of each substance. Seal this mixture in a
  container and place it inside an atomic reactor. Irradiate it for
  about twenty days at a temperature of 500 degrees centigrade.

3) After this time all excess mercury is tipped off leaving a `cherry
  red' substance with a consistency similar to liquid honey. Capsules
  of this thick fluid are placed inside the nuclear bombs.

It is indeed curious that this manufacturing procedure should
involve mercury and such lengthy reaction times. It is curious
too that, in addition to mercury, antimony is involved. The
twelfth- century alchemist Artephius wrote of a special tincture
which contained both antimony and sublimated mercury for which
many dramatic uses were promised.

The creation of the initial chemical compound of mercury antimony
oxide was admitted only in 1968; red mercury is not yet openly
accepted. How many more supposedly impossible substances can be
created using chemistry, modern technology and much time? Apart
from great patience, perhaps there is more that we can learn from
the experiments of the alchemist.

But it was not these chemical techniques which lay at the very
heart of alchemy. At its deepest and most secret level the
experiment was on none other than the alchemist himself - or
herself. Their task was the transmutation of the soul.

We must return to Zosimus, one more time, and listen to what else
he has to tell us.

To Make the Heavens Open

The writings of Zosimus make it evident that alchemy, whatever
physical secrets it might have concealed, had become a chemical
metaphor of the same spiritual quest which is the underlying
object of Hermetic thought. A spiritual quest which had to be
concealed because all too often it was feared and vigorously
persecuted by both civil and religious authorities. The
purification of the first material - the mercury - over a long
period of time by means of a steady heat until the `Philosopher's
Stone' is reached was simultaneously a practical ascetic
discipline and a symbol of the progress achieved in purifying the
inner being of the alchemist. This is how we must understand the
statement Zosimus made to a friend, a woman alchemist called

   `Perform these things until your soul is perfected.' Alchemy,
   according to Zosimus, was a divine mystery.

In the previous chapter we looked at `The Poimandres', the first
text in the collection of the Books of Hermes Trismegistus -
known as the Hermetica. We have seen how it concerns a pupil who
is seeking an initiation into a divine mystery. An initiation
which reaches its profoundest point as an all-encompassing vision
of light. Zosimus, in his text for Theosebia, explicitly referred
to `The Poimandres', as well as to another dialogue in the
Hermetica, the fourth, called `The Mixing Bowl'. This focuses
upon the links between humianity and divinity. It stresses the
ever-present, eternal nature of the source of all being. The
`mixing bowl' was a symbol of baptism or initiation which
conferred knowledge and immortality. This same text too mentions
reincarnation. Zosimus advised Theosebia, `Do not roam about
searching for God; but sit calmly at home, and God, who is
everywhere and not confined . . . will come to you'

This process of creating the 'Stone', was often expressed
symbolically as if it were a birth following a long gestation.
This is put well - if cryptically - by the woman alchemist

  For just as the bird warms her eggs with her heat and brings
  them to their appointed term, so yourselves warm your com-
  position and bring it to its appointed term . . . cook it upon a
  gentle fire .  . Then remove it from the fire; and when the
  soul and spirit are unified and become one, project upon
  the body of silver and you will have gold such as the treasuries
  of kings do not contain.'

She continues, `See the mystery of the philosophers which our
fathers swore to you not to reveal or publish. It has a divine
Form and a divine Activity.'

The secret remained concealed but was never lost. Indeed, the
seventeenth-centuiy English antiquarian freemason and alchemist
Elias Ashmole explained, in the introduction to his compendium of
British alchemy which he published in 1652, that the alchemist,
`rejoyceth not so much that he can make Gold and Silver . . . as
that he sees the Heavens open . . '

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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