-Caveat Lector-

Pres. Bush Sees "Vast Conspiracy"

(Conspiracy Nation, 10/20/01) -- U.S. president George W. Bush is
calling the Sept. 11th terror attacks on the World Trade Center and
the Pentagon a "vast, global conspiracy." But less paranoid observers
scoff at the notion.

"This is a common American reaction to what are in reality merely
random events," stated professor G. Steadfast of Oberlin college.
"President Bush is exhibiting paranoid symptoms, part of what I call
'the paranoid style' in American politics."

Author Gerald Poser concurs: "What you have on September 11th is just
three, random, lone nuts, who simultaneously hijacked planes. Because
of the chance synchronicity of the events, which according to Chaos
Theory, *can* happen, president Bush has jumped to paranoid
conclusions. Case closed."

But conspiracy theorists throughout the world, drinking gallons of
coffee and with tired eyes glued to Internet late at night, aren't so
sure. Some even venture beyond what president Bush has said. "I see an
evil man with a towel wrapped around his head, sitting in a cave, as
being the ultimate mastermind of the plot," said one of these
caffeinated theorists.

Chirp Ballet, noted writer, laughs at the multiplying theories born
from president Bush's original theory. "Of course, there are no
conspiracies," he chuckled. "But beware of the crypto-fascists," he
added, as an afterthought.

Also dismissing notions of a "conspiracy" behind the Sept. 11 terror
attacks is Umberto Eco, author of "Foucault's Pendulum." Eco offered
his own scholarly perspective on the Bush conspiracy theory: "Ever
since Nietzche dethroned God, with his statement 'God is dead,' there
has been a 'God vacuum.' People such as president Bush seek to fill
that void by creating a new 'God,' in the form of a vast conspiracy,"
he proselytized. "Hence, Mr. Bush *needs* to see a 'vast conspiracy,' as
security blanket against God's demise."

But president Bush is adamant. "The attacks on the World Trade Center
and the Pentagon were the acts of crazed assassins, coordinated by the
Devil," he insisted.

And, Bush adds, "What about that fourth plane that crashed in

"Merely a random event, allowable in the framework of Chaos Theory,"
responded Poser.
Please, Please, Go Shopping

(Conspiracy Nation, 10/18/01) -- The October 15, 2001 issue of Time
magazine carried an amazing pro-shopping appeal to patriotism.

In "Patriotic Splurging," authoress Margaret Carlson managed to link
World War II "Victory Gardens" and the consumption frugality of that
era with a World War III shopping endorsement. Ironically, it is now
our duty as loyal Americans to consume more than ever, argues Ms.

Sometimes Conspiracy Nation uses satire to make a point, but this is
no satire. Ms. Carlson, in Time magazine, writes "to help the war
effort... buying becomes our patriotic duty."

"The Greatest Generation got to save old tires, dig a Victory Garden
and forgo sugar. The Richest Generation is being asked to shop," she

Again, this is not a satire by Conspiracy Nation; this article really
appeared in the October 15th issue of Time magazine.

That issue of Time magazine contained 68 pages devoted to full-page
pro-shopping advertisements out of a total of 112 pages. But with Time
magazine it's not easy to tell where their advertisements end and
their news articles begin. Case in point: Ms. Carlson's amazing
impromptu patriotic hymn to Yuppie consumption.

The patriotic rationale behind Ms. Carlson's plea to consume is based
on the current economic situation where the American consumer is the
last remaining bulwark propping up the doddering 1990s-era New
Economy. Not so long ago, mainstream financial writers were
proclaiming a miraculous departure from centuries of bedrock economic
certainties; a miracle had happened, they argued, and economies could
no longer go into recession. Since after all these recent Hallelujahs
from, among others, Time magazine, the New Economy is now on life-
support, it would be a disaster for it to crash right in the middle of
World War III. Hence, Ms. Carlson's plea that it is patriotic to go

Most amazing of all is that millions of Americans dutifully read Time

Despite economic band-aids offered by the Federal Reserve, which has
been desperately lowering the rent on money this past year, the
economy is scarier than an envelope filled with baking soda.

