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WSWS : News & Analysis : South & Central America
US occupation force evacuates Haiti, leaving a country in ruins
By Jacques Richard
17 February 2000
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In September 1994, a 20,000-strong US occupation force landed on the Caribbean
Island of Haiti and returned to power Jean-Bertrand Aristide, the elected
president who had been overthrown three years earlier in a bloody military
coup. Two weeks ago, "Operation Restore Democracy" came to an inglorious end.
The remaining 300 US troops stationed in Haiti have left for home even as
criminal gangs, largely comprised of personnel from the disbanded Haitian army,
terrorize the populace in broad daylight and politically-motivated violence
escalates in advance of next month's parliamentary elections.

When the US marines arrived in Haiti, they were welcomed as quasi-liberators by
a population suffering from the combined effects of three years of military
dictatorship and a US-led international economic embargo. The last US troops,
by contrast, slipped away without fanfare in either Haiti or Washington. US
President Bill Clinton, who once proclaimed Haiti's democratic development and
economic revival one of his administration's main foreign policy goals, now
seldom mentions the country.

Why are the Clinton administration, the US security establishment and the big
business media so reluctant to provide a public balance sheet of what the US
has wrought in Haiti?

A social catastrophe
The few articles that have appeared in the North American press on Haiti paint
a devastating picture. "Sixty percent of the population in the Western
Hemisphere's poorest country is still illiterate and gets by on less than $1 a
day,” reported the Washington Post last September. Entitled “A Nation in Need:
After 5-Year US Intervention, Democracy in Haiti Looks Bleak,” the Washington
Post report conceded that the US-led intervention in Haiti has failed to lay
the foundations for either Haiti's economic or democratic development. “The
historically corrupt and inefficient justice system remains plagued by serious

“As the international intervention mission winds down, it leaves behind a weak
and financially constrained state unable to meet the basic needs of its people.
Only a quarter of the population has access to safe drinking water, and most
Haitians have no electricity or phone service. About half the children under
the age of 5 suffer from malnutrition, and per capita annual health spending is
$21, compared with $38 in sub-Saharan Africa."

A more recent report from the Toronto Star provides the following assessment of
the fruits of “Operation Restore Democracy”: “The misery is just as deep, the
garbage piled as high, the people as sick and the political situation as
tenuous as it was, say, five years ago.... On the crucial issues, things keep
getting worse. There is no military junta, true, but there are political
repression, fear, the emergence of a new-style Tonton Macoutes—the old killing
machine of the Duvalier dictatorship—and relentless political turmoil.” The
article raised the pointed question: “Why haven't conditions improved despite a
high level of foreign assistance and involvement?”

Insofar as US, Canadian and other Western politicians and diplomats provide any
answer to this question, it is to blame the Haitian people themselves.
According to Michael Duval, Canada's permanent UN representative, “The
responsibility for rebuilding Haiti ... and maintaining a safe, stable
political environment lies chiefly with the people and government of Haiti.”

These cynical homilies are aimed at effacing the historical record. Over the
course of the twentieth century, the US used its military and economic might to
prevent radical socioeconomic change in Haiti. Repeatedly Washington gave its
support to dictatorships that preserved the privileges of a tiny indigenous
elite, while maintaining the mass of the Haitian people in squalor.

The three-decades-long Duvalier family dictatorship was a key US Cold War ally
in the Caribbean and Central America. The Haitian army that was disbanded
during “Operation Restore Democracy” had been created by the US during an
earlier US military occupation that lasted from 1915 to 1934.
Washington's real motives

To make sense of the outcome of the most recent US intervention in Haiti, it is
first necessary to consider the real motives behind it. At the outset, it must
be recalled that much of the US political elite was opposed to removing Haiti's
military regime, preferring to exercise US domination over Haiti through
traditional means.

The Republicans denounced Aristide as a demented radical, and continued to
oppose his restoration to the presidency even after he had accepted a US army
of occupation and agreed to implement the dictates of the IMF. The Republicans'
vehement opposition to Aristide indicates that there is much to the rumor that
the CIA, if not the Bush administration itself, gave the green light to his
ouster in 1991.

There were multiple reasons why Bush's successor, Bill Clinton, decided to move
against, or, more precisely, set aside, Haiti's military government. However,
the central issue running through all of them was how best to maintain US
economic and geopolitical domination in the post-Cold War world.

