-Caveat Lector-

Alamaine Ratliff wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> ------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
> Date sent:              Tue, 1 Jun 1999 12:19:13 -0500
> From:                   "Jeff Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:                     Reason Express List Member <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject:                Reason-Express: REx22, v2
> Welcome to Reason Express, the weekly e-newsletter from Reason magazine.
> Reason Express is written by Washington-based journalist Jeff A. Taylor and
> draws on the ideas and resources of the Reason editorial staff. For more
> information on Reason, visit our Web site at www.reason.com. Send your
> comments about Reason Express to Jeff A. Taylor ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and
> Virginia Postrel ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).
> REASON Express
> June 1, 1999
> Vol. 2 No. 22
> 1) Gun Suits March On
> 2) The Columbine Backlash Continues
> 3) FCC Votes for Fat, New Phone Tax
> 4) Quick Hits
> - - California Reaming - -
> Gun suit mania spread to California last week as several cities announced
> plans to sue gun makers. Los Angeles and San Francisco are spearheading the
> move, which builds on the efforts of about a dozen other jurisdictions.
> The hope is that gun makers will cave to demands for damages to "recover"
> police and medical costs associated with gun use rather than risk letting the
> case go before a jury.

Too bad. Only the damn lawyers and politicians will get richer. These
need to go to a jury. Then they will pay out serious money  for
the black market with guns.

> Sacramento, Oakland, and Berkeley were expected to join San Francisco's suit
> while Compton, Inglewood, and Los Angeles County also were considering suits.
> The Los Angeles city suit goes after more than 40 gun manufacturers along with
> dealers and firearms trade groups. In doing so, the suit uses the theory that
> gun makers purposely "oversupply" some segments of the gun market in order to
> drum up black market sales.

Let's see now... you make guns and you have sold all the guns that the
will absorb. Since guns don't wear out like cars and refrigerators do,
you go
out of business OR you pump your product out into the population and
watch the
overflow spill into the black-market underworld. Once in the
black-market they
are totally unregulated and easily gotten by ANYONE for relatively low
because of the general oversupply. You can buy hand guns in the
streets of
big cities for as little as $50 to $70.

> "Basically, the gun makers supply the illegal underground market by flooding
> the legal market with far more guns than it can absorb," city attorney James
> Hahn argued.

You had better duck now. Here comes the bullshit.

> But this approach assumes gun makers--or any sellers--have perfect knowledge
> and substantial control of the market they serve.

There isn't even one idea in the above sentence that is true.

>> But this approach assumes gun makers--or any sellers--have perfect knowledge
>> and substantial control of the market they serve.

No one has perfect knowledge of anything, but big companies have very
knowledge of their markets and market potential since future planning
depends upon this information.

Gun makers are large corporations. Large corporations join to form
Oligopolies ( Monopoly by the few ) usually control between 50% and
90% of
any lucrative market. That is the nature of capitalism. The remaining
% is
divided among the small timers. This is necessary because they can
point to
these little companies and say " monopoly, what monopoly?" " There's
restriction of trade. Look at all the companies in our line of

So saying that they have no substantial control over their markets, is
a bald
faced lie.

> If such a fallacy becomes a
> standard part of American jurisprudence, more than just gun makers will
> suffer.

He did not establish that this is a fallacy. There is no "if" because
it IS
a standard part of jurisprudence already, and has been for a very long

> more than just gun makers will suffer.

This may be true. BUT THE REST OF US WILL NOT.

Bye bye Mr.Smith.
Bye bye Mr.Wesson.


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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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