-Caveat Lector-

Excerpt from The Man Who Knew Too Much
by Dick Russell (C)1992 Carroll & Graf Publishers/ Richard Gallen
260 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10001

" ... His name first came to my attention in an anonymous letter,
a response to the first article I wrote in 1975 about the
assassination. lf I wanted to "solve" the great mystery, I was
advised to examine the career of someone identified only as
"Tscheppe-Weidenbach," born in Heidelberg, Germany, in 1892.
     It was only recently that I discovered that Adolf Tscheppe-
Weidenbach was the original name of Charles Willoughby.  In
biographies he provided to the Army and to Who's Who in America,
Willoughby described himself as the son of a German baron and an
American woman from Baltimore. Later, Reporter magazine would
question the nobility of his lineage. A friend from his early
days in the United States said that both his parents were German
and that Willoughby was a rough anglicization of Weidenbach
(which means "willow brook").  Willoughby. told a reporter that
he was an orphan and never knew his father. It was a past marked
with ambiguity from the beginning. (38)
     During World War I, along with future OSS chief William J.
Donovan, Willoughhy had chased bandit Pancho Villa for the U.S.
Expeditionary Force in Mexico. Then Willoughby helped train
Allied fliers in France and. in the 1920s, served as a
military attache in Venezuela, Columbia and Ecuador, where he
built a reputation as an expert on military intelligence.
     In the mid-1930s, while Willoughby was teaching at Fort
Leavenworth, he met General Douglas MacArthur. Between 1941 and
1951, Willoughby would go on to serve as General MacArthur's
chief of Army G-2 intelligence. (39)
     It is not stretching a point to say that Willoughby was a
racist, an antiSemite, and, as even MacArthur referred to him,
"my little Fascist"(40) was an odd, clever, little-known man,
fluent in four languages, whose bearing was almost a caricature
of a Prussian officer and earned him the nickname "Sir Charles."
      Willoughby's physically intimidating six-foot three-inch,
22O-pound frame meshed with a character that was both autocratic
and arrogant. Aside from MacArthur, his hero was Spain's Frscist
dictator Francisco Franco, whom he had first met in the 1920s. In
1939 Willoughby had written of the Italian dictator Mussolini:
"Historical judgement, freed from the emotional haze of the
moment, will credit Mussolini with wiping out a memory of defeat
by re-establishing the traditional military supremacy of the
white race."(41) He viewed the Soviet bloc as the great enemy,
"the historical continuity of 'Mongoloid-PanSlavism." (42)

Page 124

     According to Sheathing the Sword, "Hattori's mission in life
after the war was to exploit the American-Soviet conflict to
Japan's advantage." (49)  Hatori may have been related to the
wealthy Hattori family that was reputed to own some of the real
estate in Tokyo's "Geisha strip" of nightclubs,  where American
servicemen --espcially those stationed at the Atsugi-- base went
for their entertainment.(50)  Their turf included the Queen Bee
club frequented in the late 1950s by both Richard Case Nagell and
Harvey Oswald, a story we shall examine in more detail.
     When author Edward Jay Epstein was researching his 1978 book
about Oswald, Jones Harris, then one of his research assistants,
set about obtaining the names and addresses of the men who had
served overseas with the young Marine.
     Harris was able to interview, among others, Marine
lieutenant John Donovan, once stationed with Oswald in Japan and
later at the El Toro Marine Base in California.  While at EI
Toro, Donovan recalled that Oswald had received a visit in 1959
from a member of the Hattori clan.  Donovan recognized the
visitor as the brother of a Hattori girl he himself had known in
Tokyo.  The young man, according to Donovan, was Noboru Hattori,
son of the president of the Hattori Watch Company in Tokyo.
Harris added that Noboru Hattori was located and admitted having
visited the Santa Ana base en route to Chicago, but maintained
that his trip was in 1962 (not 1959) and denied ever having met
Oswald. (51)
     Whether this Hattori family was related to Tokushiro Hattori
-or precisely which Hattoris owned the nightclub real estate in
Tokyo- I have been unable to determine.  But in the 1951 Kaji
Wataru kidnapping, and no doubt many other ventures, the
Takushiro Hattori organization had worked in conjunction with the
mysterious "ZED group" organized by Jack Canon with Willoughby's
blessing in the late 1940s. Twenty years later, Nagell would
bring up Canon's name with a Garrison investigator. "Jack Canon,"
the notes of the conversation depict, "rub-out man for CIA."
Little else is known about Canon, but by the eary 1960s he would
become an associate editor for Willoughby's Foreign Intelligence
Digest and work with the ex-general on the International
Committee for the Defense of Christian Culture.(52) And in 1977,
the London Guardian would publish an article based on a new book
written by a Soviet journalist.
     The John F. Kennedy assassination, Mikhail Lebedev claimed,
had been carried out by an International Fascist cabal: the fatal
head shot was delivered by an agent with the alias of "Zed."(53)