In the aftermath of the 1991 coup, Clinton's Democratic Party had criticized
the Bush administration for turning back Haitian refugees attempting to flee to
Florida. Upon coming to power, Clinton could not continue this ruthless
practice without damaging his credibility both at home and abroad. A change in
Haiti's political landscape was therefore needed, if not to stem the flow of
Haitian refugees into US waters, at least to provide the new US administration
with a pretext for sending them back.

The Clinton administration turned to Aristide, who by this time was living in
Washington and devoting his energies to convincing Congress and the White House
that he represented no threat to US interests. While the likes of Republican
Senator Jesse Helms continued to condemn the ex-Catholic priest as a communist
and apostate, the US State Department increasingly warmed to the idea that
Aristide and his advisors, who by now were largely drawn from the Haitian exile
community in the US, could better serve US ends than the shaky military regime
in Port-au-Prince.

In 1993 the US brought Aristide and the leaders of the military regime together
at Governor's Island for face-to-face negotiations. While junta leader Cédras
was willing to give vague assurances that the military would ultimately
relinquish power, he and the other generals rankled at any suggestion that
Aristide be restored to power. An agreement was purportedly reached, but the
military regime soon reneged on it. When a US naval vessel, the USS Harlem,
docked at the Port-au-Prince Harbor, US personnel were chased away by a mob
organized by the military junta.

This turn of events resulted in a strengthening of the White House's resolve to
be rid of the generals. The Haitian junta's defiance threatened to undercut the
new administration's international credibility. This occurred at a time when US
attempts to take advantage of the collapse of the USSR and use US military
prowess to police a new world order had already suffered a blow from the
failure of the US intervention in Somalia. As in Somalia, a US intervention in
Haiti could be given a democratic facade, thus helping legitimize the use of US
military power among Americans and world public opinion.

Two other factors undoubtedly played a major role in the Clinton
administration's decision, following the unraveling of the Governor's Island
agreement, to intensify the pressure on the junta and prepare a wholesale
occupation of Haiti.

First, there were the very real fears that the military was losing its grip on
Haiti and the country would soon be rocked by social unrest.
Second, there was the role of Aristide himself—his popularity among the Haitian
people, due to his outspoken opposition to the Duvalier dictatorship and its
successors, and his manifest subservience to Washington.

Aristide's transformation into a US pawn, who gave his blessing to Haiti's
occupation by the foreign power that had been the principal backer of the
Duvalier dictatorship, was the logical outcome of his previous policy. At the
time of the 1991 coup, Aristide had ordered his followers in Haiti, above all
in the working class neighborhoods, to abstain from “violence”, in other words,
to accept the military's seizure of power.

Instead, he advised them to place their faith in the United Nations and the
“international community,” above all Canada, France and the US, to press for a
return of democracy. Thus, from the beginning, Aristide's hopes of a return to
power were bound up with the intrigues of great power diplomacy. This meant he
had to prove to imperialism he could be a better guarantor of social order than
his military opponents.

During the negotiations and maneuvering that ultimately resulted in his
restoration to power, Aristide made still further concessions, agreeing to
serve as an instrument for breaking the control of the Haitian state—i.e., the
military and the Cédras-led government—over much of the economy. This would
allow foreign investors to have greater access to Haitian markets and

In 1993, during the Governor's Island negotiations, Aristide accepted an IMF-
dictated program which called for maintaining low wages, privatization of state
enterprises, and the elimination of tariffs and other controls on imports. A
year later he was forced to give an even more detailed undertaking. This quid
pro quo was no secret. In April 1995, then-Prime Minister Smarck Michel
explained that his government's economic policies were not defined by the
cabinet, but rather by “two precise documents ... that were part of all the
negotiations that assured the return of the president.”

Protecting US “assets” and suppressing evidence of US complicity
That “Operation Restore Democracy” had nothing to do with its moniker is
further demonstrated by the lengths to which the US went to protect the coup
leaders and appease their supporters in Haiti's elite. As a condition for his
return to power, Aristide had to agree that the three years of military rule
would count as part of his term of office. (He was already barred from running
for a second term by the country's constitution.)