Surely the Federal Reserve must know that wealth is not created by
a printing press but by productive labor: farmers and factory workers.
Wealth is not created by gold, since the importation of gold into
Europe in the 1600s merely decreased the value of gold. (The more gold
there is, the less that gold is worth.) Wealth is not created by
shopping, though the retailer facilitates wealth creation by providing
a market for productive labor, the farmers and the factory workers.

Can the shoppers, though, exhausted, over-extended, and satiated,
crawl to the mall one more time? It makes sense to appeal to their
patriotism as a last-straw means of salvaging the Christmas shopping
season. It makes sense for Time magazine also, to please their
advertisers. And it makes sense for retailers to have a conspicuous
American flag displayed at the entrances of their stores. God bless
America, and Merry Christmas.


La Jornada: "Feeding Paranoia"

(Conspiracy Nation, 10/17/01) -- The Mexico City daily newspaper, La
Jornada, published an article on Oct. 16, 2001, "Feeding Paranoia."
Translation by Conspiracy Nation follows below.
"Para alimentar la paranoia," by Luis Hernandez Navarro

     -- Bacteriological hysteria --

1) Number of anthrax cases reported each year, according to the World
Health Organization: Four Thousand.

2) Persons infected with anthrax this year in the United States as of
Oct. 14th: Twelve.

3) Position of the Bush administration regarding an international
agreement on elimination of biological weapons initiated in 1972 and
since ratified by 143 nations, which would prohibit the development,
production, and storage of bacteriological and chemical weapons:

4) Years of negotiation which passed before the United States finally
vetoed the agreement: Seven.

     -- The business of war --

1) Name and title of a main promoter, in the year 2000, of the repeal
of U.S. legislation which prohibits the United States from supporting
non-democratic regimes: Dick Cheney, consultant to the U.S./Azerbaijan
Chamber of Commerce.

2) Payment for military consulting charged by Brown & Root Services,
subsidiary of Halliburton (Houston), the largest petroleum services
company in the world, when current vice-president Dick Cheney was U.S.
Secretary of Defense: 8.9 million dollars.

3) Dick Cheney's income when CEO of Halliburton after leaving job of
Defense Secretary under George Herbert Walker Bush: Ten million
dollars plus an additional forty million dollars in fringe benefits.

4) Contributions by Halliburton to the Republican Party during the
year 2000 presidential elections: 250 thousand dollars.

5) Amount paid to Brown & Root Services by the Pentagon between 1992
and 1999: $1.2 billion.

6) Total amount to be paid in a five-year contract between Brown &
Root and the U.S. Army, signed in 1999: $731 million.

7) Opinion of Dick Cheney, when he was Halliburton CEO, given to a
group of petroleum industry executives in 1998: "I can't recall a time
when a region has emerged so suddenly and has acquired such a
strategic value as has the Caspian region."

8) Other members of the U.S./Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce: James
Baker III (Secretary of State under George Herbert Walker Bush); Lloyd
Bentsen (Secretary of Treasury under Bill Clinton); Zbigniew
Brzezinsky (Jimmy Carter's National Security advisor); Henry Kissinger
(Secretary of State under Richard Nixon); and John Sununnu (George
Herbert Walker Bush's chief of staff).

9) Total invested by the 24 petroleum companies of 14 nations which
now operate in the former Soviet republic of Azerbaijan via the
*Compania de Operaciones Internacionales*: Three billion dollars.

10) Percentage of this international consortium controlled by U.S.
corporations: Thirty-nine percent.

     -- The United States's Islamic Allies --

1) Autocratic nations of the Middle East supported by the U.S.: Saudi
Arabia, Kuwait, Egypt, and Morocco.

2) Percentage of the weapons acquired by Arab nations which originated
in the United States: Almost 80 percent.

3) Country of origin for at least six of the hijackers who perpetrated
the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001: Saudi Arabia.

4) Principal ally of the U.S. in the Mid-east: Saudi Arabia.

5) Year in which the alliance between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia began:

6) Number of U.S. military personnel based in Saudi Arabia who have
participated in ongoing bombings of Iraq: Four-thousand five-hundred.

7) Saudi Arabia's form of government: Monarchy.

8) Number belonging to the Saudi royal family: About 5,000.

9) Amount of money which each member of the Saudi royal family
receives at birth: $500,000.

10) Name of the founder of the Saudi monarchy: Ibn Saud.

11) Average proportion of persons assigned to pleasure for each Saudi
royal family member: four wives; four concubines; four slaves.