   The crossover in "Zed" nomenclature may, of course, be purely
coincidental. But not so easily dismissed are General
Willoughby's links to two other very important features of the
Nagell narrative. One was FOI (Field Operatios Intelligence)
     "I am quite sure FOI did start under Willoughby," according
to its former commander, Colonel Stanley. "When I took over
Combined Command Reconnaissance Activities Far East [CCRAFE], the
Korean War was going on and Willoughby was still there. FOI was
more of a function rather than the title of any group.
     Then, after the war, the overall title changcd to Army
Command Reconnaissance Activities Far East [ACRAFE], and FOI was
certainly a prime function of that, as opposed to the CIC
(Counter Intelligence Corps)" (54)
     In correspondence with Allen Dulles, Willoughby described
his having "solved" his intramural battles with the CIA in
occupied Japan "thru the creation of a J.S.O. (Special
Operations) in which C.I.A. had autonomy but co-ordinated with
us, in covert operations, to avoid crossing wires." (55) That,
apparently, marked the beginning of FOI.
     Willoughby also set up the original 44lst Counter
Intelligence Corps Group, to which Nagell was reassigned in 1957.
Under its auspices, Nagell went through the old Tokyo files. This
brings us, again, to the Richard Sorge spy case. In April 1951,
when President Truman relieved Mac Arthur of command for defying
his directives and pressing forward in the Korean Theater,
Willoughby left with him.
     Coming under heavy criticism because his intelligence
service had failed to foresee the Chinese Communist attack that
routed the U.N. forces and stopped MacArthur's "win the war"
offensive, Willoughby then went on the attack himself. He had
Willoughby said, "'a lot of unfinished business with the
Pentagon." (56) That summer, Willoughby went before the House
Un-American Activities Committee, with two aluminum footlockers
of secret documents about the Sorge ring beside his chair.
Willoughby had been building his case for a while.
     In the spring of 1950, he had passed along copies of the
evidence to then congressman Richard Nixon.(57)

pages 127-128 -- Summary

     Nagell's review (and private microfilming) of Top-Secret
Military Intelligence files in Tokyo made him aware of
individuals suspected of working for the Communists in pre
World War II China. These included people who went on to become
prominent North American journalists.  Two such journalists,
Mark Gayn and Harold Isaacs, also came to figure in the
Oswald/Nagell saga.
     Nagell alleges that Gayn was a Soviet agent who used the
psuedonym "Joseph Kramer''-the same alias that Nagell used in
warning the FBI about the Kennedy conspiracy. His warning letter,
dispatched at "Kramer's" suggestion, was apparently intended to
alert the FBI of similar awareness by Soviet Intelligence.  The
widely traveled Gayn was in the USSR the same time as Oswald
(1960) and Nagell (1968).  Isaacs, whom FBl files reveal as being
connccted with Oswald's cousin Marilyn Murret, had a career path
remarkably similar to Gayn's through the early 1950s. Both Murret
and Isaacs also journeyed all over the globe.  Murret, who was
aware of Oswald's "defection" to the USSR before this became
public knowledge, is rumored to have been a CIA agent.
     The formation of a global anti-Communist alliance in the
1950s was facilitated by U.S. intelligence agencies, which
enlisted Japanese warlords and German Nazis shortly after World
War II.  In the Far East, this originated  under Charles
Willoughby, Douglas MacArthur's chief of intelligence.
Willoughby, who set up Field Operations Intelligence, had
wide-ranging connections in Germany and was in regular
communication with CIA director Allen Dulles.

pages 132-133

38. Willoughby's heritage: Frank Kluckhohn. "Heidelberg to
Madrid: -The 5tory of General Willoughby, The Reporter (August
19,1952). pp. 25-30.
39. Willoughby's background: Thc Reporter. ibid; Bruce Cumings,
The Orgins of the Korean War; Vol. II (Princeton. N.J.: Princeton
University Press,1990), pp. lO4-6.
40.MacArthur's Willoughby quote: Cumings, 0rigns, p.104.
41. Willoughby on Mussolini: Meirion Harries and Sussie Harries,
Sheathing the Sword (New York: Macmillan 1987j, p. 222.
42. Willoughby on Soviet bloc: Cumings, 0rigns, p.104 -----.
49. Hattori: Sheathing the Sword. p. 226 (quote); Yakuza, pp.
60-61 50. Hattori real estate: Jones Harris's discussion with
former Marine lieutenant John Donovan, related to author.
51.  Hattoris and Oswald: author's interview with Jones Harris
(May12, 1992).
52.. Willoughby and Canon: CW Papers, MacArthur Archives.
Norfolk, Virginia.
53. ZED; Brussell, The Nazi Connection," p. 33.
54.  FOI and Willoughby: author's telephone interview with
Colonel John B.
Stanley (June 25, 1992) 55.. Willoughby and CIA: CW letter to
Allen Dulles (December 2B. 1960).
56.. Willoughby'and Pentagon: "General Willoughby, Spy Hunter,
Has a Thriller to Tell Congress."US News & World Report ( May
25,1951), p. 36.
57. Willoughby and Nixon: "Footlocker Preview: Red Spy Files-.

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