Washington, meanwhile, did everything to placate the military leaders. Before
any US troops actually landed in Haiti, former US President Jimmy Carter flew
to Port-au-Prince to work out a deal to ensure that no confrontation took place
between US and Haitian soldiers. He also arranged an orderly, and profitable,
departure for coup leader General Cédras and his accomplices. Not only was
Cédras allowed to go unpunished into exile in Panama, the US unfroze his bank
accounts and even agreed to pay him thousands of dollars a month to rent his
Port-au-Prince mansions during the occupation.

The very first operation conducted by the US occupation force was to capture
the headquarters of FRAPH, a paramilitary force established by the coup
leaders. The US military promptly seized more than 150,000 pages of documents
detailing FRAPH's operations.

These documents, which catalogue the terror committed by FRAPH in collaboration
with the military, were then transferred to the US embassy, where they remain
to this day. Washington has rejected all requests from Haitian and UN
authorities that they be handed over to the Haitian government. Nevertheless,
it has emerged that the head of FRAPH, Emmanuel Constant, was an “asset” of the

For its part, the US State Department has conceded a US tie to FRAPH, saying
that it would be willing to turn over the FRAPH documents if it were allowed to
eliminate references to a “small number” of US citizens.

Much has been made by supporters of “Operation Restore Democracy” of the
dissolution of the Haitian army and its replacement by a new National Police.
But a significant section of the army has been incorporated into the new force.
Just as importantly, the US occupation force proved unwilling to disarm the
decommissioned soldiers, and Aristide, as part of the deal that restored him to
power, was committed to opposing any attempt to mobilize the masses against the
armed supporters of reaction. According to the Agence Haïtienne de Presse,
“Many reproach the multinational force for not having taken adequate measures
to disarm members of the old army [and] the paramilitaries.”

The Toronto Star article quoted above reports: “The 6,000-member Haitian
National Police, initially trained by [Canadian] Mounties under the auspices of
the US, has been problematic, involved in beatings, extra-judicial killings,
corruption and drug trafficking.... This past May, former police chief Jean
Coles Rameau was arrested after the police handcuffed 11 men, lined them up
against a wall in the outlying Carrefour-Feuilles area of the capital and
killed them with shots to the head. Three were suspected gangsters, the others
were bystanders.... A report by the National Coalition for Haitian Rights
describes endemic police arrogance. Officers strut around the island like the
Tonton Macoute militias of François Duvalier and his son Jean-Claude ‘Baby
Doc,' or the storm troopers of coup leader Gen. Raoul Cédras.”

Last month's coup in Ecuador has raised the specter of a return to military
dictatorship in Latin America. In this regard, a significant comment appeared
in one of the major Haitian weekly newspapers, Haiti en Marche: “Five years
after the abolition of the Haitian armed forces and under conditions where one
begins to hear from all directions the noise of [army] boots, we can still say:
‘happily we don't have a military.' Yes, but beware. It's not that we've
plugged the hole. The ship of state is leaking everywhere.”

The impact of the IMF's “structural adjustment”
The economic policies pursued by Aristide and his successor, René Préval, on
the orders of the IMF are antithetical to genuine democracy. Not only have they
perpetuated the control of the Haitian economy by a tiny elite, they have
increased poverty and social inequality, and this in a country already marred
by a vast chasm between the rich and poor.

A comprehensive 1997 review of Haiti's economy, written by Lisa McGowan and
entitled Structural Adjustment and the Aid Juggernaut in Haiti, documents the
ruinous impact of the IMF's dictates on the mass of the Haitian populace. “The
high level of compliance by the Aristide [and Preval] Administration with IMF
and donor demands," reports McGowan “has brought almost no benefit to the
Haitian people, while yielding little in the way of private investment.”

On privatization, she writes: “Before President Aristide even returned to
Haiti, donor aid was explicitly conditioned on his agreement to privatize nine
entities out of a list of over 40 state assets. The priority list included the
telephone and electricity companies, a cement plant and flour mill, the
nation's airport and sea ports, a cooking oil plant and two state banks.”

“Many Haitian citizens,” continues McGowan, “see ... state-owned enterprises
... as a key source of actual (in the case of the phone company and the ports)
or potential income generation for their resource-strapped country.... This
belief clashed with donor timetables and priorities.”