12) Place occupied by Saudi Arabia in the international arms race
(year, 2000): Tenth.

13) Billions of dollars spent by Saudi Arabia in arms acquisition
(year, 2000): $19.1 billion.

14) Place occupied by Saudi Arabia in worldwide petroleum production:
First place.

15) Percentage of worldwide oil production sent to the United States:
Twenty-five percent.

16) Enterprises which form Aramco, the joint venture which exploits
Arab petroleum: Standard Oil and Texaco.

17) Aramco petroleum income in 1972: $4 billion.

18) Earned by the Saudi monarchy in 1981: $111 billion.

19) Name of the hotel chain which the Saudi royal family owns in
partnership with Michael Jackson and Donald Trump: Four Seasons.

20) Opinion of Amnesty International regarding justice in Saudi
Arabia: "The system perpetuates a wide range of human rights
violations: arbitrary and indefinite arrests, prisoners of conscience,
torture, secret and summary judgements, cruel and excessive
punishment. These are facilitated by the Saudi secret police and
prohibition of free speech."

21) Birthplace of Osama bin Laden: Saudi Arabia.

22) Total wealth of the Bin Laden Group, based in Saudi Arabia: $5

23) Objective of Osama bin Laden, according to journalist John Miller:
"Foremost is the expulsion of the United States from Saudi Arabia, the
land most sacred to Islam."


Labyrinth Seen In WTC Attacks

(Conspiracy Nation, 10/16/01) -- David Shippers, a high-power Chicago
attorney, is charging that portions of the U.S. government had advance
warning that a major terrorist attack was imminent, prior to September
11, 2001.

Mr. Shippers says that lower echelon FBI agents in Chicago and
Minnesota, frustrated by the unresponsiveness of their superiors,
contacted him and warned that there was going to be an attack on lower

Mr. Shippers currently represents a group of FBI agents who are
furious that they are not allowed to speak publicly about what they
know. He is trying to get these agents subpoenaed by the House
Intelligence Committee, which would thereby allow them to break their
silence. [1]

Also furious over top-echelon FBI secrecy are various local police
departments. In an Associated Press story released today, it is noted
that there are 600,000 police officers being called on to "be alert"
yet the FBI continuously withholds specific information from local law
enforcement. "The FBI has a culture of not sharing information with
local law enforcement" complained a former high-level New York Police
officer. [2]

Corroborating an earlier story by Chicago independent investigator
Sherman Skolnick, attorney David Shippers further alleges that there
are as many as 5000 members of the Iraqi Republican Guard living near
Oklahoma City.

In June, 2001, Skolnick reported on "more than 4000" Iraqi military
intelligence personnel imported into the U.S. subsequent to the 1991
Persian Gulf War. These Iraqi soldiers, many of them officers, were
supposedly defectors, but many of them were actually double-agents,
writes Skolnick. [3]

According to Shippers, not only the Sept. 11th attacks originated with
foreign terrorists, but also the Oklahoma City bombing(s) and the
crash of TWA Flight 800. "Flight 800 and Oklahoma City [were]
terrorist attacks," he stated during a recent radio interview.

As suggested by Shippers in his recent interview, cover-ups of the
Oklahoma City bombing(s) and the crash of TWA Flight 800 were put in
place to hide how badly U.S. intelligence had screwed up in protecting

The wider network of terror involved in the Oklahoma City bombing(s)
and the previous 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center was originally
outlined by Stephen Jones, attorney for Timothy McVeigh. In a lengthy
writ of mandamus filed by Mr. Jones on behalf of his client, a complex
labyrinth is glimpsed.

According to the writ of mandamus filed by Jones, Ramzi Yousef,
convicted of a conspiracy to blow up 12 American jumbo jets in one
day, is linked to a terrorist group in the Philippines. Yousef was
also indicted and convicted for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

But the terror organization is international, according to Jones.
Through the use of intermediaries such as the International Islamic
Academy, Iraq hired and trained Pakistanis who may not even have known
they were operating in Iraq's behalf, according to Jones's writ.

"Terrorist groups in the Philippines have been trained in Pakistan,
and some of these same Pakistanis fought in Afghanistan," indicates

"The Philippines is also the base camp for the Abu Sayyaf Group
[whose] funding includes support from Muslim billionaires in the
Persian Gulf including Osama bin Laden."

