-Caveat Lector-


The McCarthyites of Virtue

by Paul Kurtz
The following article is from Free Inquiry magazine, Volume 19, Number 1.
So much has been written and said about the Clinton-Lewinsky morality play
- what can we add at this late date that is new? Perhaps that the situation
vividly illustrates the deep Kulturkampf between two contending conceptions
of morality engulfing America.

The Clash of Two Moralities

Humanism expresses the core ethical values of large sectors of life in
American and Western civilization. Coming to fruition in the modern world,
humanistic morality prizes individual freedom and autonomy. It believes
that individuals should be allowed to express their unique talents, needs,
and desires without undue repression by the state or society. The goal is
the enhancement of the good life: happiness and well-being for the widest
number of individuals.

A key humanist ethical principle is "the right of privacy," which states
that society should respect the right of an individual to control his or
her own personal life. That includes a person's body, possessions, beliefs,
values, preferences, and actions - so long as they do not intrude upon or
deny the rights of other individuals.

The principle has been applied to the right of confidentiality, private
sexual preferences (between consenting adults), the right to birth control,
abortion, euthanasia, and informed consent concerning a person's medical
treatment. This entails the principle of tolerance: one need not
necessarily approve of the diversity of life styles; one simply permits
them to coexist.

This does not deny that there is a public sphere; nor that society does not
have the right to regulate conduct or to enact laws consonant with the
public good. But there is the recognition that there should be limits to
undue intrusion into the private sphere - and this applies to beggars and
kings, ordinary citizens and presidents.

Humanist morality holds that individuals have responsibilities to others;
it emphasizes the virtues of empathy, compassion, and altruism, and it
encourages rational dialogue and the negotiation of differences. It is also
concerned with social justice. The good society is one that maximizes the
opportunities for individuals to make their own choices. It seeks to change
conduct by education and persuasion rather than legislation and compulsion.

The above is consonant with the democratic ethic that has evolved over
three centuries. Humanist morality in this sense permeates modern culture.
Interestingly, these ethical principles have been shared by liberals,
conservatives, and libertarians, all of whom cherish the preciousness and
dignity of the individual and the right to self-determination.

A second conception of morality that contends today is premodern. It has
its roots in historical religious traditions. This morality is biblical (or
koranic); it is guided by a set of absolute moral commandments. Thou shalt
not commit what is considered to be sinful: adultery, abortion, euthanasia,
homosexuality, etc. Some advocates of this morality would call upon the
state to legislate moral conduct. They would censor pornographic literature
or the arts. They would invade the bedroom and define the physician-patient
relationship. They think that some kinds of behavior are so depraved and
wicked that the behavior ought to be prohibited by society. Interestingly,
social conservatives and left-wing communitarians have often shared a
similar agenda about private morality, wishing to codify and confine it.
This is given a special meaning today by the emergence of the Christian
Coalition in the United States and of fundamentalist religions in other
parts of the world. They are intent on overthrowing humanist morality and
imposing a puritanical inquisition.

The Starr Chamber: Prosecutorial Inquisition

No doubt the underlying ethical issue in the Clinton-Lewinsky impeachment
drama is the clash of these two conceptions of morality. The new Puritans
insist that the president should have no private life; since the White
House belongs to us, he is not permitted to do anything immoral in his
goldfish bowl. He must be a Paragon of Virtue. Clinton, for them, has
committed two unpardonable sins: adultery and lying.

Leading the pack of wolves of the new inquisition, of course, is Judge
Kenneth Starr, whose prosecutorial zeal allowed the pornographic report of
his investigation to be released to the public. The McCarthyites of Virtue
express the conservative religious traditions of American society,
including a wide range of different denominations. William Bennett
functions as the vindictive and imperious U.S. gauleiter of Vatican
morality. Trent Lott and Newt Gingrich are defenders of the official
Baptist biblical line: If the Bible condemns homosexuality, it must be
wrong. William Kristol and David Frum in the Murdoch-sponsored new
conservative ideological journal, Weekly Standard, defend a form of
Judaistic Old Testament morality. The anti-privacy judge Robert Bork
believes that we live in moral chaos (see his Slouching Towards Gomorrah)
and that we need to return to an age of censorship and prohibitive
legislation. Senator Orrin Hatch adds the Mormon defense of absolutist
morality. There are others in the coalition: Reverend Richard John Neuhaus,
a former Lutheran prelate, now a Roman Catholic priest and editor of First
Things, argues that the empty public square should be filled with the
sacred. James Dobson seeks to instill traditional biblical conceptions of
the family in the entire society. (The Old Testament is patriarchal and
anti-woman. In the New Testament Jesus is anti-family, for he never married
and he bade his disciples to leave their families.) Last but not least is
John Whitehead, head of the Rutherford Institute. Whitehead funded Paula
Jones's lawsuit against President Clinton. What is intriguing for secular
humanists is the fact that two decades ago Whitehead led a legal crusade
against secular humanism, arguing that secular humanism was a religion and
that it had to be extirpated from the schools and all aspects of social

Regretfully, the anti-privacy McCarthyites of Virtue have many allies in
the media, which have spewed forth anti-Clinton verbiage day in and day
out. The most egregious examples are Rush Limbaugh and Laura Schlesinger,
who host today's two most popular syndicated radio shows. Any standards of
fairness have been abandoned. A similar spectacle can be seen on 24-hour
television and cable networks, where the large hallelujah chorus bleats
forth daily, with very few dissenting voices.

As of this writing, it is difficult to predict whether the
Republican-dominated House Judiciary Committee will proceed in its
impeachment proceedings. The recent congressional elections suggest that a
significant sector of the American public is fed up with the charade. It is
also apparent that many of those who wish to impeach the president also
wish to fundamentally remake all of our institutions: their long-range goal
is to solidify their control of Congress, the presidency, and the courts.
In my view, they pose a real threat to the very fabric of our democratic
society. Hence, I reiterate my call in the last issue of Free Inquiry for a
new humanist political coalition, involving liberals and libertarians,
social democrats and conservatives - all those who believe at the very
least in the separation of church and state and the right of privacy.

What we need to make clear in this Kulturkampf is that humanist morality
has genuine historic roots within our culture, and that humanism is related
to the secularization of values going back to the Renaissance. Central to
American democracy is the First Amendment, and the respect for the rights
of individuals. To seek to impair these cherished principles would
constitute a radical assault on our democracy. Hence a danger signal has to
be raised high if we are to defend and preserve our liberties against the
McCarthyites of Virtue.
Paul Kurtz is the Editor-in-Chief of Free Inquiry Magazine.

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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