In September 1995 popular and parliamentary resistance to privatization was
such that the Cabinet balked at signing a letter of intent with the World Bank
which committed Haiti to putting still more state assets up for sale. This
caused the government of Prime Minister Smarck Michel to fall.

But in September 1996, following a visit to Haiti by Michel Camdessus, the
managing director of the IMF, a privatization law was passed by Parliament.
Aristide's successor as president, his former prime minister and so-called
political " twin ," René Préval, has carried out the fire sale of the cement
plant and the flour mill, at the cost of hundreds of jobs. The telephone
company, the airport and Haiti's seaports, which between them employ over 7,500
workers, are next in line. The Préval government has also cut thousands of
government jobs through early retirement—although the real unemployment rate in
Haiti is well over 50 percent.

To appease the IMF, the state electricity company slashed its staff and raised
tariffs by 21 percent in November 1994. Then, two months later, the Aristide
government announced a package of special incentives to attract foreign
investment to Haiti, which included a reduction in corporate telephone and
electricity rates and customs fees.

But Haiti's biggest drawing card in attracting foreign investment is low wages.
Explains McGowan, “At US$2.40 a day, the real minimum wage is worth 40 percent
less today than it was in 1980 and is the lowest in the hemisphere.”
But for the IMF even this pittance was too high. It had Article 137 of the
Haitian Labor Code, which required that the minimum wage be raised every time
inflation reaches more than 10 percent annually, repealed. “The wage-freeze
bill mandated by the IMF means that, in order to increase the wages of its
employees, the government would first have to fire other staff," writes

Despite these measures, investors continue to shun Haiti, because of its lack
of infrastructure, uneducated workforce and fears of political unrest. At the
same time, the IMF reforms have had a devastating impact on the peasantry,
which make up two-thirds of Haiti's population. According to McGowan, the
removal of tariffs on food crops has placed Haitian peasants “in direct
competition with subsidized, mechanized farmers from other countries, a battle
that they simply cannot win.”

“Ten years ago,” continues McGowan, “rice farmers produced virtually all of the
rice consumed in Haiti. Over the past decade, however, they have been dealt
blow after blow by trade, currency-exchange and fiscal policies under
structural adjustment frameworks.... The result is that Haiti now produces only
about 50 percent of its rice needs."

Summing up the impact of IMF “structural adjustment”, McGowan states: “Rather
than helping to straighten out Haiti's distorted economy, the combined effect
of IMF and other adjustment policies has been to put a financial straitjacket
around it that constrains overall economic activity. These policies continue to
serve the interests of a few creditors, some foreign investors and consumers,
and a small class of Haitian elites at the expense of the Haitian people. "
(The full text of her report can be found at www.igc.org/dgap/haiti97.html.)
If the conditions of the Haitian masses only further deteriorated during the US-
led Operation Restore Democracy, it is because the aims of this
enterprise—preventing a popular insurgency aimed at radically restructuring
economic life, revamping and bolstering a state apparatus that upholds the
domination of a tiny indigenous elite, and opening Haiti's economy to the
unfettered domination of international capital—are incompatible with genuine
democracy and economic development.

Real democracy will only be established from below, through a movement that
articulates the masses' need for sweeping democratic and socioeconomic change
and, under the leadership of the Haitian working class, conceives and organizes
its struggle as part of an international offensive of the working class against
global capital.

Copyright 1998-2000
World Socialist Web Site
All rights reserved


--- And the saints preserve us ...

>From http://csf.colorado.edu/labor-rap/fall97/0194.html

"" Mother Teresa was an outspoken opponent of liberation
theology. She was also a friend and supporter of such
dictators as Duvalier in Haiti.""

