-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 6/22/03 10:31:26 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes Kate Dixon writes:

About 2 or 3 weeks before he died, Quig was banned by Kris Milligan, moderator, of the CIA-Drugs list (a list originated by Michael Ruppert who now has no time for it) because Quig and Duncan Rhoades, publisher of Nexus magazine were flaming each other about "junk" science.  Quig didn't believe in matters such as chemtrails, and was a skeptic regarding various scientific matters.  Quig ironically believed in nuclear power plants as a good energy source. When Quiq was banned he then posted significantly on Yahoo's Bush Coup list, which list is dominated almost exclusively by Stew Webb.  When Quig was banned by Milligan, (who is now a publisher of conspiracy type books in an outfit known as Daisy? which recently published Sherman Skolnick), Webb then began to flood the CIA drugs list with his postings, which were mostly about an alleged June 21, 2003, Satan festival in Colorado, in which people affiliated with Bush were to kill someone.  Joining Webb in this was Barbara Hartwell, who says she was a CIA-mind controlled type involved with high level intelligence types.  Hartwell and Webb attacked Ted Gunderson and his clique in the past few weeks.  Jackie McGauley one of the mothers who sought prosecutions in the L.A. McMartin pre-school child abuse case (a case also allegedly involved in Satanism, a theory Ted Gunderson heavily promoted) also began posting on CIA-Drugs, with an anti-Gunderson message in the past three weeks since Quig was banned.  Today I received an forwarded email from Stew Webb which memorializes his friend Quig and promises an investigation of the circumstances of his death.

well, now, where to begin? Terrible reportage.

1. Quiq wasn't banned he was put on restriction, most of his posts were passed on. It wasn't two or three weeks ago it was on April 11, 2003. He was back on in about ten days or so.

Here is the notice:

4/11/2003 8:36 am

Well,  Oh boy, the hammer of the moderator comes down.

Brian Quig
"Val Smith"
"the hatefulnerd"
Duncan Roads

Have all been put on restrictive post. All of theor posts for a period of time will have to be seen by me before they may proceed to the list.

As to who is right or wrong, I dunna know or care.

restrictions will be lifted with decent postings.


2. Mike Ruppert didn't start the cia-drugs list. I did after an earlier one on the subject had expired. Dan Hopsicker created a list after mine and then later the lists merged.


3. Yes, I am a publisher. The compan's name is TrineDay. I am not Sherman Skolnick's publisher, not that I wouldn't.


4. Webb didn't begin too "flood" the board untill about week or so ago. As is his norm, when the soltices come around he tends to post alot about sacrifice and such. There was NO realtionship between Brian's restriction. There has much back and forth between various groups of poster each accusing the other of all sorts of things. Different posters wish me to "ban" each other and when I do not I get accused of all sorts of things. And when I do I get accused of all sorts of things.


5. Brian's death is being used shamelessly.



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