It appears that, in one sense, bin Laden is truthful when he insists
he had no prior knowledge of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the World
Trade Center. However bin Laden's money, of which he is the steward,
*does* apparently bear responsibility for the recent tragedy.

Bin Laden, according to Jones, is a close associate of Sheikh Omar
Abdullah Rahman, the blind Egyptian cleric.

Recently reissued in paperback is Jones's 1998 book, *Others Unknown*.
The reissue reportedly contains much new information which had been
withheld from the original publication due to attorney-client
privilege then in effect. According to reviews of the book, the
Oklahoma City bombing(s) *was* a conspiracy. McVeigh, according to
Jones, did play a minor role, "but he was a foot soldier, a mule, not
the general." [4]

-------<< Notes >>-------
[1] "Radio Interview of David Shippers." Alex Jones Radio Show,
10/10/01. Transcript downloaded from Rumor Mill News web site:
[2] "Police On The Front Line: Stretched Thin and Rankled About Lack
of Information From the FBI," by Robert Tanner. AP, 10/16/01.
[3] "The Secrets of Timothy McVeigh," by Sherman H. Skolnick.
[4] *Others Unknown* by Stephen Jones. Information on the book
gathered from www.amazon.com

Halloween Osamas Hide True Osama?

(Conspiracy Nation, 10/15/01) -- A popular Halloween costume this year
will be based on Osama bin Laden, reputed mastermind of the Sept. 11
terror attacks.

Children will trick-or-treat wearing Osama masks. But many adults too
will elaborately disguise themselves as bin Laden for traditional fun.

This will be an opportune time for the real Osama bin Laden to slip
into the U.S. and move freely about, experts fear.

Already, bin Laden uses look-alikes to befuddle those who track him.
In Afghanistan and the Mid-East, several of these look-alikes leave
false trails for pursuers.

U.S. security experts, including ex-FBI agent James Kallstrom who
investigated the crash of TWA Flight 800 in July, 1996, are aware of
the threat. When posed with the possibilty of the real bin Laden
hiding within a Halloween Hall of Mirrors in the U.S., Kallstrom
responded with a terse, "No comment." But in the ex-FBI agent's eyes
could be noted a steely resolve.

In Great Britain, Mr. Denis Nayland Smith, connected with Scotland
Yard, shared his developing knowledge with the public. Nayland Smith
foresees that bin Laden will indeed take advantage of USA multiple
Halloween Osamas to slip unnoticed into the U.S. "My latest profile
has him carrying a large pot of Yemeni honey through Customs. If
questioned, he will say he is bringing it to his grandmother. But
within the sticky goo will be raw opium product," declared Nayland

According to Nayland Smith, bin Laden's twisted plot involves flooding
the U.S. heroin market with the opium product, thereby crashing prices
and subsequently causing failures of U.S. banks, which depend on money
laundering payoffs from the narcotics industry.

A possible key bin Laden component in the dastardly scheme is the
newly popular discount outlet, "Crazy Osama's," which advertises
extensively on late night television. Ex-FBI agent Kallstrom has
already declared that there is "something fishy" about the discount
warehouse. "Crazy Osama sells his merchandise at ridiculously low
prices -- so low that, as he advertises, 'we must be crazy.' So how
does he make a profit?" wonders Kallstrom.

Nayland Smith agrees. "Concurrent with the crash in heroin prices, bin
Laden is poised to undercut the legitimate retail sector as it enters
the crucial post-Halloween Christmas sales season," he warned.

All this is coalesced into supposedly "coded messages" being sent via
"Crazy Osama's" late night TV ads. The late night huckster hides what
is actually blatant by innocently offering "secret code rings" to
shoppers. But, in what Drug Enforcement Agency sources acknowledge as
brilliance, the "coded" messages are not coded at all, but are
plainly-stated instructions to bin Laden operatives passed through the
conduit of "Crazy Osama."

In his latest "coded message," the late night pitchman states, "Yemeni
honey conceals dope. Flood market and crash banks." Using the secret
code ring, innocent American shoppers translate what is in fact the
real message into gibberish, such as "Hi, Osama! How's it going, eh?"

Ex-FBI agent Kallstrom is not saying much. "I've got to do some
shopping," was his oblique comment.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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