><><  Note that this is one source.  Hitchens wrote {and provided photographs}
about the same stuff in *Missionary Position* ... A<>E<>R  ><><

Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the September 25, 1997
issue of Workers World newspaper
By Sara Flounders
Princes, presidents, prime ministers, ambassadors,
celebrities, special representatives of heads of state and
three queens attended the state funeral for Mother Teresa in
Calcutta Sept. 13. Six hours of ceremonies included a
military escort and prayers from a battery of cardinals,
archbishops and top leaders of other religious groups.
This funeral was a highly political event that raises many
interesting questions.
Why did so many of the world's most powerful and
privileged people travel so far to pay their respects to a
humble nun who cared for destitute and sick people? Why did
the wealthiest stratum of society especially love Mother
Why have the major corporate media spent countless hours
urging that the example and the message of Mother Teresa be
followed? Why are so many of the illustrious people who are
paying homage to Mother Teresa notorious for their utter
disregard for the poor of their own countries?
Then there's this: The media had predicted a million poor
mourners would line the street. Why did less than 5 percent
of that number actually turn out?
Aren't poor people grateful?
Mother Teresa was hardly the first or the only person
concerned about the poor. In her lifetime millions of self-
sacrificing people have been attacked, jailed, persecuted
and even killed for trying to change the conditions of poor
What is so moving in Mother Teresa's message that she
gained world fame? Why was she called a living saint? Why
did she receive the Nobel Peace Prize and countless other
humanitarian awards?
The day before the funeral her successor, Sister Nirmala,
reaffirmed Mother Teresa's view that "poverty is beautiful."
She said Mother Teresa was not interested in what causes
poverty or in changing the social environment. "Poverty will
always exist," she said.
"We want the poor to see poverty in the right way--to
accept it and believe that the lord will provide."
This is the message that the wealthy of every corner of
the globe came to honor. For them, it is truly a holy
Mother Teresa never spoke of justice. She did not organize
poor people to fight for their rights or to demand a better
life for themselves or their children.
She and the religious order she founded in Calcutta, the
Missionaries of Charity, sacrificed themselves caring for
destitute, dying people and orphans. But the rich and
powerful loved her because she did not demand health care,
pensions, a minimum wage, schools, unions or an end to
vicious caste discrimination against "untouchables."
Pope John Paul II embraced Mother Teresa and the Vatican
secretary of state led her funeral mass. However, within the
Roman Catholic Church many priests and nuns who are deeply
involved in working with the "poorest of the poor" are
purged or suppressed.
The popular religious movement in Latin America called
"liberation theology" organizes for radical political and
economic change. Militant priests and nuns support the
demands of landless peasants and impoverished urban workers
allied with communist-led liberation struggles and armed
guerrilla movements.
They do not agree with Mother Teresa that "suffering and
disease are gifts from God." They see grinding poverty as
the result of a corrupt economic system that puts the drive
for profit before people's needs.
Mother Teresa was an outspoken opponent of liberation
theology. She was also a friend and supporter of such
dictators as Duvalier in Haiti.
She first came to prominence as an opponent of Pope John
XXIII and the more liberal ideas of the Second Vatican
Council in the 1960s. She was a strong opponent of abortion,
birth control and all forms of family planning.
When Ireland was holding a referendum on whether to lift
Europe's only constitutional ban on divorce and remarriage,
Mother Teresa hurried there. She lectured poor Irish women
on the sinfulness of demanding change.
Calcutta, the headquarters of the Missionaries of Charity,
has a population of 11 million people. It is a city of
enormous poverty, chronic unemployment and overcrowding.
One-third of the population lives in slums. People lack
adequate sanitation, running water or electricity. Two
million people are homeless, migrant or "floating."
Calcutta was the capital of British colonialism in India.
The British East Indies Company established the city 300
years ago as a trading center, seaport, site for cheap
textile factories--and the center of the opium trade forced
on China.
Calcutta was also a center of the explosive movement that
ended British colonialism. It has the biggest and most
militant working class in India.
The city is a major industrial center, with India's
largest port. It has a powerful communist movement that has
organized general strikes.
Demonstrations in Calcutta often mobilize hundreds of
thousands of people. Outpourings of over a million are not
unusual. Poor and working people turn out in massive numbers
where there is the possibility of winning rights, improving
their standard of living and forcing concessions from an
unjust society.
In this highly class-conscious city, the angry poor must
have viewed the applause for Mother Teresa's message--
especially coming from the Western media--with deep
While the rich and powerful move to canonize Mother Teresa
as a saint, the "poorest of the poor" are far more likely to
look for leadership that seeks to end poverty, not to bless
- END -
(Copyright Workers World Service: Permission to reprint
granted if source is cited. For more information contact
Workers World, 55 W. 17 St., NY, NY 10011; via e-mail:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] For subscription info send message to:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Web: http://workers.org)


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