-Caveat Lector-



FOX Hotsheet: Washington Bureau



(reported by correspondent Brian Wilson and Pentagon producer
Chris Wright)

* SERB PULLOUT (wilson): The Pentagon released pictures taken
from unmanned military drones showing long convoys of Serbian
soldiers in military and civilian vehicles pulling out of
Kosovo---up to 15,000 so far. So many Serbs are leaving that
there are massive traffic jams at key choke points. The Yugoslav
forces are supposed to be out the Southern most zone by
Tuesday--day six of Operation Joint Guardian--out of zone two by
day nine, and completely out of Kosovo by day eleven. But the
Pentagon concedes the gridlock on Kosovo's badly battered system
of highways may make that impossible. More than 14,000 NATO
soldiers have entered Kosovo, setting up shop for what may be a
long stay. Perhaps their greatest concern is removing mines left
behind by the Serbs. The U.S. military has extensive experience
removing mines in Kuwait and Bosnia using special
remote-controlled vehicles and hand-held mine detectors operated
by Army personnel in recently developed body armor.

* RUSSIAN TROOPS (wright/1615): Pentagon sources say they expect
a small convoy of about 30 Russian peacekeepers from Bosnia to
deliver supplies to the 200 Russian troops at Pristina airport.
They characterize this operation as "resupply," not
"reinforcement." Pentagon sources now add these details of what
happened on Friday: with almost no notice, 200 Russian troops
left northern Bosnia for Belgrade on Friday morning. The Russians
informed the U.S. several times during the day that the Russian
troops would not enter Kosovo until NATO and Russia had reached
an agreement on arrangements. Several hours later, the 200
Russians showed up in Kosovo. On Friday evening the Russian
foreign minister claimed the deployment was a "mistake" and that
they would be withdrawn. That has not happened yet, and probably
won't. Pentagon officials say ultimately, it is likely that the
Russians will be given a "zone of responsibility" within one of
the NATO sectors. There is some consternation among senior
military officers that this matter is being kicked back to the
Pentagon from the State Department. They this is clearly a matter
that needs to be worked out between NATO and Moscow, with the
State Department as a representative of NATO.



(reported by White House correspondent Jim Angle and White House
producer Ellen Uchimiya)

* WHITE HOUSE/RUSSIANS (angle): The U.S. is trying to play down
the continuing standoff between NATO peacekeepers and the Russian
troops who dashedinto Kosovo ahead of them on Friday. Even though
officials insist it is not a crisis, the administration has been
burning up the phone lines trying to solve it. In the meantime,
officials say they're making real progress toward defining
Russia's role in Kosovo. Russia appears determined not to take
orders directly from NATO, but NATO is determined to call the
shots. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said Monday that the
Russians seem to understand that, but one official said the
Russians are still chafing about that. White House officials seem
more amused than distressed that Russian leaders promised their
troops wouldn't go into Kosovo just hours before they crossed the

* LOCKHART/RUSSIANS (uchimiya/1010): In an off-camera gaggle with
reporters, White House Press Secretary Joe Lockhart refused to
answer repeated questions about whether or not the Russians could
still be trusted in the wake of their entry into Kosovo on
Friday. Lockhart repeated several times that the administration
would continue to work with them to work out the most effective
way to deploy. He said the 200 Russian troops had just deployed
earlier than expected, and does not see the events of this
weekend as any indication that constitutional control has broken



(reported by State Department producer Kelly Wallace)

* ALBRIGHT/COHEN (wallace/1432): Secretary of State Madeleine
Albright announced at a White House news conference on Monday
that she and Secretary of Defense William Cohen will meet with
their Russian counterparts in Helsinki, Finland in "the next few
days." These meetings would be the next step in the U.S. effort
to work out a role for the Russians in the Kosovo peacekeeping
force, according to State Dept. Spokesman James Rubin. Rubin said
Deputy Secretary of State Talbott--who is back in Washington and
who has been talking with the Russians about this matter--is not
expected to travel back to Moscow before the Helsinki meetings.
The exact details of Albright's trip are being worked out, but
it's expected she'll travel with the President to Paris Tuesday
night and then at some point--possibly Thursday--travel to
Helsinki to meet with the Russians.

* LANDMINE REMOVAL (wallace/1415): The State Department announced
it will spend $1.6 million on an "emergency" operation to clear
landmines throughout Kosovo to accelerate the return of the
refugees and the delivery of food and other relief supplies. In a
statement, State Department Spokesman James Rubin said the U.S.
has "strong indications" that during the Kosovo crisis, the Serb
forces placed landmines "extensively" throughout the province,
hindering the return of the refugees and the delivery of
humanitarian aid. In response to the security threats posed by
landmines, Rubins said the Department modified a contract with a
firm to carry out emergency demining assistance for four months.
The $1.6 million price tag for the operation will be paid using
funds from the supplemental appropriation to the Department's
Support for Eastern European Democracy (SEED) account. Rubin aid
the demining force -- which will consist of six teams -- will be
ready to begin its operations as soon as KFOR completes its
assessment of the landmine threats in Kosovo.



(reported by State Department producer Kelly Wallace, White House
producer Ellen Uchimiya, Justice Department producer Bryan
Sierra, producer Mike Hagerty and desk assistant Sarah Santer)

* WHITE HOUSE/KOREA (santer/2317): Reacting to an incident in
which South Korean warships sank a North Korean torpedo boat,
National Security Council spokesman P.J. Crowley said "we've seen
reports of exchange of gunfire; we're checking into the facts."
Crowley said NSC members are "watching it closely and are still
checking into specifics of this instance to see what transpired."
Currently there are General Officer Talks going on (the U.N.
Command recommends to North and South Koreas to come to the DMZ
to exchange information). The talks can contribute to the
lessening of tensions. There had been another incident, a
collision of two boats in recent days, as Crowley said as far as
he knows, the talks were scheduled in advance of the most recent

* CHINA REPORT (sierra/2200): A White House advisory panel is
offering a scathing assessment of the Energy Department's
handling of security at the nation's nuclear labs and
counterintelligence issues in the wake of the Chinese espionage
scandal. The report by a special panel headed by former Sen.
Warren Rudman (R-NH) says a "dysfunctional structure" at the
heart of the Energy Department has led to mismanaged and lax
security at weapons labs, creating conditions ideal for espionage
by foreign agents. The panel, asked by President Clinton in March
to investigate allegations of Chinese espionage, cites in the
57-page report released Monday night various examples of Energy
Department blunders, including classified documents about
advanced nuclear weapons being left on library shelves accessible
to the public at the Los Alamos laboratory. The panel also found
an "arrogant disregard for authority" at the Department of
Energy, particularly for ignoring a presidential directive
requiring changes in security procedures at nuclear labs. A
senior White House official says that security and intelligence
problems have existed for the past 20 years at the Energy
Department, and continue to this day.

* DOLE BREAK-IN (hagerty/1832): Police in Arlington, Viriginia
say the office of Elizabeth Dole's presidential exploratory
committee was burglarized over the weekend. Corporal Justin
McNaull, an Arlington County Police spokesman, said the burglarly
occured between 4:30 p.m. Saturday and 12:00 noon on Sunday.
McNaull said someone entered the office suite by unknown means
and pried open several doors before stealing a laptop computer.
McNaull says police are treating this as a regular commercial
burglarly and that investigators have no reason to suspect
political espionage. McNaull said an investigation is ongoing.

* U.S. ENVOY TO CHINA (wallace/1152): Under Secretary Thomas
Pickering-- along with a handful of Defense Department and
intelligence officials--took off for China Monday morning for the
first face-to-face meeting between the U.S. and China following
the bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade. A State
Department official tells Fox News that Pickering will have
"access to senior level" Chinese officials during his talks in
Beijing on June 16th, and will at least meet with the Vice
Foreign Minister and the Foreign Minister. The official would not
comment on whether the U.S. is requesting Pickering meet with
higher level officials such as the Chinese President. The goal of
the meeting, according to the official, is to "present the
Chinese with information we found related to the accidental
bombing of the Chinese Embassy." However, the official would not
rule out discussions on other topics concerning U.S.-China

* NAZI TRIAL AVOIDED (sierra/1105): A Chicago-area man has
permanently left the country to avoid trial on charges that he
was a guard for the Nazi-controlled Lithuanian Auxiliary Police
during World War II. The Justice Department says the retired
factory worker, 78-year-old Vincas Valkavickas, left the United
States for Lithuania on Sunday. Valkavickas agreed to the move
after admitting to the department's Office of Special
Investigations in March that he misrepresented his service with
the Lithuanian Auxiliary Police when he applied for a visa to
enter the United States in 1950. Valkavickas had faced charges of
guarding a facility in Nazi-occupied Lithuania during a two-day
operation in 1941 in which more than 3,700 Jewish men, women and
children were executed.

* ON WOODWARD SERIES (uchimiya/1010): Asked in an off-camera
gaggle with reporters whether the President and First Lady were
in couples counselling, White House Press Secretary Lockhart said
that there is no couples counselling, but that the President
continues to talk in a limited fashion with a group of ministers.
In response to a question about whether or not Tipper Gore was
shocked by the president's behavior, exposed last year, Lockhart
said the president has addressed his actions and that he wouldn't
be surprised if some people were shocked.

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           Kaddish, Kaddish, Kaddish, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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